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13019091 No.13019091 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13019092


>> No.13019109

Basic dapps without proper dev tools, multithreading, inter chain communication or development support.

>> No.13019171

How do I profit from this?

>> No.13019190

You build. Or you hold BSV.

>> No.13019295

nice, just bought 8.1

>> No.13020272

This is real fucking exciting.
Apparently this is also a breakthrough in AI programming. I'm not a code wizard so would be happy if anyone can expand on this. From what I've read it allows for a new kind of neural network that has not been possible before. The brownpill is starting to seem plausible

>> No.13020344
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I love how BSV fags have no explanation for how multigigabyte, let alone terabyte blocks will propagate, and even if they could, how centralization could be avoided. I also like how BSV fags fail to mention that Ether is the OG world-computer blockchain with smart contract functionality, and it failed to scale. I also love how shills will cherry pick and twist one of my arguments, without addressing any of the valid points I make. I also like how Craig said the point of SV was to bring back a pure version of Bitcoin that was loyal to the whitepaper, and then decides to add some shit, unfeasible computing project to the blockchain that has no relationship to the white paper whatsoever. I also like how Craig refuses to prove he is Satoshi, yet his followers claim he wants plausible deniability that he isn't, yet he 24/7 shills himself as being Satoshi on social media, and names his coin Satoshi's Vision, and is otherwise an endlessly sophomoric cunt on a neverending basis. Fuck Satoshi's Vision, fuck Craig, and fuck Jannies.

>> No.13020409

Centralization is actually not centralized, small world network, blah blah creg wordsoup

>> No.13020511

Based and craigpilled

>> No.13020621

maybe I'm stupid but isn't this just a filesystem implementation on top of the blockchain?
aren't there other project such as ipfs (or what it's called) and sia aiming to do do something similar? (I think they don't directly embed the files on the blockchain though)
also why should I want to store files on the blockchain? it might be funny to have some public shared filesystem but I can't see the usefulness for the average application

>> No.13020730

Imagine a phone game. You can’t add too much sound effects because app will be too big . Uh oh. App is stored on the Blockchain run app. Uh oh, app running a 2tb size game on phone. Paid .0025$ to play for 5 hours.

>> No.13020817

Answer this if you can, you curry-smelling indian sub-human

>> No.13020830

Holy fuck.

>> No.13020836

but why should I use the blockchain? I could just use aws s3 and pay a few cents to host the stuff

>> No.13020846

ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill.

>> No.13020858

there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

>> No.13020865

Competition and ethics.
>what’s not possible now means future possible is impossible
Wrong retard. Bitcoin becomes world money.
>how does our country get more money?
>oh look we’re spending a shit ton of resources into computer research
>oh look there’s an incentive now to unleash our technology and mine blocks faster
>muh secret military tech
>more like depreciation of tech
>faster u work the more you benefit
>bitcoin is competition
The whole mentality of the world will change. Watch.

>> No.13020866

Alright, bioengineer itt
You got my interest. Tell me moar

>> No.13020881

>says this as FB IG AND WHATSAPP literally goes down
>bitcoin still up
>oh an amazon can censor you

>> No.13020887

> just another witty name for a wrapper/pipeline/whatever
I thought it was smt like that office mint blockchain.
Bioengineer out

>> No.13020900



Now they can finally profit off of it. And so can we as a civilization and be uncucked.

Each shit coin you hold now is another reminder of your stupidity and laziness in research and knowledge

>> No.13020915


>> No.13020947

>says this as FB IG AND WHATSAPP literally goes down
you know that you would have to run your own server regardless? to serve stuff to your customers ? if you don't want them to run a full node, or use some other publicly available proxy to access the blockchain content?

>oh an amazon can censor you
why should they censor some text, images or sound effects? even if, then I could still host it myself or use tor or something and at that point it makes no difference if I make use of the blockchain or not

>> No.13020968

Lol why would you name your technology after an ugly retarded worm

>> No.13020970 [DELETED] 

>he thinks we’re gonna have servers

>> No.13020980

Node != sever

Node just relays your info to the network.

>> No.13020992

>Alex Jones silence

They censored him

>> No.13021071

yeah, but take a look at bitstagram
bitdb.network seems to be hosted on digital ocean for example
so at one point the data needs to leave the blockchain network through a publicly accessible node/server or whatever
which means, that they can censor you right there
even if the data on the blockchain can never be censored

>> No.13021100
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The current state of BSV shillers. This is what they are proposing:
- A blockchain so big that almost no one can store or maintain or index
- Everybody taking huge amounts of data from the same centralised place
What can go wrong? We have been transferring data wrong all along!
Now imagine you upload copyrighted data to the chain. Has humanity been doing databases and servers all wrong until CSW decided to fork BSV, or is this whole thing a scam? Do you know what Ockham's Razors is?

>> No.13021104

That’s true. What if it’s encrypted though

>> No.13021117

the only solution I see to work around this would be for the end user to run their own full node, but that's not really practically

>> No.13021200

then just use aws s3 or something else and serve encrypted data, you won't need the blockchain for this

>> No.13021249

>bitdb.network seems to be hosted on digital ocean

now that I think about it
maybe someone should short BSV and send DMCA complains until bitdb.network goes offline ...

>> No.13021378

No you send encrypted data to the Blockchain. Then the app or whatever pulls from the chain. The data is already written

>> No.13021390

>what are digital rights.

Everything in the future will be IP’d on the Blockchain. There will be no more right click save as. Everything you do and use will interact with the Blockchain . A right click save as will cost you

>> No.13021396

Me too, but not from your dumb shit
Ill actually be rich this year, not in 2027

>> No.13021434

You cannot censor someone. That’s like telling someone they’re not allowed to use USD anymore.

>> No.13021441

Based and poo pilled

>> No.13021449

Child Porn ahoy

>> No.13021464

Jail retarD. Also just don’t index it.

>> No.13021502

Yes from what I read this is exactly the case. It looks like no one here understood the article. I fail to see any pros this could have over a simple webserver that costs you almost nothing and you just access it through web. Only exception being censored/illegal sites.

>> No.13021512

Sure let Facebook pocket all your metadata.

>> No.13021528

Shittest idea ever

>> No.13021538

You must like bots, cheaters, IP stealers, pirating.

>> No.13021539

>murder doesn't happen because people would go to jail for it
The chain will have to host the CP to be valid, making the act of hosting akin to distribution utter dunce.

>> No.13021553

You are shilling in this thread pretty hard mate, why not let your fingers rest? No one is buying this scam anyway and your response doesn't make any sense.

>> No.13021563

You’ll buy into it regardless.

>> No.13021581
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>> No.13021587
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Why dont you put this on your """blockchain""".

>> No.13022176

>Only exception being censored/illegal sites.
yeah, I get the same feeling

>> No.13022427
File: 168 KB, 860x937, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

illicit content will still be censored, and like today it will vary from country to country what's illegal. It won't be deleted, because that's illegal in itself, but filtered out at the acsess point. Home nodes WILL be illegal, and there's no reason for you to run one either. Professional miners are protected by law, but if the goverment tells them to filter certain files from acsess, they must comply.

I'm sorry to break your delusion, but we don't live in a anarchy and law still apply. Blockchain doesn't give you the power circumvent the rules of society. After all, we are civilised, aren't we?

Pic very related. It's a court order about excactly this issue.

>> No.13022468

>Professional miners are protected by law
No they're not and you are going to feel the long dick of the law ripping your anus to shreds if you think for a minute BSV is going to be allowed to become the online walmart of immutable CP.

>> No.13022514

Dude, all the BSV and craigposting is a meme... You don't think anybody honestly thinks craig is actually competent, or that BSV is a good coin right??

>> No.13022542

He is to blockchain what Hillary Clinton is to politics
Only ill informed morons listen, pay attention, or believe the shit he spins, everyone hates him, and he still thinks hes the most popular kid on campus

>> No.13022651

>It won't be deleted, because that's illegal in itself
this makes no sense

>Home nodes WILL be illegal

>Professional miners are protected by law
(worldwide?) this is never going to happen

>tells them to filter certain files from acsess
how filter? blacklist the hash of the files?
then you will simply change it and spam the blockchain with 1000's of illegal file copies and only use them one time
dead drop style https://reason.com/archives/2019/01/22/drop-gangs-the-latest-evolution-in-darkn

>I'm sorry to break your delusion, but we don't live in a anarchy and law still apply.
sure, but if this isn't even useful for illegal stuff, what's it good for?
it seems like there is no use case left

>> No.13022766

metanet is the revolutionary idea of strapping your car to your back and paying for the privilege to walk it to work and back every day.

>> No.13022784

>Home nodes WILL be illegal
jesus fucking christ the absolute state of curry cashies!!