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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13018772 No.13018772 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here is a /biz/ oldfag?

Whatever happened to that 50 year old lawyer who had a 20 million or so fortune that used to always post advice around here?

Who else remembers that escort prostitute who always used to ask for tips about how to invest her whoring money into legit business?

Who remembers when crypto used to be the odd post on this forum?

What other biz memories do you keep frens?

>> No.13018789

Wipe? Haven't seen him in years...

>> No.13018795


Pink Whale was also a fun poster during the 2017 run

>> No.13018801

We're talking '14-'15, my dude.

>> No.13018806

I forget his name completely, but he was legit, posted proof he had a 10+ million fortune, and always gave out relatively solid investment advice.

Probably in some retirement home somewhere shitting his pants and mad because he laughed at our advice to invest in bitcoin back then lol

>> No.13018810

i member

no one was a fun poster during the 2017 run.

>> No.13018898

Never heard of him.

I remember assblaster threads during the bullrun were pretty funny.

But 2017 bullrun is newfag territory, I am talking about people that were here when bitcoin was 100$ and was being shit on.

>> No.13018952

I shit on bitcoin back then and still do. I don't believe in speculative investing... Since then (2014) I've taken a business from a garden shed to 6figs annually. Real wealth takes activity; passive low capital investments are an overly complicated lottery ticket.

>> No.13018982

You're the rich lawyer?

If so, that's a nice hobby, but you could have easily become a multi-billionnaire with your wealth in the 2017 bullrun. Creating wealth for yourself and your descendants that would far outlive you.

The couple million you have now are breadcrumbs in the larger scheme of things, your roastie descendants will probably waste it all away in one generation lol

>> No.13018999

How much did that escort earn?

>> No.13019028

No, I'm not him, and I don't care about your pretend money at all. I'll never own a bitcoin unless they become a standard means of exchange and I have to, begrudgingly, accept them for goods and services. Even then, I'll immediately convert them to payment for overhead and supplies, just like I do with real money.

>> No.13019063

If my autistic memory is correct she had 50k saved up and her main idea was opening a food truck business.

>> No.13019079 [DELETED] 

>bittrex launched bitsdaq a new exchange for asia to compete with binance
>they are giving away 20k BXBC tokes for free
>Its guaranteed to go to $1 at least
>he isn't signing up
>literally getting $20k usd for signing up with a throwaway email

don't be a retard, binance airdropped me 1000 bnb and i sold at $3, this is giving me the same vibe.

ZFEU7UVU use this code to get 2000 extra tokens.

>> No.13019083

So in your opinion, all money you make should be immediately spent to satisfy your needs and reinvested to grow your business?

You dont believe in any type of investment, be it stocks, bonds, crypto, precious metals, other rare crap?

>> No.13019110

A business is an investment

>> No.13019118

i just remember ETH being the only shilled coin for like a year or so, price was around 4-10, and stayed at 10 for like another year it felt like. i sold for 16 and a week after that, it mooned. feels bad. but good that biz shilling could've made me rich. it was that or drop shipping. and people talking about robinhood which i got cucked because im canadian.

>> No.13019130

Correct, i should have said "any other type of investment"

>> No.13019145

My business consistently a 550% roi. I'd be a fucking fool to put my money elsewhere until things level out. When it does, I'll invest in a diversified treasury and dividend stock portfolio. If, probably not, but if I invest in growth assets, it'll only be companies with EXISTING balance sheets and a value on their p/e relative to the broader market. I'll never invest in something, because someone convinces me I'll be able to sit on it and sell it to someone else for more at some undetermined future date.
Google "greater fool theory", if you want my thoughts on cryptocurrency.

>> No.13019150

Same I remember when all the eth shills were here for their ico, i didn't buy because i fell for the "russian scam" meme, even though i was 18 with about 40k in cash i made laying around.

Finally got in at 40$ when the "ethereum entreprise alliance" meme dropped and started the 2017 bullrun.

>> No.13019170

>6 figs
meaning you just cracked 100k.

So after overhead you make less than 100k a year. Congratulations. You're a superstar!

>> No.13019180

That's a pretty solid reasoning I'll give it to you and I'm sure you'll do more than well in the long term.

But personally, other than the possible future speculative gains, I just like to own bitcoin because I have real, sound, tangible, unmanipulatable money. Perhaps the purest form of many the earth has ever seen. And it cannot be accessed or touched by anybody but myself.

>> No.13019185

Yup. It's been a triumphant trip from $50, a relative's garden shed, and a back seat filled with free materials. What have you built since 2015?

>> No.13019204

what do you do?

>> No.13019205

Yeah man, I just don't believe in it. I know I'd be worth like $200million, if I played it just right, but that's not my path. I'm boring and simple. I know I would've fucked it up, and sold too early or late, or maybe it would never have appreciated at all if I bought as a result of some incomprehensible butterfly effect? Who knows? I stick to providing real value daily and my sails are set.

>> No.13019224
File: 355 KB, 423x502, BCHpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proudly announcing that you missed out on the best investment of the decade.
Good to know the human mind is capable of such levels of cope. So strong.

>> No.13019259

You could say that about anything though. You'd literally have to buy one of everything, on the day it came out, to hedge all bets. I focus on a tried and true wealth creation method, and it's working. Best part is; I DID IT. I didn't wait for someone else to lift me up out of poverty.
I have zero contempt for those that made it, incidentally nobody itt did make it, but I am a little jealous desu. Ah well, my path is clear and I'm getting there eventually.

>> No.13019294

>What have you built since 2015?
a respectable career and not some side hustle-tier waste of time and effort. you should try it instead of being a smug faggot on a Bulgarian rice sculpture board

>> No.13019303

Stop talking about yourself

>> No.13019309

Maybe I'll hire you someday.

>> No.13019316
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Somehow I think she's around.

>> No.13019347

you can hire me to represent you in court for $500 an hour buddy. biz draws more than neets and greenthumb pseuds like yourself

>> No.13019355
File: 773 KB, 1020x1020, ancapgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man I respect that you are doing it your way and not looking for gibs, but you are also calling it "pretend money," which you might have got away with in 2011, but not anymore.
If you don't understand bitcoin or the value of speculative investment in general that's one thing, but don't be surprised if somebody like me calls you out if you actively shit on people who do understand.
Anyway, good luck with your business. I hope it works out well for you and you are rewarded for producing value for your fellow man.
>nobody itt did make it
You are wrong there. ;)

>> No.13019366

Ah... I got a lawyer. Nevermind. Good luck with your life, angry anonymous poster! :)

>> No.13019367

Five bucks says she's currently happily running her hookah bar.

She had her head screwed on straight.

>> No.13019385

I am kind of a smug prick about crypto. It's hard not to be on /biz/ when it's not your thing and you really want to convince anons there's a better way.

>> No.13019388

Shouts if it's you. You did good, seems like.

>> No.13019390

>thread turns into cryptokiddies (who have all undoubtedly lost enormous amounts of money since "investing") talking shit

Goddamn this board is seriously pathetic now. I'm not even a salty no-coiner but the mentality of this board is fucking trash now. >Y-YOU COULD HAVE BUOGHT MUH CRYPTO COIN! >YOU HAVE A LEGITIMATE BUSINESS?? LOSER!

Fucking idiots all over this board now. Average IQ has severely dropped. Need to be extra, extra careful with discerning legitimate posts from retard autist posts.

>> No.13019396

Was it truly better when it was that lawyer asshole bragging about the boomer returns on his wife's dad's money?

>> No.13019410

There was definitely more variety back then. You have to admit this, or you just weren't here.

>buy doge short panda

>> No.13019424

Favelanon is more fun than dowry nerd. And I dunno, the ubiquity of crypto threads really hasn't changed.

Like I get where you're coming from but I don't see the point in nostalgia for its own sake

>> No.13019455

I can throw out one thing. I learned about fastlane forum from an entrepreneur general, and the actual business conversation over there has truly changed my tragectory. Everything from payroll service providers, structure and accounting, advertising venues, copywriting, market segmentation, etc etc.

I know that's not really about actual conversation here, but you'd never even find a nugget like that now, because there's RARELY a real world business thread.

>> No.13019462


I can neither confirm nor deny this. She is definitely out of the escort biz now, though hookah isn't as profitable as she'd like but there are other investments to play with ow that it's stable. Real estate development for one.

>> No.13019498

You sound like you have a stick up your ass gramps. Btc and crypto is a new financial asset and your opinion is to find something better.
Fucking boomers man

>> No.13019506

Good for you, if you're just being coy and that's really you.
I would beer with a chick that sold her ass to finance real dreams any day, over some pretentious nobody 9-5 corporate lawyer who's grinding down a mcmansion & bmw payments over 30 years.

>> No.13019513


>> No.13019525

I'm thrilled to hear that! She'll be fine.

>> No.13019537


Heh. Going from making more than $10k a weekend to the normal pace of business is weird, but things are running smoothly now. Having a food truck with Lebanese food has great synergy because the food can be prepared there and taken to the hookah lounge while it's fresh as a way to work within regulations.

She almost has a big enough wad to get into real estate development, and if she sees a big enough bubble coming up might go back to selling her ass just to have a bigger wad of cash to get in early. Or finding local coeds looking to pay tuition and using them to finance it.

>> No.13019545

That's fully fair. Link?

>> No.13019547

You grow weed right?

>> No.13019553

>I've taken a business from a garden shed to 6figs annually
Share details please. What's your business, and how did you grow it?

>> No.13019561

No like I get it sometimes people see things and others don't. I'm pretty sure crypto was cancer when it was coming out and especially in the first 10 years. That has given you a biased view on this space. Personally I found biz around 2017 Dec when shit was popping off and it was hilarious and exciting to me watching everyone get rich then everyone lost alot. Ive always known about Chan but never spent time here. If you can't see now that it's actually changing, and more and more institutions are considering the tech (blockchain, smart contracts) well then idk what to say. When a country like Dubai says it wants to be a goverment that runs 100% on the blockchain by 2025 (not sure about the date) then you'd be retarded to not go all in. But what do I know I'm just a newfag 20yo zoomer

>> No.13019567

I agree that the average iq on this board has definitely dropped.

I remember the good old days when we would just get the occasional "im 18 how do i get rich quick" threads, now there are 5 of them at all times on the front page, with the crypto get rich quick schemes.

>> No.13019568

> owns a food truck
> owns a hookah bar
> getting in to real estate
> getting into real estate DEVELOPMENT goddamn
> talking about becoming a madame

Sounds like she's really just an entrepreneur at heart. Never comfortable, never satisfied -- both a blessing and a curse.

Go get that shit.

>> No.13019583

There's some crypto talk on there, but it's 99% how to utilize the tech in a real world for profit way. They mostly eviscerate any kind speculation talk, unless there's some real sound numbers backing up the proposal.

>> No.13019590

Being female is easy mode

>> No.13019600

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here's old /biz/

god bless

>> No.13019615


The problem is that selling one's own ass is a misdemeanor while selling other peoples' is a felony. Ups the risk substantially, but when the market is hot here it's a no-brainer to make 3x on residential development if you can get out before the bubble pops. If one can snag a few good pieces of commercial property that jumps up to 5x or 6x easily.

>> No.13019743

How much did she charge an hour during the height of her escort career?

>> No.13019760
File: 52 KB, 1130x680, assetclassreturn1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember the old days

>> No.13019783


$300 an hour. More than that would have been getting into risky territory.

>> No.13019788

You're talking like mafia, you should be talking like a politician.

Same rap about the returns, but isn't an ethical issue that young businesswomen work in exploitative and dangerous conditions?

>> No.13019800

If i remember correctly you're in a midmajor rust belt city with a liberal, college population. Even if you're not interested, becoming a pol. could be very, very good for your business.

Just a thought! Think you'll be fine no matter what.

>> No.13019814

I came to biz first time sometime in 2017. I remember people posting alot on penny stocks, especially american and me being european didnt give a fuck. So I left

imagine missing the opertunity :(

>> No.13019834


I'm not super interested in running for local office. Now I might be interested in financing certain local election campaigns, but I digress.

Now decriminalizing prostitution locally is a thought.

>> No.13019837


There is nothing wrong with getting rich quick

>> No.13019849

yea to make passive work you basically have another job looking after it, and its only anygood if you know what your doing. a lot of trust and its easy to loose even with the professionals

making more money is easier for most businessmen.

>> No.13019884

Why would charging more be risky? Isn't the amount arbitrary and just based on whatever people are willing to pay?

>> No.13019904

>G-guys remember how many larpers there were two years ago???
neck your life

>> No.13019917

Even a small campaign from some college groups would likely slacken enforcement.

Anyway looking forward to hearing from you in ten years when you're a full-on robber baron

>> No.13019952


No. For $400-500 you're looking at infamy. Girls in porn who escort usually charge around that amount unless they're famous. For four figures instead of three you're looking at whips and chains and other fetish stuff which typically isn't worth the risk.


See, that could be fun. Put money into campus organizations on one end of things, lobby local politicians on the other. It just draws a lot of potential heat if it becomes too public.

>> No.13019979
File: 6 KB, 276x183, massage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to become pic related, no. But it's really just a matter of not being inelegant; no doubt you'll find it easy to avoid the gauche.

>> No.13020013


Yes, but I notice that the longer someone has been doing something the sloppier that they get. Someone might not get busted in a month, or in a year, or in three years. But five years? Ten? It's easy to slip.

>> No.13020158

> no one on biz has ever done anything, ever.

>> No.13020207

You got in and out of the ass business easy enough.

But, yes, you're right, if you became a madame you wouldn't want to stay one. Dipping in and out of campaigns and projects sounds smart.

>> No.13020268

except help pajeets shill their shitcoins

>> No.13020295

>Look up an escort, costs $400 in Canada. USA rates is $700.

This is unfair.

>> No.13020494




Yeah but that's in Canada money.

>> No.13020563

What is the story about pic related?

>> No.13020598

No, the problem is thinking there is a easy and obvious one size fits all get rich quick scheme.

>> No.13020615


A madame who was contributing to political campaigns snapped pictures with a bunch of prominent Republicans she was donating to. The story gets a lot weirder than that.

>> No.13020703

please tell, or link

>> No.13020768

Did you judge all the men who came to see you as losers? Were there ever any pleasant surprises where you actually enjoyed the persons company?

>> No.13021159

> /biz/ oldfag remembering days before crypto
/biz/ was literally a crypto containment board created after /g/ was flooded with bitcoin threads.

>> No.13021195
File: 227 KB, 800x600, eth not even once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, it's easy to see the correct decision in hindsight
I made it out of the bear market with the majority of my net worth, but moonboys who HODLed got raped

>> No.13021206


>> No.13022100

Sure. That's totally the truth. Yeah. I believe you, anon. Why would someone so easy to upset lie on the internet?