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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12996240 No.12996240 [Reply] [Original]

What's your answer to this?

>> No.12996250

i endorse everyone doing the least possible for as much money as possible

>> No.12996258

Good, let my competitors be as fat as possible.

>> No.12996313

4 hour work days and double the minimum wage.

>> No.12996317

automation, WE

>> No.12996319

Oh God imagine the Boomer rage.

>> No.12996389

I don't need to be more productive than that to add enough value to the company to offset my salary.

>> No.12996431

>everyone ends up being productive for only half an hour
Anyone who actually worked short hours would tell you the same story.
Instead of shorting the work time, more deadlines should be put up if you want full productivity.

>> No.12996437

do nothing

>> No.12996446

I work 10 hour days and do like 45 minutes of actual work. Just got a promotion actually

>> No.12996452

When I was working for some company in Japan, they introduced frequent 5 - 10 minute breaks every hour for smoking and other things.

>> No.12996457

Give everyone amphetamine

>> No.12996460

Double the wages
Fire half the workforce
Kill the low-iq people
Give UBI

>> No.12996470

This too

>> No.12996472

the office is the last productive place to work. I have to listen to all my retard coworker's conversations and waste my time on pointless meetings and calls.

>> No.12996535

Literally me, working for a state in the office, getting a raise in few months.
Also this >>12996250
Fuck state and fuck office

>> No.12996569

If you are expected to work 5 days a week for 10 hours a day, your employer should consider allowing you to work fewer hours per day gor the same pay assuming your productivity doesn't drop.

What will actually happen if people learn to work hard for 10 hours instead of 2.5 hours is 75% of all employees will be laid off. Yay capitalism.

>> No.12996660

You know nothing of what you speak. Research has shown that shorting the work time leads to increases in productivity. The reverse is also true

>> No.12996741

Let me work from home

>> No.12996773

Did you actually work in a shorter work-hour job?
Yes, if working hours are cut shorter, people are gonna be productive for most of that time. It's because they're still used to long hours. Given enough time, they'll adjust and work less.
You're the clueless one.

>> No.12996780

okay friend. keep talking out of your arse and using anecdotal evidence to form your opinions.

>> No.12996903

What makes you think that those "researches" aren't anecdotal? Anyone can staple the word science on everything and make it seem like its irrefutably correct, but most of the time you can find other research that proves the completely opposite thing.

>> No.12996912


>> No.12996919

There are plenty of "wait for call" jobs where you ain't supposed to work all day but be ready to respond immediately when necessary. You can't cur their hours because they literally are paid to just sit there.

>> No.12996962

I work honest 4-5 hours every day of every single one of my work shifts. The rest is dead time waiting for my co-workers to do their parts of the job. Now, how much of my work is actually good/productive is a different question, unfortunately. Due to the nature of the job a lot of time is spent re-analyzing the information already processed by other people. And while I do my best, most of the time it just comes down to "yeah, the initial results were right". It's not very exciting.

>> No.12997440

Pay your employees for the deliverables they create, not for the time they spend wagecucking. You will have to be able to measure those deliverables adequately enough to convince people to accept your terms, of course.

>> No.12997476

Nah, actually boomers would(a lot at least) keep working full time, like they always did, and rake in double what they earned before, while millennials will gladly take the same pay for half the hours. Zoomers will never even know what's it like except for the jobs that require special shifts. Everybody wins, but first we must all lose. Gen X is irrelevant as usual.

>> No.12997490

I seem to have confused ideas, disregard the last sentence.

>> No.12997520

At my last job I worked 8h30 / 8h30 per day. Had so much shit to do that I couldn't even imagine brwosing the web or doing anything else not work related like some of my coworkers. That's what it is when you're a high iq high performer and the most productive guy in the office. Not doing anything would kill me.

>> No.12997523

Actually working in a office, better in a public office for the Government is the most red pilled wagecuck job possible.

Most of the time they really do nothing and could be easily fired half of them or replaced by automations, but for reasons they’re still there...

>> No.12997525

sounds like a bank

>> No.12997601

Anyway, you asked a solution...

The only solution is to correlate their wage to the work that they really do, not for they hours that they “work”.
For example, a post office employee get payed X dollars for every gas bill that they pay or for every registered letter that they send.
If you want to earn more they would be way more productive instead of spending time scratching their head, check the phone or talk to each other between calling a number and another in the queue.

>> No.12997651

I wish people in govt offices were replaced with automations. Not just because I want people to get fired or some shit. I want it to become impossible for retarded boomers who somehow coasted through life to shit on people doing their jobs and angrily demand more gibs. My parents worked honest govt jobs (yeah, I know, hahah that's impossible; but they tried really hard). The amount of people who would come into their offices every day, demanding to be given big houses and even bigger money for no reason other than "I want gib now" was fucking astounding. Those weren't people in financial trouble either - they were either scammers or frothing retards. What I'm trying to say is - govt jobs that require you to interact with people are cancer and no sane human should work those. Robots are the future. Feed your documents into the machine - get gibs accordingly. No papers - no gibs, get the fuck out. Scream at the robot - get tazered like the little bitch you are.

>> No.12997681

I'd say this is true of many positions. I am very sporadically productive, but I probably make up for lost time because sometimes I get "inspired" on weekends and just work on weekends too.

>> No.12997692
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>mfw they averaged men and women's productivity
It's actually 6 hours for men, 1.5 hours for women

>> No.12997697

Nice reasoning faggot you can use that crap as a come-back to literally anything one might tell you. Come back when you've learned to talk like a grown up.

>> No.12997709

Who is she?

>> No.12997711


And the most exploited one too.

>> No.12997773


It's an interesting idea to tightly couple your wage to your deliverables in priciple but really good care would have to be taken to choose the metrics with which to couple your wage.

Let's assume the scenario of a software developer. It would be a grave mistake to pay more if more lines of code are written. A more sensible metric would be, properly developed and tested, features delivered.

>> No.12997777

one word: humanyze

>> No.12997906

I don't even work an hour

>> No.12997986

That’s Taylor Swift, bruv

>> No.12998081

At my last office job some days I did less than 15 minutes of work. I could have easily done my entire work week in an afternoon, but still convinced my boss to constantly give me overtime kek

>> No.12998098

i was carrying the rest of these cunts and now i cant get a job

>> No.12998102


>> No.12998273

I should stop shitposting on 4chan whilst doing my helpdesk calls.

>> No.12998315
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>gen x irrelevant as usual
an entire generation in a perpetual state of existential crisis lmao

>> No.12998320
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Get two to three remote 8 hour jobs.

>> No.12998334

Someone hasn't taken the SWEAT pledge

>> No.12998337


>> No.12998343
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We need more amazon centers

>> No.12998347
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An improper conclussion from an otherwise positive study. Shortening the work week without shortening pay increases productivity if it's ABNORMAL. People are working harder to keep that benefit (more free time) that most don't have. Once it becomes the normal time the workers will default to the normal productivity. I'm always stunned how "scientists" forget basic human thought when coming up with their conclusions.

>> No.12998421

Longer hours = less productivity per hour.
I'd wager a guess that this effect outweighs the "basic human thought" you talk about.

>> No.12998449

i doubt it would go down. half of the reason people don't work hard is people know they're going to be there all fucking day so they might as well wait.

>> No.12998487

Unironically a universal basic income with side hustles/jobs where people are paid by performance and results.

>> No.12998505

I feel like this is less common in laboratory jobs, basically anything that has you sitting in a cubicle all day, you're prone to fuck around. I have a cubicle too but I'm on my feet all day doing experiments and shit. I only waste time on lunch and bathroom breaks

>> No.12998537

It's impossible unless it's a really repetitive task which de facto could be easily automated.
When you pay a worker as a boss you don't really buy his production anyway, you buy his time and availability because most tasks these days are rarely carried by one person, generally you have a team or even multiple departments partaking in a task.


There is only so much cognitive energy you can spend.

>> No.12998540

You really are a brainlet. Please go run an actual business and try your ideas, take out a large loan to do so. I want you to suffer when you fail.

>> No.12998565

>There is only so much cognitive energy you can spend.
40 hours is not the limit. People are being more productive at 32 hours at the same salary because they don't want to have another 8 (essentially unpaid) hours. Likewise, their raises are worth 25% more because they're working 25% less hours for the same raise percentage others at 40 hours get. They're working hard because they have something to gain and something to lose.

>> No.12998579

>most productive guy in the office
And probably your office's median pay as well?

Posted from my phone at work.

>> No.12998629

>the absolute state of capitalism
soviet labor camps had more productivity than these adult day care stations we call "offices"

>> No.12998672
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>tfw boomer dad got made redundant at 55 and took a massive retirement for life package with lump sum from uk government
he also told me a few others at his level they did the same.
this is peak bubble, he's only 65. Government taking care of him for another 40 years. Didn't even get state pension yet on top of it.

>> No.12998790

I came to work at 8 AM and will leave at 8 PM (it's 6PM now), my computer is facing the wall so no one knows what I'm doing, I did 0 work today, worked 1 hour yesterday and told the boss it's gonna take more time, today he didn't show up, only leaving late because the internet here is good and I don't have a gf to go back to, basically getting paid to shitpost on /biz/, buy shitcoins and watch udemy courses to become qualified to a better paying job I can shitpost in where these ones figure out I do nothing and fire me.

>> No.12998793

desu its hard to be passionate about 99% white collar jobs
If youre any sort of developer then usually your entire group is making a tiny part of another part of another part that belongs to a greater thing. Wheres the pride to be found in that?
If youre a finance nigger then youre saving your company millions and they wont even respect your request for a new monitor so your eyes dont go blind.
Everything else yoire a grunt and your company respects you even less

So why exert more than the bare minimum?

>> No.12998874

>software developer
>sensible metric

See this https://www.yegor256.com/2017/11/28/microtasking.html

And this https://www.yegor256.com/2018/01/09/micro-budgeting.html

>> No.12998894

Capitalism was built on the hard work of the few. As a dentist I work 20 hours a week. I would say 9 of those are meeting with patients and doing procedures. The rest is paperwork or browsing /tv/ and /ck/

>> No.12998923

>hurr capitalism is evil and exploitative this is why we need communism
>hurr communism exploited labor better checkmate capitalists
commies man

>> No.12999111

Work never really ends, so this wont work

>> No.12999187

>performance and results
So, kpi's and hitting diversity requirements.
The reason nobody does any work is because the bosses dont either.

>> No.12999188


>> No.12999192


>> No.12999247

i work 10 hour days and generously i do 1 and 1/2 hour of hard work a day. the rest of the time is spent shitposting or reading articles

>> No.12999447

I work with govt employees and it's astounding how many just watch TV and Netflix all day

>> No.12999616

Gen X never accomplished shit. Makes sense, being under the yoke of their Boomer parents

>> No.12999698

Sounds fair. Productivity has grown disproportionately to rewards and those rewards have been similarly inflated away. Salaries are also tied to these median efforts with shit ROI if your man hours are more productive or you are willing to put in more time. 2 hours 23 minutes is good enough.

>> No.13000048

>desu its hard to be passionate about 99% white collar jobs

I really fucking hate the "passionate" meme.

>> No.13000233

Literally me and I hate my life

>> No.13000261

ok, so they get paid 30% what they did before, but you won't be productive for 2.5 hours by being at work for 2.5 hours, because of all the non-productive things you have to do during your workday, so you'll have to work more like 5 hours for 60% pay. who would accept that?

>> No.13000453

pay them per project/task, not per hour.

>> No.13000485

>If youre any sort of developer then usually your entire group is making a tiny part of another part of another part that belongs to a greater thing. Wheres the pride to be found in that?
This was what fucked me up the most when I entered the work force after graduating. College made brogramming look a lot more interesting than what it actually turned out to be once I got hired for an enterprise position. The alternatives are to go to a startup and have no benefits, or do webdev with affirmative action hires that give even less of a shit than enterprise employees.


>> No.13000565
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lmfao imagine being so cucked that he's proud of his own exploitation

>> No.13000696

I interned at a legeslator’s office last summer. I did next to nothing all day and the people who actually worked there did absolutely nothing. We just watched Netflix all day. Government jobs are so comfy. You do fuckall all day and get great pay and benefits.

>> No.13000762

I work in an office and I’m looking for things to do all day because I’m so bored

>> No.13000784 [DELETED] 

I need to work very hard to see fraction of what wage cucks earns

making money without talking to people is hard

>> No.13000840
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Remove women from the workplace and start expecting men to be productive again while rewarding them for it. We all know chicks do nothing but fuck off on their phones all day long.

I put a clause in my new hires contract that they will be terminated instantly if I catch them on their phones in the office, and I make them sign it twice.

So easy to get rid of shitcows(nonproductive women trying to steal from me) this way.

>> No.13000860

If we got rid of all of the absolute human garbage that get paid to exist like this, just imagine what we could accomplish.

>> No.13000867

jap wageslaves chained to their desks 17 hours a day but with 3 net hours of work done would like to have a word with you

>> No.13001260

Buy crypto to get in front of the tech that makes these people obsolete. Mid-level bureaucrats will be automated away long before most of the truck drivers.