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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13002565 No.13002565 [Reply] [Original]

Is college still worth it /biz/?

>> No.13002603

>Millionaires literally paying through the nose for their brats to get in

>is college worth it?

Maybe not for you.

>> No.13002649

Did you see the list of people who are "paying through the nose"? Washed up 80's and 90's sitcom supporting cast. These people didn't make their money through shrewd investment in education opportunities; to say they made it through talent would even be dubious... I wouldn't be so quick to pit them on a pedestal of having the right ideas about which direction the average person should head.

>> No.13002713

>rich parents donate a building or money to university for kids to get in
>this is somehow "legal"
>cost more to maintain and operate
>hike up tuition for everyone else
Should have paid through the nose legitimately to make it worth it am I right.

>> No.13002770

Colleges and universities are money laundering scams. You better believe my children will be learning hard needed trade skills, not some meme degree from schlomostein university.

>> No.13002893


Duh. no.

Unless you're gonna do a computer career or something in medicine it's an obvious mistake.

All trades right now are starting at $15 per hour and if you just work hard and follow the plan you'll be making $40 to $50 an hour before age 28.

I went to college and ended up with $50k in debt. 1 year out of school I was waiting tables for $12 an hour.

I got a friend who became an electrician out of high school. At age 30 he had over $200k in the bank and was making almost $100k a year.

>> No.13002914
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lmao cool story bro

>> No.13002952
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>> No.13002999
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No it isnt, at least business degree, graduated 6 months ago and have experience. But just get shat on by techies, lgbt, females and minoriteis

>> No.13003012

He is actually right, I went to trade school and have 3 year electrical experience and could do way better if I go back to that

>> No.13003014

Finance is a bs degree. Accounting is the best and only business degree you should consider doing. Given the competitive nature of the job market you need to go the best school possible and that is the most recruited from. Secondly only two things besides that matter. Internships and GPA. Internships more so than GPA. At the minimum you should have one internship under your built.

Law school is practically worthless if its not tier 1.

>> No.13003024

Only decent one is accounting rest is so saturated

>> No.13003025

Data science as a degree is a meme. Math is too broad to be useful. Not a bad degree but you'll need a Masters.

>> No.13003078

Well, someone will have to fix Mr.Shekelstein's Rolls Royce. That is if your future son will be clever enough to fix such a majestic and complex car that only Mr.Shekelstein can afford because he went to college instead of the pleb trade school

>> No.13003091

it depends

>> No.13003229

So if I study accounting at college in Canada the best I can expect is some mid tier job making 50k


>> No.13003264

Right, because there's a shortage of accountant grads.

>> No.13003265

Mr S's wealth has absolutely nothing to do with education or ability. You're like half red half blue pilled (purple pilled?) or something... You speak the memes, but you don't understand the ideology

>> No.13003352
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College is worth it if you do your own research. Don't expect 100k starting salary as a Dance Major. No one talks about job prospects and starting salary until after you've accumulated 100k in debt and have no options other than to work at McDonald's. Trade school can be lucrative also. Whatever path you chose requires dedication. If you're too lazy too finish don't even start.

>> No.13003838

If I went to one of the named schools can I sue someone/administration for driving up costs or making me have to work harder to get admitted?

>> No.13003853

dunno but you should definitely try to get a class action suit going

>> No.13003856

Yes it is, that piece of paper can be clutch if you don’t have the skills/drive to make your own path. Don’t listen to these incels, they don’t want you to succeed.

>> No.13003866

Did you create your own business while getting a business degree? If not then nothing helps to set you apart

>> No.13003869

I think the fact that the rich and the wealthy are willing to commit crimes, stake the reputations, and pay huge sums in order to ensure their children attend elite colleges should lead one to some pretty fucking obvious conclusions, you fucking halfwit.

>> No.13003881

Feel free to skip college if you come into the job interview and don't respond
>Uh... uh... uh...
when I ask you what the principles of object-oriented programming is.

>> No.13003920

Yes just do it right. Pick a degree that will actually make you employable, preferably with predicted growth in that field. Do the first 2 years at a dirt cheap community college while wage slaving part time. Manage your money and focus on schooling instead of partying so you won't have to spend any more time/money there than is absolutely necessary. And lastly go to all the job fairs and shit while you're still in college so you can interact with people in your field and maybe get a connection through them.

>> No.13003936




>> No.13003949

Finance > Accounting > Management


>> No.13003953
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ya i did, did sales and marketing for it as well, its why i get interviews now and then

>> No.13003968

That depends an awful lot on you, your interests, your strengths/ weaknesses, might even depend on your looks, and shit like that a bit, a bit. Like any worthwhile investment dyor.

>> No.13003988

why is finance better than accounting?

>> No.13004010

For the most bang for your buck its CS. Network security, software development, etc. Those are the 4 year degrees that are most likely to one day get you into six figures. I assume money is all you care about so that's what this is based on. Medicine will pay way more but also require more than 4 years.

If money isn't all that matters and you're cool with just making 50-75k then pretty much all science and math is good.

>> No.13004013


Think more about this. You have a fuck up of a kid, you're really worried about them, you're an awful parent, who has done nothing but wage slave on your political career or take dicks from mr sheklstein and tyrone in hollywood.

But, you have a ton of money. What is the one thing that you can do to calm your guilt and help your kid not have an awful life?

> Well if I get them this really expensive social insurance policy, at least they will get job interviews.

>> No.13004092

Here is when college is worth it.

1. You know what job you want and that job requires a degree:

- Engineering
- Computer Science
- Medicine
- Professor
- Accounting
- Education
- (avoid stupid career degrees though, this is almost an exhaustive list.)

2. You are intelligent and have leadership qualities.

Get a liberal arts philosophy, history, etc or general degree like economics, physics, math, stats, etc. Any degree will help you get into business and your intelligence and leadership skills will help you the rest of the way.

3. You can get it extremely cheap and have no skills.

Any degree helps you not get filtered from the resume pile. If you live near a college that has it cheap, and your currently living the NEET life with your parents, this can help you get out. Don't do it unless you can end up with < 15k of debt.

4. You can get into a program that is extremely well connected.

Harvard business school might be worth any amount of money. But also see #2.

>> No.13004100


It sounds like you are neither #1 or #2. Are you #3?

>> No.13004210

No one should take any advicr from this cesspool of idiocy seriously

>> No.13004767

What about pharmacy? Would a bio undergrad be good?

And basically any degree is ok for law school

>> No.13004790

I work in accounting, so theres no choice. Just go to state school and milk financial aid. Or if you dont qualify just pay, it's worth it for a select few careers like other anons have said

>> No.13004873

It's only worth it if you pursue healthcare and go to a name brand college. like a state uni or an ivy league. private colleges are degree mills and community colleges are only good if you want to end up being a janitor.

>> No.13004929

>he went to college
>because he's jewish he was admitted to an ivy league school without question
>Jeez if every white pleb could work hard and get into harvard, then get opportunities based on merit and not tribalist nepotism, we could all have rolls royces!

>> No.13004951

Accounting > Finance (undergrad)
Finance > Accounting (graduate school)

>> No.13004980

Community colleges are used to go to state schools

>> No.13005031

I knew a bitch in college who regularly assaulted people INCLUDING A SCHOOL OFFICIAL and she still got into med school at the same university and is on track to become a doctor, all because her dad literally threw over 350k at the school to keep her enrolled. I lost all faith in the medical establishment after that, and have literally patched my own bullet wounds because I refuse to pay a doctor ever again.

>> No.13005075

Based and redpilled. Also, college is a scam. Especially if you're majoring in liberal arts kek

>> No.13005077

This is true. And to add, GPA does not matter at all unless you plan to go to grad school. Tired of the GPA meme

>> No.13005087

The medical field is full of incompetence and entitled morons who think they are the know all in health because of muh degree. I question everything a doctor say, there are a few good ones, but most are just pill pushers or too lazy to be bothered with their overbooked client farms.

>> No.13005188

Trades are highly competitive right now (just like any profession). It's very hard to get an apprenticeship which is required for licensing. If you're intelligent, you're better off going to college.

>> No.13006140

electrician sounds boring as hell.

>> No.13006369

To add the #1 point of this guy
>1. You know what job you want and that job requires a degree. Also consider a career that have big demand in the job market. For now, it's programming that is currently in big demand as far as I know
Also my personal number #5 point
>5. Do something in college that make you more marketable and increase your mileage in anything. For me, it's internship as a mechanic with manual labor work for one year under two very disciplined professors. Also once or twice, better to participate at on campus event as a committee/any kind of leader or participate at any competitive stuffs like sport/art/debate etc if that's more of what you're into

My parents used to tell me these and while I still don't have a job yet, I have A LOT more often frequencies of job interviews compared to my peers and half of them are top 100 companies of my country. Fuck finding your passion, just do something to make good money that still have good work-life balance, then do that shit well while saving for passive investments

>> No.13006446

Oh and don't worry about not being in a ivy tier college, whether school gives you something or not depends on what you made out of it. My parents aren't that loaded, they also can't afford me going out of city for college or going to ivy tier school. In the end I went to a good-but-mediocre 4 years technical college in my town while living with my parents, spending only around $8k ($6k tuition, $2k for other expenses) which my parents paid in full for that 4 years

I know I'm still relatively privileged that my parents can afford those $8k but this is just my experiences to put things into perspective

>> No.13006459

How was applying for jobs after you graduated? Would you say it was harder because of where you graduated from, or do most non top tier employers not care?

>> No.13006675

I think your ID says it all

>> No.13006689

If you're not a retard then getting a degree shouldn't put you in debt. I got my bachelor's paid for and extra. Wage slaved at the same time for extra money.

>> No.13006847



>> No.13007194

Damn, sounds like life in Brazil completely sucks Favelanon

>> No.13007285





>> No.13007287


nursing is free money. my roastie gf is dumb as fuck and makes $120k

>> No.13007290


graduate school is never worth it

>> No.13007297

This is absolutely fucked. What did you get shot for?

>> No.13007319


>> No.13007613

>How was applying for jobs after you graduated?
Pretty good I think, the ratio of interview amount I'm getting is 3:1 compared to my friend who never does real work internship, can be 10:1 if compared to lazy liberal art/management/business major bums and the likes. No hate for those three majors but those majors are often only good at being passive aggressive and talking about ideas without any real world applications. I learned more about those kind of things by joining on campus activities and hanging out in friends business honestly

What probably helped me a lot is probably my internships even though for me the internships itself aren't that bad honestly, just 2 days a week on the weekdays (not weekend) doing real manual labor of a mechanic. I can also fuck up in my jobs all I want because it's an internship lol, they paid me peanuts knowing that a student will always fuck up things (and I did)

>Would you say it was harder because of where you graduated from, or do most non top tier employers not care?
Not really, small companies don't care, big companies half of the time care and half of the time don't care. They mostly want to know if you can do something, disciplined enough, and don't mind to do low status work as far as I know (sales/mechanic/electrician and the likes). Mechanical jobs I'm looking at for someone straight out of college make around $40k-$50k in small companies and $60k up to without limits in big companies, most of them probably are just doing manual mechanic labor for a few hours per week (or when problems come up) and pushing papers or whatever for the rest. If you want something that has bigger potential to earn big you can also consider this one >>13004010

>> No.13007715

This is all assuming that someone don't need high status job though. But the potential exists to have enough good work-life balance, can enjoy and draw my chink cartoons, can afford to be married and have a family, have some room for bigger earning potential, and able to save up to build my own small businesses or passive investment so it works for me

>> No.13007738

I legitimately don't know a single person who COULD have gone but chose not to. All these threads seem like pure cope

>> No.13007746

jobs are for beta males

>> No.13007759

Actually maybe I should add could have gone to a half decent one. Some people could have gone to a literally who but didn't

>> No.13007766

I studied finance and although it didn't get me a job it taught me how to not be a retard with money so it was worth

>> No.13007771
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stop saying sensible things on /biz/
what are you doing?

>> No.13007840

have fun getting replaced by A.I accountings the first to go

>> No.13008104

If you study "education" you're a worthless piece of shit
I get that there's too many to list but you missed a lot of other soldi degrees

>> No.13008131

Only for certain degrees. And if I had a chance to do it again I would probably do 2 years of CC to knock out all of my gen eds and save big time.

These $750/month student loan payments are for the birds. Saving grace is that I was in CS and am making bank now anyway, my friend got C's in Psych and is now paying even more for absolute shit work, couldn't imagine. Should have picked a trade or done CC.

>> No.13008477

Here's your /iscollegeworthit/ decision tree:

>Am I a virgin?
If Yes, then YES go to college
If No, continue:
>Do I want to fuck a lot more women, some of them multiple tiers above what I'll get after I graduate or if I don't go to college?
If Yes, then YES
If No, continue:
>Do I seek a career in STEM or CS?
If Yes, then YES
If No, continue:
>Do I have a well founded idea in what I'd like to do as a career, something I'll be focused on for at least the next 10-20 years which can also afford me the lifestyle I want?
If Yes, then NO, skip college
If No, continue:
>Do I want to live with mommy and daddy forever?
If No, then go AWAY TO COLLEGE

>> No.13008513

Find one that has guaranteed co-op so you leave school with experience.
Im in an infosec program right now 3rd year and just accepted an 8 month position for 22bucks an hour. Granted im canadian but im sure the pay is even better in the states

>> No.13008578

>You better believe I will be condemning my children to a life of hard menial labor
You fags romanticize "muh trades" and how you can make 6 figures, but it's like, YEAH NO SHIT YOU CAN MAKE 6 FIGURES WHEN YOU'RE WORKING 80 HOURS A WEEK, which is what tradefags do. They are downright miserable, every single one, and wish they did something else with their lives. Like lawyers, but worse, because they don't even get to go to fancy restaurants with their clients as part of their job.

>> No.13008603

I was baiting, you fool

>> No.13008607

Yeah but accounting college is like 800$ for one year, so I’d say it’s worth your investment. Get a DEP

>> No.13008642
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4 years of awesome parties and fucking coeds on my parents dime..yep it was very much worth it.

>> No.13008682

No OP it isn't. Unless you want to become a doctor, a physiotherapist or chiropracter. College is dead. College is an education for which there's supply&demand. Right now there's a huge supply of college graduates and not enough demand. So you're wasting time and money. If your economic situation allows it it is best to explore other things such as starting your own business.

College can be worth it, but then you have to look at where the demand is and doesn't have to be something you'll enjoy. For the majority however, it simply isn't worth it and you'll only make things worse on yourself in the future if you still chose that route.

If being an autodidact isn't for you, then I suggest you look at practical educations besides college that teach something you can put into practice 6 months or 1 year after starting to learn about it. Programming is one of them. College is a fucking joke. It's a luxury package for education. And most of the time the education is something society doesn't want or has enough of.

>> No.13008685

Are you in the United States?
I live in Canada, have an EU passport and a finance degree.
CFA level 1 was literally all I needed.

>> No.13008797

A trust fund/inheritance is the standard way such parents absolve themselves of their guilt/ensure their dumbass progeny don't wither on their own.

>> No.13009187
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> paying through the nose