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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12989169 No.12989169 [Reply] [Original]

What jobs are the most future proof biz bros? Previous answers from /biz/ bros includes:
>lawyer who knows how to code
>CS PhD bro with career in machine learning/vision/AI

I haven't heard anything definitive about accountants, dentists, pharmacists, sales people and bankers though.

tbhq being a banker is a chad career (much better than working 80 hours per week as a doctor) but I fear it will soon be replaced by our robo bros and AI

>> No.12989190

Dude who give a shit, boomers don't understand technology so even if the technology is present, politicians have almost the same retarded thinking you do thinking it will even matter in your lifetime. Do whatever is good in the near future, only when boomers die we can have true freedom

>> No.12989195

>>lawyer who knows how to code
I read this here as well but I have no idea what positions are for coding lawyer. Smart contracts?

Anyways to answer your questions
safe from automation for some time until AI gets better

>sales people
safe for some time, but probably will get hit in the upcoming decade hard as well

>> No.12989296

why do you think dentists and bankers are more likely to be replaced than a pharmacist?

>> No.12989344

I'm sure this is woefully ignorant, but don't they pretty much just hand out the medicine that doctor's tell them to? I know they have to go to school and they know their shit, but couldn't anyone handle 95% of the responsibilities?

>> No.12989351

taco bell

>> No.12989411

Wal-Mart associate

>> No.12989413

Nuanced positions in smaller fields which require experience. If there are only a 1000 people world wide who can do a job its not logical to spend the resources trying to automate them.

>> No.12989421

Blockchain Asset Management

>> No.12989435

Shitcoin trader.

>> No.12989449

Customer Service unironically.

>> No.12989454

>sales people
no way this will ever get automated. You always have to sell good and services no matter what.

which type of bankers? This is way to generic. Obviously bank clerks at the front desk and a few departments will get transformed etc.

??? How so?

>lawyer who knows how to code
Low level law jobs will get replaced by automation but that's it. As a real lawyer no need to worry for few decades.

>> No.12989499

I think paralegals will get replaced but not lawyers

>> No.12989528

Anything involving shuffling numbers according to fixed procedures is easy. Anything that can done by a robot arm (like dentistry) is easy. That's a LOT of jobs right there.

>> No.12989554


>> No.12989613

Automation & Robotics engineer here, whatsup cucks? I'll be the one replacing your desk with a cage.

>> No.12989624

Any form of art or entertainment. A bit ironic, since those are tough fields to make money off of right now.

>> No.12989633

sex workers, athletes, acting

>> No.12989649

can salesmen be automated?

>> No.12989658

Physical therapist

>> No.12989707

Professional shitposter

>> No.12989734

Do you find pleasure in your work?

>> No.12989750

Ultra kek.

>> No.12989759

Only trial lawyers are safe, everyone else will get automated out in this lifetime.
lol no. Already tons of people are self diagnosing and treating using things as simple as editorial content. Most medical breakthroughs come as a result of technology. Robots can now operate on humans and have much higher success rates than humans do. I actually can't think of a type of doctor which will not get replaced by automation... it's one of the best use cases for this as plenty of people die every year at the hands of doctors due to human error which automation, robotics, & AI will displace.
This is probably very safe for at least the next 20 years or so, but we aren't that far from coding programs which will outcode humans and once that happens computer "scientists" will have their jobs eliminated practically over night.

Think about things which require a human touch. Become a therapist - most therapists aren't ever going to cure someone b/c it's a bullshit job, but the whole point is someone is paying you to have a human interaction. We will definitely eventually be able to build robots that are near indecipherable from humans, but that's a long way out & even then people might still prefer to know they're talking to another human.

>> No.12989761

>nurses, doctors, dentists, anything in the health care field except for pharmacist. It's highly saturated and near impossible to find a job now a days even without automation

>> No.12989775
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Your local gas station or convenience store could have been 100% automated decades ago with simple vending machine technology.
They still employ cashiers because customers are more comfortable with cashiers than vending machines.

>> No.12989779

Metal fabricator/welder

Not a plain welder but some who builds everything out of metal

These things take so much alterations and redesigns is incredible

>> No.12989807

Friends please respond

>> No.12989820

I would like to throw in a vote for automating gas stations please.

>> No.12989831

it already is but for large products like cars, homes highly unlikely since people like to bargain and think they're getting a deal instead of paying for msrp

>> No.12989844

doctors are fucked. AI will do a better job at diagnosing and prescribing medication, and machines will do a better job at performing surgery. In the future doctors won't be worth their salary and healthcare will mostly just be nurse practitioners and AI/machines

>> No.12989855

>it already is
how so?I also mean door to door.Homes might be in my opinion.

>> No.12989856

were pretty far away from programs outcoding humans

just because we have some niffy auto completion and template generation doesn't mean we can generate anything worthwhile

Dijkstra on that matter:
>As an aside I would like to insert a warning to those who identify the difficulty of the programming task with the struggle against the inadequacies of our current tools, because they might conclude that, once our tools will be much more adequate, programming will no longer be a problem. Programming will remain very difficult, because once we have freed ourselves from the circumstantial cumbersomeness, we will find ourselves free to tackle the problems that are now well beyond our programming capacity.

>> No.12989872

any job involving negotiation, providing personal attention, dealing with ambiguous circumstances, or anything where you have to fit into small spaces.

Plumbers are going to have it made.

>> No.12989894
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why does no one ever mention mathematics in general sure it's shit by itself but god tier the moment you branch into anything (i.e cs). Predictive data analytics will be huge. There will be a LARGE amount of real world data available decades from now and algos will form a large part of the decision making process on all levels of society and economy

There's a good chance even the activities or actions of citizens/workers will be influenced and suggested by algos. They will be almost god-like - powerful yet omnipresent

>'you can do anything wif a maft degree'

>> No.12989912

Who wants to have robot arm shoving drills and sharp objects in their mouth. It will take 100+ years for that to be accepted.

>> No.12989972

If all you could do was cut timber manually then the invention of an electric bandsaw will definitely lower your value, but a good carpenter does more than that. If anything a bandsaw makes good carpenters efficient

>> No.12989979

blue collar workers, at least some of them
the only people that need to worry about automation are non skilled mcwage workers and entry level office drones

>> No.12990047

Hair stylist
Massage therapist

>> No.12990146

Are the trades safe bros? Trying to become an electrician

>> No.12990176


Ever been to Iceland?

They have automated gas stations all over the place since there are so few people. Shit is cash.

>> No.12990303

Crime is fairly automation proof. Always going to be a need for burglars, drug dealers, conmen, but kids these days don't want to learn a trade.

>> No.12990327
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Not a fucken chance cunt

>> No.12990348

The retards here will say no. They think you can 3d print houses complete with replaceable mechanical modules, or some stupid shit.
>inb4 some fave posts the moron 3d printing a concrete structure with no rebar
Dude is literally building a Flintstones mud hut...

>> No.12990445


You could just be a regular programmer. No need to get a crazy as compsci PhD. Just consider all the small businesses that will be waking up to the fact that some kid can just come in and build them a custom program for whatever process they need to do algorithmically.

You just roll in with a basic programming knowledge (loops, OOP principles, etc) stuff you'll pick up anyway learning python or java and build them a GUI so do their simple calculation, because they always usually are. So the lower level compsci shit isn't going anywhere either, but you'll have to hustle to get your name out there. This includes medium companies too who will actually have the infrastructure to hire you as an employee as well. Most are built around legacy systems so its going to takes years to convert them from cobol or whatever to java. So even then that's a safe bet.

Bottom line is automation is a meme for most positions, and the one's that are replaced directly will most likely create a new position to monitor the algo that took over the old one. I'm sure its not exactly 1-to-1 but it will be close.

> learn to program and you'll be fine.

>> No.12991224

they are safe but seething office drones will tell you otherwise because they can already feel the burn under their asses

>> No.12991254

>Ever been to Iceland?
who the fuck goes to Iceland?
>They have automated gas stations all over the place since there are so few people. Shit is cash.
Exactly. Anywhere could automate convenience stores. But it's pretty much just freezing cold ass Eskimos in the middle of nowhere that actually do it.

>> No.12991282

Anything that involves a human element; teacher, nurse, therapist, childcare, social worker, etc

>> No.12991289

Building automation

>> No.12991292

Pretty much this.

In an 8 hour day of "work" day trading stocks and reading biz shitposts I typically make 2 or 3 adjustments to some SQL and excel queries as required and everyone with grey hair in my office thinks I'm a wizard. The engies and pajeets have started catching on to my racket, but i started in the engineering department and most of them are glad I escaped while the pajeets are all same tier as me and can't bitch about it.

>> No.12991395

Health care.

>> No.12991476

I gave it 20 years which I think is fair. 20 years is a long fucking time in today's technological world. Think about where we were in 1999.
>Y2K ending the world
>Good computer was a 400mhz P2, 64mb sdram, ATA HD maybe 15gb was top of the line
>Best phones were old Nokia's (5110) which had text messaging and Snake, 0 smart phone technology
>Best video game systems were Nintendo 64 and PS1
>Best Internet for most people was dial-up

20 years later we have artificial intelligence actually in use in the real world, machines can replicate human faces exactly where you can't tell the difference, everyone has a computer in their pocket which is multiple times more powerful than the clunky desktops of 1999, we have quantum computing technology. Computers will be able to write complex code within the next 10 years and I think in 20-30 we will absolutely have artificial intelligence writing code that is better than anything any humans are putting out right now.

>> No.12991540

This + plus service roles like waiter and barber

Iktf boomers have halted so much progress. No one needs to be working 8 hours a day. But boomers don't understand that and they like to be around people at work necause they're lonely.

>> No.12991577
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Can't automate NEETs

>> No.12991605

The jobs that maintain these robots and the future jobs which will create robots that maintain other robots

>> No.12991678


It will be even tougher then if more people try to go to those fields (LOL) in order to escape the coming unemployment armaggedon.

Also, there are efforts on automating those fields but I guess it will only be for making run of the mill mainstream shit. I doubt black metal musicians would start using ML en masse to release music.

>> No.12991703

>any job involving negotiation, providing personal attention, dealing with ambiguous circumstances, or anything where you have to fit into small spaces.

Totally agree.

>> No.12991719

>There's a good chance even the activities or actions of citizens/workers will be influenced and suggested by algos.

That's already happening through social media.

>> No.12991727

This is what I do already


>> No.12991730


They seem safe in general to me.

>> No.12991738

>safe career

>> No.12991818

I quit IT a couple years ago and went into the machine trades
>everything that can be automated is already automated as manufacturing has been going this way since the 60s
>one-off repairs and small batch orders are major aspects of the job
>anyone that knows what they're doing is either over the age of 50 or a unicorn due to the general death of apprenticeships and the "go to college" meme
>every day in on the job builds skills and working knowledge that eventually provide a path to entrepreneurship if you really want it and plan accordingly
I don't miss IT for a second. The tech sector used to be cool man.

>> No.12991931


btw law is more chad than healthcare and """engineers""""

>> No.12991998

Unironically getting into this

>> No.12992033

white collar workers will fade into obscurity
making way for the ascension of the ubermensch tradesman

>> No.12992043 [DELETED] 

automation engineer

>> No.12992056

I bet bankers were worried atms were going to replace them back in the 70s, too.

>> No.12992059
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shitcoin trader @ /biz/

>> No.12992063

Automation specialist

>> No.12992099
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Gigolo for lonely japanese businesswomen

>> No.12992105


we're closely approaching the asymptote for computation capabilities in a base-2 system and quantum computing is still pretty far away. Plus we still have no way to model human intelligence so its still a meme.

The biggest thing to happen to computational science in past 30ish years has been the move from CISC to RISC, and even now its becoming clear that there's really no other fundamental way to improve computation speeds with our current hardware. We've hit a dead end with this branch unless you want to send a computer around a black hole.

All turing machines do is essentially grade school addition on two bit strings. Until we can move away from that axiomatic concept shit won't change as much as you think it will.

>> No.12992111

Bunch of idiots, paralegals can do most of the work of a lawyer anyway at a fraction of wage, most lawyers will be replaced it'll be only senior lawyers and paralegals bunch of retards

>> No.12992121

>which type of bankers
You're literally a stupid cretin, investment banking is becoming all AI literally study done by Deloitte confirming majority of finance admin jobs will be replaced by AI by end of next decade

>> No.12992151

link to study? Fuck, I wanted to become an investment banker chad. What now bros? Become a accountant or data scientist?

>> No.12992160

you'll never have a meaningful job, just start getting your mind around your future NEET life

>> No.12992172

Tou're just trolling then. There are plenty of jobs that won't be replaced by AI

>> No.12992185

And you'll get one of those because of nepotism?

>> No.12992202


Unlikely for high value items or consumer facing sales. Maybe just in parts of B2B with standard replenishment. I think marketing functions are also safe for quite a while.

>> No.12992204

Software dev, trades, anything in healthcare, law, criminal justice, therapists...etc won't be replaced

>> No.12992249


I can see this for equities research and middle/back office, but M&A deals have a significant human input.

>> No.12992294

I guess time will tell. All I know is historically the people who think "we can't" always get BTFO. Science fiction is the best resource we have for understanding what tech will exist in the near term.

>> No.12992297

everyone will become NEETS because of the automatization of EVERYTHING

>> No.12992305

The day programming gets "fully automated" is the day everyone's job is good as gone, by definition. A self programming artificial intelligence is like a human that can grow its brain and intelligence at will.

So if you're that scared of AI go to the source and pick up a career in IT, preferably in software development or engineering.

But protip: we are nowhere near automating most major careers out of existence. The only big labor pool getting automated in the next 20 are truck drivers.

>> No.12992312

What do you do? Any tips on getting comfy low-work jobs such as yours?

>> No.12992354

Tell me more about machine trades

>> No.12992487

This is the only correct answer

>> No.12992572

Tesla is on the verge of selling all their cars online

>> No.12992629

political activist
best-selling author
renowned artist
world-class athlete
casino operator / professional gambler (live only obviously)
sales / client relations
adult services
waiter / waitress

basically anything that involves selling your intellectual property to people who have money will still garner employment

paper pushers and specialized technical skills will be automated

>> No.12992636

AI will never play in the NBA

>> No.12992650

>thinking “banker” refers to clerks and tellers


>> No.12992704

prove me wrong

>> No.12992729

>real bankers thinking a machine that hands $40 to the plumber is going to replace them


>> No.12992731

Teacher, especially if you're male and are interested in teaching elementary or kindergarten.
>8-3 job
>Stable cuz govt job
>Good pay, increases every year (up to $80k after 10 years)
>Highly respected job
>Lots of holidays
>Job gets easier the longer you do it, most of your planning you only do in your first couple of years
>Increased pay, benefits, priority placements and faster promotions due to lack of men in the industry
>Above again of you do a couple of years in the country, rural areas get you a free car, extra pay, faster priority placement and promotions
>Long service leave every 5 years so you can take a year off to travel the world
>Can live basically where you want because even the most remote jobless shithole towns need teachers
Results may vary depending on your country though

>> No.12992800

> US Teacher
> "We've decided to slash physical schools in favor of Khan Academy"

>> No.12992806

>base-2 system
Please tell me you're not a trinary shill

>> No.12992903

You retards who think that lawyers are safe are in for a treat. Do you not realize that the majority of you dumb asses wouldnt be the kinds of lawyers that will be able to keep their job? Those lawyers are ALREADY lawyers. By the time Watson research bots are affordable for your average law office, the only people keeping their jobs are the partners and some trial lawyers. Theres unironically people in law school now who will be jobless before the plumber cleaning shit out of their law school bathrooms.

>> No.12992911

how do i get this job. im in chicago but all the crypto jobs here are trading jobs that will only hire you if youre a financebro with a frat connection or something
>t. CSfag

>> No.12992932


Lol no. Not yet at least. There might be something said for using a prime based number system but i haven't seen any research on that.

>> No.12992935

Lol if you're American.

>> No.12992939

>Complains about hours of physicians
>Wants to enter finance
Guess you don't know anything about the profession

>> No.12992948


And even then it would be way beyond my current understanding. If that was proven to be better than thats some fields and turning medal level shit.

>> No.12993024

Almost every job is going to replaced by AI at some point.

>> No.12993156

RISC V is the way forward, fucking re-do everything with it and improve speeds by 1000%

>> No.12993254


Damn, that's fucking rad.

>> No.12993271


No one will be around to pay for NBA tickets. Entertainments are built on top of the real economy.

>> No.12993296

Electrician here. Most trades will be safe for our lifetimes. It would be too hard to automate what I do everyday. Maybe some automation to make it easier but they aren’t going to have robots doing what we do because it’s too many different things. There are too many separate tasks on a daily basis just to complete one pipe run or wire one circuit. And that’s the shit tier level of electrical work. Also if you don’t think salesman are being automated you’re a fucking retard. Maybe the people that create the ads (creative types will be the last to go) will be around but SALESPEOPLE? Really? Most people buy shit online now including cars. With sites like Zillow realtors are already having their work load eaten into. They think it makes their job easier now, but 10 yrs from now the big brokers will wonder why they’re splitting commission with a tour guide who unlocks the door for you and lets you see the house. Sales is a joke and will be gone fast. Unless of course you mean ad execs. But that’s not what I think of when I hear Sales people. It’s coming fellas. Learn a trade. Or die a poor virgin.

>> No.12993311

Is my automation job safe from automation?

>> No.12993322
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biology with computer science skills. i'm going to design THE ai and artifical wombs and fuck all of you neets up.

>> No.12993371

yep thats a 1024 core chip

>This research was developed with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
afaik the project was bought by an israeli company

>> No.12993384

Unironically certain aspects of arts (i.e. performing arts, book writing, reality tv writers, TV series creators, movie creators etc)

I was going to put leisure and recreation as well but all the admin/facilitator roles can be replaced with AI/robotics and machine learning. Participants can just rock-up to an environment that has been developed and implemented by AI.

>> No.12993413
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interesting. I just checked out the github. I don't even really know x86 well so this stuff is pretty far over my head for now. Looks awesome though. Thanks for letting me know!

>> No.12993429


Exactly. Learning to do basic electric work is on my to-do list but I'm not a brainlet so I'll leave the hard shit to the pro's. I've been zapped a couple times by 120 and that hurt.

>> No.12993435

Robot repairman.

>> No.12993448

Quick rundown?

>> No.12993469

Go to apprenticeship anon. Women will love you, and you make all other men feel inadequate when their wives have to call you to fix shit. Go union and learn from the best. Plus, make six figures with zero college debt. I’m not even that good at it and I make a fucking killing.

>> No.12993480

As someone who works in tech and sees the shitshow that it is everday, I can tell you the hype about automation is overblown. If machine learning and automation people were so good, driverless cars would have been solved a long time ago. It's an easy problem compared to say dentistry. Yet, with so many years and billions poured in, it's still not completely there yet.

>> No.12993500
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>Are you sure you have you been flossing?

>> No.12993522

open source instruction set for designing and manufacturing cpus using risc architecture
i did a lot of digging in 2017, everything is gonna move to SoCs and ((they)) bought it all and are patenting it so only they can produce it. Cant remember all the details but the rabbit hole goes deep

>> No.12993541

Someone who automates jobs for a living here, let's take a look
There are plenty of legal applications that would benefit from knowledge of programming. If I was a lawyer I would at least be familiar with SQL and python to write scripts allowing you to sift through huge amounts of data
Will get automated within 20 years
Safe, majority of the job is a technical skill
>sales people
There will always be sales people but the job may look very different in the future
We shouldn't even have bankers now
The safest bet for sure
Maybe if it's a technical skill, but that's a stretch of logic. The job may just become irrelevant
Customer service will probably just be eliminated and companies will have more generous warranties/ease of replacement to offset the cost, that way they don't have to employ anyone
Will likely get automated
>can salesmen be automated?
What do you think google and facebook built empires on? Targeted ads, literally automated salesmen.
If you are technical in the med field like a surgeon you're good, GPs will probably get automated. A computer can likely already hand out a better diagnosis if fed the correct data, data acquisition is the current challenge.
Some safe bets
The trades are interesting because they are so archaic. Why is every home in the world essentially bespoke? The only sort of modular housing that exists is the single wide type, then you have large housing tracts that are built to the same floorplans but piece by piece. In the future I would expect a sort of modularity that allows unskilled people to build houses quickly out of modular sections. Current houses will last for decades though so no chance of full automation there, and skilled labor will always be needed to at least to the foundation level.
A computer doesn't need much power or "intelligence" to replace a human.

>> No.12993575

>Customer service will probably just be eliminated and companies will have more generous warranties/ease of replacement to offset the cost, that way they don't have to employ anyone

Customer service schlubs are always going to be cheaper than improving warranties/replacements, they're usually bottom of the rung making close to minimum wage. Talking to a person also creates the illusion that the company actually cares about its customers

>> No.12993577

I'm a little late but maybe I can still catch you.

As a machinist, you work with a wide variety of metals and produce precision parts out of rough stock. Nearly every large industry needs a constant flow of something - medical, aerospace, construction, auto, tech etc etc

You operate several machines - mills, lathes, grinders, bandsaws, EDMs to name a few- and typically start out doing some manual machining. It requires a working knowledge of trig, geometry, metallurgy and applied physics. I stress the term 'working knowledge' because there are so many little things you need to know off-hand before you start to get consistent results from your work.

If you get good enough, you move into toolmaking and doing set-ups/programming for CNC machines. With the right cutting tools and workholding devices (i.e. a rotary cross slide table), you can make just about anything.

At most places, the 5-10 yr experience+ guys are basically untouchable unless they really fuck up hard. It is very hard to replace them. Management doesn't know how to tell them how to do their job, if that makes sense. They just get it done so there's a lot of autonomy.

Do note - It has a high learning curve and its especially hard at the start. You might have to shadow old-timers, which might be nice if they're not assholes. You might get stuck doing production work for indefinite periods of time. You might get stuck in a really bad machine shop where they clearly stopped giving a shit when Van Halen was topping the charts. I don't know if I'd recommend it unless you really want to hold out, learn how to make things, and become an expert in the field. It takes some serious effort

If you are still curious, the Eternal Machining Threads (EMT) on /diy/ are pretty good sometimes

>> No.12993581

alright for anyone interested this was the company https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mellanox_Technologies

looks like it was bought by nVidia yesterday. Some serious shit is being developed


the stock's been mooning since '17

>> No.12993595

t. larping neet. You don't know what you're talking about

>> No.12993606
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robots replace mediocrity not entire jobs. your field doesn't matter if you excel at it (and are able to prove it).
a great carpenter will always have a job.
a great analyst with creative thinking will always have a job.
a great accountant will always have a job because he can read between the lines of the law.
etc etc
just don't be mediocre and AI won't replace you (at least in your lifetime) but it will eventually even the for the greatest. these few generations are most likely the last generations capable of building a legacy for their kids.
if you go to a mediocre school. if you have a mediocre job. if you have mediocre skills. if you have mediocre grades/results. if your only doing shit to pad ur resume. You are fucked!

>> No.12993659

only if you're top 10% of a t14 school

>> No.12993701

Law enforcement is unstoppable.

>> No.12993718
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small business owner, you absolute idiot.

build the business and the shekels will flow! Acquire enough wealth and power to make even the most pathetic anon's life more meaningful.

>> No.12993804
File: 56 KB, 960x783, 60B640F7-1BC2-4A63-A593-D6704D6354F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dentists getting replaced by automaton in our lifetime

>> No.12993811

>if you go to a mediocre school. if you have a mediocre job. if you have mediocre skills. if you have mediocre grades/results. if your only doing shit to pad ur resume. You are fucked!
So like 70% of people?

>> No.12993850

itt: college students and NEETs who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about

>> No.12993869

Does that mean the iot meme is real? Should I do embedded programming or micro-sensor development?

>> No.12993878

let's say you want to sell a yacht. while some people will buy yachts online, most will buy yachts from an actual human. because being sold a yacht is part of the experience of buying a yacht. these types of sales aren't going away.

>> No.12993886

How hard do you work?

>> No.12993897

China has already done it.

>> No.12993901

>Dentists (doctors) can be automated
>pharmacists (who require the expertise of a doctor) cannot (?)

>> No.12993917

Should I go to college and do cs (and then possibly grad school in AI) to cash in on the AI bubble? What has your career been like and what would you recommend?

>> No.12993928


China hasn't done shit. Rest assured 99% of what you hear about China being advanced "ahead" of the US is complete and utter meme propaganda. Their entire economy is a cheap copy of the US, Alibaba itself is just a budget copy and paste of Amazon.

>> No.12993932

probably both. Idk what are the IoT claims but in 10-15 years a PC more powerful than today's desktops will be the size of a small chip. I imagine costs will be reduced a lot so they'll also be cheap as fuck, so yeah they'll put them everyfuckingwhere with sensors and connect them to the internet

>> No.12993956

>So like 70% of people?
yes anon, excelling at something does require you to be better than the cut.

>> No.12993962

Ah, those. I remember reading that they can make 80-100k at the high ends. I wonder if there's going to be an increase in supply soon as the college Vs trades pendulum swings back, many people seem to be learning that the trades are a good option.
Truth is the main reason I'm reluctant to go into a trade is that once you start one it's hard to move around, but the career path of a college grad tends to be much more flexible.

>> No.12993963


How are they going to manage that when chip hardware has hit a complete dead end

>> No.12993972

Well then enlighten us

>> No.12993991

Those sensors, once they connect to the 5g network, are gonna produce a a lot of data. Now to figure out how to take advantage of this-do I do EE and take data course, or cs with an embedded systems focus, and more impoetantly: which companies should I intern for.

>> No.12993996

If you seriously think complete industries, especially involving public safety are going to be wiped out in the next 30 years, L O L. AI is humorously overhyped for yellow journalism and VC $$. Maybe if your dream is to become a truck driver, expect to be phased out in 20 years minimum.

>> No.12994035

check out these links







>> No.12994052

thats for you to figure out what you see yourself enjoying most. All these fields will be highly paid

>> No.12994068


You're absolutely right. I kinda went off on a tangent. My bad.

>> No.12994087

Plant/building operator. Law and insurance requires 24/7 attendance by a licensed individual.

>> No.12994555

I didn't say China had a decent version.

>> No.12994787

everything dealing with the human aspect of things

you wouldn't believe how increasingly important interpersonnal skills have become for execs, whatever the field

t.recruiter for mid and top management

>> No.12994848

>he doesn't know they'll replace him first
Coders already developed self learning AI that improves and corrects itself. Just give it an arm and it can fix itself.

>> No.12994878

This guy's job will probably be automated within the next decade too. AI already can determine patterns and be fed and with linguistic coding being more applicable, you can just speak a phrase and code will be executed that runs it. No one is safe. Kinda sucks.

>> No.12995062

The thing though is that at first the robot will do it in team work with the dentist so the patient feels safe.
Same things for surgeons and doctors.
I would say unless you do some very nobrain job like trucker you have at least 20 years from now before you are really automated.
I would say one thing really underestimated though is inertia.

I work at a hospital and you have no idea the numbers of things that are still dealt with pen and paper nor the archaic software we use. The cloud? Absolutely not used. Mails? Nope we still send letters. We finally have the biology results on the computer since maybe 6-7 years which is laughable.
Electronic signatures, universal health files, etc... It's science fiction for the administrative work so imagine the care.

Futurologists often work in tech so they adopt new technologies very fast (they must because of the competitive edge it gives and because they have the money) but for the rest of the world it's much slower and you really need a big leap in efficiency to convince people to invest and change their organisations to fit the tech itself.

Final point: we live in a time where people are incredibly lonely and starved for human interactions, some old people do their groceries everyday for example just for the 30sc of chit chat with the cashier.
As such there will always be jobs where the interaction is added value, receptionist is the perfect example.

>> No.12995094


>> No.12995110

I'm sure robots will be able to lift heavier weights m8

>> No.12995118


This. Also models, actors etc

>> No.12995149

teachers. It’s going to be a long time until the average school utilizes robots to impart knowledge and engage in discussion. Underrated job, so much vacation.

>> No.12995156

He's bullshitting.

>> No.12995177

How bad will automation hit the insurance industry?

I just accepted an underwriting job at an insurance company and shortly after I watched an Andrew yang interview where he said automation will hit insurance hard. How fucked am I?

>> No.12995202

pharmacists are replaced as we speak, my hosp. has robot distributing the pills, ofc one pharmacist overlooks it, but 2-3 lost their jobs
also wtf - dentists are one of the safuest professions

>> No.12995280

Blue collar jobs depend on Boston Dynamics. White collar jobs depend on smartcontracts and AI

>> No.12995363

Blockchain Engineer

>> No.12995373

I'm not denying that, but don't you think that 70% of people having their livelihoods changed and automated would have disastrous social consequences?

>> No.12995456

>ITT: drooling mongoloids falling for IFLS-tier automation hype

>> No.12996375

it was because of Yang-kun

>> No.12996519

That which require mobility, office jobs are easy to replace

>> No.12996559

Homo Deus and 21 Lessons for 21th Century