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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13066599 No.13066599 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.13066609
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Nobody fucking cares. Stop making this thread

>> No.13066635

shut up bitch. canada's blessed u fucking faggot.

good, fucking shorting. lets run this bitch up to $1m/btc eh?

>> No.13066636

Wow, they’re cracking down. Quadriga must have been doing this then

>> No.13066646


Fear trading on bitmex rn. Nice.

> time to walk the books

>> No.13066651

If you aren't already using a vpn in canada, you're fucked anyway

>> No.13066654

Are you the drunken Quebec idiot from the other day who was butthurt he couldn’t make it into medical school? I think you are

>> No.13066663

no fuck off idiot. hear me bud?

>> No.13066676

Canada is controlled by 40 wealthy families.
Obviously they don’t have their beaks wet into crypto yet so they need to restrict it until they can get their own exchanges going.

>> No.13066684

It is you, I knew it. You migrated threads with some other hair brained scheme. What was it? Remind me

>> No.13066728

maple syrup you dense fuck, eh bud?

>> No.13066742

canada is fucking gay fuck off faggot

>> No.13066755

That’s actually a pretty good idea. Maple syrop is great. How to break into the business tho?

>> No.13066804

by replacing real maple syrup with fructose-syrup instead

>> No.13066846

Isn’t it just regular syrup then? That’s not nearly as good

>> No.13067925

Fuck you faggot. Go back to tranny burgerland. Btw I'm that anon that posted my body and was BTFOing all of you. You fucking nerds were jealous and saying my physique was disgusting and looking like roids LMAO.

Keep seething because I debunked your shitty supermarket threads. Canadian meat is only slightly more expensive and it's worth it because our cows are actually fed well unlike your shitty standards.

>> No.13067949

Canada is next to ban 4chin like NZ and Aus check em

>> No.13067984

Why would Canada ban the chans? I'll actually be pretty mad even though I only visit /fit/,/biz/, /sci/ and occasionally /g/

>> No.13067997

It won't suprise me one bit when it happens. We're pretty cucked up here you must admit.

>> No.13068012

Why use Canadian exchanges that submit to these rules when there's Binance?

All Canada is doing is pushing out exchanges from ever operating in their country. Nobody except Canadians lose out so nobody cares.

>> No.13068034

idiot here, isin't this a good thing? less incentive for faggots to be bear? because lets be real, anybody who wants lower prices is retarded af

>> No.13068447
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>canada's blessed

were you in a coma for the past 20 years?

>> No.13068460

Longs with Maker.
A new internet is coming. They can't stop it.
Sentivate, check it out.