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13026675 No.13026675 [Reply] [Original]

I have £47,523 debt and live at home with my parents, don't want to to work and spend my days forcing myself to read lofty books and posting on Facebook about how climate change and the UK remaining in the EU is hugely important to appear intelligent to other people.

Is there any hope?

>> No.13026695
File: 26 KB, 640x1136, 8AB90502-414C-4404-9806-D9D77ED3420D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the world doesn’t have a degree anon. Stop feeling like you need to make shortcuts.

>> No.13026706


Everyone knows if you don't have a degree you are considered as mentally retarded as a chimp. How can you deal with the shame?

>> No.13026843


you sound like a real dousche

>> No.13026848



>> No.13026941

are the US and the UK the only first world countries (well, first world on paper I guess) where student debt is a thing?

>> No.13027016

That we can agree on man. I hope the government bails out student debt though desu. I figure if I earn below £20,000 for quite a few years the student debt will be forgiven by then.

>> No.13027057


It is in the UK. An Honors degree is literally is a Tard check.

Most entry level "white collar" low skill jobs like data entry are asking for Honors degrees with salaries at 19k P.A.
It's a scam.
Kids should not be going to university straight out of school unless they ABSOLUTELY know what they are going to do and have already organised internships in the summer in their field etc.
If you don't know what you want to do with your life why in the actual fuck would you go and waste 4 years of your life on something you don't know if you want to do because you have been suckered into the meme that it is the "right" thing to do and it's what intelligent boys and girls do.
You should leave school get a shitty job and earn some dough get experience. Do your own thing for a bit figure out SOMETHING that interests you then pursue it once you have purged all the fucking, clubbing ,gaming and laziness out of you.

>> No.13027097

Yeah I agree. The levels of university educated job applicants is so high these days that it doesn't have its intended effect of making you stand out from the crowd. Ironically, I reckon pursuing non-uni qualifications and getting a shit load of real work experience (starting your own business) will get you further in the future. Uni is a meme and is basically high school 2.0.
Uni graduate salaries are becoming more and more suppressed unless you are in the top 10 percentile of graduates.

>> No.13027103

Why is this thread happening again today?

>> No.13027115

Sucks to be you, I fled US to EU to escape my college debts.
Having those debts in UK probably makes it harder to get away from.
I'd start learning Chinese if I was you.

>> No.13027141

I don't understand wtf is wrong with school in some country ? Nigga I was in Uni for 4 years and paid like 200€ per year not including the books and other activities.

4 years and I spent maybe 1000€ The fuck ?

>> No.13027144

At this point, I think Brexit (and climate change to a lesser extent) have ruined my life. Getting a job is so hard now.

>> No.13027146

What degree?

>> No.13027153

Yes but do you think that is true?

Lol very few people should be allowed into uni. Definitely not you nor OP.

Most people would be served best by vocational schools that focus on a field. Turning every field like IT and nursing into academic disciplines has been a failure and resulted in degradation of university.

Most people go to uni for a job. But unis aren't for that. Vocational schools that are shorter and more intensive would serve that purpose better.

>> No.13027159

What’s your job now?

>> No.13027160

This happens where ever university is privatized but then publically funded.

Because the government will pay as much as money as the unis can charge because politicians want to virtue signalling about how intellectual and pro-education they are.

So unis push their propaganda that you need to go to uni, dumb down their courses so anyone can get in and pass, and make it as enjoyable as possible (i.e. easy).

>> No.13027186

I went to vocational school got my qualifications then went into a degree to do the career I thought I wanted to do at the behest of the employer. (strategic marketing & Enterprise) So there is issues with that route as well at least they paid for it.

>> No.13027191

> (strategic marketing & Enterprise)
What a BS major. It sounds like it so full of fluff.

>> No.13027206

>strategic marketing & Enterprise
Oh, so you spent 4 years of your life doing nothing. Well OP, good luck.

>> No.13027207

>What degree?

Sociology, I was looking to get a job in the civil service but I secretly don't think I am clever enough.

>> No.13027211

>Yes but do you think that is true?

What do you think my Facebook friends think of me?

>> No.13027213

You have NO IDEA. I could have been more effective literally googling and utilising Youtube. I mean the course was pretty direct in the sense I was a strategic marketer in a "start-up"(enterprise) but it was not even as in depth as the vocational lectures. I knew from the off it was a scam but one I had to endure.

>> No.13027214

>Is there any hope?

Learn to code

>> No.13027231

I am a straight white male, the fact I am not straight up shot in the back and kicked into a ditch to rebalance the ever so painfully unequal society we live in is enough to be thankful for from my standpoint. I don't want to rock the boat, so to speak.

>> No.13027235

I have a taken a few subjects that were like that. An entire semester could be condensed down to two pages. And the theory on those pages is all bunk.

This is why unis offer these courses. They bring in big bucks. Luckly us zoomers realize that they're bullshit.

>> No.13027348

Easily. Also the course material was out of date but my boss at the time told me that getting the qualification was a "formality". My Mother is law who is a professor (computer science) at the university I went to does nothing but complain about the system and it's clear exploitation of young people.

>> No.13027367

> out of date
bro it's either common sense or trendy leddit tier facts.

> professor (computer science) at the university I went to does nothing but complain about the system and it's clear exploitation of young people.
I know a few academics and they share my thoughts as well.

>> No.13027599

desu I think the UK is going down the toilet. Salaries are low and stagnant and have been for years. Its extremely costly to start a business and getting a job still offers pretty poor prospects, its completely lost its edge - same goes for the rest of Europe as well

America, India, China, Russia will still be booming in the next few decades

>> No.13027704
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Just posted and already got a like!

>> No.13027734

You're the faggiest human being I've witnessed.

>> No.13027754
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You should see my facebook page... All the right opinions.

>> No.13028042

Not quite, the majority of case studies were from 2008 pre - recession. Only one was recent which was Tesco circa 2012. The strategies outlined would not be implemented today. Normally I would agree with it's 'common sense' but they deliberately created a contrived nonsensical curriculum that was designed to be done in a 'theoretical' economy with fictional statistics. Which forced you study in a controlled 'bubble' which obviously was not representative of reality.
From what I can gather the University is engineered to maximize profits and that it's run by beuruoacrats who think the lecturers and professors are replaceable. They know full well that it's a cash cow.

>> No.13028225

Yes. Get a bit more debt and buy 1 million nimiqs wth it. Cashout once Nimiq hits 1$

>> No.13028254
File: 97 KB, 1280x768, 789789789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you too dumb to understand a hockey stick graph generated from manipulated data? You prick.. Bet you don't even have a degree..

>> No.13028263

>no debt
>net worth 300k
Guess Europe isn't that bad after all

>> No.13028433

>I reckon pursuing non-uni qualifications and getting a shit load of real work experience (starting your own business) will get you further in the future
Exactly. Got two degrees, doing ok but my 20s and 30s (I'm ancient) were badly spoiled by fucking debt, and have no doubt whatsoever that if I'd just left school at 16 and gone into building I'd probably be worth 5-10x what I am. Certain amount of hindsight there, and was unfortunate enough to grow up in a family where unless you go to uni you are a default retard.

>> No.13028460

>getting a job still offers pretty poor prospects, its completely lost its edge
Also in the UK in my experience workplaces are utterly riven with politics with raw ability far behind arse kissing as a reason for promotion, and lower salaries (relative to US for example) a cause of fierce competition over meagre rewards. I look at the effort required to earn 10k extra before tax just to have a few sq m extra in my house and a higher trim level in my car and think what's the point when most of that 10k is going to cynical parasites and government corruption. We basically need a generation or two to die off so that the poshos get purged, because they cannot run things properly and the country is going to shit as a result

>> No.13028577

No, I feel intimidated by the enlightened, eminently productive and learned powerhouse that is the civil service. How could someone with as little intelligence as me hope to join such a grand institution?

>> No.13028683


>> No.13028768

the govt will never bail you out anon, ever

>> No.13028785
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Just marry up

>> No.13029118

honestly though man -- why the fuck not?? i'm a burger, i went to school on loans, i repaid my loans, but even then i'm still a pretty big supporter of debt forgiveness in this case. how can you expect to have a real, functioning economy when you systemically throw 18 year old kids under the bus. the whole government backed loan system is fucked beyond belief. taxpayers had to bail out the banks. taxpayers had to bail out the auto industry. why not actually put some money forward that would help the average person.

>> No.13029147


This either is pasta or the same retarded idiot.

>> No.13029187

I left school at 16 with 4 Cs and a B at GCSE, did a level 3 IT apprenticeship at a local IT support company, left for a national company on a foundation degree level apprenticeship in computing, and now I’m on 55k outside of London and I’m 25. Just find a shit job in a good industry and work up.

>> No.13029248

they'll compensate with 60year mortgages and other extended debt products, so you can afford the american dream, but I assure you you'll never be off the hook

t. bankfag

>> No.13029261

Enjoy your debt while I have years of experience and enough saved to start my business.

>> No.13029386

yeah but then you get dems coming out with some weight behind them like sanders pushing for free university. it's a retarded concept. i just want debt forgiveness and for the govt to gtfo of educational financing so that school costs can reign themselves in

>> No.13030165

What is wrong with refugees welcome? Are you racist?

>> No.13030193

well bongs are like insects in terms of mental capacity so probably retarded idiot