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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 254 KB, 857x721, Degree Tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1305202 No.1305202 [Reply] [Original]

Triple Degree of Computer Engineering, Medicine, and Actuarial Science.

What the fuck are you?

>> No.1305206

Lads, I'm two years before I end "high school" and I'm thinking of taking up a computer engineering course. Is it worth it?

>> No.1305209

Theology = God Tier

>> No.1305213

On a serious note. I am in CE, I like it. I hope you enjoy learning math. It can be challenging, but, if you put in the work from the start you will get a good GPA and get a good job.

Look in to the unis/colleges you want to go to and look at the classes they offer for CE and see if it's something you would like to do. Btw, CE isn't mainly programming, Software Engineering is the programming one. Alot of people assume because I'm in CE I know lots of programming languages when so far I only know java.

You will be respected, alot of normies say "wow" when I tell them I am in CE.

>> No.1305219

Can't argue with that.

>> No.1305221

>tfw my mate studied aerospace engineering
>In a country with no aerospace industry
Yes he's unemployed. At least he can still apply to related engineering jobs and finance stuff

>> No.1305223

refer to
even if you fuck up and there is no CE industry in your country, finance will take you in because they like quantitative degrees and also you can do electrical/electronic and software if you learn some languages work.

>> No.1305224

normies are impressed if you're just a mech. eng student.

>> No.1305226


Getting an information systems degree, planning to go into systems analysis. Can't say I've ever really given a shit about medicine or how much money you make shuffling shekels for Mr Goldstein.

>> No.1305349

I assume this is in terms of 'prestige' and not income? because this is dead wrong for earnings.

>> No.1305355

Mathematics undergrad here. For my master's degree, should I go for Mathematical Physics, Financial Mathematics or Applied Mathematics?

>> No.1305392

Idk, I don't even think its based off prestige.

if it was I would put law, medicine, actuary at unbelievable , engineering god, etc etc

At the bottom it says what the jobs are rated by, but, who knows.

For number of hours, pay and job security engineering, actuary and medicine would be at the top

>> No.1305394

I reckon finance, be a quant and rake in fuckloads. I have no idea about any of those markets, im still in undegrad.

If you say engineering, law or medicine, normies wet their pants. If you say anything business they think you are just another average kid.

>> No.1305399

You'd think something like politician would be at the top, they seem to get away with stealing tons of money from tax payers and putting it straight into their own pockets.

>> No.1305472

Opinions on being a cpa? Im just starting the classes for the accounting major. Also i live in the silicon valley

>> No.1305475

They are rich in influence. They have the power to move money but don'tactually possess all that much

>> No.1305483

>Petroleum Engineering
>God tier
>Software Engineering higher than Computer

I'm studying EE/CS and even I think your list is objectively shit.

PetroE is a fucking meme degree that is in bust right now because it's a shit overspecialized degree in a dying industry.

Software Engineering is codemonkey-tier. If you aren't Pajeet and don't hate yourself, study Computer Science instead.

>> No.1305494

not my list, found it on internet

it's just a convo starter, calm down

I agree SoftE is codemonkey tier, my friend doesnt have a degree and he works as a codemonkey for a large tech company because he has a great portfolio.

EE/CS is great combo.

>> No.1305496

Normies are afraid of basically all engineering, from what I saw at my orientation last week. They'd shit the bed if they had to do the kind of math my school requires for an engineering degree.

>> No.1305502

>Business management
>meh Tier


>> No.1305504

Eh sorry. I get irrationally upset when people prop up shit degrees that have the word "engineering" in the name then use them as an example that "even STEMFags can't get jobs." Not that you were doing that, just that PetroE needs to die in a fire.

>> No.1305506

Is it all you have to be proud of?

>> No.1305510

It is 'meh', what's so good about a business management degree/major?

Business degrees without a quantitative double are a joke and business management is a joke of a degree. Who would hire someone with a management degree?

I hate petrolE as well.

>> No.1305517

Not being hired, but for self-hiring it is good. Unless you can hit one of those high paying management jobs in big corpos.

>> No.1305521

So you reckon that a big business is going to hire a recent graduate to do upper management work oppose to hire someone with a better degree that has been there for years.

Also, you don'tneed a degree to be self employed. What the fuck, why waste tens of thousands of dollars on nothing, you can open up a gym or a kebab store or an app without a management degree, the degree only remotely necessary for that would be accounting to learn cash flows and what notfor your business, but, that can be learned from the internet anyway.

Only decent business majors are finance and accounting.

>> No.1305535

It's literally a dick measuring thread. That's what I'm doing.

>> No.1305607

I can't decide between EE and actuarial science, the actuarial field seems saturated and it's kind of a specific major, should I just do both?

>> No.1305611

Actually, with all the technology making breakthrough after big discovery in Archeology wonder if it might barely eeek into Good Tier. Lots of opportunities to find something cool with lasers. Salary won't improve though but maybe a chance to make a mark in history.

>> No.1305653

Actuarial is great. Most actuaries don't end up as actuaries, they end up in high finance/investing stuff because there is limited actuarial positions.

If you want to do quantitative finance/investment finance, it is a quicker route than doing engineering or other quant degrees.

There are LOTS of exams and what not that stop alot of kids getting through in to the actuarial society (atleast in Australia).

I was considering transfering to actuary as I got good marks in math which let me transfer in my uni, but, I just enjoyed engineering too much.

That math in actuarial is harder than the math in engineering. Also, you have to do stats in actuarial, ALOT of stats.

>> No.1305660

O yeah lol, when I started uni I had to do the catchup math stream because I didn't take it in high school. I rekt the exams, HD's and what not, the average mark for the final exam was a fail. This was the math before engineering, this was derivatives, integration and what not.

Normies just get too intimidated by this stuff.

>> No.1305726

how much do you make

>> No.1305738

Just graduated. $300000 + bonus.
I do insurance modelling for doctors that give incorrect doses/misdiagnoses because of electronic failures.

Nobody else can fill this niche.

>> No.1305740

You're full of shit.

>> No.1305750

Jesus Christ. It's a fucking joke. If you read the thread I say I am a CE student. Fuck lol.

>> No.1305796
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>god tier
>unbelievable tier
>not the same tier

>> No.1305802

Lol, I see now.

>> No.1305815

>Actuarial is great. Most actuaries don't end up as actuaries, they end up in high finance/investing stuff because there is limited actuarial positions.

wrong must actuarial students can't pass exams, because they have no real interest in math. So they end up being non-actuaries.

>> No.1305869

MSEE master race checking in
....but i have a shitty, embarrassingly pathetic salary
....in los angeles, california.

>> No.1305920

I earned a masters degree in African American History and been searching for work for 2 years now.

Working at starbucks to make ends meet.

Really wish I took a different path and studied a useful major during school, but too late now...

>> No.1305921
File: 37 KB, 550x453, dwfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epitome of suicide tier right here.
>Literature & Creative Writing
I thought I had to study something in line with my grades. As I was over 21, could have studied any-fucking-thing I wanted. Didn't find out until middle of second year. Wanted to kill myself ever since.

>> No.1305926

From my experience at uni, there has been a higher drop out rate of actuaries than engineers.

Smart kids that take actuarial studies/science, but, as this guy says they don't actually care about the math, which there is alot of

>> No.1305932

>I reckon finance, be a quant and rake in fuckloads. I have no idea about any of those markets, im still in undegrad.

Yeah I see, I'm just worried that someone like Bernie becomes president in the near future and goes full commie and bans all financial derivatives.

>> No.1305937

What, get a trade. Become an electrician or a plumber. Good pay, secure job, less training time and cheap as fuck.

Calm down, it's not as big a mistake as you think it is. You have an opportunity to become a tradie and make more money than the average uni graduate because there are so many uni graduates and so many of them are getting retard degrees like creative writing.

I know how you feel, I wasted a year of my life doing something stupid as well.

I know this is bait, but, get a trade.

>> No.1305985
File: 39 KB, 914x1091, S5O1HSf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Undergrad in accounting
>Masters in international taxes

Did I fuck up?

>> No.1305986

how do you pay for school? I want to major in economics

>> No.1305989

Planning to do something like that as soon as I can muster the cash/spare time. Was considering carpentry as I've always enjoyed it and there's tons of demand at the moment.

Been working as a chef for the past 3 years. Started as a kitchen assistant and worked my way up to sous chef but the place I was working in was no way to live. Six days a week 7am til 11pm, then they started calling me in on the seventh day as well. Running the kitchen most of the time because the head chef would make excuses to leave every single day. All that and I was being paid slightly over minimum wage (£7.15).

>> No.1306026


>Tfw graduated with Aerospace Engineer
>Can't get a job in the field due to shit grades

>> No.1306071

Why are you showing your employers your shit grades?

>> No.1306080


You have to in the UK unfortunately.

>> No.1306144
File: 90 KB, 734x769, bethesda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BA Cultural Studies (Philosophy)
BSc Engineering and CompSci

Couldn't get a job.
Now doing an MSc in Biomedical Engineering and plan to start a small company. I have a viable product in mind.

To be honest I wish I killed myself years ago.

>> No.1306353
File: 53 KB, 400x600, 1464181128338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Every single major thread on /biz/ is like that.

Anyway, I'm dual majoring in Computer Science and Economics, due to interest. I'm trying to find a good career path for this, but I figure getting as many Statistics and Data Science classes as I can is generally the way to success.

>> No.1306395

Pharmacist. I hate it and am trying to get into med school though.

>> No.1306514


Nigger I have a liberal arts degree and even I could get a job. What the fuck are you STEMswaggots doing wrong for the 'STEM master race' meme to not pay off for you?

Not trying to rub it in, just genuinely curious since apparently the economy doesn't work the way 4chan memes say it should.

>> No.1306525

>Graduated as software engineer
>all I do is shitpost on /g/ all day
>literally wizard tier virgin living with his mom
>see all these "hip" new startups in the industry
>considering suicide

>> No.1306527

daily reminder degree doesn't matter, only the ranking and prestige of your school

>> No.1307515

Get the fuck out of that place, apply for the next starting period of carpentery.

>> No.1307518

What was it and what was you GPA?

I think it's because so many STEM fags have no social skills can't do interviews

>> No.1307524

What don't you like about it? Seems very comfy and good pay. Is it boring for you?

>> No.1307533

>geophysics on good and god tier
>"college education" on good tier
wtf does that mean
>anthropology business is a thing

with a cursory glance, what a shit chart

>> No.1307536

Got expelled in my 2nd year in Shit tier Degree (fine arts photography)
How fucked am i ?

23 years old btw

>> No.1307583

Obvious Financial mathematics is where the cash is. It may feel cool being around accountants and being responsible for handling where money goes, but on that end money is a fundamentally boring subject. I can confirm this I'm part of the billing center development team for an insurance company. As long as you don't waste your time getting a masters in pure math lol

>> No.1307598

>see all these "hip" new startups in the industry
These are all small fag-tier companies ripping off new business. I was a part of one and I know a guy whose behind a start up incubator in my city. It's literally all just faggots ripping off small business who need websites or over-inflating the utility of their app that they're lucky even made a profit.

>> No.1307605

need to know how u got expelled famalam

>> No.1307606

SJSU? I'm applying to transfer there for finance, maybe accounting

>> No.1307613


>> No.1307669

Eh, the last startup I worked with provided pretty solid and important services.

But then again they brought in millions in funding and got acquired by a multibillion dollar business as an important department within it so I suppose it was one of the few good ones.

> It's literally all just faggots ripping off small business who need websites

What website design/development/deployment rates for small businesses would you consider to be a ripoff?

>> No.1307680
File: 57 KB, 266x303, taste____kaneki_x_male_reader_by_katelinlikesfeenie-d7r3wri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is EE higher than CS?

>> No.1307690

Pretty much fucked. 1.5 years in a college is basically worthless. You won't qualify for anything high quality with an expulsion on your record.

Should consider if fine arts is for you and if not then do something wildly different and sell how reformed you are.

Try Full Sail, it might get you somewhere and won't have any standards.

>> No.1307693

BEcause there are so many CS grads, especially on an international level, hence outsourcing.

>> No.1307698

>What website design/development/deployment rates for small businesses would you consider to be a ripoff?

Not so much the rates themselves but the fact that these companies (larger non-startups being bottle rocket and thoughtworks) rely on selling their appearance as competent professionals supplying the best services in web creation, but really just send half-knowledged college interns and Prajeets to write sloppy unmaintainable code to companies who don't know any better when an experienced freelancer could do it for 3 times less the cost and write actual good code. The only difference between the two is the company logo these shitty startups can slap on to make their client feel better.

>> No.1307701

Is aeronautical engineering same tier as aerospace? It's only a difference of one class or so.

>> No.1307725

why does this shitty image keep being reposted

>> No.1307736

If youre a social retard and dont know to apply yourself whatever you study is worthless. Get over your fucking ACT score, nerd.

>> No.1307761


why do you not rank law to highest when it has the highest average salary?

>> No.1307764

Well that's a shame.

I thought that kind of poor development strategy only existed in the enterprise software sector, but I suppose it's not surprising to see the same in webdev.

>> No.1307781

>caring about degrees
Stay poor

>> No.1308059

Yeah, what loser would discuss education. Only poor people care about what they get educated in.

I didn't rank it. It's a convo starter. Fuck

Not from the U.S. Projecting much? Just because I am in CE doesn't mean I am a social retard.

>> No.1308060

people here say econ is a meme major but everywhere i look it's high in median salary around 80k.

what gives?

>> No.1308063

Success is highly depenent on prestige of school.

>> No.1308069

Politician would be law, right?

>> No.1308170

It's very stressful, you don't use any of the knowledge you were taught in pharmacy school, you don't get respect, and it makes me feel like i'm working at McDonalds again. All about how many people you can serve in a day rather than making a difference.

>> No.1308178
File: 117 KB, 800x546, 1460692008729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ help me out here. I'm 18 and my passions are politics, history, and philosophy. I don't even have any strong political opinions, I just love studying all of it. I also do really basic webdev shit that I enjoy, but I only recently got into this (js, html, css, php only kek).

What should I major in? I'm scared of actually touching real programming languages because I'm pretty bad at math. I also don't want debt for now reason, so I want to be more financially secure before even going near an academic type career.

Is software development/web development awful now? I don't want to be competing with rajputs and lees the rest of my life.

I wish I was good at maths

>> No.1308181

>below economics

I know that it looks worse when you first see it, but that shit changes once you get into the workforce.

Economics is just accounting in aggregate.

>> No.1308196
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>be me
>didn't finish high school
>went to shitty college for IT diploma
>making $75k and received an offer to become a partner

>> No.1308199

Okay I'll bite.

Have you got experience in running a household yourself, and budgeting for yourself? This is very important.

Don't do politics. The conditions on entering that field are shit. Very cuthroat.

Just go out and research potential fields you may work in; actually TALK to people in firms/potential employers about pay and conditions, plus what is expected of you.

>> No.1308273
File: 92 KB, 660x387, smug-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English Teacher (High School)

Guess I'm "shit tier." Whatever...

>mfw I do whatever the fuck I want and basically screw around all day with my students watching movies and shit
>mfw I'm done at 2:00 each day
>mfw the vacation time is incredible
>mfw summers off
>mfw summer's here
>mfw hitting the beach and day drinking today

Time > Money as far as I'm concerned but /biz/ probably isn't the place to express such an idea

>> No.1308393

>both meh tier
Bretty happy with my salary, so I can't complain.

What kind of careers are you looking into? If you want to become an academic, it really is in your best interests to start young, especially if you want to do it in a different field than what you originally studied.

>> No.1308407

which IT diploma specifically?

>> No.1308409

what is wrong with geophysics?

>> No.1308434

network engineering, but it was pretty much a general IT course. bit of networking, windows server stuff (ad/exchange), linux, virtualisation, project management, etc.

was a waste of time imo, you can learn all this shit yourself as long as you know what you actually need to learn.

>> No.1309328

i've only heard that being a high school teacher is hell. how much shit do you have to grade? how much effort do you have to put into it? how do you deal with garbage students?

>> No.1309337

Eh, most of my high school teachers were lazy and gave us multiple choice tests.

>> No.1309446

Im sure if they are smart enough they siphon tons of government funding into their own offshore bank accounts.

>> No.1309531

Probably Meh-good tier degree here. Graduated 2 years ago with a degree in medieval european arts and craft (Year 664 - 812). Havent found a job yet but might get one soon so its ok

>> No.1309570


PETE Eng. from A&M here. This is true.
Stay away from this meme degree and do something useful with your life.

>> No.1309575

Doctorate in Women's studies.

>> No.1309737

I'm glad you guys put criminal justice in ok teir, there are comfy, good paying jobs to get like private investigative work. They are just difficult to get.

>> No.1309748

mech. eng. student here
does this mean my dick is godlike?

>> No.1310263

3/2 Program guy. Liberal arts with a focus on psychology and biochemistry/genetics with a BS in engineering.

>> No.1310446

geology and math here.
hope to get some /out/ish job somewhere in some godforsaken location

>> No.1310454

I'm doing Electrical Engineering at a not-very-well-known university (It's at least in the UT system), but it's cheap (and I got a good scholarship, I can pay for all four years out of pocket).

Is the name of the University more important than the degree? I was thinking of seeing if I can drum up enough money to go to grad school, or pursue a masters at another university.

>> No.1310472

Government & Int'l Politics, currently focusing on Data Analysis, Research Methodology, and Survey Methods.

Paid internship currently at international research company with gov't contracts, they usually hire their interns. Mid-upper starting salary for the region.

Everyone says Gov't is shit but it can be as generalized or specific as you want.

>> No.1310664

Econ major with a software development minor...
feels good

>> No.1310695

I think econ is anove accounting desu. Accounting is pretty middle aged man making 60k doing mindless bullshit tier

>> No.1310736


G-geology/statistical analysis and simulation here.

F-fuck yeah?

>> No.1310746
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Damn, couldn't get a job with those credentials?

Man, the job market is rough in the USA is rough.

The cradle to grade job security and corporate pensions are long gone.. :(

>> No.1310752

Engineering isn't as competitive, you might not be a target school where google comes and picks from the best, but, you can still get a good job granted you have a good GPA.

You will be fine, I go to a 'meh' university, I don't even know a single person that graduated from engineering at my uni. Still got internships and what not.

Try and grab yourself as much experience as possible, offer to work for free/unpaid internships.

>> No.1310766

i hate programming, is it heavily orbited around that? ive heard of computer hardware engineering but cant seem to find it around the ohio area, should i just got with electrical engineering?

>> No.1310776

'meh' seems like the most fitting description for UTSA, I suppose. They have programs to help find work-study programs and internships, so I'm obviously going to tap into that stuff as much as I can. In the very least, it's the best university in town, so unless people have finished their degrees and decided to move here and search for internships, I think I'm good.

Experience definitely seems to be the best way to get a job, I'm most definitely looking into EE internships.

>> No.1310783

yeahhhhh kind of. Do electrical if you don't want to do programming, it has the least of CE, CS, SoftE. The reason I picked computer> electrical is because to me programming is easy marks.

Also, in pretty much both computer hardware and electrical you will need to do some real basic programming in your programmable logic design classes and what not. However, Computer has more pure programming classes.

go with electrical, but, be prepared for basic programming using booleans (if x is true, execute this command) and other simple stuff like that.

>> No.1310796

UT as in University of Texas? TI hires a fuckload of local people so look into doing internships there.

>> No.1310799

UT of San Antonio, yup! There's a few tech companies here, but, I'll most certainly look into TI since they seem like they'd be into EE work the most.

>> No.1310805

I work at TI and they do have some people from UT of San Antonio. Just make sure to have a good GPA and any knowledge on microcontrollers, basic circuit design, testing etc. can potentially land you an internship at TI. To put it in perspective, TI hires over 500 interns each year so there's a lot of opportunities.

>> No.1310815

Alright. I wouldn't be opposed to moving to Dallas or any towns with a larger TI-presence for summer, and going back to my hometown for tuition.

Considering that my primary interest is in microcontrollers, and I've been learning C even before I started working on my degree, I'm hoping for the best.

>> No.1310821

what can you do with that?

>> No.1310874

I'm okay with basic, programming, honestly i feel like i could do well if i tried. but ive simply always liked hardware over software. i just cant decide if i should go for engineering in general since i got a shitty ACT score (25) and my HS GPA is meh (3.2) but most of it is because i simply don't try. im looking at going into a Econ Finance double major from a top 20 undergrad business schools, what do you guys think?

>> No.1310936


Love the pic OP. I love the idea that philosophy is a shit tier degree.

Philosophy grads do the best on the GRE (as they do well in math and do the best in verbal and writing), they score the highest on critical thought exams, and it is a great major for anyone going into a professional program after undergrad.

I'd argue that most business and political leaders as well as every day well informed citizens should have a fair amount of experience in philosophy.

>> No.1310956

a no degree having motherfucker. in house training from ford and im now a maintenance man instead of being on the line. make about 85k a year plus bonuses.

>> No.1311011

I'm not from U.S.
What I didn't mention in my posts that I am a double degree student, I'm also in finance.

Finance/Business degrees imo are more boring and it's harder to pump out the hours to get that 4.0. With business you have to memorise definitions and theories and what not that you don't apply, so it's literally just writing it all out until it's memorised, whereas STEM is alot faster to learn imo because if you understand the concept you will jsut be asked to apply that concept to a problem.

I would suggest do whatever you are most interested in, both will get you jobs. Econ finance and accounting finance are both good double majors. Would recommend if you going to a 'good' school.

How the fuck did you get in to top 20 with an averae GPA

>> No.1311359

I think a very large part of it is what kind of people fill up most of the classrooms.
Aspirational fuckers tend to go with the pop-engineering degrees.
The people filling up things like philosophy tend to not really be aspirational or hardworking (sorry to stereotype), but that does not mean all of them are. There are always outliers.

Philosophy is good imo (I've heard several success stories) but the kind of person that goes into philosophy with the 'right' mindset is rare.