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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13018281 No.13018281 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13018286

Go get yourself a roastie, incel

>> No.13018298

never call a W O M A N a roastie, a person's sexual promiscuity is entirely their own business. name calling is for beta incels.
respect women they're superior to men in every way

>> No.13018339


>> No.13018343



>> No.13018346

agreed fucking women need to leave this place

>> No.13018670

secretly we want them here though

>> No.13018714


>> No.13018733

Literally no one wants them here except beta cucks like you. They do nothing except destroy discussions and attention whore as random delusional faggots give them validation in the hopes of sex they’ll never have with the dugusting ham pigs that would browse a shit hole like this place

>> No.13018734

Women have as much right to lose 90% of their meager net worth speculating on internet pretend money as the anyone else here.

>> No.13018749



also incels

> take my money for your feet roastie

Why even bother living if you're at this point. Besides you're moon is about to evaporate on bitmex so good luck.

>> No.13018757

Not that I am bitting your bait, is just I thought:

Calling "roastie" is bad because someone's promiscuity is nobody's business.
Calling "incel" is OK because someone's lack of promiscuity (or sex at all) is fun.

>> No.13018768

As a sell signal

>> No.13018770

Girl here
No! ;)
I will stay here :D

>> No.13018824
File: 17 KB, 633x758, obese_npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Incel is a consequence of a shitty lifestyle whereas roastie's actually add aesthetic value to the world. You all just shame them because they don't want to have sex with you're acne ridden fat ass body and your shitty personality. I wouldn't want to either.

Hint, women don't want to hear about your video games or shitty ass viewpoints on life. They can sniff out an incel a mile away, that's why you can't fool them with your "niceguy" attitude. They know you just want to exploit them for sex or social status and they ain't having it because you offer neither of those things in return.

>> No.13018839
File: 125 KB, 819x1024, the_unit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also incels are a cancer to society's progression. Pls leave this plane of existence.

> k thx bye

>> No.13018844

Gonna need some proof of that, lad

>> No.13018866
File: 530 KB, 1334x694, Save and RePost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving a shit about bitches is for women children and faggots.

Stop paying them any attention if they aren't getting on your dick personally you fucking retard

They're like fucking dogs or children or retards stop expecting them to act like full human beings,
they are literally less evolved in the only area that differentiates humans from lower animals

>> No.13018874

Cringed into another dimension. You have to go back

>> No.13018880

>t roastie

>> No.13018895
File: 190 KB, 1036x919, 05D139B3-4BD9-4E65-9BA8-6399FF53BCEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.13018903 [DELETED] 

>bittrex launched bitsdaq a new exchange for asia to compete with binance
>they are giving away 20k BXBC tokes for free
>Its guaranteed to go to $1 at least
>he isn't signing up
>literally getting $20k usd for signing up with a throwaway email

don't be a retard, binance airdropped me 1000 bnb and i sold at $3, this is giving me the same vibe.

ZFEU7UVU use this code to get 2000 extra tokens.

>> No.13018907

To be fair, a good portion of what he says is true. We have a two part problem in western civilization, and women aren't going to sort their half of it out unless the average, and below average, dude gets their shit together first.

>> No.13018925
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No we don't. These imageboards are one of the last places man can come and just be man. All the only for man clubs are being infiltrated by roasties. Stupid roasties make everything soft and gay. I mean I like soft and pussy, but I also like being a cold hearted motherfucker, something I dislike being when I am around women.

>> No.13018932
File: 68 KB, 680x550, angry_npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> men gud wymin BAD

>> No.13018948
File: 38 KB, 696x392, sadadasdasda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is going to do the same thing BNB and KuCoin did, you should join it ASAP
You get 1200 tokens for joining


Do NOT use a throwaway email, you need a valid one for logging in ffs

>> No.13018992

I have unironically never seen women on here, at all. You can tell because brapposting is still happening fairly often. and there is still more shitposting and genuine discussions than there are dramaposts like on /r9k/. Maybe when BTC is past $20,000 we might see this change (>>13018768), but right now /biz/ is still a /boiz/ club.


>> No.13019006


>> No.13019019

t. woman

>> No.13019026

Here to remind you that psychopaths (which is a form of autism) are extremely sex driven, sexual liberation eases access to sex while requiring next to no social skills (videos I watched of some retard picking up girls with cringe autism humor assuring me), and roasties are therefore the product of what is anti-social and autistic behaviour. And the reality of things, my dude, is that nobody social would want to have sex with a dumb, disloyal shallow, anti-social low iq & low eq roastie. But I am sure your anti-social trash friends look intelligent and social to you. Kek.

>> No.13019032
File: 1.32 MB, 1378x938, Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 11.19.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And don't think you elliot roger looking faggots aren't grouped into this too. You're lifestyle repels women if you play video games more than 2 hours a week and exhibit any other sort of anti-social behaviors. Just because there are millions of you doesn't mean that its the right thing to do. Sprinkle some pornography addiction onto the equation and that's pretty much the full picture of why 95% of millennial men are not only repulsive but too dense to see it too.

Not to mention that western men have no idea what masculinity should be expressed as and fall back on retarded Holly Wood tropes to try to achieve some platonic form of it that doesn't even exist.

But to put it in terms for retards on here: in today's society women are prey and men are predators. So when you approach a women with the intent of having sex with them (which has probably happened to most women at least 10 times a day since the age of 13) they can smell your bullshit a mile away because you're eyes and body language don't lie even though you do. But this will make sense to none of you because you lack general awareness. Then you think that this will all somehow be solved when you're .21 bitcoins reach 1 milli or whatever the fuck dumb ass price bitcorns are supposed to be. But sure I'm wrong.

> t. redpiller since 2010

Oh and trp is bullshit but go read your rollo tomassi blogs and keep religiously refreshing returnofkings for more "insight".

> he's going to die empty and alone

>> No.13019053


You should google adaptive preferences.

>> No.13019062

Don't worry, nobody has ever done that here

>> No.13019075
File: 34 KB, 529x597, FB_IMG_1552285281885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is totally wrong. Sometimes I game in excess of 8hrs a day and I've never had any problems getting women, and I jerk off twice a day. Currently dating a 115lb registered nurse. You just have to be confident, well groomed and funny. That's all it takes

>> No.13019078


>> No.13019116
File: 197 KB, 443x455, repent_zoomer_bird_boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


post a pic of yourself. I bet you look disgusting. We can already tell your personality is. I would tell you to kill yourself but it would be a waste of a coffin. Just disappear.

> you have to go back RRRRREEEEEEE

Nah faggot I think I'll stick around for a while.

>> No.13019126


> 115lb

And you're an edge case because you're surrounded by women and must possess some form of empathy. So you aight.

>> No.13019143

Speak for yourself.

>> No.13019318

you are neither of those things

And she is 100% seeing other dicc

>> No.13019380

entirely this

>> No.13019386

Have sex.

>> No.13019401

Fuck off piece of meat.

>> No.13019457

>he doesn't realize it's all about status, looks, and inner confidence and that if you have all three you can do whatever you want
not gonna make it tryhard fag

>> No.13019468

Stupid dump bitches are gonna buy my bags during the next bull run while I cash out and then unload my spunk into other stupid dump bitches

>> No.13020463

This fact is utterly disgusting OP