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13009035 No.13009035 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13009044

Kek florida is a shithole

>> No.13009048

But the hepatitis from the shit skin who cooked it is free.

>> No.13009051
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>> No.13009052
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>> No.13009053

im sorry

>> No.13009063
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I live for the day I can leave this shithole

t. South Florida latino anon

>> No.13009066

>this is what $20 gets you in USA.

>> No.13009068
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Fucking Based

>> No.13009070

Yea if you're poor, lack imagination and social networking skills, yea id imagine Florida would suck for most of you

>> No.13009078

>potatoes with salmon, ice cream, custard and bread
Americans are disgusting

>> No.13009083


>> No.13009101

Its french style food, and its not custard but honladise sauce

>> No.13009114

That's fucking sad

>> No.13009116

>ordering a salmon benny at a hotel restaurant
what did you expect? that's probably the most complicated thing you can get in most breakfast restaurants and hardly anyone orders it so of course it's going to be shit unless it's at a place where they're known for it and make them constantly

>> No.13009128

My mom grew up near Pensacola and her childhood was fucking awful, everytime she talks about it Florida seems like a hellhole.
Is it really true or was she just unlucky?

>> No.13009134

Please, call it Eggs Norwegian. Retain you disdain for plebs if you've any self respect

>> No.13009152

>french style food
>literally fat drenched in fat
That's not french style, that's what burgers think french food looks like because they saw a picture of something similar on pinterest once.

>> No.13009155

desu the only thing that even looks wrong about it is they could have given a few more homefries but really the egregious problem is the smear of liquid on the right side. I used to work as a cook and I would have never sent out a plate like that, I would wipe it or slide the whole dish onto a different plate if that wasn't possible. it looks lazy... if they left that how much could they have cared about the rest of the dish? thankfully I cashed out at the top and don't have to do that job anymore, but it really pisses me off to see people do it badly because there's no excuse other than laziness

>> No.13009161

>eating farmed salmon imported from some commie shithole when you're literally surrounded by tropical waters

why do people do this?

>> No.13009191


You're eating at a tourist restaraunt on spring break dum dum. You did this to yourself.

>> No.13009199

No fucking way. A decent diner in NYC could get you the same mean for less than half that.

>> No.13009229

Panhandle is basically Alabama. I'm sure south Florida is way different

>> No.13009274

Yea, most of florida sucks, im pretty close to tampa so its not a total shithole, everywhere north of here is tourist traps and meth holes. Man id hate to be a server to most of you guys, i forget how autistic you guys are sometimes..

>> No.13009313

I'm also in South Florida. West and North Florida seem more decent and American, I'm applying to jobs there.

>> No.13009325

maybe if you stopped being a shitskin god would treat you better?

>> No.13009342

Florida is a big state with more than 20 million people. I'm looking for opportunities all over the state.

>> No.13009688

Fuck off we’re full

>> No.13009733

go back

>> No.13009810


>> No.13009864

Fuck you it was perfect.

>> No.13009889

kek OP is the chef at the restaurant and taking pictures of his breakfast he made himself confirmed

>> No.13009896

>only has $20

>> No.13009900

running eggs are fucking gross

>> No.13009914

Live in orlando, it's pretty okay besides the traffic. Haven't been anywhere else in the united states i'd rather live.

Fuck the I4 and fuck this pleb>>13009900

>> No.13009917

How do I make eggs like this

>> No.13009924

Based af

>> No.13009967

Orlando fag here too. Live right by the new “medical city”. Tons of high paying jobs in Orlando, fuck... even servers on idrive restrunts can take home 600-1k a week. Housing is fairly cheap. I love it here.

>> No.13010005
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$20 in Sofia

>> No.13010017

Eggs benny
You've motivated me to get myself some

>> No.13010035

I would eat this over the amerivomit

>> No.13010045
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Such beautiful digits and such gay taste tho

>> No.13010098

Fuck you it was delicious.

>> No.13010110

Lmao, nah. Wish I could cook like that, maybe when my [redacted] moons and I have the time to teach myself these things.

>> No.13010126

I hope you enjoy whatever you eat anon.

>> No.13010144

Gunshine state.

>> No.13010146

You were right about the potatoes though, they could have spared an extra spoonful..

>> No.13010155

Yup, got my first gun last year and got in trouble less than a month of purchasing it. : (

>> No.13010181
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Ate breakfast in Florida once.. found this in my cheesy potatoes. Now im set for life.

>> No.13010188
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based florida man

>> No.13010196

What is it anon?

>> No.13010214
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But seriously, Florida hands-down has the hottest women in the country. I'm a white dude, sucker for Latinas.

If I ever won the lottery, I think I'd move to South Florida and blow a big chunk on the Latinas down there. Any rich Florida fags do that? What does it take to get the 7+/10 latina hotties down there? I'm assuming loads of flashy splashing the cash type bullshit.

>> No.13010218

WTF is that shit

>> No.13010236

why are literally everyone in USA plus sized?

>> No.13010244

Spanish women smell like shit and have hair on their chest. You're never going to make it.

>> No.13010246
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How can one man be so based

>> No.13010248
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>> No.13010281
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I feel like your options in Florida are:

1) hot curvy latinas
2) white trash

Guess you're into trailer trash then. To each his own!

>> No.13010287

That looks so good

>> No.13010295

I've grown up around spanish women, its like being behind the scenes, they are pretty much all disgusting.

>> No.13010307

Doesn’t take much at all. I go down to Miami to party every couple of months. 24 hour clubs, good drugs, hot socialibe women.

Iv been many places, I love Orlando to live. I couldn’t live in Miami, way too much temptation to have while being a normal working type person.

>> No.13010320

Wrong. Lots of hot white bitches on the Tampa/st Pete side.

>> No.13010332

>going to tourist traps

The last time I went out for breakfast in St.Pete I paid $10 for two cups of coffee 3 eggs, bacon, a couple pancakes, and some hash brown stuff.

>> No.13010337


guess I have seen some hot ass white girls from FSU on instagram, FUCK florida has hot girls.

>> No.13010348

Yea, i know where to get cheap sub par breakfast too, but this place I went to is not a tourist trap, its the real deal, check out cassis next time, its worth it nigga.

>> No.13010350

is that ice cream on fish? disgusting.

>> No.13010355


Bros.. I never found out. I thought it was tinfoil. It seemed more like alien mold, I threw the potatoes on the floor and my girl threw this crazy tantrum that had the whole place freaking out.

>> No.13010364

>I threw the potatoes on the floor


>> No.13010375

Fsu is full of party whores. Literal nastyish whores, USF in the Tampa area has much better quality girls.

>> No.13010382

That was an appropriate response, they should be licking your balls for the rest of your life.

>> No.13010392

Those aren’t Spanish. Spain is Spanish. And those women are fire.

>> No.13010405

You get the point.

>> No.13010659

that's disgusting

>> No.13010670

>business and finance
Stop posting pictures of your food you fucking faggot normie we don’t give a fuck

>> No.13010746

Food prices in different restaurants is business you fuck.

>> No.13010762
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Fuck you, go back to McDonald's then faggot.