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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 655 KB, 1080x1388, Screenshot_20190314-172841_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13021924 No.13021924 [Reply] [Original]

Ummm...what did Calvin mean by this?

>> No.13021940

is there a minimum age requirement for twerking and wearing swimsuits?

>> No.13021955

Who the fuck knows? It's not like they speak english

>> No.13021957
File: 99 KB, 724x611, verysmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God it's so fucking funny to see normalfags screeching at men fucking prime teen pussy. It infuriates them that some men get to enjoy it in a totally consensual matter and all they can do is stare and weep while their ugly, post-prime gfs age and age and age

>> No.13022000

Calvin is only fucking the one who looks like AOC. It isn't his fault the team brought one underage girl

>> No.13022015

seething roastie

>> No.13022021

Where do you see anything about him fucking them?

>> No.13022023

Reminder that if you seriously support those kind of things, you're nothing more than a filthy degenerate "progressist".

>> No.13022038


>> No.13022044

but writing on 4chan is so anti degenerate

>> No.13022050

>How many burritos did those girls cost sir?

>> No.13022058

>Y-you n-need a MATURE, REAL woman, not some little girl, you p-predator!

>> No.13022061

That girl on the left is literally 14

>> No.13022065

>Cuban dance team performing a popular dance move
Top kek at people trying to project blame onto a random guy for the absolute state degeneracy in the modern world

>> No.13022081
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Uh oh

>> No.13022097


>> No.13022283

they should at least be old enough to have an ass to shake.

>> No.13022302

Bad business move though, apart from some brainlet goons and biz autists no one wants to do business with someone who openly flaunts things that distress normies.

>> No.13022305

>that girl in the pink

muh fucking dick

>> No.13022329
File: 92 KB, 735x788, 776094381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It is his fault they are whores

>> No.13022331

thought it was weird at the start, well the guy dug his own grave. Those girls look fucking minor as.

>> No.13022343

He fucked and came inside of those teenagers that night, and nobody here, and nobody else in the world is going to stop him from doing it again.

Stay seething, roasties. Stay impotent, so yim. Money makes the world go round, and if you have money you can do whatever the fuck you want.

Being in a picture with slutty teenagers wagging their asses in the air is not a crime. If it was, every single dumbfuck normie who goes to a pop concert for an underage disney lizard whore would be in jail.

>> No.13022354

Ameriburgers and burger roasties lol
Fucking prime 16 year old pussy is fine in Europe and even in Canada

>> No.13022378

Jealous old roasties. Niggerspic girls are all whores at that age anyways

>> No.13022381

It may be legal in Canada but it's socially discouraged. Pretty sure many 30+ y/o men have had their ass kicked for being found out to have slept with a girl that young.

>> No.13022396

I got news for you bud. That's a high estimation

>> No.13022405

>He fucked and came inside of those teenagers that night, and nobody here, and nobody else in the world is going to stop him from doing it again.
Seriously though, I hope none of the girls were underage.

>> No.13022413

>It may be legal in Canada but it's socially discouraged.
No shit sherlock, women who rode the cock carousel past their prime and now can't find a "good" man get their brains reformatted when they see a successful guy with a hot young piece of ass

>Pretty sure many 30+ y/o men have had their ass kicked for being found out to have slept with a girl that young.
lol just no

>> No.13022422

going out on a limb here... but what i think he meant is that he was drinking rum with a cuban dance team in Havana....

>> No.13022442

how much money do I need to hire underage latinas to wear bikinis and twerk in my house?

>> No.13022454


I just realized how wasted the girl in pink looks in that OP pic, now I feel bad. Would feel terrible to come to after a bender and realized you did something embarrassing with a disgusting old flabby sack of skin like Calvin Ayre.

>> No.13022479

rule of thumb is never post incriminating evidence on the internet of you fucking underage girls.

Just saying, man.

>> No.13022483

He didn't post of video of him fucking them

>> No.13022485

Not much I was quoted $50 and I declined and that was probably overpriced.
I was 29, a few cuties throw themselves at you but most women in these countries are a lot more open to talking (with anyone) and won't shut you down right away.

I'm 35 now, can't wait to go back to these places when I get older.

>> No.13022486

if you pay for it, she has to bend, anon.

>> No.13022490

That goblin is mid 20s at least

>> No.13022503

you can have money and be virtuous, anon. Money doesn't have morality, you decide what to do with it.

That said, DAMN that ass ("adult" girl on pink) looks tight

>> No.13022516


DUDE go to her profile -- she fucking works for OmiseGo not even lying...


>> No.13022527

Nice, in Peru a entry level high quality adult prostitute can be around 50 to 60 dollars. I don't know about underage girls, there has been a huge campaign to hunt and prosecute pedos in these last years.

>> No.13022552


>> No.13022553

Lol. The SJW coin.

>> No.13022559

No wonder OMG is 12 months behind schedule. I didn't know they were a diversity hirer.

>> No.13022906



>> No.13022941

Delete this?

>> No.13023287

> be old
> wanna stay in tune with the youth
> wanna share your wealth
> wanna create fun memories with energetic, young, cheerful girls
> get branded rapist/pedo/degenerate
This shit is why Id never approach a crying lost kid in the street. You ask him whats wrong and hug him, the next moment his momma comes out of nowhere, whack your ass, starts screaming for police, takes photoes and fills her whatever socmedia with a story bout a child molesrer feeling her son in broad daylight.

>> No.13023328

>comparing a crying child that is alone in the street to a group of underage girls shake their ass to you.
>her son

>> No.13023418

>be billionaire
>this is the best whores you can afford

>> No.13023430
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>> No.13023437

Not him but I've been to Cuba... sex is "no big deal" and girls will be happy to fuck you for money. Latin country are different than white countries; there are no SJWs and women know their place

t. /trv/

>> No.13023449

which I find funny how so-called "progressists" always get so morally about shit like this like you were the one that wanted sexual liberation and no judgemental people.

>> No.13023451

i want to marry this bitch with no prenup

>> No.13023452

No there isn't. Everything he shared was perfectly legal

>> No.13023475

Strange how the same NPCs seething in the comments find no issue with Disney promoting this type of degeneracy when it's Miley Cyrus or whatever doing it but it's labeled as progressive and empowering

>> No.13023478 [DELETED] 

he's got money, coke and a large penis. what else to do teenys want????

>> No.13023491

this. they come off as insecure

>> No.13023493

No he's an honerary citizen of antigua where the age of concent is 12. He's visiting cuba in the tweets though.

>> No.13023501
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>> No.13023518 [DELETED] 



>> No.13023585

t. white incel has to go to 3rd world countries to get laid

>> No.13023611

The age of concent in japan is 13

>> No.13023613

I bet the girls he fucked in Cuba were hotter than the old roasties landwhales from America

>> No.13023628
File: 36 KB, 540x720, 180907_10150390274055231_7349083_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an incel though

>> No.13023648

2 is the only decent one

>> No.13023652 [DELETED] 

Americans are bound to girls aged 18+ even when they travel to other countries. It was an attemp to prevent tourist funded sex trafficking.

>> No.13023665

The girl in pink is the only decent one. Still not great though.

>> No.13023674

Americans are bound to girls aged 18+ even when they travel to other countries. It was an attemp to prevent tourist funded sex trafficking.

>> No.13023675

You're not a bad looking dude so don't take offense to this but you can do much better than her. Good starter gf though. Maybe you live in some small working class town and the choice is limited?

>> No.13023676


> not an incel

You're a schized out dude on an R6 with a dead look in your eyes.

> fucking sociopath

And no you shouldn't be proud of that like you probably are.

>> No.13023689

It is pretty rediculous to see everyone reporting him for being a pedo when he was in another country and what the girls did was completely legal. Twerking is a legit form of dance.

>> No.13023709

You can't just go be a child sex tourist in another country if your country's laws say 18+
It's predatory behavior.

>> No.13023725 [DELETED] 

he's a global citizen you schmuck. you actually think he has allegiance to any country? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

stay poor

>> No.13023748

fucking seething. self project more bitch, i wanna see you get real mad

>> No.13023758

That's only certain developed countries which force sex laws on travelers most countries don't care. As long as you don't break any laws in the country you visit it's not predatory behavior.

>> No.13023865

sure smells like curry in here

>> No.13023888
File: 20 KB, 300x300, primeredpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. incel

>> No.13024023


dudes on /biz/ are always so insecure lmao

>> No.13024031

degenerates deserve the rope

>> No.13024088

>actually poasting yourself on an anonymous internet site

>> No.13024095
File: 190 KB, 300x411, 75f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're freaking me out mac.

>> No.13024219
File: 187 KB, 582x458, calvin_beto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? The bigger crime is this tweet.

>> No.13024333
File: 66 KB, 449x603, puzzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13024339

it's rude to ask a lady her age.

>> No.13024395


>> No.13024403

Audibly kek'd

>> No.13024428

>nothing more than a filthy degenerate "progressist"
A HAPPY filthy degenerate "progressist"... learn to call things by their proper names, twerp.

>> No.13024449

Cause you're too coward to put it around your own neck. You can't live with it, isn't it? That's why.

>> No.13024531

It's an ex-gf, you should have seen her body... tightest pusy I've ever been into personally

I don't care about posting my pic on here, I'm a ghost on social medias (aka have none)

>> No.13024564

What about his lazy eye