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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13068385 No.13068385 [Reply] [Original]

Listen up newfags. Here's how crypto bull runs work. The old coins of the previous bull never go back to their ATH, and eventually die out with declining interest. Look at the bull of 2014 compared to 2017, there are maybe two coins that overlap (XRP and XLM), all else was completely new.

What does this mean when preparing for the next bull? Stop hoping your shitty NANO or LINK will go back to ATHs. Those coins are dead. You need to find coins that have not experienced a real bull run and are primed with hype so that when the bulls return they will do 10-100x returns.

Some example coins:
Launched: HOT, BTT, ANKR, potentially NKN
Not yet launched: Dfinity, Cosmos, Polkadot

Get with the programme, don't fight the markets. The new shiny coins always get the most hype in bull runs. Don't fuck the next chance up, as the next bull may be the last one we have in crypto. Luckily you have most of this year to accumulate.

>> No.13068388

What about BTC?

>> No.13068399

Just remembered GRIN and BEAM will also perform spectacularly well.

>> No.13068406

BTC will do well, the whole point of alt runs is to get more BTC. Alts are basically all scams, all of them. Only BTC really matters. But get 5-10x BTC returns so you can swing back and hodl BTC for 10+ years. It only takes 1 BTC to make it.

>> No.13068414

No, the whole point of crypto is to get more fiat. BTC is a scam just like alts (down 90% from ATH, lol).

>> No.13068514

This is a scam? You're one shortsighted brainlet aren't you.

>> No.13068518

Not ganna buy your Pajeet scam tokens OP go back to delhi

>> No.13068527

>Link won’t go back to it’s ath.
Are you even trying pajeet

>> No.13068533

FTM and LTO are my bets on 100x coins

>> No.13068538


Jesus don't be a retard. Drop that obvious scam for NKN

>> No.13068586

You forgot NEXT anon.

>> No.13068802

from the top 100: ETH, ICX, VET, QNT

for 100x+: FTM, NKN

inb4 chinked/gooked

>> No.13069115

Jeez wish i took your advice and didn't put all in on enjin. God i cant imagine where i wouldve been. Probably not up a couple hundred %

>> No.13069142
File: 262 KB, 767x578, Caballero Bulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13069398

I think you're right op. Old shit has so many bagholders that whales choose to not pump them.

Its all about the new shitcoins that will steal the show.

Gambling big on Aergo, bitmaxtoken.

Just check what they did with CRO, rebranded, new coin. Whales shamelessly pump it x10 like its 2017.

Dont see eth or bitcoin doing that. Rather a semi bull (btc 9k with a shitcoin rise) after that back down into the trenches of -3k

>> No.13069667

COSM isn't going anywhere, sorry

>> No.13069805

Yeah, because everything always goes the same way it did before. That's why everyone's magically rich.

>> No.13069840

But if the bagholders don't sell then how does the price decline? Just look for coins being accumulated.

>> No.13069850

if you listen to OP there's a 95% chance you will lose all your value betting on shitcoins.

there is a 5% chance that you will make it big.

if you don't like these odds, stay in the top 100.
its more like 50/50 that you will have gains there.

>> No.13069870
File: 1.52 MB, 1036x776, 1553063160040_rlt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to share this, tried to upscale the image via ESRGAN, it made the background look crazy kek

>> No.13069894

Listen up op.

suck my dick