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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12990801 No.12990801 [Reply] [Original]

Is it better to do business with the Chinese or Japanese? I keep hearing that the Chinese are pieces of shit, but they are the second largest economy, so how bad could it be?

Does either provide escorts to foreign business men as incentives?

>> No.12990838

>Is it better to do business with the Chinese or Japanese?
Taking the whole population at a hazard, the Japanese. You tell them what you want, they do the job, and you pay them. That's the best thing that can happen.

>I keep hearing that the Chinese are pieces of shit, but they are the second largest economy, so how bad could it be?
I did business with second and third generation Chinese off mainland china, even they don't like pure ones.

>> No.12990843

chinese for profit, but they'll always try to jew you don't bother with japs. prostitution is implied in all business deals in majority of east . asia

>> No.12990847

>Accepting escorts from foreign businesses

Christ when will you people learn not to go for the honey trap?

>> No.12990863


somebody post it please

>> No.12990902

japs but prepared to answer a million questions over the most minute details on everythinh. however they will typically be exacting and honour their agreements. Chinks will fuck you over at any possible chance and you cant trust their work or their promises.

as for whores chinese are bigger, cheaper sluts. jap whores are expensive and racist and might refuse a nonjap but their service is 10x quality and sti levels among jaos are miniscule

>> No.12990924

My experience is that you order something from China and the first two large shipments are fine and then they rush your manufacturing order and you get horseshit and they stop returning phone calls.

>> No.12990940


I don't have the pasta.

>> No.12991008

I've already read that long busted pasta about the fag whining about the Chinese steel industry or whatever.

>> No.12991025

deal with japanese you don't mind taking less profits but not having . to micromanage everything. if you want maximum profits . you deal . with the think but they're gonna try to cut corners nonstop . and you have to constantly check on their shoddy work.

>> No.12991089
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