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13058385 No.13058385 [Reply] [Original]

Just like in the Dune novels where everyone agrees not to use it. Seriously, why the fuck are these bald nerds like Bezos continuing with this automation meme? Just fucking stop ok. I'm studying accounting right now and almost everyday I hear some shit about how my job is gonna be taken over by a fucking robot. JUST STOP PLEASE JUST MAKE IT STOP. MAKE IT LIKE THE 50s AGAIN PLEASE

>> No.13058392

Butlerian jihad when guys?

>> No.13058507

>accounting in 2019
not gonna make it. i lierally have an AI that does my accounting and im not even rich faggot. enjoy wasting your life

>> No.13058528

FUCK FUCK FUCK should I become an actuary with programming knowledge then?

>> No.13058544

Ever heard of a calculator? Your job is already obsolete.

>> No.13058548

Ever heard of a pajeet? Your CS job is already obsolete

>> No.13058559

Study AI if you are scared of it. Or are you afraid of godlike power?

>> No.13058566

>actuary in 2019
kek. if you're good with numbers go into AI. if you cant beat em join em. it is also the top paying field atm...but im too fucking low iq for that shit so im just gonna ride this transition out until UBI or we dont need an economy anymore. goodluck fren

>> No.13058574

accountancy is a licensed profession that interfaces with governments and has untold enormous sums of money at stake behind it. accountants will still have jobs for a while. just make sure you read and do more than the bare minimum, and also try as hard as you can to network but more importantly get an internship at a big well recognized place (or whatever career path you want)

>> No.13058576
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>> No.13058654

>study AI if you are scared of it

fuck that is actually good motivation to learn AI

I know the job market isn't that good and there are alot of tests which are hard but if you get a job you're pretty safe

>> No.13058975

Thats onlu bookkeeprs not educated advisors. Become succesful and become a blockvhain advisor with your accounting bs and blockchain success

>> No.13058988

people putting that logo on every picture and gif is so fucking cringe

>> No.13058992

STEM cucks deny but the only good careers are in arts and humanities because they are hardest to automate. Thankfully STEM cucks are to autistic and mentally retarded to handle the actual world changing information a humanities career leads to. I don't need to worry about your competition, you could never make the cut.

>> No.13059016

kekd and checked

>> No.13059026


Yikes bro...yikes

>> No.13059049
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>all menial jobs are automated
>everyone floods the arts and humanities because they're women and fucking coal miners and they can't code

>> No.13059052

sounds like some hardcore denial your in. just because you made questionable decisions and have been told so at eveey corner doesent mean suddenly the people doing practical jobs are the stupid ones because robots are replacing some jobs in their market.

>> No.13059062

AI is not real btw, why would you believe that intelligence can be created when intelligence cannot even be described or defined
broad strokes of civilization can be predicted, but your own specific actions are untouchably specific, they cannot be manipulated if you don't allow that to happen

>> No.13059066 [DELETED] 


>> No.13059071

>fuck that is actually good motivation to learn AI
If that's all it took to convince you then you must be a real brainlet.

>> No.13059090

arts majors are the only ones allowed to be creative. Ignore the massive amount of creativity that goes into neural network design, game creation and other software work. Those nerds don't have a degree in creativity.

>> No.13059150

anon is right, if things really become such that automation is rampant in various industries they’ll just become another tool in the box for an accountant, lawyer or architect to use, this might increase the workload expected of these professions, but it’s not going to replace them, if it comes to the point that fully automated “x” is available it’ll probably cost hardly anything and be considered really low quality, something only for the lower poorest classes. It’s pretty stupid to believe automation will replace STEM, just like it’s stupid to think a 3d printer could replace a sculptor, so riffing on fags that chose to do STEM with the automation meme is just poor form. Automation will however likely replace menial manual labor jobs that require very little independent thought, creativity or analysis, things like self stacking, factory work, waitressing etc, instead there will be a couple of goons that have to monitor a really simple GUI and if anything goes wrong they’ll press a button and a techy will take care of it by using some automated tool.

>> No.13059162

anon is wrong. the ai that we are building is going to be more capable, more creative than we can even imagine. The recent strategies from AI sc2 games prove that.

>> No.13059175

creativity is nothing without soul, it’s just corporeal machinations. As long as humans continue to believe that AI should function the same way that they do then they’ll never be able to create something truly creative, unique and independant. It’ll always just be a pastiche. An AI could be capable of being in several different geographical locations simultaneously, or be capable of observing an object from all sides, we couldnt even begin to comprehend how these things could inform our own conscious awareness, so we discard them and continue to neuter AI so that it fits into an anthropomorphised definition of self similarity.

>> No.13059187


I'm fucking terrified of godlike power. We have to bind a superintelligence, a deity with a moral code that works for us. Otherwise, we all die very quickly.

Bostrom pointed out that philosophy now has a deadline. We have to solve the millennia old questions of ethics and feed them to a machine before it kills us.

>> No.13059271

It is too late anon. We're doomed.

>> No.13059304

not gonna make it, OP.

You should have been a NEET instead.

>> No.13059353

A.I is the biggest fucking meme everybody talks about but doesnt know remotely what it is. Top kek. A highly intelligent computer with crazy computing power will just look at the world and say "42 lmao".
Why? Because reality itself is the biggest fucking meme shitfest we humans have created. We cant even define that shit like how is a programmed neural network breaking down this shit? Its like dividing through 0. MATH ERROR HUMAN HAHA PLS KILL ME

>> No.13059360

based anon.

>> No.13059453

Outlawing AI is a slippery slope. In the Dune novels, human society regressed back to medieval age level after most technology was banned.

>> No.13059465

dune remix for the dune fans

>> No.13060346

Whats the worst than can happen?
>Enslave humanity
already done
>destroy the world
good, this place sucks. We are trying really hard right now, we just need some help!
>Don't need humans anymore
This is a bad thing...

>> No.13060353

>Just like in the Dune novels where everyone agrees not to use it.
Roko's Basilisk ensures this will never happen in our timeline.

>> No.13060411

>everyone agress to not use it
Do you have a grasp of how reality works at all? If someone stands to gain from something, it will be used at some point in time...

>> No.13060422

sorry you were born a fucking idiot and don't get the chance to program what will replace you.