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13040474 No.13040474 [Reply] [Original]

Is a STEM degree the only way to make it in 2019?

>> No.13040561


Do IT, its criminally underrated.

>> No.13040967
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>> No.13040998

honestly i don't think this system has much longer. i see college grads working at walmart and shit now. everyone has to compete with women as well. women don't even need to fucking work to live. they have vaginas. whole system is fundamentally flawed and being propped up by boomer capital.

>> No.13041227

>being propped up by boomer capital.
Boomers hardly have shit besides their houses they're selling to foreigners and benefits being paid for by... ??? inflation maybe?
Who knows what's going on.

>> No.13041250

I can't even get a gf. I think they hold out for Chad because some of them don't even date any guys.

>> No.13041265

That is a fat do nothing ass.

>> No.13041288

women are in an odd place. they have biological clocks that expire much sooner than males. so they technically can't just work their breeding years away (20s - 30s) or they will end up childless cat ladys. a lot of them are seeing this now. feminism has fucked our shit up big time. you got millions of incels who can't get laid because everyone is so fucking poor women all fuck the chadliest of chads and rich guys who are actually few and far between. human civilization isn't like a wolf pack where 90% of the male population is content with being a cog. Shit is reaching a boiling point now. Like i said lots of factors at play. None of them look good.

>> No.13041307

>implying incels deserve sympathy

>> No.13041313

You can get a decent job with any university degree. I am in humanities, and still doing fine. There are lots of opportunities in public administration, law, foreign languages, international relations.

>> No.13041314

this is the shit i am talking about right here. people like this cuck (or cunt) actually think incels are a problem and not just a product of a larger problem.

>> No.13041319

Men can live without sex. The problem is that they think they need it, or that it will make them happy beyond a nice feeling for 10 minutes.

>> No.13041324


be more specific asshole. opportunities where?

>> No.13041346

Triggered incel. Just use tinder like the rest of us. Maybe you’ll attract a land whale or two.

>> No.13041357

Well I am from Greece. Despite the fact that my country's economy is garbage, I can live a comfy life because I finished college.,, and there are enough opportunities for those who arent complete retards.

>> No.13041494

my coworkers, family, and my taiwanese board shun me for my virginity. im not making it a problem, society is, and when redemption comes ill make it rain

>> No.13041544

>a lot of them are seeing this now
believable, but I'd like to see some sauce on that for confirmation. I've had a theory for some time now that the reason why there seem to be so few women compared to men on dating sites is because a ton of them just gave up and ended up taking care of their parents or something

>> No.13041616

having connections is the only way to make it in 2019. STEM just gives you the highest possibility of finding a job quickly after graduating that can actually sustain you

>> No.13042006

Look at any company you want
Look a the 5 people at the top of the chain
Are they the 5 best devs/ingeneers in the company?
No, your top 5 will be something like CEO-CFO-CHRO-COO-CTO
COO and CTO are the only which have technical skills, and even then , they have people below them that have a higher technical skill level

STEM and IT are great, but it's not like their enough to be succesful, there are shitloads of engineers and devs making less than 50k a year. Those who rise do it on their people skills

Whatever your field is, neglecting the human side of things means you'll stay at the bottom, where you're actually paid little less than minimum wage per hour, for a metric fucton more stress than a minimum wage job.
also this

>> No.13042024
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You make a good analysis? You're an incel.
Honestly incels are the true truth searcher of this day and age. You stay on 4chan and is incel this and incel that, like if it's some reddit forum. You can't discuss the sexual market anymore without anons sperging about incels. Shame.

>> No.13042025

Fuxk no plz help us

>> No.13042036

I got an Economics Bachelor's Degree from a UC and now am in the Navy, making only $1,600 per month.

But I'm serving my country right, lmao.

>> No.13042038

no, be a plumber. Bonus points for Australians

>> No.13042144

this. stem is no longer a guarantee but it does increase your probability drastically

>> No.13042174

This. And I hope she has some good stink anon

>> No.13042966

People calling you incels are beta males starved for pussies thinking they will get some action because they WK (pro-tip: they won't) or straight up butthurt roasties.
It's the equivalent of "shut it down antisemite" when you discuss about the jewish question but for women.

In any case male incels are the first stage, the second stage is women incels in 10 years.

I'm currently fucking a 32 yo who was the Stacy in my big brother classroom, she used to be a solid 8/10 in her prime, now with all the party years she is 6-7 and she is obviously desperate to lock a decent looking guy with ressources.

Anyway she clearly fucks me because I'm finishing med school this year and probably imagine she will get me to be her beta buck (she won't). These millenial women are desperate to lock up a man with ressource/status.

I redpilled some of my friends in the same situation and pretty sure I saved the life of one of them who was on the verge to fucking propose to a fucking 29 yo roastie with a kid. He almost cut contact when I said it as it was but the roastie probably nagged him at home with some bullshit and he dumped her and called me the same day, the week after she literally came to the hosptial crying for him to come back with her, couldn't keep smiling all day after that.

>> No.13042989
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>> No.13043167

desu I don’t even want a girlfriend/relationship...too much stress and petty bullshit. I’m young, have a great job and a fast car......I’m very happy as a loner