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13054191 No.13054191 [Reply] [Original]

>Tinder's Gini coefficient is 0.58, meaning "it has higher inequality than 95% [of] the world's national economies"
The economy of sex is fucked meaning everything is going to collapse soon from hug deprived incels who will refuse to work


>> No.13054597
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>> No.13054625

sauce pls

>> No.13054651

Who is that beautiful whore? She looks like Tara from Sons of Anarchy

>> No.13054665

When do we get full immersion VR so I can finally rape Amouranth

>> No.13054725

tinder is a jewish weapon of mass destruction

>> No.13054961


no. we joke about falling for the jewish tricks of the female, but the truth is she only controls you because you let her control you.
women are nothing, add no value in your life, only usable for pleasure or if you want someone to bear your children. but she will never be able to love you, and she is filthy and vile - if you are so foolish to marry a woman, she will leave you within your life. they are all corrupted.

man's strive in life is to be able to control himself, to control his urges. do nofap and go visit an escort every 1-2 weeks, and disregard women. if you want kids, impregnate a thot or use a surrogate, CR7-style.

>> No.13055132

Maggie Siff has the most punchable face and the most incredible ass out there at the same time. I cried when she died in SoA though
>inb4 pussy fag

>> No.13055182

It's not even as competitive as it could be. A lot of guys who are really cleaning house get torn off the market because after accumulating a certain amount of pussy the probability of a girl managing to guilt them into a relationship approaches almost 100%. Of course most chicks are completely worthless, but they rely on some sort of novelty about themselves or the idea of the relationship itself in the wake of a string of hookups that allows them to secure exclusivity. The problem is that they can't keep a happy relationship because their natural state is misery and they gauge the authenticity of an emotion by the amount of damage they can inflict on someone ("if you cared about me this would be hurting you!"). So it's basically just this cycling of apex predators on to the sexual market, then off of it, leaving behind the next tier who are still formidable themselves all the while chicks are racking up enormous amounts of cock, failing to actually hold onto a relationship even if they manage to secure one, which is absolutely eroding their sanity and causing them to amass even more cock at a faster rate to escape from the horrifying thoughts that come to them when they look at themselves in the mirror. It's some fucked up shit.

>> No.13055387

I think this is the best summation of the tinder economy out there. Capped. Thank you, anon.

>> No.13055403

Here come the incels

>> No.13055441
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yea boiii

>> No.13055444

That's an excellent summary, could I pay you to write my essays?

>> No.13055500
File: 91 KB, 618x645, boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good point to be fair
If 80% of the male population are viewed as below average, and get little to no pussy, they will eventually just give up and live a minimalist lifestyle.
Minimalist lifestyle is a nightmare for the west- as it discourages excessive consumption/going into debt.
It wont happen over night, will be a gradual process. But if hypergamy is left unchecked, many more males will give up and become minimalists

minimalist = less income required, less consumption, so less income earned
Governments will either need to adapt to having less tax revenue to work with ( impossible as national debt of all western economies is out of control, they can barely pay the interest on the debt let alone the principal.)

OR they will have to check hypergamy by re introducing enforced monogamy ( through societal pressures, no sex before marriage etc)
This is also impossible, as Tinder/apps like it exist

incel/MGTOW/redpill..... I am not saying they are the same, MGTOW is very different from incel- but they will have the same effect on society
less tax revenue, which will prove a nightmare in the years to come

>> No.13055514
File: 124 KB, 740x900, 1528831215652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what should I do as a average guy?

>> No.13055533

saved this post

will use this in my short film

>> No.13055537

Here you go bruv

>> No.13055546

get good at something you like and whores will flock to you. if you have something you like doing more than fucking women and you are actually good at it whores will go crazy. it can be anything from making beautiful wooden tables to directing music videos

>> No.13055554
File: 65 KB, 959x443, C1C96DAB-7684-4E26-81CC-931300D377CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder it’s literally impossible for women to be lonely

>> No.13055620

You need to get help and leave the incel echochamber

>> No.13055692


>> No.13055728

Your first mistake is falling for the jewish lie of casual dating. It's disgusting, hedonistic and destructive behaviour and in the end you will have nothing to show for. The idea of a "sexual market place" is the most degenerate way to describe society. Words matter and this terminology just adds to the jewish subversion of culture and tradition. Going on tinder and getting attention is mental masturbation. You're not much better than a sad person who masturbates all day, even if you are sexually successful with women. There are tons of decent women out there, I've redpilled my girlfriend in one year. She didn't care about politics or culture but leaned left. I started with bashing the welfare program, told her about the consequences. She swallowed that pill quite easily. Next was the role of a woman and that a woman cannot have a career and kids, she only has 24 hours. She cried a lot but you have to give her a hug, say sorry and tell her something sweet. At that point the seed is planted and you can check from time to time how it's going. Now she hates the idea of working and begs me daily to have children. We're almost ready. Then give her the race pill and finally the jew pill. Boom, you have a wife that's ready to bear 6 little copys of you. Women are easily manipulated and your role is to mold her into what she should be in your eyes. By the way, women need and want a man who tells them what to do. They just don't admit it to themselves because of jews.

>> No.13056608


>The problem is that they can't keep a happy relationship because their natural state is misery and they gauge the authenticity of an emotion by the amount of damage they can inflict on someone ("if you cared about me this would be hurting you!").

This is so true. I experienced this with my probably-BPD ex. The horrible stuff she would say just to get a reaction, which I never gave.

>> No.13056644
File: 143 KB, 500x482, their-voces-were-even-mnd-low-their-eyes-were-level-6315841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fine.jpg

>> No.13056660

Fuck man, I will never imagine the same smell for women in pictures again :(

>> No.13056678
File: 9 KB, 288x175, 1528924340948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first, you lift.

>> No.13056712

you dont even play the game. were living in a sim anyway so who cares

>> No.13056719


>> No.13056733

31 year old boomer here. I've fucked multiple women and been in several relationships and it's from my experience that I can say he's right. A lot of you pussy worshiping fags who are quick to call out incels are in for a rude awakening unless you're one of the good boy feminists who settled down with a 4/10 300lb whale and think that makes you better than an incel.

>> No.13056745

>who cares
the guy who runs the sim

>> No.13056787

>2 weeks
kek my record is well over 3 months

>> No.13056827

I’m a 20 year old incel and reading this thread did not help my mental state

>> No.13056835

this. train your muscles for growth using RPT, and eat at a deficit (< your TDEE) until you reach 10% body fat. be sure to get 1.2grams of protien per pound of lean mass. Once you're at 10%, eat at maintenance. fuck bitches, then get really bored and find something you really love.

>> No.13057035

Getting /fit/ has traditionally been the uglies savior but millennial girls dont even find that attractive anymore. If you are tall and fit with an ugly face you have a good chance but if youre short and ugly you are basically human garbage to them. For some reason that American Pie Beta House movie got it right. The new hot is smart, wealthy/successful people. As a bartender I see 8/9/10 bitches on dates with guys I wouldve literally bullied in high school. I think that lifting just makes you self-confident and able to bank on that, but its hardly the end-all most stoic fucks promise.

Im slightly above average looking and about 6ft. At least one girl a week leaves her number on her check for me. I generally have no problem getting pussy and some girls are obsessed with me. All because I have long hair and look depressed.

>> No.13057046

Incels are dissatisfied, and women in general are dissatisfied as they're fed a lie that they have access to the top 20% of men but ultimately realize most of them are not going to get wifed by them.

>> No.13057092

Source? Is this from a porno?

>> No.13057149

Found the source. It's not from a porno. FML- https://www.instagram.com/p/BcxriKhlSWs/

>> No.13057281

100% this. Women are easily impressionable which is why they keep falling for Jewish tricks. They do this because they have no strong male role model. You must become their role model. Take an average girl and start red pilling her. That's what I did with mine. Now she hates feminism, hates working and really wants to stay at home and raise a family, hates blacks browns and (((them))).
Don't treat them as your equal, guide them and mold them into exactly who you want them to be.

>> No.13057330

I'm good at programming and get paid well for it but never go outside and can't text for shit. what do

>> No.13057364

Learn to drink and loiter around at bars. You'll have a low probability of smashing, but it accelerates the dating "collision theory" by actually being around tipsy women

>> No.13057438

this. if you drink with the same bitch long enough youll smash