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13026659 No.13026659 [Reply] [Original]

He was one of us

>> No.13026667


>> No.13026672


>> No.13026681

Muslim here

I agree
Muslim like pajeets and chink should develop their own country instead of taking the shortcut to developed countries

T. Muslim from muslim country

>> No.13026693

Most obvious retarded shit to get chans shut down
Hint "they" want to shut Infinitechan down but they're trying to start with 4

>> No.13026696


>> No.13026735

This is starting to look like a rigged psyop to shut down 4chan and derail crypto. /pol/ insurgents pls go. We just want moons and memes here. This cringy idiot isn't "one of us"

>> No.13026742

he isn't one of us.. he is a pol rata. fuck pol

>> No.13026747

If the news was after 4chan why didn't they focus on the "calling sgt 4chan" part of that canadian rental van killer guy instead of focusing on the incel and Elliot Rodger parts?

>> No.13026755
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This, I respect the turks for example. Beautiful heritage and hard working. But they should developer their own country further instead of sending low class people to Europe

>> No.13026763

>invested in bitconnect
>couldn't pass school
>fell for the white genocide meme

>> No.13026795

Im not a turk, im not even white

>> No.13026799



>> No.13026807

I sincerely hope you're an Arab, from Saudi or the Emirates. Because if you're anything but that (Egyptian/North African/Iranian/Asian/Indonesian) you're a cuck

>> No.13026810

fuckin retard

>> No.13026822
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>Low class people remove themselves to greener pastures.
>High class people stay behind now that brainlets are leeching off of whites in "1st" world countries.
>Istanbul becomes cultural capitol of the world once more.
You act as if this isn't being condoned on all sides except for the rapidly shrinking white working class that has will have to pay for everything straight into their graves.

>> No.13026908

He wasn’t one of us. The manifesto sounds like he bought low and sold high. We do the opposite on /biz/

>> No.13026930

Go back, faggot.

>> No.13026968

he explicitly stated in the manifesto that this was an accelerationist attack designed to keep white people from sitting on the sidelines

>> No.13026993

Im not black LOL

You'll never heard of me

>> No.13027001

Heard of BRUNEI? we just do our own thing

>> No.13027021

That is not how people type on this website

>> No.13027400

fucking loser should not identify himself with the good successful intelligent white people

>> No.13027700

pajeet here , fuck ur opinions and stick to fucking goats. at least we are not fundamentalist, and spread the ultimate cancer known as Islam. UR Shit teir country was nothing but b4 oil and imported paneer labor. It was we who built up ur shitty country you absolute faggot and u still to this treat us like slaves. u faggots didn't build shit most of the dept heads of your government's are literal goat herders with no education.

>> No.13027728


>> No.13027756

How cringey and pathetic do you have to be to self-identify with this meme lord faggot?

“Subscribe to Pewdie Pie”
>LMAO epic save the white race!

So fucking pathetic what this website has come to, literally a bunch of teenagers spouting racist memes and then some schizophrenic takes it all way too seriously and goes out and murders people. So bizarre knowing that some of you are actually window lickers that take all these racist memes and retarded 4chan ideologies much too seriously. Just absolutely bizarre.

>> No.13027760

He wasn't from 4chan but from cripple chan.

>> No.13028160

His manifesto stated clearly that his main issue is fertility rates vs migration and migrant fertility rates i.e. white genocide. Don't expect to see the media talk about that though, they'll cherry pick some random sentence they think they can build a decent strawman with.

>> No.13028219

kys faggot

>> No.13028508

So it will be about incels and prostitutes will soon be free in order to "solve" this problem? Or will feminazis blame vidya and start discriminating against entirely unrelated people simply for liking things such as anime?

>> No.13028519

Faggots like you should run such shitskin country if you are honest in what you're saying.

>> No.13028545
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chink has develop their own country, and immigration to western countries from china has dropped significantly in the last few years.

>> No.13028571

Falling fertility rates are due to chemicals in clothes, carpets furniture...that is what has caused the 50% drop in Western sperm rates. Look it up..

>> No.13028595

Are you talking about teflon? Because yes, it is fucked up and polluting the entire world.

>> No.13028602
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>T. Muslim from muslim country
>not t. Muslim IN muslim country

>> No.13028746

the overwhelming combination of smugness and insecurity that r*dditors constantly project is one of the most offputting things in the world

>> No.13028792

Literally keked when I read this.
I mean the point that he makes (higher birth rates that could extinct white race) is true.
But killing people over this is just insane and does not change a thing.

>> No.13028808

Exactly. Falling fertility and testosterone is unintentional. Historically, people almost always find out about how harmful common household chemicals are several years after they're already in our homes.

>> No.13028816
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read the whole manifesto. it makes you realise his actions aren't insane. they're autistic.

>> No.13028841

Biz is the pol of 4channel ya simp

>> No.13028949
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>> No.13028983

on the off chance he ever posted on /biz/ I'd just like to say I condemn this attack completely and so should anyone else who posts here regularly. This is completely fucked and whatever justification you think exists for it is retarded. Any kind of criticism of Islam of Muslims is fine and your right, but violence against innocent people is never justified. Unironically, as someone who doesn't ever go to reddit and posts here all the time. Fuck this guy, he was not one of us.

>> No.13028990

I don't think so. /pol/ has a higher ratio of white supremacists than here. Definitely some overlap between the two.

>> No.13029017

Well, no he is nothing like me. I'm Indian, for one. I have 2 degree's including a master's degree and lastly I actually got crypto rich (started with 4k now around 350k) .....get fucked comparing that loser to someone like me.

>> No.13029061

This. Also, the fact that he actually made money with crypto is proof alone that he was not one of us.

>> No.13029076

There’s 4chan shitposters, and then there’s the cancer /pol/

>> No.13029098
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>> No.13029155

Poo in the loo

>> No.13029634

Based pajeet

>> No.13029644

If you guys can't figure out from that just how fake this whole event was then you really do deserve the control matrix

>> No.13029651

Fertility is irrelevant. People are choosing not to have children. If anything, it's feminism (and I'm not even a poltard)

>> No.13029753

absolutely destroyed

you are a blessed being, anon

>> No.13030378
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Reddit, pls.