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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13000597 No.13000597 [Reply] [Original]

>2 of the brand new Boeing 727 MAX planes have crashed in less than 6 months
>France, UK and Germany have closed off their aerial space for this model
>Boeing's stock is sinking into the abyss

Thanks to that, Airbus -Boeing's main opponent- stock is steadily rising and is close to a 2% increase already. I think it's gonna keep going up but not by much. I have to decide fast If I'm going to make some profits off of it. Do you guys think I should go for it?

>> No.13000626
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BA puts?

>> No.13000647

When everyone else is selling, buy.

>> No.13000691


Dunno, I want to call for Airbus

>> No.13000760

Jesus that looks awful. Theta is going to murder you dude. If they get good news youre dead on the spot, if theres on going speculation/neutral news your going to bleed out to theta. If its terrible news youre going to be ok. Basically you have a very narrow avenue in which this works, otherwise you lose all that 900.

>> No.13000769
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wow 2%! it's SKYROCKETING!

>> No.13000804

I've never messed with options, but i was thinking the same thing reading this. They'd have to lose huge orders, or get caught up in a book cooking scandal, for this to even come close to panning out right?

>> No.13000838

It's a nothing lottery ticket.

>> No.13000856


Degenerate as fuck

>> No.13000862

Whatever happens, trump will throw his full backing behind Boeing even if they deliberaring sabotaged their planes to kill non-whites. He has no morals and cares only about the DOW which $BA has significant influence over. So some kind of miracle would have fo happen for this play to make decent gains

>> No.13001530

>Ethiopian Airlines said the copilot, Ahmed Nur Mohammod Nur, only had 200 hours of flight time, a sharp contrast with the U.S., where 1,500 hours is required to take the second seat on a commercial plane.

The captain, Yared Getachew, 29, was the youngest to command a 737 at Ethiopian Airlines, relatives told the media. He had more than 8,000 hours of flight time, according to the airline, which is a fair amount for his age, says Keith Mackey, a Florida-based safety consultant who’s a former airline pilot and accident investigator. Whether the experience he had was sufficient to handle the 737 MAX depends on what planes he flew previously and for how long—more automated Airbus models or the older 737. Details of Getachew’s experience have yet to be made public.

Not sure I trust airlines like Eithiopian

Hiring literal Achmeds, Ngubus, and Pajeets to fly advanced aircraft is not a good idea

>> No.13001952

Hello I've never been to /biz/ before. But I can guarantee that this will not be a permanent scar for Boeing or a permanent boon for Airbus. Boeing is huge. Buy low sell high

>> No.13001991
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> Buy low

>> No.13002089

>writing off Boeing
Why would you not buy this dip

>> No.13002094

If you have millions invested then 2% is great. You gotta see it from a rich person's perspective. Stock markets is a rich person's game.

>> No.13002117
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>Boeing 727 MAX
Op sounds like he knows what he's talking about

>> No.13002127


The 1500 hour rule is fucking bullshit anyway. But I would never expect bizlets to understand that. You fucks don't even know what an ATP rating is. KYS before you get on another heavy and fly to your bullshit destination.

>> No.13002131
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