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13065290 No.13065290 [Reply] [Original]

The global economy is slowing, how long until the global recession kicks in?
>Slowing international macroeconomic conditions and weaker global trade growth trends continue, as seen in the year-over-year decline in our FedEx Express international revenue,” says Alan B. Graf, Jr., FedEx Corp. executive vice president and chief financial officer.
>Despite a strong U.S. economy, FedEx said its international business weakened during the second quarter, especially in Europe. FedEx Express international was down due primarily to higher growth in lower-yielding services and lower weights per shipment, Graf said.


>> No.13065302

Next year

This year will be the last on new construction

>> No.13065307


It's a nothingburger, take some loans to buy houses for equity dude, i made all my gains in the last 5 years like that and now i live without working a single fucking day

>> No.13065308

The fuck does this even mean

>> No.13065318

FedEx cope becuz they getting assfucked by bezos

>> No.13065337

This man fucks

>> No.13065338

Not Competitive

>> No.13065426

>buying top at the top of everythingbubble

>> No.13065602

Why does nobody on this board ever talk about the massive amounts of money to be made in the new space industries? Thousands of satellites are about to be launched into orbit to provide global broadband internet, real time planetary imaging, etc. NASA is going to build a lunar space station and then a moonbase which is going to pump huge money into established aerospace contractors. SpaceX is currently building a fully reusable spaceship that will make access to space as cheap as air travel. Fortunes are going to be made that surpass even the dot com bubble but most posts on this board are about shitcoins. The global economy may slow but space is going to be the new dot com bubble.

>> No.13065677

If the whole globe is slowing would you rather end up on the always day side or the always night side?

>> No.13065695
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November 2020 when Trump lose the election

>> No.13065718

What stocks are worth investigating?

>> No.13065728
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next recession is already well underway.

>> No.13065790

This anon will make it, while I disagree with NASA doing much the rest is right. Normies can't even imagine what the world will look like in 10 years. People will be flying BFR to go on holiday and celebrities Instagraming their space vacations.

I'll give you a tip, when astroid mining actually takes hold, it'll destroy the 'limited' supply gold has as per 'The Bitcoin Standard' and for other precious metals, making them nothing more than copper or iron. That's why bitcoin will truly succeed as it will be the genuinely only thing in mankind's existence with a limited/finite supply

t. Masters aerospace engineering

>> No.13065808

if hyper inflation kicks in people will be running to the hills for a store of value. That pretty much only leaves crypto and metals. and since metals are heavy and you need security guarding it while you sleep. that pretty much narrows it down.

All cryptos are about to moon. Well. Mostly just the main coins. ZEC ETH BTC BCH. but other coins and tokens that seem worthwhile will also see a moon as well. At that point people wont be too concerned about the scaling problems of PoW or the untested waters of PoS. It won't make any difference. They will be fomoing like no tomorrow.

>> No.13065819

holy fuck i thought they meant earth’s rotation is slowing. scared the shit out of me

>> No.13065853


I wish I could by SpaceX stock, but otherwise look into Bigalow Aerospace, Reaction Engines, Leonardo (world leading satellite components, some of which they are only manufacturers), and a wild card would be anyone looking into mining hydrogen/helium isotopes on the moon for commercial fusion. The last one would.be equivalent of single digit sat coin mooing into dollars, but it's probably decades out.

Disclaimer I don't fuck with stocks

t. Crypto degenerate since 2014

>> No.13065868

it means no one is buying retard

>> No.13065871
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Demographics have deteriorated to the point where everything is overbuilt and there is much more supply than demand, at least for western and east asian countries


It's over, even in America which has the best demographic situation of all western countries, western and eastern europe, and east asia it is much worse

>> No.13065873

Have you noticed a ton of new places popping up around your area? Strip malls, high-end grocery stores, apartment complexes? Etc etc

The last time a construction boom of this caliber hit my area was from around 2006-08. By 2009-10, there were vacancies all over the place.

For now, the good times are still rolling.

>> No.13065889

So a single company responsible for international shipping thinks their data is showing a global slowdown instead of maybe, you know, just a slowdown of their company specifically? Assholes

>> No.13065904

That too, just not by any meaningful degree in our lifetimes of

>> No.13065918

their business model is built on delivering shit that people buy online. it's looking like this could be a slowing of consumer demand.

>> No.13065928

Europe’s economic system is set for a slow burn. Just look at those unemployment rates and anti growth regulations and taxes.

>> No.13065932

I have a small business assembling imported parts in the US and have seen a huge uptick this year. Consumer habits are changing.

>> No.13065939

Generation Alpha will probably get laid a lot though, so there should be a big uptick in births after them

>> No.13065946
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>unfavorable exchange rates

>> No.13065947


They don’t want to admit domestic businesses are going to benefit from international trade friction because then Americans may realize they were lied to by (((top economists)))

>> No.13065979


Except all the new construction is “””luxury””” $800k townhomes that nobody can afford. It’s retarded. There’s a ton of these new town centers that have popped up in random places that all have “””luxury””” housing where you need a doctor’s salary to afford it.

>> No.13066007

That's great that your artisanal hand blown glass dragon dildo business is doing good but that is not an indicator of the US economy as a whole.

>> No.13066014

Construction tends to lag behind crashes by a year or so

>> No.13066041

Amazon is eating fedex market share

>> No.13066052

Ya but pretty much no way for us to directly invest in it

>> No.13066084

Shhhhh I still need to sell my dude weed and switch positions

>> No.13066119

I live in the suburbs of a satellite city of Philadelphia. It always takes a little longer to see the boom this way. In Philly, glass block luxury condos are popping up everywhere. It's too expensive for mostly anyone that does live there, and anyone that is well-off there is already well-off and owns their property. New Yorkers see the rent, think "holy fuck that's cheap", and flock down there in droves. The displaced move some place cheaper, making those people do the same thing. The shittiest thing about it is that gentrification and chain displacement generally tend to give incompetent city governments a new group of suckers to milk for their obscene taxes and cost of living. If you had generations of family grow up in a neighborhood, held out while it was bad and while everyone was fleeing cities because they started squeezing everyone for everything they had, and now after all this time the neighborhood is "up and coming", too fucking bad. Anyone you knew will be gone within a year. Hopefully you and yours don't rent.

>> No.13066123

>shipping economy is dictated by sale of goods
>multiple people in thread talking about local businesses expanding
>can't correlate the two because of brainwashing

Also you are fucking dumb because you are thinking so macro that it doesn't affect you. The US economy to the average person is your daily purchasing and spending power so unless you are top 1% then you should talk from a perspective of a plebeian.

>> No.13066143
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>> No.13066178

>$950 for a studio
I live in a shithole homeless infested no-jobs town along I5 and they're $1100 here. 1brs are 1300. Want to kms.

>> No.13066180

FedEx can post this all they want. It’s propaganda. I live in the Lehigh valley, they are building massive warehouses here and the trucks are causing so many problems already and they are not even close to done yet.

>> No.13066298 [DELETED] 


Pretty accurate except your apartment rent is too low

>> No.13066325


Evidently, this economy is in need of a good crash.

>> No.13066361

>muh space exploration
kek, sure thing pal. We will all be taking moon safaris and shooting ayys

>> No.13066373

Underrated post

>> No.13066403

>$950 for a studio
I fucking wish

>> No.13066434

It's 1700 per month for a studio near me.

>> No.13066438

>studio in the burbs

>> No.13066449

fucking kek its so true
my area used to be rural until around 2000
now its literally all that
>shit cookie cutter houses built on top of each other for $300k+
>ugly maroon/gray/white CUVs that somehow people can afford and for some reason buy
>uncountable acreage of beautiful farmland turned into literally everything in that pic or an 18th dunkin donuts
there's also a CVS just like that
for that, there's almost nowhere to socialize

>> No.13066458
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>Studio in the burbs.
Why does this always scream "I'm a drug dealer"?

>> No.13066470

Socialize? noone does that anymore. They just stare at their phone.

>> No.13066492

Based federal reserve crashing this cultural sewer with no survivors

>> No.13066788

Appreciate it. Will give me something new to read up on.

>> No.13066862

This recession is going to be a good one. Hopefully the markets collapse entirely and need to be rebuilt from scratch. It's long overdue. U.S. markets are a corrupt fucking cess pit.

>> No.13066965

Corruption will always exist as it's human nature to fuck over others and exploit them for personal gain. A huge collapse will just add delay to what will happen anyway like a modern Dark age.

>> No.13067148

The always dusk area

>> No.13067204

you're missing the Starbucks, Home Depot/Lowes, Target/WalMart

>> No.13067231

What does this even mean?

>> No.13067244

who else thought they were referring to the rotation of the earth

>> No.13067268

Fuggg I need to hurry up and finish my project at work so I can get my raise before the fucking recession.

>> No.13067389


>> No.13067421
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Light side. Everyone's house would have a special dark room for sleep. Also how the fuck do they know it's slowing down?

>> No.13067441

You know what happened in Venezuela? That's going to happen on a global scale. Guess where the save haven is going to be for those that can't buy gold fast enough.

>> No.13067455

checked, I did

>> No.13067535

ahahha why are people surprised. i simultaneously voted trump and bought crypto for this very reason. fucking bring the whole system to a standstill, and revamp it, is what I say

>> No.13067578

I buy and sell on ebay daily and on a few other markets as well, I have never heard of anyone using FedEx. only usps with the occasional ups. Am I retarded? Who the fuck uses FedEx and why?

>> No.13067614

>who the fuck uses the third biggest shipping company in the world

>> No.13067684
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To buy gold or crypto....

>> No.13067705

Why do boomers have to make our cities so boring

>> No.13067931

Should I get a degree in aerospace engineering bros? I was gonna do CS but now Idk