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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 990x557, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13004533 No.13004533 [Reply] [Original]

First of all, the brave browser is great and i'll keep using it regardless what i think of BAT

However i'm only getting 0.05 BAT for every add watched. That's literally 1 penny for every click, twice an hour. Now i get that normies tend to ge apeshit over even tiny amounts but this is just ridiculous. Nobody in the first world will click on an ad just for 1 cent.

>> No.13004613
File: 260 KB, 593x635, 1517099947896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up you stupid faggot

>I-I'm not getting enough Free Money :(

fuck off retard

>> No.13004647

>Look OP is retarded again
Have you seen how much time and effort people put into mining some 5 cent crate or card to sell on the steam market? This is going to get crazy

>> No.13004671

>I-I'm not getting enough Free Money :(

That's exactly right and that's why no normie will ever give a shit.

>> No.13004682


>> No.13004701
File: 12 KB, 500x280, 1552089942509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up cunt. You should have been accumulating all last year.
Your FUD is weak, your game is squashed , you'll never make it with this attitude.
BAT's on a new floor, you're still stuck in the elevator.
>Fomo in at .55 Forrest

>> No.13004711


oh yeah, wow, guess I'll have to cope by enjoying my free money while you fucking faggots don't enjoy any free money?

Yeah that totally sucks, wow. Fucking retards on this board

>> No.13004721

You're retarded
See this post >>13004647 Years ago I ran several headless TF2 clients for item drops and made an average of $5/hour for doing absolutely nothing

>> No.13004723


>> No.13004809

What kind of pajeet do you have to be for unironically defending watching ads for 2 cents an hour. Even after 4 hours a day, it will still take over 4 months to get the same as the coinbase BAT airdrop quiz that only takes 5 min.

>> No.13004822

CS:GO cases when new go for $4 sometimes.

What OP has described isn't going to get any first worlder excited, its pajeet tier.

>> No.13004835

Free money, lmao. Do you scrape pennies off the ground for 8 hours a day? You'd unironically make more money doing that.

>running headless bots
>having to click an ad twice an hour for 2 pennies
Not the same thing, retard.
>thinking advertisers will pour billions into BAT so that 30% can go to pajeets with no jobs except for watching ads
Why the fuck would advertisers do that when they won't get any customers out of the ads? Any well-to-do person will take the 30 seconds of time over the penny. This kind of advertising model has been tried and failed many times already, now it's just a shiny crypto variant. You fucking retarded people deserve to stay poor.

>> No.13004844

Advertisefag here... brave traffic runs similar to incentivized. The quality is very low. Yikes.

>> No.13004853

Where do I find ads to try this out? Youtube ads are not counted to my balance.

>> No.13004855
File: 24 KB, 466x490, brainlet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fucking stupid brainlet do you have to be to not understand by now that cryptocurrency fluctuates in price and that the current ecosystem will be entirely different even in the period of 6 months?

you goddamn fucking brainlet. It all adds up, that's the fucking point, they're not going to give you fucking $10 an hour like some kind of full time job you retarded fuck.

You are LITERALLY browsing for free right now. Brave will pay you a cut of the advertising revenue if you opt in. You're fucking whining about earning free money from browsing online, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.13004861

if you think that's bad, remember that this is at least 10x more than you would get if bat ever became popular.

its only good for shitskins, and advertisers don't want to advertise to bottom feeders. bat is doa.

>> No.13004887

Pointless arguing with the stupid fucks on /biz/.

Your options are:

1) browse the internet for free while advertisers/3rd parties make money off of you; or
2) browse for a few hundred dollars per years in cryptocurrency, which could increase/decrease over time, while 3rd parties and advertisers are forbidden from harvesting your personal data.

You guys are seriously trying to make an argument that 1 is a better option than 2. It's laughable.

>> No.13004892

Time is money brainlet. If you think watching tampon videos is worth half a penny then fucking have at it you desparate faggot. That's not free money, they're using your attention and your mind space to fill your head with persuasive programming. And you're selling your valuable mind for fucking pennies. I hate you.

>> No.13004897
File: 859 KB, 1920x1080, 1552091317134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn the ad block on. Brave blocks all ads, if you turn rewards on it will show you brave ads. If rewards are off then no ads at all.
You don't need to click all the ads brave shows to get rewarded, many will be counted as a view regardless.
Just browse as normal. You'll earn money passively.

>> No.13004902

And this isn't a straw man argument either. Those are literally your two options here.

1) (browser that is not Brave) = you don't get paid.
2) Brave = you get paid.

"IT'S ONLY PENNIES" You are literally doing it for free right now, and it is at NO EXTRA COST TO YOU to toggle Brave ads on. You don't even have to fucking click the ad if you don't want to. If it interests you, you click it, period.

You retarded pajeets don't even understand the incentive here.

>> No.13004905

>few hundred dollars per year
at least one order of magnitude more than you would actually get

remember, they're competing against universal adblock in every browser and on mobile. if they cant get the whole pay-for-your-personal-information/attention model working, bat ceases to have any utility whatsoever, because publishers wouldn't want to accept bat (which now will only trend downwards due to zero demand) in place of a stablecoin/fiat/btc/eth.

>> No.13004909

Pfft- and I thought you need the shield down. Thanks anon!

>> No.13004916

>option 3
Use ad blockers and tracking blockers for free, no one makes money off of you and you get a pleasant browsing experience.
>option 4
Go outside, read a book, take this opportunity to contemplate how you got into a life situation where you unironically spend enough time online to earn hundreds of dollars a year watching thousands++ of ads

>> No.13004919

just them blocking ads and re-injecting their own is enough to sue the shit out of them. and because bat/brave is entirely centralized they have absolutely no defence and will have to disable their entire model for popular websites

>> No.13004921

You're so fucking dumb. You're gum on the bottom of my shoe.

You don't have to watch a fucking tampon video you goddamn brainlet, lmfao. This is the whole point. You click the ads that interest you based on the websites you fucking visit. If it's worth your time you click the fucking ad and make money off of it. If not, you go about your business. DYOR.

In your case you'd probably click the tampon because you're a big stupid bleeding pussy though.

>> No.13004930

>You're fucking whining about earning free money from browsing online

It's not the same as "just browsing the web", i have to click on intrusive ads to receive 1 cent.

How would the "ecosystem" be different. In fact it's only getting worse from here. The only people who will be clicking those ads are bottom thirth worlders that will bring litteraly zero revenue to the advertisers.No revenue for advertisers means no money for users either.

>> No.13004941

Stop eating/drinking s.oy products. You're letting your mind be melted for some pennies. Don't watch advertisements at all.

>> No.13004940

Not going to keep explaining this. You don't have to click any ads.

None of you have used the browser and you're here trying to explain to me how it will work. Fucking idiots.

>> No.13004950

Yeah great counter argument. >stop drinking onions hurrr. As if you know anything about my life.

pathetic little cunt. You can fuck off now

>> No.13004962

I'm literally using the dev browser right now, you're not getting bat in the background without clicking plain and simple.

>> No.13004964

You didn't counter anything I said you colossal retard. I'm trying to save you from your own stupid decision making process.

>> No.13004983

The whole point is it's passive optional advertising, you're not trying to make a living off of it. It's a way to earn BAT while browsing. If you don't think it's worth it, merely toggle it off.

Yeah thanks for all your help buddy. Here's how you can help me further: post your name, address, and coins that you hold in this thread.

>> No.13004989

You really have no idea how to efficiently farm free money do you... well one day you might learn, but most likely not given how idiotic I can tell you are from your posts

>> No.13005097
File: 69 KB, 700x302, 1552093054689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahaha WRONG

>> No.13005113


suck a penis, op

>> No.13005121
File: 1.24 MB, 950x795, 1515057780645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am telling you, you do. Maybe some features are geo restricted, maybe its a bug, after all it is dev.

>> No.13005145

Been using this for two days. I've not even seen an ad yet and have 1.55 bat from 31 ad notifications, according to the rewards page

>> No.13005233

I'd rather block the ads.

>> No.13005291

Well block all ads, turn rewards off, keep your data, browse 30% faster, have built in tor.
Everyones going to use this browser. Facebook has a stranglehold on the normie mindset and they've started to harp on about privacy. Change typically happens fast.
>Brendan had a talk a FB HQ regarding Brave

>> No.13005316

You have a chance to buy BAT for only 20 cents each right now. Your chance to buy it for 11 cents has come and gone.

>> No.13005338

nice argument there, if you actually think facebook/google/pinterest/twitter/etc aren't going to go directly after them, you're delusional.

they're never going to be able to replace ads with their own on almost any popular site, because they'll be bankrupt from trying to fight all of the lawsuits alone.

>> No.13005346

why would anybody want to buy a funding token that nobody actually wants?

any third worlder trying to farm ads for a few pennies a day wants that immediately in their native currency or they won't bother. any publisher wants to receive dollars directly, and won't accept counterparty risk for anything else, and nobody that would want to pay for those publishers would ever want to hold bat up until the exact moment they would be paying for something, so they would need a shapeshift-like service to directly convert their btc/eth/dollars in a single end-user transaction.

>> No.13005464
File: 157 KB, 1237x1280, IMG_20190201_140355_498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>washington post amongst the publications 'lobbying'
>now they are verified publishers
First they fight you, then they join you

>> No.13005507

> I thought I was going to get rich off watching ads!

The post.
The post.