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File: 39 KB, 565x266, MtGox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13065123 No.13065123 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, which exchange will be the next Mt Gox?

>> No.13065142


>> No.13065158

binance, at the top of the next bull run. CZ will become the richest and most powerful man in the world and will fund china into conquering the entire world

>> No.13065159


>> No.13065164

Think the proclaimed tether scam will crash them?

>> No.13065180
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My hope is that CME will get fucked during the next debacle too. They'd get bailed out even they do have a problem but it would be nice to see them get just'd

>> No.13065198
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I agree that whoever it is, it'll be at the next peak.

>> No.13065239

It's pretty obvious that they bought coins with tethers that weren't backed. They expected to make a profit, but now they're suddenly underwater. In october or so they decoupled from tether and now BTC is trading 3% higher on bitfinex compared to other exchanges. It's pretty obvious that somthing is wrong. They are probably low on $ to pay the the people which chose to withdraw, they still have pretty full crypto wallets though.

When these crypto wallets run out of funds, it's over.

>> No.13065283


That would be a mt. Gox level happening. Coonbase is implausible.

>> No.13065292

I haven't researched it too thoroughly. I did read that they're being investigated or some shit though. With all the margin/leverage markets, other exchanges will prolly get a knock on effect this time around.

>> No.13065305
File: 312 KB, 1920x1080, star wars vader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope that damn company that made the super claim towards MtGox won't have their way because that means the thousands of little guys that lost BTC won't get anything.

>> No.13065319

If it is coinbase then the US regulators are gonna want something done about cryptos.

>> No.13065322


Have you ever played Arma 3? CZ will create CZAT which will control China, India through crypto and then Iran as a proxy will be equipped and deployed in the mediterranean, screencap this

>> No.13065326

You only need common sense to know what's going on. There's no reason why bitfinex would trade 100$ above the other exchanges all the time, other than the fact that they're bankrupt.
MtGox and Quadriga also traded at premiums for a while before they went down.

>> No.13065346

Yeah I mean I understood the jest of what they're accused of but I didn't go so far as to look into wallets/whatnot. There certainly seems to be problems with them being so secretive and all that.

>> No.13065351

Do you think a bullmarket could prolong their operations?

>> No.13065367

yes, they might even succeed in making the money back. But wouldn't bet on it

>> No.13065398

If Bitfinex :D
If Binance D:

>> No.13065429

Binance 100%

>> No.13065458

Binance is pretty big. They could definitely cause problems if they go under.

>> No.13065466

Screen cap this

>> No.13065524
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>> No.13065526

I've never even heard of them

>> No.13065610
File: 68 KB, 2250x1200, 1_rlQq3BJaxcoqz98plqizgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if BAKKT went live then crashed? That would be pretty big.

>> No.13065697

Binance once cz grows too powerfull and (((they))) need to take his operation down like they always do. (((They))) will control crypto eventually

>> No.13065930

If Binance goes down what will happen to my BNB? Serious question, my exposure to Binance in general is in the dangerous as fuck level.

>> No.13065982

Well you could always reduce your exposure to them.

>> No.13066238

Brutal red dildo to $0,00.

>> No.13066344
File: 3.73 MB, 1920x1080, doombringer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNB is on Ethereum, is it not? so you'll still have them. they just won't be worth anything.

>> No.13066352


what the fuck do you think will happen to a fucking speculative exchange currency if the exchange goes fubar you retard

>> No.13066769

Like what if it doesn't quite Mt Gox but someone makes off with a lot of coins BUT the breach isn't serious enough that Binance doesn't make everyone whole again.

>> No.13066851

It would still trigger a panic most likely

>> No.13066869

Isn't there going to be some sort of patent trolling for the right to have exchange fee tokens? I thought everything had to move onto the faggot chain or be destroyed?

>> No.13067697

HitBTC guaranteed. Lots of volume, always in the top 10. Shady as fuck, locking accounts, tons of pure shitcoins, ran by literally who the fuck knows. I bet within 6 months they get hit then they just exit scam the fuck out.

>> No.13067763

look up their payment processor. every single exchange they service has either proven insolvent or outright exist scammed (with the exception of finex). the rabbit hole goes deep