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File: 385 KB, 2019x1410, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1292295 No.1292295 [Reply] [Original]

As trump coin nears the 8k sats mark we need to collaborate and combine our efforts into fuelling the rocket ship.

Great job with the video, GET IT EVERYWHERE. We just need exposure, spam it with the Hillary crowd etc.

Next is the Reddit, to have our post go to the front page we need a couple hundred up votes and a decent discussion. Everyone go up vote it and then create a second account and up vote it again!

We also need to get Trump listed on other exchanges so If anyone has any know how on that please post below.

Nontrumpers on suicide watch, MAGA

>> No.1292306
File: 12 KB, 380x405, 1464698165019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trump is dead they said
>it's all over sell out now they said

Pic related, mfw

>> No.1292323


>> No.1292334

I'm ready to get Trump to a $1 before this election.

Either this coin ends my problems or my .45 will

>> No.1292337

Trump will be $1 by the end of the month at this rate! Just make sure you're playing your part in getting it coverage and it'll be $1 before you can loudly proclaim 'It's gonna be yuuuuuuuuuuggggggeeeeeee'

>> No.1292340
File: 324 KB, 1600x894, armorshouldbewhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. I've convinced my friends and family to go all in. Even grandma, suprisingly.

>> No.1292386


Great attempt at a troll, seriously no one is actually this retarded to tell their families to invest in a virtual currency more so one that is probably the most useless of them all, hell even DBIC has a store and that coin sucks. Trump literally has ZERO.

>> No.1292403
File: 132 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dad's going in

>> No.1292429

MAGA father

>> No.1294039

Yes make sure to spam CNN, ABC whatever your local news stations are.
spam the shnitzels out of

>> No.1294143
File: 41 KB, 300x300, 129756365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good buying opportunity for anyone who wants to buy! The price down from it's highs, but I doubt it will last long!

>I'll be buying in the next couple hours.

>> No.1294154


>> No.1294327

Spare a coin or two for this poorfag?

>> No.1294354

How to buy? Someone please tell me. I'm new to this stuff but want to MAGA.

>> No.1294365

Open an account with Circle or Coinbase and buy some BitCoin. Once you have your BTC make an account with YoBit.net. Transfer your BTC to YoBit.net wallet and then buy your TRUMP! MAGA

>> No.1294403

Localbitcoins is good too, and you don't need to show ID unlike the big exchanges.

>> No.1294404

Thanks, anon. I will spend tomorrow trying to figure out how to do these things.

Can I use paypal for this?

>> No.1294418

BTC exchanges don't like paypal because transactions can be reversed while btc transactions can't. People still do it but they normally charge a premium because of that risk. Just bear that in mind.

>> No.1294423

How else can you buy it? Credit card?

I'm not about to hand over bank account information for a process a scarcely understand.

>> No.1294430
File: 47 KB, 797x947, Screenshot_2016-06-07-08-57-29-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone put the bare minimum to make sure I set it all up properly. Fucking coinbase takes forever to buy BTC

>> No.1294438

Any method, CC is fine if you're using a big exchange, if you don't like that just use Localbitcoins and then you don't need to give any information at all. Just make sure you buy from a trustworthy seller with 10000+ feedback if you go that route.


>> No.1294441


thanks anon

>> No.1294442

Thank yah kindly

>> No.1294444

I was just about to send after I posted... but it says invalid address.

Can you just post your address here?

>> No.1294445

Np 19aJF5VA48A3wdCdQMNd1tK81m8ijuiUZ5

>> No.1294448


>> No.1294454

also need to check if my TRUMP wallet is up and running. Please send bare minimum here: TAZnXd8bfGvErj9qW91zwgWqo1k2tGP4CJ

Also, the wallet is taking forever to sync up. How long did it take for you guys?

>> No.1294462

How long does it take to transfer from ccex to yobit? I like the yobit layout a lot better.

>> No.1294464


like 5 mins for me. i have half my trumps in each so i can trade for optimal price

>> No.1294468

Sent some Trumps. They won't appear until it's all synced up though.

Might take a couple hours to sync up initially depending on your connection, but once it's finished it only take a couple seconds to sync the next time you run the wallet.

>> No.1294469

So should I even withdraw TRUMPS from yobit? Is it dumb to keep coins in exchanges and not in wallets?

>> No.1294474
File: 132 KB, 500x351, 1464163420998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth mining trumpcoin?

>> No.1294476


if your plan is to hold for months, may as well send to wallet.

if you're trying to ride waves, then keep in exchange obviously

>> No.1294477


>> No.1294479
File: 73 KB, 958x550, minetrump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exchanges have swiped or been stolen from in the past. That's why I keep my 10.5k TRUMP in my desktop wallet. That way I get sweet sweet proof of stake interest TRUMPS.

pic related. literally no effort done for free money.

>> No.1294483


How many do you get per day with 10k trumps?

>> No.1294489
File: 118 KB, 1920x800, nvmv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I ask how exactly you mined it? What software did you use, did you collaborate with others, etc. Much appreciated :)

>> No.1294491
File: 310 KB, 1366x768, trumpcoin ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like roughly every 10 mins I get roughly 0.01 trump
It's proof of stake, not like bitcoin which uses proof of work. just leave trumps in your wallet and the network uses some of your trumps to help the network run smoothly. it's kinda like interest i guess.

>> No.1294492

How much have you gained so far from POS?

>> No.1294498

You aren't going to mine many trumps from proof of stake unless you have a lot of Trumps and leave them a long while, sorta like interest in a bank account. But it's fun to leave them there and watch yourself earning free Trumps.

>> No.1294500
File: 567 KB, 877x1269, 1267958956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seems like roughly every 10 mins I get roughly 0.01 trump
I get about the same every 20 minutes with ~6700 Trump
Make Crypto Great!

>> No.1294503
File: 498 KB, 1216x1428, buy dip or die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1294510

Plz send bare minimum just to check if wallet is up and running.


>> No.1294520
File: 160 KB, 1216x1600, 205552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent. They won't appear until you're all synced up though.

>> No.1294528

ITT: 9 y.o. and under. Literally.

>> No.1294534

Upset the rocket is leaving without you? You still have a little bit of time. Good buying opportunity.

>> No.1294537

Nah, I'm just sayin.

>> No.1294543

just ignore him I just made $300 in 2 days with Trumpcoin, he thinks it's childish because of the platform and name.

>> No.1294622

But that would be against the rules anon.

>> No.1294633

I just started with trumpcoin. Can I get some trumpseeds to see if its working?


>> No.1294635
File: 176 KB, 1332x1998, 2f8ed5d21a44b0e5886680cb9-big-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent some your way bro.

>> No.1294640

>all that computer hacking

>> No.1294644

ITT : neckbeards thinking a shitcoin with a negligible volume which only goal is to go up is actually going to go up

I don't get it, why don't you buy serious coins with an actual future instead of this shitcoin with no liquidity? Why would your put your money into a 4chan meme instead of bitcoin, lisk, ethereum, or waves ?

>> No.1294727


>> No.1294816

I really advise that if you didn't buy it yet, buy now that the coin is in the dip. If the volume increase 1BTC it will skyrocket again.

>mfw I am at 80% profit with Trump in the dip

Let's make crypto great again!

>> No.1294819
File: 87 KB, 1100x728, come at me bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the Lord and Savior of the Crypto.

>> No.1294886

what are the other two programs you have open, anon?

>> No.1294896

>4chan meme

I don't think you understand what is happening here.

Not sure where you see anyone getting hacked there. Stop scaremongering newbies. Either buy and have no regrets or just stay salty in your own corner. Don't blame your loss on our YUUUGGEEEE gains.

>> No.1294899

((facebook address)) /TrumpCoin-1261248230554491/

official trumpcoin facebook launched

shill like crazy boys

>> No.1294920
File: 1.49 MB, 1890x970, huhuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1294946

If you guys actually wanna be rich, learn to trade bitcoin futures with turbo trade on https://whaleclub.co/join/CiCCMS You'll literally get x5 your investment if you're right, then buy more trump. I'm one of the top holders of trump because of this.

TIP: Literally just look up orderbooks for btc on major btc/usd exchanges and you can easily guess if the price is going down or up within 5 minutes.

>> No.1294960

>posting your referral link

>> No.1295062
File: 75 KB, 533x730, noob-hacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't be that rich if your trying to jew people with a referal link, get out of here you fake fuck, your knowledge of bitcoins is my level of hacking to this picture

>> No.1295127
File: 136 KB, 1100x619, 151229111157-donald-trump-good-looking-super-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1295246

i understand how to read an order book and have played about with binary options using play money, which is what that turbo trade is (by the looks of it). isn't the reward just 45%? so if you lose you get nothing and lose your money, if you win you get your money back plus less than half?

if you write a proper explanation of how to read the btc market and how to get a decent winning % (>60), i'll use your link and sign up.

>> No.1295294
File: 1.03 MB, 900x601, 0eOC4PN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watched video. Lot's of unanswered questions. >How is this viable if we cant trade or exchange Trumpcoin on any market?
>If there are, what markets can you exchange for BTC or USD?
>Who is the author, and how do you know this shit isn't a botnet
>Who controls the trump fund and decides what a "substantial" amount is to donate?

>> No.1295307


this article needs to be rewritten or used as is to share on social media (even saying a joke), its normie status but not as convincing as shit the creator has made

>> No.1295308

>>If there are, what markets can you exchange for BTC or USD?

Yes. https://yobit.net/en/trade/TRUMP/BTC?bonus=eLJwf

>> No.1295310



>> No.1295313

>If there are, what markets can you exchange for BTC or USD?

It's on YoBit.net or C-Cex.com. You can buy Trumps in BTC and then when the time comes you can sell them for BTC.

>Who is the author, and how do you know this shit isn't a botnet

Chicken65. All of the information is out there, and the blockchain and source code are as well. Very transparent.

>> No.1295322
File: 74 KB, 960x720, 7nzpd2Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya hey boys just got started care to donate to the poor?


>> No.1295347

Go onto the youtube video, It gives you ALL the links you need to buy trump coin,

You're welcome,


>> No.1295490


Way to kill off all momentum a person has I'm the coin with that tld

>> No.1295551

>Trump needs your piss ant donations

Found the flaw in you plan, geniuses.

>> No.1295564

And I found the Liberal Arts grad.

Trump will be accepting outside financing for the general. Read a periodical ffs

>> No.1295567

Could go with the opposite plan and trick the media into thinking that
>Wolf Blitzer here. Recent discoveries have shown that the Trump campaign is not self-funded but in fact is receiving its funding from cryptocurrency TrumpCoin!!

>> No.1295664

Judging off of the past few days 6k sats is pretty much the new floor. Small dip happening on yobit right now, get in while you can!

>> No.1295683

This. All aboard the Trump train!

>> No.1295696

>Coinye, formerly Coinye West, is an abandoned scrypt-based cryptocurrency that became embroiled in a trademark infringement lawsuit for using the American hip hop artist Kanye West as its mascot, despite West having no affiliation with the project. The project was abandoned by the original developers following West's filing of a trademark infringement lawsuit against them.

Do you have Trump's approval to use his name and his brand? If not, do you honestly think this coin will do anything other than flop?

>> No.1295712
File: 172 KB, 811x1024, 1287463295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Trump sue the media for using his brand to entice viewer-ship or sell papers and there for earn profits? No. Why? Because it benefits him greatly, just as this will.

On a side note, the moon is next.

>> No.1295742

Holding 120 TRUMP coins right now... match me. MAGA.


>> No.1295747
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>> No.1295754
File: 16 KB, 592x205, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1295774

who would he sue? Kanye sued the group/organisation behind Coinye, but who is Chicken65? He is a Brit, so would trumps lawyers have jurisdiction for C&Ds? i don't know.
it's a decentralized currency system, it just exists on the internet. where is the blockchain located for it to get shut down?
is it any different than a Veterans for Trump group, or Texan Housewives for Trump?

>> No.1295777

Point is exchanges would dump it pretty quickly if they thought they would get sued.

No exchanges wanted to touch Coinye to the point one was knocked up quickly to try and sell it.

>> No.1295787

fair enough, i hadn't considered that. go after the stockists, not the producers.
i think it needs major exposure to get to that point though. coinye was in the mainstream press for a couple of weeks before the lawyers got into it. i think it is free publicity for trump, and it would be a tough call what to do.

>> No.1295948
File: 91 KB, 428x427, 1458404486826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the potential for Trumps share enough to get him on board? If it reaches as much as $10 itll be millions toward his campaign. Why would he turn down free money?

>> No.1295958

How do we advertise this harder? What barriers are keeping us back?

>> No.1295966

People need to spread the Facebook page for one. Only 6 likes and 18 video views all day :'(

>> No.1295974


He likely doesn't want to run the risk of random normies getting mad that they lost value on their currency.

That said, there's no reason why this can't explode past the likes of RonPaulCoin

>> No.1295987

>normies getting mad that they lost value on their currency.
But anon, this happens everyday with their fiat based currency.
At least this would be a free-market.

>> No.1296011



Be on the look out for any involvement from Ron Paul in the campaign or any other politician that has talked about bitcoin before.

>> No.1296065
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>> No.1296070
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>> No.1296078

Good job. We need to get some Twitter bots going

>> No.1296079

a) Trump wouldn't sue. The project is raising money for his campaign.
b) If he wanted to sue, who would he sue?
c) If he did sue, the story would find its way to the media and would mean a yuge amount of exposure for the coin. Price would enter the stratosphere.

This. Come on people, even RonPaulCoins were successful. You're telling me Trumpcoins can't be?

Hope notrumpers have suicide hotline on speed dial. They'll be needing the number when they see where this thing goes.

>> No.1296129
File: 999 KB, 500x267, 1458512223269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get my brother to join in before he misses the rocket. He's being tight fisted with his shekels.

>mfw he says he has to ask his wife.

>> No.1296201

Ask him what his wife's son says about it too

>> No.1296210


You overestimate the intelligence of normies

>> No.1296237

Indeed I may, but Trump Coin may bring in a whole new era of enlightenment!

>> No.1296259
File: 21 KB, 380x405, 1464698169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1296287

How exactly do you stake your trump coins? I have 3k but not seeing anything happening.

>> No.1296297

Have you made a password and unlocked your Wallet?

>> No.1296305

Yes. And I have unlocked it.

>> No.1296307

Have your coins matured? Hover over the little lightning bolt icon in the lower right.

>> No.1296315

It says they have not matured. How would I do this?

>> No.1296381

Restart wallet, unlock wallet and tick "staking only". If that doesn't work try leaving it a couple hours. If that still doesn't work fix your firewall. If that still doesn't work buy a new computer.

>> No.1296434
File: 217 KB, 640x756, Trump-Coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1296503

Where is "staking only" found? Not the guy you were talking to but I'm also having this problem, which is annoying because 3 days ago it worked fine for me.

>> No.1296512

Have you made sure to unlock your wallet again? I believe every time you restart the wallet you have to unlock it.

>> No.1296513

Well shit. Didn't realize I had to unlock it again. I'm a fucking retard. Thanks! Still says coins aren't mature, but I think it does take an hour or two so I'll probably just check again in the morning.

>> No.1296521

No problem, I don't know if the coins lose maturity every time the wallet restarts. Give it a couple hours though like you said and you should be good.

>> No.1296554
File: 329 KB, 777x1000, 1465342152879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1296600

I bought my bitcoins from coinbase and they arrive on WEDNESDAY


>> No.1296606
File: 190 KB, 864x648, 1462523567302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoulda used Localbitcoins.com lad. There are no brakes on this train.

>> No.1296629


buy more with circle - those arrive instantly. BTC target price is like $600, so no harm in buying more.

>> No.1296635
File: 36 KB, 400x300, 1270715455443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check Trumpcoin
>it's doing literally nothing
mfw no Trumpcoins.

>> No.1296641

Make crypto great again!

>> No.1296647

General wallet question here. My staking balance says 0 and I haven't received any coins all day despite coins in my wallet.

The lightning bolt goes from saying 'you'll get coins in one hour' to 'you'll get coins in two hours' without anything happening.

What am I doing wrong?

>> No.1296676

When did u put trumps in ur wallet? need to wait 2 days for them to mature before they actually start staking

>> No.1297000
File: 107 KB, 596x496, 1465485807518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it was doing nothing at 3K ~ 3.5K and now its doins nothing at 5.8k ~ 6K.

>> No.1297010

If someone here browses pol regularly, consider making trump general's and add a link to buy trumpcoin within the usual news links

>> No.1297025

>nears the 8k sats mark we

kek kek... with the coin at 0.000012btc, all those 8k coins in the are only worth about 90 dollars.

>> No.1297104

Shoulda used your debit card to get your initial stash immediately

>> No.1297245

I've come to notice that as the price of Trumps have increase, so too has the amount of shills against Trumps.

This can only mean one thing.


Make Crypto Great Again!

>> No.1297363

>current year
Make crypto great again!
>are you fuckin kidding me? Trumpcoin making all the fucking white malea rich

>> No.1297428


new video soon price gonna go nuts

>> No.1297837

>it's a memecoin turns NEETs into millionaires, episode

if it wasn't for crypto you fuckin pajeets might actually have to leave your basement and tendies

That being said, I'm getting in now (a little later then I'd hoped) but you fucks are actually do it..
no cope for me in 6 months

>> No.1298078

Jumping in, gonna hope to catch a dip at sometime tonight as icing on the cake

Every year one or two of these stupid fuckin coins actually does moon.
My guess is it will be Trumpcoin this year, purely do to political maymay magic..

I'll fuckin kill myself if I miss bitcoin, litecoin and trumpcoin, when I have zero excuse since I troll biz all the timr

>> No.1298088

>nobody posting their vanity TRUMP addresses
Just made one for fun


send me money if you want

>> No.1298252

How can this coin be promoted further? The two youtube videos look great, they just aren't getting many views. Pol should be targeted, retweet the developer, share the videos and shill the troll box. HIGH ENERGY TIME AGAIN NIGGAS

>> No.1298283

I was just looking into Google Adwords. Does anyone have experience with this?

>> No.1298812

>not 4chan adsù
you can get 80k views for 20$

>> No.1298838

>someone sends me 50 TRUMP
Wow thank you, anon, whoever you are.

>> No.1298860

Gotta send some for that. Sent.

>> No.1298908

So you want people to invest but there is no casual instructions for people with loads e mone but have not used any crypto coins yet. Wow I'm not sure if this is a solid investment since it looks like it's not really even trying.

What is each coin currently selling for?

>> No.1298934

>Makes fun of Trump coin not helping technically illiterate people
>Asks what price is

>> No.1298962

I'm not making fun why are you so sensitive

>> No.1298968

>He Replies

>> No.1298972

>it looks like it's not really even trying.
>Doesn't look at CLINT or BERN to see what not trying looks like.

Come on. First, if you can read you would realize there are still 2 more videos to come out, one of which is to answer your very first questions.
Second, if you took the time to look at the charts on YoBit.net or C-Cex.com exchanges you would notice that if you had invested a week ago, you could have already double your money.

>> No.1299215
File: 58 KB, 500x492, america pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I transfer BTC from my Coinbase Wallet to my YoBit Wallet?

>> No.1299228

I don't use YoBit but somewhere there should be a place to create a BTC 'deposit address'. Copy that address and paste into Coinbase to transfer.

>> No.1299229

At the top of YoBit it says wallet. Click that and then find TRUMP. Look to the right for the + symbol. Copy that address over to coinbase and deposit.

>> No.1299231

I'm sorry, not Trump look for BitCoin.

>> No.1299233

Thank you both. How long does it take for the transaction to process?

>> No.1299235

Few minutes. First time using cryptocoins? Transferring for the first time is always nerve wracking.

>> No.1299242

Yeah haha, it's such a small transaction (~5 USD) that it's not even worth freaking out about.

>> No.1299251

Once the transaction is in process, when your in your wallet area, at the bottom the Deposit should show up and there is a little 0/2 or 1/2 which tells you how many confirmations you have/how many needed. Once you get 2/2 it should automatically be deposited.

>> No.1299259

I'm at 0/2 right now. Am I supposed to do anything or do I just wait it out.

>> No.1299261
File: 563 KB, 895x680, interviewtrumpcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wait. start shilling in the meantime

>> No.1299263

Just wait and relax. Time for the confirmations can vary.

>> No.1299266


Thank you both for your help anons, gonna go shill now.

>> No.1299334
File: 40 KB, 865x414, trumpcoindotinfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just doin' my part

>> No.1299338
File: 406 KB, 746x505, just-doing-my-part.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1299345

c-can you guys send me some to see if its working TTiPtkh81HcBoCPxFiaQMXwg6GdowUmF2x

>> No.1299347
File: 2 KB, 256x256, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in Manhattan yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person,

but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for specifics on his policies about fiat or the federal reserve.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken back, and all I could say was “Gold Standar...” but he kept cutting me off and going “TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin!


and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle with

the secret services as I walked off.

When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen American Flag Zebra Cakes

in his hands without paying

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.”
At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the cakes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each

individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me.

I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each cake and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept

interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.1299515


Vote for TRUMP and maybe we can get it on another exchange!

>> No.1299525

Are you not capable of making a post yourself? Oh, I get it. You're too busy hanging out in your room on your summer vacation, right?

>> No.1299526

Just jumped on the train, boys. I'm excited to be apart of this movement.

I just have one question though. Does anyone know exactly when the campaign donation will be made?

>> No.1299531

Wow.. this thread is so full of winners. Can't you just feel all the pure win in here? Yes sir, You're looking at the cream of the crop when you look at Trumpcoiners. #winning, heh.

>> No.1299532

You should ask the dev on bitcointalk.org

>> No.1299610

When is the new video coming out?

>> No.1299618


At least start one for /biz/. Posting about trump coin in pol will get you banned
>Trump Supporters Helping Fund Donald Trumps Presidential Campaign
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/1mZqggqT


>What is TrumpCoin?
>Introducing: TrumpCoin



>Lets Make Crypto Great Again!

>> No.1299764

Nah mate you don't get it. I made the suggestion hoping a keen burger would choose to make the posts and be able to keep them alive. Not me, a bong with relatively limited knowledge of trumps campaign.

>> No.1299920
File: 29 KB, 310x326, 0149 - WYr3lct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>passive income
>no mention of glorious Trumpcoin
should we tell them?

>> No.1300356


>> No.1300446



>> No.1300464

I just bought the domain trumpcoins.org and I already have hosting. How can I help you guys out a bit? Central link to your youtube video?

>> No.1300473

go ahead and shill it, but actively trading isn't passive (unless you really care about the measly amount earned from staking)

>> No.1300531
File: 64 KB, 930x558, 3500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is crypto tradeable in India? They have some serious love for Trump there. If we could find some India bros to shill there it could be a huge help.


>> No.1300604

thanks! Let the shilling begin

>> No.1300634

From what I can gather, the idea's to use Trump's name to try and get this some publicity on the news. Once people hear about it and pump, the "early adopters" will dump and make a hefty sum. Won't make any money in the long run though.

>> No.1300660

will make a nice banner right now, suggest content to include, i'll try to make it simple and not cluttered so please no wall of text.

>> No.1300668

Guys look what I threw together quickly (vid is from you guys)


By the way I added you on the skype group but I've not been added back yet (name: Jdh)

>> No.1300672

Wow, volume has been dropping off in huge amounts daily and people are dumping the coin like there is no tomorrow.

Glad I sold @7k

>> No.1300691

Kek, no they aren't. It's been steady for the past few days. I'm waiting for a dip to buy more.

>> No.1300704

>losing value and volume is steady

Okay, well don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.1300708

looks great mane

would recommend using the other vid tho

>> No.1300711
File: 157 KB, 1200x1358, shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I a certified shill yet?
send me some if you like it

>> No.1300714
File: 206 KB, 1200x1358, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one had mad compression

>> No.1300724

absolutely gorgeous m8, will be going up on the fb

>> No.1300745

changed it

>> No.1300754

Day of Inauguration.

"President Trump, are you aware there is a crypto coin named after you?"

"Yes I am and let me tell you I do not condone the use of that coin, I don't condone it and frankly...I don't like it."

Trumpcoin plummets.

>> No.1300756

Could you be any more terrible at graphic design.
>Icons the size of half the artboard
>Whitespace? Fuck that lets make everything almost touch

>> No.1300773

So I went ahead and inboxed bitcoin India and Hindu Sena on Facebook. Cuz why not

>> No.1300791
File: 116 KB, 400x800, 1464743216465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that I paid for 5k views on the youtube video that should be dripped in over the next 7 days.
You can do the same at seoclerks for a few bucks.

Ill pay for more things like youtube views, youtube thumbs up, facebook page likes etc over time, but if you want to speed up my frequency please use

also can we please confirm which Facebook page is the official one. There's 2 floating around and I may have just wasted $5 buying likes on the wrong one.
pls respond

>> No.1300794

Like fake views will mean anything.

>> No.1300810

Is English your first language?

>> No.1300821

the one just called TrumpCoin is the official one

it has the Old logo overlayed on a city building

>> No.1300825


What you need to be doing is convincing those retards at the young turks to run a story (it will snowball from there)

Claim it as a controversial workaround on non-foreign donation policies, call it a scam, call it a ponzi scheme, whatever, appease their bias and they'll leap on it

They just did a story on Trump Singles so they're prime territory

>> No.1300827
File: 93 KB, 736x918, 24c59ae9b8ab9e36e221f4b44ef6f3c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Trumpcoins can I buy for 100 euro's? For a 1000?

also, I tried making an account at Coinbase, but they want my ID-card. I've also read they can shut your shit down anytime they want. Any better options?

>> No.1300831

I also did that, donate to me as well

>> No.1300832

nice idea. are you going to add to the website with links & the new vids?

>> No.1300835

Where did you read about them shutting people down?

>> No.1300836

So my wallet is unlocked, and I know I had "For staking only" checked when I unlocked it, but after about a day of sitting there, its still not staking. This was working fine a week ago. What else can I do?

>> No.1300841
File: 61 KB, 650x811, 12381209381092381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My original idea was to make something similar like this: http://capitalism.com/

However, the wordpress theme pack costs about a 100 euros and I rather spent that on Trumpcoins. Searched about a hour for a good free video wordpress theme but there are none.


>> No.1300871

>8 posts by this ID
>all cope

The fake views matter when a normie is linked to the video and the total views is 20,000 instead of 5k.

Or a facebook page with 20 likes compared to 2,000.

>> No.1300873
File: 194 KB, 517x768, 1462866355417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh, that really increases the value of the coin.

Funny it's dropping by the day. I'll just stick to BTC, that's doing well ;)

>> No.1300879

Except its not. Why are you even here? How hollow your life must be to troll a Laotian bean market forum.

>> No.1300881
File: 18 KB, 267x542, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you even here?

Laughing at idiots while I trade.

>> No.1300882

>he's never started a business before LOL
Increase the legitimacy of the brand, increase the interest to the product, increase the price

>"dropping by the day"

yet its still 66% higher than it was a week ago.

You dipping the COPEenhaggen today bro?

You're either trying to get cheap trumps or your mad you didnt get in earlier
(theres still time brother)

>> No.1300886

Oh and thanks for the referrals, had 17 people sign up yesterday. Thanks for the free BTC

>> No.1300948

Cope John Paul The 2nd

>> No.1300997

Just dumped my trumpcoins before this shit dies

>> No.1300999

Good plan. Everyone is selling their shitcoins to get BTC

>> No.1301045

almost the only thing i know to do properly in photoshop is make fake facials lmao, so yes i may be terrible

>> No.1301171

Shill some more why don't ya. Saying you are laughing and trading, means your doing neither, else you wouldn't be in this thread.

Also if you had any brains, you would realize that Trump coin is not moving much, you will still be making you money via BTC because the exchanges rates don't change based on BTC price change.

Basically holding TRUMPS is leverage on BTC and your a fool if you think otherwise.

>> No.1301195

The florida shooting just secured trumps win.


>> No.1301212

It's sub 5k, holy shit I'm lmfao at you guys.

>> No.1301219


Time to upwote Trump

>> No.1301240

Damm thinking of picking up 10k more.

>> No.1301243

It's about to go under 4k. Dropped 1k in 5 minutes. Make of that what you will.

>> No.1301251

Yah, means time to buy soon you double nigger

>> No.1301253

> currently 4k

Is it over before it started guys?

>> No.1301259

It's over. Trumpcoin is dead.

>> No.1301260

Nah some nub dumping on yobit. Price on c-cnet is 200 satoshi higher

>> No.1301274

It was under 4k just a few days ago. Fluctuations like this are normal this early on

>> No.1301294
File: 25 KB, 300x250, Trumpcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1301306

>Your vote looks suspicious and won't be counted. If you were not trying to manipulate the vote, please excuse. If you were please be aware that coins can and will be permanently removed in case of manipulation


>> No.1301325

It'll come back. We should all anticipate some dips here and there.

>> No.1301327

Im just laughing at those weak ass pussys dumping their Trump coins just to make a few bucks lol.
Cya near the election when Trump will be >1$

>> No.1301329
File: 9 KB, 236x199, a7c79d6561038cfc81f996c29255b3c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1301335

Holy Shit TRUMP at a free fall

Time to buy if you are really dedicated to this one lads

>> No.1301342

Calm down mate. Nobodies crying about losing a few quid on this coin.

>> No.1301427

>panic selling on a slight dip (still weekly chart uptrend too [lol])
>making it

pick one

>> No.1302194

+1. Anyone selling now will be crying tears of regret when these hit $1 each closer to the election.

>> No.1302308

E100 for a one-page template? that seems like a raw deal. i need to get up to date with web design.

>> No.1302316

yeah, i agree. a drop in the price means nothing when we are just a fraction of the way into the life of Trump Coin.
from $0.03 to $1 per coin is a massive rise and a massive return.

it must suck for no-Trumpers like >>1301329 to be scared of putting money at stake in order to get rewards. imagine the sadness of one's life where they spend their time being negative around positive people. So sad!

>> No.1302317

Yeah man
Only people who are willing to risk something in life will achieve great things
I believe this is the next big thing and we were here from the beginning

MAGA boys

>> No.1302318

Sure, except that you just pulled that $1 figure right out of your butt and it means nothing at all.

>> No.1302337

>TRUMP/BTC goes down
>BTC goes up
>I still didn't lose a cent after all
>In fact the USD value of my TRUMP is up

I don't know guys. I guess we lost.
The NoTrumpers were right after all.

>> No.1302425
File: 509 B, 82x83, Exdmxfn[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's rising again

>> No.1302457

Yeah, the reminder that BTC is slowly climbing in price eases me when I see Trump fall. The 'price drop' is really just an optical illusion.

>> No.1302466

Also the price climb we saw in the last week was bigger than it looked.
I saw my investment almost double in terms of USD.
It's just that BTC keeps rising and rising.

>> No.1302491
File: 42 KB, 610x408, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so sad that this coin has $1700 24 hour volume with all the shilling, just shows 4chan is broke as fuck

>> No.1302521

>, just shows 4chan is broke as fuck
Yeah, 4chan will have to do more to hype the trumps. They are not gona go up if noone knows about them.

>> No.1302524


the saddest thing is that if just ONE of the shills had taken some time to learn programming instead of shitposting, they could legitimately increase the value of trumpcoin as a developer.

>> No.1302542

bu-but gaiz.. this is just the dip. its normal.. its still going to the moon, amirite?

>> No.1302565

Any rich fags willing to donate 0.02btc?



>> No.1302871

I'm glad I am not the only one to realize this.
It's like everyone immediately panic sold to panic buy into BTC. But why would you lose money on transaction fees when you could just stay in TRUMP, gain money as TRUMPS rose, and then again as the value of each of the Sitoshi per TRUMP rose with BTC price increases.

Are most inverters really just dumb and emotionally driven?

>> No.1302915

It's a tempting knee jerk reaction, watching BTC surge makes your pockets itchy. But I kept my Trump. I bought some BTC, am currently making profit, and will buy more Trump with it later :^}

>> No.1302919

Even with the dip I am still earning money.

>> No.1302921

Also how similar are ronpaulcoin and trumpcoin?

>> No.1302925

Well guys, guess I'm selling. Was a nice ride tho...

>> No.1302939

I'm jumping in boys!! coin base finally cleared.
glad it dipped a bit for my entry.
lol at weak impatient hands.
cya at $14 a coin chums

>> No.1302972

From what I can tell they are pretty much the same, except I believe some of the TrumpCoin is going to be a donation, not sure if that was ever the intent with RonPaulCoin and also Trump is the presumptive nominee, Ron never got that far.

>> No.1303018



>> No.1303054

Right, Trump's price falling doesn't really say much when the price per satoshi rises. People that are dumping it are just dumb.

>> No.1303067

>the dip
You mean A dip, markets will rise and fall.

>> No.1303081

Just wait till November.

>> No.1303158

MAGA boys 4 lyfe

care to expand on your idea? programming what in what respect?

$1 is a conservative comparison when placed against RonPaulCoin. in every way, Trump Coin is more YUUUGE.
in addition, meme power has increased in the last 4 years & Trump has 50% of the USA in support and 100% of the USAs awareness. Ron Paul was a bit part player.

>> No.1303164

Big drop, buy soon?

>> No.1303170


Is there any reason whatsoever to believe the value of trump coin correlates with the actual Trump's success?

>> No.1303198

Trumpcoin at 0.000045 as of this post.

Going to nearly triple my initial investment now with a buy. Fuck the knee jerkers.

>> No.1303213

Trump is successful --> More media coverage concering trump (negative or positive) --> Anything that even remotely has something to do with trump will get picked up by Social media (i.E. Trumpcoin) --> Trumpcoin --> Moon --> $$$

The only thing this coin needs is to get at least some exposure untill november and this shit will spread like wildfire.
Anything that happens to the coin now is completely irrelevant.

Oh it also supports the Trump campaign and creates profit for the Donor/Investor

>> No.1303232

>People that are dumping it are just dumb.
The only other thing I can come up with is that there happened to be many TRUMP holders that are left wing partisan shills, and after yesterdays events, it's seeming like a sure fire thing Trump will be President. They are now extremely flustered and emotional and trying to stop Trump in any way they can.

I guess that could still qualify as being dumb though.

>> No.1303266
File: 40 KB, 1080x209, Screenshot_2016-06-13-19-02-18-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows whats up

>> No.1303435

buy low sell high. school house rock teaches you things senpai.

>> No.1303449

May buy 10-20k. 20k if it reaches 2k.

>> No.1303460
File: 275 KB, 500x377, 14591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you guys see what I mean? utterly clueless on the very technology theyre shilling!

im talking about blockchain development, retard. make your coin do something special.

some ideas:
1. have the blockchain automatically archive all of donald trumps tweets and outrageous statements

2. implement a smart contract that forwards the note field of each transaction to Hillary clintons campaign staff.

3. for every received transaction, insert a note with a fun fact about donald trump.

Its a revolutionary technology, you should be able to come up with something.

>> No.1303608

Near 8k OP says ... It's down to 3300 atm.

>> No.1303768

Those are great suggestions! I wish I did know some programing to implement them!

>> No.1303888

What's the suicide hotline number?
thx lads

>> No.1303939

If anyone on this board was smart (maybe whoever controls trumpcoin?) they would buy some of the coin and resell it instantly to pump up those numbers so they didn't look like my asshole

Another thing is;
Tbh even if trump was president.. What makes you guys think this coin is going to go up? That's like making a coin called obamacoin and saying "we gon have a change". You are just listening to their bullshit. Lol

>> No.1303993

>the coin was worth a tenth of one penny 120 days ago.
>the coin is on a 7 day chart uptrend
>the coin is on a 30 day chart uptrend
>normie a haven't even gotten involved

No other memecoin has this upside.
a retard if you don't jump in now.

>> No.1304111

Should i get in now or wait to see if it dips more?
I have about 150usd to spend.
wat do lads?

>> No.1304199

What is a reliable website to use? Currently using yobit.net

>> No.1304289

Some people say yobit has a nicer interface, but ccex is better. I've only used ccex, does the trick for me.

>> No.1304421

yobit has a nicer graph but c-cex is fine with me

>> No.1304527

How do we get the normies on board?

>> No.1304630

The biggest obstacle is difficulty. It's simple to us but to a normie, it's quite intimidating buying btc, and then turning that into TRUMP.

So while the "donate to Trump while making your own money" concept appeals to everyone, it's quite the hassle.

Especially since Trump is already a billionaire , something I consider an Achilles heal in getting normies on board

>> No.1304650

Well then the obvious question is how do we make things easier? If we could set up some web app or something where normies could easily just link their bank or paypal, not only would we get turbo gains but it would benefit the entire crypto platform.

Why does this not exist?

>> No.1304699

I think something along those lines is ideal but just not easily done. So many security issues

>> No.1304706

Just set up a tutorial bro
>create a yobit.net account
>create a coinbase.com account
>convert usd into btc on coinbase
>transfer coinbase BTC to YoBit
>buy Trumpcoin W/ BTC

I am an autist and figured this out on my own... I'm sure others can figure it out

>> No.1304716

Step 2
Spam plebbit.

>> No.1305586

this is a perfect buying opportunity.

>> No.1305741


/r/the_donald is having conversations about how to stop financing reddit!!! I've seen dogecoin/bitcoin brought up to replace reddit gold. This is the perfect opportunity to start talking about TRUMPCOIN!

>> No.1305768

the devs are pretty incompetent and lazy imo, they'd never be able to implement a trumpcoin tipping system.

if you want the price to rise you have to work for it. Spread the word make people know about it etc. focus on pro trump communities

>> No.1305812

I can see this working.
"So you want to help funding Donald Trump's campaign. There is two conversions that you need to make. The first is to turn your dollars into bitcoin, the main cryptocurrencie that you will use to buy the Trumpcoin. To get th bitcoins you need to blablablablabla...
Now with the bitcoins in your wallet you just buy the Trumpcoin, don't forget that you can buy fractions too, so choose the amount of trumpcoins and hit buy"

>> No.1305913

A genie has granted everyone in this thread with one "pump" in Ivanka for every 1,000 trump coins they own.

How many pumps will you get inside our based goddess and with you "finish" /biz/?

>> No.1305938
File: 311 KB, 511x400, gahdbhless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to purchase Trumpcoins directly or do I have to go through Bitcoin first?

>> No.1305968

15, but I'd only need 1, so it's economical

>> No.1305980
File: 47 KB, 600x363, 1462324246533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome aboard the Trump train. Got to get bitcoin first. The website explains in detail.

>> No.1305984

>implying I need more than one pump.

But 40 pumps or so.

Looks like I'm filling her up, MAGA

>> No.1305996

77 pumps

>> No.1306030

We need to brainstorm a way to let people buy trumpcoins manually for a while with PayPal.
Even if it's done manually behind the scenes and the person tasked with it can take a 1% fee. Normies won't care they get charged 1%.

Two problems:
PayPal charge backs
the NEET tasked with doing it could steal some BTC and give the coin a bad name.

There has to be a way, an influx in normie buyers will shoot this coin up like I shoot in Ivanka

>> No.1306064

What about some sort of walkthrough animation that's makes the process easy to understand?

I do flash and am willing to contribute obviously.

>> No.1306084

30 pumps, so about 1 minute of action. Seems about normal.

>> No.1306097

i've been thinking about that too, but the threat of charge backs makes it unwise. alternatively there could be a bank transfer, but i think people are unwilling to do that as it is risky for the buyer.

if there was a trump coin wallet app, you could have an option for in-app purchases that could be bought at a premium, but i don't know if apple/google take a cut of in-app purchases, how much it would be, or if you can make CC payments through apps.
i'm not in the USA, so i don't quite understand how american money systems work. (not in mexico either, btw)

>> No.1306319

>brexit will happen
>trumpcoin will moon to $10
>trump will win
>Britain and America will become great again

>> No.1306364

Something extremely retard friendly would be amazing.

This is Bob!
>cartoon man waves at camera
Bob wants to know how to acquire trumpcoin
>cartoon man scratches chin
Good thing for both Bob the process is simple!

blah blah...

you get the point.

>> No.1306384

you people really think you know what you're doing with the marketing campaign? people want this to be easy, crypto is not user friendly for the mentally retarded normies.

>> No.1306387

Just set up a tutorial bro
>create a yobit.net account
>create a coinbase.com account
>convert usd into btc on coinbase
>transfer coinbase BTC to YoBit
>buy Trumpcoin W/ BTC

>> No.1306462

I wonder if the doge tip bot is open source. I feel like anyone could build a Trump tip bot it wouldn't necessarily have to be the Trump coin dev.

>> No.1306576

This is actually a really great idea and should be escalated as a priority.

Will be tippin niggaa like crazy on the_donald plebbit

>> No.1306579

there's a half animated video coming out this week

>> No.1306753

I did some searching and found this old alt coin tipping bot project on github. I might try forking it and seeing if I can get it working for trumpcoin if I can find enough time in the next few days.


>> No.1306904

That would be amazing man.
I'm sure plenty of us will donate, especially if you post your progress on the bct talk thread.
Keep us updated brother

>> No.1306929

The character's name's gotta be Don

>> No.1306933

Good luck dude. Thank you for doing this!

>> No.1307015
File: 451 KB, 1118x745, uncle boonmee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if I become a millionaire from this I won't be happy

>> No.1307479


Just to add some motivation, r/thedonald just became the single most active sub on reddit today so if we can get the tipbot to work there we just might get to the moon.

>> No.1307897

Looks like my order went thru,
TrumpCoin intro video doubled in views in 48 hours. It's starting to look more legitimate when others visit it and see that it has more and more views.


>> No.1309151

new thread


>> No.1309164

I've been post that video everywhere.