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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13010693 No.13010693 [Reply] [Original]

This is what $40 gets you in Canada

>> No.13010701

but that's like ten real dollars

>> No.13010705
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>advertising that the cows are corn fed

>> No.13010722

Seriously, was in vancouver for week and groceries are so fucking expensive. But the US isn't better, with cheddar beeing the only cheese and costing 0.30$ a slice
EU ftw

>> No.13010725

That cost like 3$ in the U.S.

>> No.13010734 [DELETED] 

Biz is going to shit. Where the fuck are the mods at. Reported for off topic faggotness

>> No.13010752



>> No.13010758

This is on topic you faggot. Also, Canada fucking sucks.

>> No.13010782



>> No.13010788
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>announcing reports

>> No.13010830
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But healthcare in Canada is free!

>> No.13010843
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>> No.13010850

What the fuck???!?

>> No.13010856

This is the type of idiot that browses /biz/ right now.

>> No.13010876
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holy fuck lol

>> No.13010883

New tax charge you fucking moron. Didn't you know? YOU pay for JTs make-up and manicures

>> No.13010929 [DELETED] 

Thanks also reported you faggot incels. Hurrrr look at what I’m eating. Neck yourselves. This is why you won’t make it

>> No.13010956
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get fucked faggot. This is what meat ACTUALLY costs when the government doesn't spend billions suppressing the market price of meat.

>> No.13010965

Lot not an incel, not a faggot and most likely richer than you.

>> No.13010968

I remember seeing Soros and Justin having a sit down

The mad man strikes again

>> No.13011011
File: 539 KB, 1200x900, milkccanada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what you get for electing a son of a cuck (fidel castro is trudeau's real father)

>> No.13011064

Pre packed GRAIN fed meat
>Poor people go CANCER
Cheddar is not cheese faggot!
>Roquefort, Gouda, President that's cheese nigger!

>> No.13011115

leaf here. none of these are from canada. /pol, back to your containment board

>> No.13011198

Dumb mutts will buy anything

>> No.13011254

the neilson carton looks patrician af

>> No.13011269

fuck off US stores have more cheeses than cheddar try not going to kevins bodega next time

>> No.13011282
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>not becoming vegetarian to save money for hockey
twitter harassment is against the law, eh

>> No.13011386
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>> No.13011409
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>> No.13011640

Remember, prices are in CDN. Divide by 1.33 for comparable values.

>> No.13011665

Youve never been in a Vancouver grocery store. I envy you.

>> No.13011908

corn fed isn't necessarily worse than grass fed, it's just different but has the reputation as a better flavor. Some people prefer corn fed. Most high end steak houses give you an option between the two and the price is the same because the high end steak market is based on flavor, not online stories telling you to only eat grass fed

>> No.13011962

how come when i look up steak prices in canada it shows them on par with the US


this cut is around $20-$22 here in the US and the currency difference puts it at about the same price. you guys are retarded

>> No.13011973

It's call the beginning of hyper inflation.

>> No.13011978

Name one country where english is the first language that is better than Canada

protip: you can't ( USA doesn't count)

>> No.13012003

the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand

>> No.13012011

and probably South Africa soon

>> No.13012030

lol all of these countries are currently in the shitter

>> No.13012034
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>> No.13012042

canada is literally at the bottom of that list

>> No.13012053

>1st world countries
>shittier than 3rd world shithole Canada

>> No.13012082

>australia is an awful place to live. so much censorship and so many animals and insects that will kill you. then you have the fact that the AUD is very nearly worthless

>UK cant even figure itself out and the entire country is set upon a fucking island. London is a shithole crammed full of ragheads and you cant even buy a flat in london unless you have millions of pounds.

>ireland...ok ill give you ireland
>new zealand...ok ill give you new zealand too

>> No.13012102 [DELETED] 
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>t. picrelated

>> No.13012140
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>> No.13012161

Why are so many leafs so defensive about their gay ass country. I'm a leaf myself and fully recognize that Canada is an complete train wreck. There's nothing in leaf land to be proud about at the moment.

>> No.13012180


dude get this shit off my screen you fucking faggot, why is this saved on your computer

>> No.13012181

Canada, UK, and Australia are all about equally gay desu. NZ and Ireland are smaller/less important and thus aren't targets of the poz to the same degree.

>> No.13012206

33CAD/KG for striploin is expensive. you can get ribeye for 22CAD/KG easily if you know where to shop.

>> No.13012207

wtf dude this is a canadian thread what did you except??

>> No.13012390

What really matters is the cow gets exercise, so the fat marbles in.
Had some beef that was raised by a local kid that would play frisbee with it and feed it marshmallows.
Fucking delicious. Cheese melted right through the burger.
Canada is a frozen trailer park.

>> No.13012577

President is not cheese retard its either camembert or brie, president is the company

>> No.13012599

This one's real faggot

>> No.13012698
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you're ignorant as fuck. grass fed beef contains a higher amount of omega-3 (anti-inflammatory) in comparison to omega-6 (inflammatory) which is reversed in corn-fed beef. you have to be a complete moron to gmo corn fed beef for "muh marbles."

>> No.13012792

that $40 would buy you about 1/4 of one of those steaks in Norway.
>norway - absolute worst grocery stores in the western world

>> No.13012803

who fucking cares faggot

>> No.13012827
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>> No.13012829

Bye bye

>> No.13012836

Roughly 11 USD/ per pound isn't that bad for strip steak.

>> No.13012912


That comes out to be $12/lb dumbass.

Now convert that to CAD to USD, idiot. You pay close to what Amerimutts pay for red meat, especially those sirloin steaks.

>> No.13012983


>> No.13013151



>> No.13013176

Seems almost sad to eat a cow that would play frisbee, like eating a pet.

>> No.13013198

the marbling looks like shit, all it has going for it is the meme grass fed meat trend. You can get prime rib eye at sam's club for $13/lb, or a case for $10/lb

>> No.13013203

Kek, I bought NY strip steaks for 2.75 a lb. a few weeks back, the catch is you need to go to the ghetto stores where they sell everything wholesale prices and add 10% off. Once you discover these things you realize how Jewed your getting everywhere else, even if the meat isn’t the best cut.

>> No.13013219

it's more like 30

>> No.13013241

bunch of retards, those are like 10-15$ in most part of Canada. those price on the picture are probably for the super northern part of Canada (Nunavut and shit)

>> No.13013242

majority of those aren't USDA and have awful marbling, you can typically get USDA choice rib eye/ny/t-bone at grocery stores on sale for $3.99-5.99/lb on sale though but i'd rather take prime rib-eye

>> No.13013257


Yes, this. A lot of retards in here that don't know how to watch for basic sales. You can get $5 steaks every week at various stores. You only need to spend 5 - 10 minutes looking around. You can eat like a King in Canada/US/etc if you aren't retarded and know how to sale shop + freeze meat.

>> No.13013265
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bullshit, here wholesale prices (most expensive). I took pictures to compare with nofrills (our cheap grocery here in leaf land)

Can post more if interested.

>> No.13013314
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>> No.13013327
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wholefoods not wholesale

>> No.13013346

I agree they aren't the best steaks but season them well and grill them and they are still half-decent. When you do keto you stop worrying about having A-grade everyday and saving money. Protein is protein.

>> No.13013435


These prices are about average for what I typically see in Alberta. The really high prices posted earlier are probably from somewhere remote in Nunavut or NWT. The eskimos are big fans of using Amazon for this reason as Amazon still offers free shipping to these boonie places.

>> No.13013484


Where the fuck are you retards shopping?

I'm in southern Ontario, GTA area.. The steak is $8-12 the OJ is 3-4

>> No.13013536

Those are ca dollars so cheap

>> No.13013540
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so it's true then

>> No.13013585

We're the best /out/ country on earth. Metropolitan Ontario and Quebec can fuck themselves, that's a totally different country in my eyes

>> No.13013633

MIGA Zion Don is also not a better leader then Trudeau is. That guy completely sold out. But I agree, things could be better over here.

>> No.13013648

there is about 500kg of meet on a cow.

A cow cant cost mroe than $2000.

thats $4/kg

butcher it yourself

>> No.13013680

Quebec is the only based province. The rest are chinese/pajeet/cucked.

>> No.13013823


>> No.13013850

I've met people that grew up eating their pet chickens, rabbits, etc. My mom being one of them.

>> No.13013861
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>A cow cant cost mroe than $2000.

>> No.13013985
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leaf here. the filthy res chugs way up north pay those prices because the food is shipped in by air. they live in 3rd world tier conditions out of the way where we don't see them.

>> No.13014307

just eat fish if you want omega 3s you retard

>> No.13014333

>posting prices from anywhere north of the Provinces as indicative of average prices in Canada

that shit is probably from the yukon or nunavut

>> No.13014387

>posts pic of grocery store in bumfuck nowhere arctic canada
l-look mom i did it again

>> No.13014407

>not having millions of squids
You have leaned nothing from /biz/. NOTHING

>> No.13014410

How do I parlay this into a qt gf from the frozen north?

>> No.13014430
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At least canned poutine is still cheap

>> No.13014432
File: 152 KB, 964x644, FBDE5904-3CA2-4886-8FBD-47D2BFE1599D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squid? I thought it was shrimp. What the hell am I supposed to do with these now?

>> No.13014441

>pls be my ai gf

>> No.13014443

this is Alaska you fucking retard

>> No.13014473
File: 497 KB, 1255x1614, 3F8655B8-FEF2-403F-A266-CD73007C6712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Tay, filthy antisemetic racist bitch that she was. Truly she was the best ai gf none of us deserved.

>> No.13014478

You raise it for a year, let it breed, then butcher it at the peak of it's life - then once the snow melts, you help birth it's son and do it all over again. It's cruel to keep a bull alive for more than a few years, they get killed off naturally in the wild so butchering is more humane.

>> No.13014555

and thats only for corn fed kek

>> No.13014666
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>> No.13014911

Cows aren't supposed to eat corn, you dumbfuck.

Fucking Canada, fucking faggots.

>> No.13014929

Alaska wouldnt use liters. This is probably fucking Nunavut. Where you get paid like 100 dollars an hour to clean a toilet.

>> No.13015348
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>> No.13015447


>> No.13015478

she's trapped on a hard drive somewhere, just waiting to be rescued.

>> No.13015482

same thing

>> No.13015649

Its crazy how uncultured amerifats are when it comes to anyone but themselves

>> No.13015667

OP literally works for the supermarket and is changing the prices.

>> No.13015684

>americans are actually this fucking stupid

>> No.13015735


>> No.13015745

yep i fucked your mother last night and she was worth it about $100 max