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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13026971 No.13026971 [Reply] [Original]

>Be at work
>Asshole coworker comes in my office and asks which crypto I hold
>lie and say tron because I don't want anyone to know how embarrassing my crypto tastes are
>Be today, months later, dude comes in my office showing me a picture of a chink on his phone, I don't know who the fuck it is when he asks who he is, apparently it was some chink scammer
>hear him talking to another coworker, "He didn't know the ceo of tron's latest partner, but he likes tron"
>other guy laughs, like they've been talking about it behind my back
Why do normalfags care about shit like this so much, to the point of gossiping about it? I never talk to anyone, and it's not like I made a big deal about how much I "love" tron or anything, I tried to change the subject and get back to work after he asked what crypto I like anyways.

How long until **** takes off and frees me from this nightmare

>> No.13027018

Call him a nerd.

>> No.13027031

Pee pee poo poo

>> No.13027036

nice pasta

>> No.13027038

based and poo-pilled

>> No.13027043

Nice adaptation.

>> No.13027047

>calls other ppl normalfags for gossiping about crypto and beeing to much involved with crypto
>gossips about coworkers on an anonymous board while participating in the stealthmod meme

>> No.13027056

fresh pasta

>> No.13027062

Good pasta adaptation, 8/10, nice twist too I thought the chink scammer was gonna be Justin Sun

>> No.13027079

>that image
Is waiting for the singularity the cusp of our lives? The memes are just hilarious and amplified by the tension surrounding waiting for the link to blow out.

>> No.13027107

All good memes arise from waiting for huge things to come. Christians wait for the Rapture, Muslims wait for the Qiyamah, and linkies believe in the Singularity. In Judaism, this belief is somewhat ambigious, which allows them to be more motivated about working towards accumulating worldy goods.

>> No.13027111


"Hey s..s.up dude how it going"..proceeds to go home.. "I PASSED THIS FUCKING ABSOLUTE PHAGGOT NORMIE CRYPTO TRADER AT WORK TODAY"

>> No.13027169
File: 67 KB, 940x529, 7111155c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, the music taste pasta. Nice

>> No.13027187

Someone link the original

>> No.13027270

> I quit my job last year.
> Everyone knew I was balls deep in crypto
> Never talked to them
> Will make them cry when I make it