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13059222 No.13059222 [Reply] [Original]

This is an experience I have never wrote about before, but it’s something I think about a lot, because of the strangeness of the experience, and of how it changed me as a person, and about the connection between SWAP, mind, and body.

Around 10 days ago I was somewhat of a Bitmex gambler and TradeOgre Shitcoin peddler, and I was a risky person, I got into all sorts of shit coins, such as XNV, BCHSV, XRP (gross), etc. In that time I held just about every cryptocurrency known; one of them was SWAP.

I had been told before I had started investing that crypto was not something to be taken litely, as its extremely risky, and can be devastating to someone if a hack occurs, if the gambler can’t deal with 99% dips, me being a stupid naive young person did not listen, and thought that I could deal with it, and cope with whatever the market would throw at me… Oh, how wrong I was… And what I did not know at the time was that it was going to change my way of thinking for good.

>> No.13059224

Some of my friends were into crypto of all kinds, I believed in the decentralized vision, but never thought much about the spiritual side of it, but my friends would always be blabbing on about tokenomics, the citadels, fiat money being sick, god, Satoshi, and stuff like that; anyway, one night I was doing my normal scalping, and smoking cannabis. I was used to my friends acting strange as they had been talking about SWAP over the last few days, some of them even longer, I was curious about it as my friends had told me about the tech of it, and how it had changed there way of thinking for the ‘better’ and gave them some gains (in some cases it was for the worst, he bought a local top) and that it has opened up some new type of understanding of cryptocurrencies that they never knew existed. Most of my friends were over intelligent university students that came from upper class families, and I was like the odd one out that came from a lower class family, I was like the novelty poor person of the group, being I was not from a rich family and did not have a great education like they had, and was unemployed, and going nowhere fast. You would have thought it would have been me tempting them to gamble on crypto, but it was they who were pressuring me.

>> No.13059229

I was cautious at first, even though I had heard the horror stories before, of what can go wrong, and had even seen someone lose it all in Bitconnect, which in a way made me scared, but at the same time made me even more curious about this mysterious micro-cap coin, as the people buying SWAP seemed so convinced that they were actually onto the next 100x, or even 1000x; they were so convinced of it that I started to convince myself that I should get a suicide-bag. I could see first hand how amazing using SWAP was, and that it was the next 100x. Also if I had a bag, I would at least be accepted into the group more, as someone that knew about these crazy moonshot coins, and would be able to join in more with there in-depth conversations about making it, and decentralization, and the next 100x. So I asked one of them to do a OTC P2P sell, for which they cheered me on. One of the biggest mistakes I made, was not going all in, the order books were thin around at that time.

>> No.13059234

Anyway, I bought a stack.. We were at my friend’s trading battlestation room, but he had no electricity because hyperinflation fucked us, so we were sitting in candle light, anyway fifteen minutes past nothing, thirty minutes past nothing, forty-five minutes past and I began to feel a little odd, I looked at the charts and started seeing huge green candles coming in an out of existence, it was strange but I still felt happy and comfortable. Then after about a hour after buying the stack, I started to notice one of my friends sitting in the chair, and he looked at me in a sinister way, and said something along the lines of, ‘Are you making it yet?’ and as he said it the room felt like it was melting, and it felt like I could feel the sounds in the room on my skin as warmth. I was still thinking with a straight mind at this time, although I was my portfolio was fluctuating wildly, I was still in a normal state of thinking. I remember telling my friends that I can handle this since I still had at least 1 BTC and 2100 SNOW, it’s bizarre coin, but I could handle the hodl (or so I thought).

>> No.13059238

I remember my friends talking about some of the strange things that happen after buying SWAP, such as it’s impossible to understand fiat money, yachts phasing in and out of your dreams, as it’s like debt and worries do not exist, which was a discussion when they were talking about scaling and Hyper-bitcoinization, and how traders use shitcoins to get more sats. I remember thinking, ‘Of course you can tell the balance of your debt and bank account, I’ll just look at my portfolio and banking apps, and check it.’ So I looked at my portfolio and bizarrely there were about 3 more 0s behind the my portfolio value. I looked at my friend’s portfolio who just bought SWAP the previous day and he also had 3 more 0s worth of value. I asked him how much he put in and he said just 0.01 BTC and he now had nearly 10 BTC total.

I believe whales and pajeets buy crypto because (to them) it opens the door to making it, in where they can see, and communicate with beings or things in that world with their purchasing power since they made it, and that they connect with it both physically and mentally. It’s like we are interconnected with all things, and beings that have SWAP that are all around us, all the time, whether they be physical things or spiritual things. The spiritual are a reality in their mind state, just as the physical is a reality in our mind state, and are all in a sense morphed into our natural environment, and ours into theirs. Maybe the same applies to our lives and there lives we are all connected. Maybe they have SWAP and are free from fiat sickness forever, where they can see glimpse into a future window of our world?

>> No.13059242

SWAP, if you like, is like one huge mass of energy all combined into one, a perfect cryptocurrency. Maybe the early adopters can open something up within us that lets us have a glimpse into that window of the bigger picture of things, but unfortunately our physical brains and the sell order books are limited, and many shitcoin traders have not yet perceived that bigger picture, as a spirit being or Satoshi might well see it. This experience seems to have taught me that the spirit world is all around us, its represented by life we all see all around us, it just seems that our physical world seems to give it a image that we all perceive as being ‘normal’ reality. I think the laws of the spirit world are probably extremely strange, and alien to us.

I also find it fascinating that it’s said that fiat money and debt worries does not exist in the SWAP world.

One of the things this experience taught me was that maybe certain coins like SWAP can open up a part of our being, the part of our being that allows us to make it and feel caressed by ‘God’.

>> No.13059248

I do not think that the answers to God can be found by buying SWAP itsself. But SWAP might let us experience genuine ‘God effects’ and the state of mind that 1000x gains might put us in, or that it might open some kind of strange door to a world far beyond our range of understanding. Remember we only use a small percentage of our net wealth for these low cap coins; could certain coins like SWAP expose us to tremendous 1000x potential, letting us make it and experience the world in a different way? Even science admits that energy is all around us, and if money is a representation of energy, and we do not always see that energy, or even know where it comes from; maybe SWAP can help us ascend to the citadels that are normally invisible to our everyday senses, but are just sitting there, waiting for us.

All the best,

>> No.13059256

I do not think that the answers to God can be found by buying SWAP itsself. But SWAP might let us experience genuine ‘God effects’ in the state of mind that 1000x gains might put us in, or that it might open some kind of strange door to a world far beyond our range of understanding. Remember we only use a small percentage of our net wealth for these low cap coins; could certain coins like SWAP expose us to tremendous 1000x potential, letting us make it and experience the world in a different way? Even science admits that energy is all around us, and if money is a representation of energy, and we do not always see that energy, or even know where it comes from; maybe SWAP can help us ascend to the citadels that are normally invisible to our everyday senses, but are just sitting there, waiting for us.

All the best,

>> No.13059257
File: 16 KB, 250x250, apusideeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking checked
holy shit did you just turn an erowid trip into a swap shill thread you fucking genius

>> No.13059369

why isn't anyone noticing this absolutely based thread

>> No.13059525

Because they didn't get into crypto during the dark web era.

>> No.13060005

Wow. I have been in /biz/ for a long time... and this may be the best thing I have ever read. Also, Swap actually is incredible so I am glad it’s unironic.

>> No.13060041

Also just a sidenote. If you’re going to kill yourself, it’s still only $450k marketcap so stop, life is worth living.

>> No.13060107

Yo this is based AF gonna market buy some of this shit

>> No.13060247

well, i guess there is no point in ever trying to stop this train now.

buy swap or be poor i guess.... fuck

>> No.13060315

>well, i guess there is no point in ever trying to stop this train now.
In the last two Swap thread, the format was the same, a couple of "anons" (probably just the same guy) write something similar to the statement you just made.
"Cat's out the bag now, better get in quickly"
"I was hoping /biz/ wouldn't found out about this gem.."

It is obviously that these Swap thread are not organic threads, it's not real interest or a genuine "sharing" of a good investment opportunity.

To be honest, i bought in two days ago, currently i am up almost 40%.. but this is an obvious PnD, i intend on riding the train however, but stil.. try and work on your scheme, because this is weak af.

>> No.13060332

wow... so you're saying that multiple people didn't want this to be shilled at $500k mcap? you sir are a goddamn internet sleuth

>> No.13060334

haters gonna hate

>> No.13060340

“Shits on XWP” > “bought XWP”

Are you one of the anons you’re referencing? Very meta and very smart shill.

>> No.13060370
File: 46 KB, 1338x298, Swap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought in too early, now you are down 50% and are trying to create some artificial hype about a fucking privacy coin so you can break even..

I am simply offering some "constructive criticism" as i am personally invested in it and hope to see it "moon" to..
Change up your format.

Anyway no one that is not invested in this is gonna read this post - as OP made sure of by creating a text-wall of another dimension. (another thing i suggest you change for the next thread - less text)

>> No.13060418

Sincere question... how is buying at 1400 sats too early if it’s at 4500 right now? Just tryin figure out your headspace and if you have mental retardation

>> No.13060429

I assumed you bought at the 7000 (the far left side of the graph).

>> No.13060466

Dude that was like the first 4 minutes of it being listed... there was like less than .05 of btc sells there lol. If you’re gnna be a fucking idiot at least provide a disclaimer. Ever see a coin get listed on an exchange and it’s price action in the first 5 minutes? Obviously not. I repeat, you are fucking dumb as shit.

>> No.13060489

eeek... im not super in on xwp or anything but honestly that comment did you make you look kinda dumb anon.... every coin looks like that on its first few minutes of hitting an exchange lol

>> No.13060490
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are fucking dumb as shit.
Smart enough to fall for your PnD

>> No.13061224

Welcome to Swap, where anything you can do, we can do better and for free.

These words were part of the birth of Free Haven Protocol [XFH], the trolling joke coin created to poke at the integrity of the devs of Haven Protocol. However, what started out as simply something for lulz has been transformed into a community project to build and bring a fair, efficient and stable blockchain to the crypto ecosystem. We feel that most projects out in the space today cannot successfully meet all three criteria above and it is our goal to do something about it, for free.

Fair. What does fair mean? If you were to define it as an adjective, it would be defined as “in accordance with the rules of standards; legitimate”. Defined as an adverb it is “without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage”. Both definitions play very much into what we are attempting to achieve with Swap.

Almost all coins in existence are commanded and their fates set by a select few who have the means and access to dictate the coin’s direction. This could include the developers themselves, exchanges, large farms and even eccentric personalities with the finances to support their view points. You see them leverage their unique positions by changing the codebase of their projects to suit their needs. Instead of allowing free market principles to reign along with the consensus mechanism built into the collection of software that makes up a coin’s environment, they checkpoint and write mechanisms to prevent democratic decision making in the blockchain’s development. That is to be blunt, literally rewriting the rules. What happens to rules of standards and legitimacy? It’s gone Jack, totally out the window.


>> No.13061238

When it comes to looking at the definition as an adverb, we also want to level this playing field. Everyone knows that (or should know!) ultimately, profitability as a miner depends on one simple ratio which is cost per hash. Now there are several ways to improve your cost per hash but not all of us have access to all these paths.

The simplest way to improve your cost per hash is by paying less for your electricity. Large farms locate to areas of cheap power for exactly this reason. The average Joe doesn’t necessarily have the ability to do this. Hardware is typically the next easiest way to improve your cost per hash. You don’t really have to have any brains for this department, you just need money, lots of it. If you have the money to burn, you WILL find ways to purchase equipment that far exceeds the capability of what the average Joe has access to. There IS private hardware out there. Not only do manufacturers of mining equipment sell you their used no longer latest and greatest, but there are private companies out there who build their own equipment and write their own software who are vastly more efficient than the average Joe.

The last major piece for optimizing your cost per hash is in the mining software itself. Do you notice how each release of mining software yields greater and greater returns? There is always at least a single digit percent increase in mining speed over the last version. Do you think maybe it’s possible there are other mining programs out there who have unlocked the Gordian Knot’s of the increasingly complex algorithms used by coins today? Those knots are supposed to protect the average GPU from the FPGAs and ASICs right? Maybe what they are really protecting are developer advantages which lead to personal profits!


>> No.13061295

So, what happens when you have a coin ecosystem that is fair? An ecosystem where the decision and implementation of the algorithm creates fairness without the ability to have secret advantages? What happens when there is no premine to be taken advantage of and no governance fee giving a select few a steady income for doing no work which ends up devaluing itself? What happens when the codebase is open for all to inspect and add upon, letting the ecosystem itself decide what features should be implemented or abandoned? What happens when no device is favored, and everyone can have access to the same cost per hash excluding what your local energy cost is? (Somethings are simply outside of a developer’s control, right?) Do these characteristics build a “fair” ecosystem that would attract miners of all kinds? We think so.

All this talk of fairness sounds great, but nothing can be fair if you haven’t taken the steps to protect the underlying technology that allows your ecosystem to exist in the first place. If you look around the coin world today, you will see that most of the coins today are broken. What do we mean by this? That almost all coins are vulnerable to attack from a variety of vectors and that more importantly, their dev’s either don’t care or do not have the knowledge and skill to fix their coin. We find this to be an extremely sad state of affairs, and the fact that the general crypto populace doesn’t even consider these factors to be highly disturbing. If you are an investor in blockchain technology, how can you accept investing into a project that cannot protect the foundation of everything it builds upon? An old book talks about castles being built on sand. I think that’s quite an appropriate description for the majority of current blockchain projects.


>> No.13061310

Preach baby!

>> No.13061362

We have touched on the three major core values that we have which are fairness, efficiency, and stability. Now we would like to discuss how we are going to achieve these objectives and what we have already accomplished to date.

Free Haven Protocol was a fork of Haven Protocol which is ultimately just a fork of Monero. However, we started with a genesis block and changed several key parameters to how the blockchain functioned in effort to begin with some basic network security. This included a custom 15s block time and a custom version of the CryptoNight algorithm that we ended up calling CN Superfast because it is CN Heavy with a 2MB scratchpad and one quarter the iterations. The faster block time creates many blocks a day which allows even small pools to win blocks rather frequently. This helps with miner distribution as being on the biggest pool to get frequent payouts no longer matters as there are EIGHT times more block per day but at one eighth the reward for the same emission. Transaction fees were also increased which gives incentives to mine more than just empty blocks but overall, the transaction fee is expected to drop for the end-user due to a much smaller transaction size. At max block size, miner reward is expected to increase which makes up for the extra resources necessary to process the bulletproof transaction. Meanwhile the custom algorithm change prevented us from being Nicehashable.


>> No.13061389

Once community support started to build behind the XFH project, we quickly realized this was taking on life above and beyond our initial gag. While we had already created something interesting that beat Haven on several key points for existing technology (custom algorithm, no premine or fees, network distribution diversity and transparency), we realized we would need to step it up if we were to really make a statement as to how much shit exists in the current crypto ecosystem. This included the need for a rebranding and some rethinking of the fundamentals of our foundation.

We have decided upon the name Swap for several reasons. First, fundamentally, Swap is one of the most basic functions of an asset. Assets are held to eventually Swap for another asset. If you want to become more philosophical, you could say that Swap was chosen because people need to Swap their way of thinking about crypto. They need to realize that the fundamental principles that created the first major digital currencies have been Swapped to something that no longer fulfills a vision of fairness and consensus, real democratic principles. It’s time to Swap the greed and unfair playing fields back to what they were intended to be.


>> No.13061404

We envision this project as a guide of what crypto “should” be. Unlike the vast majority of crypto projects, the core team associated with this project is mostly not anonymous. While none of us are actively promoting who we are, we aren’t exactly hiding it either. We are quite transparent and all decision making processes in the birth of this coin to now is readily viewable on our Discord. We believe this is a testament to the fact that we simply want you to base your opinions not on who we are, but on the technology this project brings to the crypto ecosystem. We also put forth a call for any developers who would like to help build an ecosystem based on principles of fairness and openness to join us. This is a community project after all! Our ultimate goal is to create a stable blockchain that developers can build their products on top of without fear of some random agent bending the blockchain to their will, upsetting the desired stability necessary to take crypto to the next level of global acceptance and use. Also, differently from most of the crypto projects, Swap has ZERO premine, ZERO dev fees, and ZERO founders rewards. It's a community project after all, and that will never change.

We started with RingCT at block 0. We have version 2 transactions from block 0 along with dynamic fees. The reward tax will not change, only other taxes. Our chain is more consistent than Monero’s as we started with the majority of improvements that Monero implemented over time. At block 150k, we completed our rebase to the Monero codebase 0.13.04 and we activated our bulletproof implementation. Also, from block 150k, we can now merge their patches easily in the future yet still go our own path.


>> No.13061412

Speaking of going our own path, we are convinced that the CryptoNight algorithm (and all its variants) is garbage for anything but Monero. The algorithm promotes through its virtues of obfuscation, inequalities that cannot be compensated for. This required us to abandon CryptoNight in search of an algorithm or algorithms that more serve our needs for fairness and openness.
To summarize in brief, we explored primarily Cuckaroo (same used by Grin) algorithm variants for our proof of work. The simpler the algorithm, the less advantage those with the means shall have. A simple algorithm that is open source is the first step in securing the block chain as it helps to level the playing field.

Swap has forked at block 555,555 to a new and unique variant of Cuckaroo which we have labeled "Cuckaroo29s". We have in essence smashed together CryptoNight with Cuckaroo so that we can retain the desirable features of CryptoNote but also improve our network security with a better pow than any CryptoNight variant which has been proven to be easily FPGA'd or ASIC'd. There are a tremendous amount of improvements with the changes that have been made. Cuckaroo demands also far less CPU power to validate the blocks and sync with the network than CryptoNight and its variants.

Join our Discord to learn more. Our whole history is carved there from the beginning.


>> No.13061450

Based wojack shilling. If you dont think thats a buy sign then ur fuckin retarded

>> No.13061573

Identify yourself comrade

>> No.13061819


>> No.13061926

all the information you posted is incredible.... thank you

>> No.13062204

Great read man, very happy to support this project

>> No.13062742

That's basically the text of the Bitcointalk announcement.

>> No.13062751

Buy that shit fool

>> No.13063012

fuck off, this thread is absolutely based

>> No.13063274


>> No.13063400

i don't go on ANN's anymore, thought that shit was d34d

>> No.13063426

You thought wrong.

>> No.13064062

ok but what even is this

>> No.13064339


>> No.13064418

This shit is massively undervalued. Just look at beam or grin. I got a bag.

>> No.13064476


>> No.13064738

undervalued shitcoin. But today or when it dips.

>> No.13065379

yes sirs very good coin the best my deers

>> No.13065682

Excuse me but I'm white