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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 201 KB, 1000x647, biz_debt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13002508 No.13002508 [Reply] [Original]

>be wealthy actress/CEO/athlete
>pay millions to bribe your kids to top academic institutions
>not putting those millions to work in stable dividend stocks so your kids can live comfy lives

The jews really did destroy generational wealth, didn't they? How do we fix this, /biz/?


>> No.13002515

It's *run* by the jews, sweetie.

>> No.13002528

I don't succumb to your jewish grammars. Eat my ass.

>> No.13002693

On an actual note though, why wouldn't you just set up millions in dividend stocks for your children? I get that most parents want to teach them good work ethic but shouldn't making sure your immediate family's financial futures are all good be priority number one?

>> No.13002731

Teach a man to fish etc

>> No.13002742

Do we not do archived articles here? If so it myself, but I've already hit the nyt paywall today.

>> No.13002760

That would pretty much strip the rich kids of all motivation to work hard. Then when that happens, they start fucking up with the money management.

>> No.13002805

sorry anon. here's a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/uP2Y108L

>> No.13002820

Read "Mein Kampf".

Hitler explains the ways Jews control society:
> loans
> promoting minorities rising up and overthrowing the majority
> complete control of the press
> controlling as much of government administration as possible to gridlock it all to a beauracratic mess where nothing ever gets done
> oppose war

US government passed a law that student loans can't be bankrupted.

Gosh wonder who was behind that.

The fucking pyramid on the back of dollar bills. Open your eyes people.

>> No.13002828

If you're not a retard then getting a degree shouldn't put you in debt. I got my bachelor's paid for and extra. Wage slaved at the same time for extra money.

>> No.13002853

Thanks dude

>> No.13002863

Meant for>>13002805

>> No.13002864

>gridlock it all to a beauracratic mess where nothing ever gets done
it doesn't even have to be government related anymore lmao. Look into any apprentice program or farmers market or whatever. That shit is impossible to get into. My local farmers market wants me to get a 1 million dollar insurance policy. To run a fucking 10 by 10 foot stall.

>> No.13002882

No need to do anything, Sergey is fixing it

>> No.13002890

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Student Loans Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Payment Like Nigga Just Don't Pay Haha

>> No.13002895

Unless you studied medicine or law you're retarded. All other high paying jobs can be learned 10x faster on youtube for free.

>> No.13002903
File: 262 KB, 1280x720, crab17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>garneesh his wagez, mr mac donald.

>> No.13002929

Just exit-scam the United Kikes of America. Take out student loans and leave the country after earning your degree. Your tax dollars are only supporting a country that doesn't want you there.

>> No.13002930

Why didn't these idiots just make "charitable donations"?

>> No.13002935

Typical jews...
>Yale: Oy vey! we are the victims here! Our coaches accepted the bribes, hang them and lets be done with this shoah! Leave the yale administration alone and pay them reparations for this slander!

>> No.13002937

Nah. You need a degree for most stem related jobs.

>> No.13002941


you retarded kid? Law is fucked unless you have amazing connections due to nepotism. If you don't go to an Ivy school than you're fucked

BTW what's the Canadian equivalent of Ivy Law schools? Is it U of T or what?

>> No.13002943

So you are a minority or a poorfag then.

>> No.13002956


>> No.13002969

If yoou didn't know this happens you ara a sadcase

>> No.13002971
File: 9 KB, 228x221, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13002979

>You need a degree for most stem related jobs.
>You need a degree

this is by far the greatest trick jews ever pulled. You need a degree to wash dishes nowadays lmao.

>> No.13002997
File: 190 KB, 382x554, 1537474007621.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh? and what you are going to do about it dumb goy? remember what happened to the last nigger that tried to fuck with us

>> No.13003001

I've been learning programming and other computer science topics on my own since high school and got an internship without a degree. That internship turned into a part-time job and now I'm currently full-time with a salary

>> No.13003015

I could probably hire a private tutor for an hour everyday for 3 years and it would be cheaper than going to college

>> No.13003295

You mean the 300+ times you have had the shit kicked out of you and ejected from a country? There's only 20 million of you and you're all schizo faggots

>> No.13003336

That would cost you around $45k. Don’t go to school retard

>> No.13003389

good thing my dads paying for my college and im going to be debt free.

>> No.13003435

You'll be buying my bags in the form of taxes and inflation.

>> No.13003476
File: 157 KB, 1024x512, Bentley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millions of Americans bought an expensive car
>They have snobbish contempt for anybody who does not have an expensive car
>They bought their cars on credit and now they can't afford the payments
>They now want everybody who did not buy an expensive car to pay for their cars

>> No.13003764


w-we're not just gonna sit here and subsidize it are we? I mean, when and where is the breaking point?

>> No.13004077

Were all going to collectively feel the sting . Except for the Jews who made the bad loans . Remember we're all in this together goym ;^)

>> No.13004358

checked, but I didn't keked...

>> No.13004641

Because telling your kid to pretend he’s retarded so he gets extra time on SATs is teaching him how to work hard. Can’t tell if you are genuinely retarded or just also pretending to be

>> No.13004849

I hate when people bring up the CS meme. You are a programmer, not a computer scientist. Not saying that’s a bad thing, but programming is one of the easiest fields to get into nowadays because everything you need is online. Try doing that for any other stem job and you’ll just be laughed at.