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13037641 No.13037641 [Reply] [Original]

My mid-30s brother moved in with me and my mom 3 years ago, since then he hasn't worked a job, and claims he can't find one due to being obese (300+ lbs & can't stand for long periods of time). Because of this he hasn't contributed any money, and he also has not improved his weight in 3 years

He's had a free place to live and food provided to him for 3 years, yet he hasn't made anything of it.

What do? Is it fucked up to leave him behind? Supporting him makes it close to impossible to save money

>> No.13037645
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Fuck that’s a rough position anon. Maybe he can find a sugar daddy like pic related

>> No.13037651

Keep working anon, your NEET Brother Is hungry

>> No.13037655


It isn't fucked up to leave him behind because you're only supporting/enabling his behavior. I've seen this situation so many times.

>> No.13037701

I wish

Yeah I feel like we're enabling him, but he claims to be depressed and suicidal which makes it hard to just up and move or evict him

>> No.13037716

I would think he’s saying that only to scare you guys. Most depressed and suicidal people won’t ever mention it. He’s using it for sympathy and it’s working really well for him it seems

>> No.13037728

So he's emotionally blackmailing you. You'd be better of giving him the hard route. Is tough, but it's better than watching him eat himself to death on your expenses.

Maybe just be very blunt with him?

>> No.13037773

Yeah I guess we're gonna have to force him to leave or just move asap, we even bought him a gym membership when we moved in as well so he had everything he needed to get on the right track. Welp

>> No.13037787
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>He's had a free place to live and food provided to him for 3 years, yet he hasn't made anything of it.
At least he left and came back, your lame ass has sponged off your old mum all the way through. SHAME


>> No.13037797

I'm 21

>> No.13037801

you should be able to get tax benefits for supporting his fat ass. he also should qualify for some NEET bucks to help you out. you need to use his fat ass to work the system. Its kind of enabling but unless you are willing to drop him on his ass hes never going to change. one of the most important things I have learned from life so far is that you cant help people who don't want to help themselves.

>> No.13037822

He isn't going to qualify for shit just for being overweight. He would need another reason such as mental shit.

>> No.13037826
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You're gonna have to be the dad. Get some mates and roll the cunt out of bed and into the street, get him pounding pavement until a) his weight comes down, his test goes up and he shakes your hand as he heads off into a bright future or b) he drops dead. Either way you solved everyone's problems and your mum will totally be down with you banging the hottest of her friends.

>> No.13037845
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keep ordering him more Pizzas OP you lazy faggot.

>> No.13037861

He was considering donating plasma for $50 a week or some shit but decided not to because it might damage his health

>> No.13037869

He can get food stamps

>> No.13037885

Donating anything is a jewish trick to weaken people. He's smart for not going through with it.

>> No.13037890
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Man my brother tried doing the same shit, but im already been living with my mom for a while, he moved out of state then came back 1.5 years later, i just gave him a super fuckin hard time until he felt inspired to work. Get confrontational if you have to, defend your neethood anon.

>> No.13037945

You should consider mercy killing him. It is the right thing to do, to put such a hateful and pitiful creature out of its misery. You are the brother, it is your responsibility.

>> No.13037951


this whole post has pathetic written all over it.

your brother is fat, lazy, and manipulative. he will continue to mooch off you because you're literally letting him.... 3 years???? I wouldn't have given him past 3 fucking days. he has no discipline, no self respect, no respect for you, and honestly is probably happy living that way for the rest of his life. because one day there will come a point where he REALLY can't take care of himself and then you will HAVE to and you will always regret not slapping the fuck out of your brother and telling him to man up, get his fat ass running around the block, and get a fucking job. because if you leave him THEN, when his in his mid 40, has 3 triple bypass surgeries, knees are fucking GONE from all the weight they've been bearing, THEN you will be a piece of shit for leaving him because you sat there and watched it all happen and added fuel to the fire.

my advice: go drill instructor on his ass or it'll be 10x worse on you and him the longer it goes on.

>> No.13038009

This. Well said anon

>> No.13038018

what are you feeding him

>> No.13038019

I do get confrontational but he will just scream, punch a wall, and then start crying about being suicidal (he has guns). It's impossible to force someone to get a job or diet if they don't wanna do it

Evicting him will force him to take his life into his own hands after having a safety cushion for so many years so that's what I'm gonna do

>> No.13038046

You should confiscate his guns. Sounds like something bad just waiting to happen. Protect yourself anon this is a shituation

>> No.13038054

>provide fat bro with food
>dont provide him with less and healthier food
>dont tell him "if you want shit food you better learn to walk again so you can go to mcdonalds urself im not gonna help my bro kill himself you pathetic piece of burden shit"
>not realizing thats self-sacrifice and an act of love
>not realizing you have been given a key position to save your brother's life, literally
>not seizing that chance knowing your brother in ten years could be a normal family man who is forever grateful for his loving family

>> No.13038080

He has a car so he would find a way to stay fat

>> No.13038092

he has no job how can he have a car, gas money or food money?

>> No.13038118

We bought the car for him

He has tons of shit he could sell if he really needed money, TV's, a laptop and a desktop, guns

>> No.13038135

Then let him sell it.
Let him make his own life more uncomfortable. Let him make hard choices (ie "am I really gonna sell my laptop for another few weeks of pizza?")

I don't know why you are this spineless. Like you feel guilty and obligated to make sure your brother is comfortable and taken care of.

>> No.13038168



>> No.13038250

The snake diet is one of the cheapest, fastest, and healthiest working diets out there friend and not only that but fairly easy to compel someone towards if they're dirt poor.

Simply don't let your brother eat. keep a lock on the cupboards and fridge. Let him fast until he is down to 150. Then give your new twink brother a handshake that doesn't make you feel like you need to wash your hands after.

He'll say thanks for starving my fatass bro.

>> No.13038292

This and fastpilled