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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12999548 No.12999548 [Reply] [Original]

How much will it pump after the black box shows that the plane crashed because the pilots didn’t know how to operate the anti stall system?

>> No.12999572
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>Anti-stall system requires special training

Sounds like a serious design flaw to me.

>> No.12999582

The pilots were black.

>> No.12999605

this. nigga with sub par IQ and training crash a plane.

muuuuh plane is not safe.

flying planes is serious business. this is not your safe space feminist dance theraphy work.

>> No.12999611


nigger airlines is actually one of the safest in the world. Boing fucked up here.

>> No.12999629


Ethipions are not the West African groids that you are familiar with.

They have a higher intellectual capacity, close to Arabs.

>> No.12999636

>almost Arab tier intelligence

Out of the frying pan and into the fryer.

>> No.12999637

nigerians are the smartest groids I think

>> No.12999672

Well looking at the reaction, everyone preliminary already knows Boeing fucked up bad. Next thing that happens will be FAA switching blame to Boeing and possibly class action.

>> No.12999725

heard the construction/assembly of this plane was sketchy as fuck a few years back but now I cant find any of the info

>> No.12999769


Definitely not.

>> No.12999827


> anti-stall system...

wew lad

Let me clue you retards into what it takes to get type rated on a Boeing:

> a lot

These guys knew the systems. This is a systemic issue with Boeing (and airbus too) and their procedures. So how this is going to go is for the next year boing and Lion Air will point fingers at each other and at the end of it boing will be fine because there's no way the NTSB will ever ground these airplanes. The only reason the other countries did is because its essentially a power play to get Airbus in the lead, which won't happen on Trumps watch, or even the dems because Boeing is based in seattle, a dem state.

Also there's no such thing as a free lunch faggots. Flying is still dangerous, don't like it? Take a fucking boat.

> stiff

>> No.12999844


Like you're actually smarter than them. Prolly just a skinny fat pasty white burger kid who doesn't know a fucking thing because you've been coddled your entire life. kys faggit

>> No.12999912
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Shut the fuck up nigger. Animals don't have a voice here.

>> No.12999991
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Then you should leave.

>> No.13000017
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careful not to cut yourself on that edge faggot

>> No.13000260

Is that a picture of you?

>> No.13000272

none at all, because the plane is still unfit for flight. it needs a permanent redesign.

>> No.13000353

Nice to see some high IQ people are still around on biz

>> No.13000358

It's a software issue that Boeing needs to fix or make the manual override a big fucking button that says manual override instead of, roll this wheel while pushing these 2 buttons here and here. Also if you dont do these things we hadn't trained you to do in about 6 sec you go into a death dive and die.


>> No.13000396

how high should i sell a put

>> No.13000418

how do i invest in scrapyard for giant planes?

buy fantom. increase your eth by 4x

>> No.13000432


Just a pilot. Not all that smart.

>> No.13000462

t. Pooskin

>> No.13000489


> cope

I'm as white as the New England snow.

>> No.13000654

i cant help but feel the entire media blitz with the plane fear is to pussyfoot around the fact that an Ethiope took a header with the plane

>> No.13000693
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The recorder says they were turning back to the airport. Plus if you're a pilot in Ethiopia flying a 787 you're probably not suicidal like some faggot burger or basedboi german homo.

>> No.13000893


To be clear, having a system require training is not a problem, but Boeing has specifically said repeatedly that the normal 737 type training is sufficient for piloting the max. This is the exact kind of shit the metric shit tons of paperwork around building commercial jets was supposed to prevent.

>> No.13000992

>shitskins too stupid to operate modern technology
>big news

>> No.13001497

damn son that german crashing plane in france prolly visited /r9k/ that mentally ill fuck

>> No.13001512


Fucking burgers man seriously.

>> No.13001541

what i wanna know is, whether training would have helped or not.

I know they are saying yes, but whats goes on behind the scenes?