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File: 170 KB, 922x428, payable in gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12978847 No.12978847 [Reply] [Original]

Even the incels at pol or so called "well educated" alt right guys doesn't post about this. They assume if THEY have the monetary power, they will do things better

They don't understand, NO ONE can harness and control this, without dire consequences

Inflation is tax on the poor, not yet even Bernie Sanders or the new latino girl AOC talks about it

>> No.12978953
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putting andrew jackson and jefferson on fed currency notes was the ultimate 'fuck you' by the jewish bankers to the memory of these men, who fought their entire lives against centralized banking

whenever i see a 20 or a 2 I feel a mixture of disgust and rage.

day of rope for the banksters is coming

>> No.12979159
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based and redpilled

>> No.12979210

>implying everything was perfect before the fed

>> No.12979251

if you print new money in proportion to an increase in supply of goods & services theorically there should be no inflation. The problem is and has always been interest on money, abolish interest on money and in a decade we will experience the biggest economic boom in history

>> No.12979266

yeah that will work great, why should anyone borrow money with risk then?

>> No.12979269
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forgot pic related. Read that 100 year old book

>> No.12979284

you mean why would anyone lend, not borrow. The answer is a national bank lends you $ with 0 interest if your project is good and you show you can return the money. No need to charge interest and profit off of capital. Making money with money is how ((they)) got so powerful they got to the point of establishing central banks, its a snowball effect

>> No.12979296

UBI is a reverse tax

>> No.12979304

yeah, and what if this "national bank" have politicians or SJWs deciding your gun store is not worthy of a state loan?

You don't think people will start their private versions , or will your magical authoritarian state prevent this?

What could go wrong!

>> No.12979344

i knew you were ancap. You see, you wont ever fix a damn thing without an authoritarian state because these kinds of measures require a centralized power.

>what if this "national bank" have politicians or SJWs deciding your gun store is not worthy of a state loan
natsoc style state, no SJWs. Guns allowed.

>You don't think people will start their private versions
why would they if there is no profit from lending money? when jew methods are abolished people will have to do real productive shit to progress.

>> No.12979383

its funny how you ancap/libertarian types are soo against central banks, but dont you dare touch your precious usury and other leeching methods.
How the fuck do you think they got so powerful that they were able to put a central bank on every single country? This wouldnt have happened with a ban on usury, ever.

>> No.12979428

>attacking someones assumed name on on ideology instead of the argument

Right, and what happens when this natsoc state gets overrun and the infrastructure to do bad things are there?

You think other countries even wanna trade with you?

>why would they if there is no profit from lending money? when jew methods are abolished people will have to do real productive shit to progress.

Because I tell you you either pay me 2% or you don't get to run your business from the state

>> No.12979436

>muhhh jeeeewwwsssssss

Like I thought , not even poltards understand the benefit of free market money

>> No.12979451

>Right, and what happens when this natsoc state gets overrun and the infrastructure to do bad things are there?
overrun by whom?
>You think other countries even wanna trade with you?
why wouldnt they? we still produce shit, maybe more than ever before therefore lower prices -> can compete better

>Because I tell you you either pay me 2% or you don't get to run your business from the state
wtf are you talking about? i said abolish interest on money, than means NO ONE can lend money with interest, get it? maybe they can but why would anyone borrow with interest when you can do it without

>against central banks
>not understanding the role jews played in setting up such central banks

ancaps retards like you have always been useful idiots

>> No.12979499
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>natsoc style state, no SJWs. Guns allowed.
>our centralized power is totally different guys, it'll be epic!

>> No.12979515
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>> No.12979527

then keep complaining faggots and watch your nations degrade, as if you ancaps could even organize yourself into anything meaningful..

>> No.12979674
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>> No.12979778
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Classic jewish misdirection, the only real problem is printing money out of thin air. The interest on money is optional and only affects the debtor, inflation by printing new money fucks literally everyone.

>> No.12979809

Pheonix rising. Why they always use this symbol?

>> No.12979931

yeah because jews werent powerful with a gold backed currency, right..

>> No.12979965

Who can argue against free infinite money? Not sure why you guys are all so upset with the FED. They're litterly giving the money out for free.

>> No.12979985

If they did, that would essentially be a government

>> No.12979996

gold backed currency always worked under fractional banking and thus printed money out of thin air like I said.

>> No.12980002

and this is the paradox they live in.. they're anarchists that want to change things without anyone being in charge, as if such thing were possible

>> No.12980014

how about when gold was the currency, jews had no power then cause they couldnt endless print? dont be deluded..

>> No.12980092

ok, tell me about the power of the jews under a gold currency.

>> No.12980116

You can be against the fed from multiple positions desu. It's a really acceptable position in heterodox economics.

>> No.12980119

gold has always been jew tool for control, since before the ancient roman times. The church forbade christians from lending but not jews, as such they were able to amass great fortunes by lending to kings. These gave them tremendous power (see court Jews). So much power they could start their banking business and morph it into its modern form, ie central banking.
Its not gold the problem itself, same could've been done if pearls or rubies were currency. The problem was and is lending with interest, aka usury

>> No.12980133

Printing money is what increases inflation

>> No.12980146

printing money without an equal increase of goods & services available is what causes inflation, which is reflected in the price of goods & services

>> No.12980164
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Black pill? Dude, it's just like basic economics for anyone who has read like one fucking book on the subject.

>> No.12980167

No they're not. They don't even loan money, they say a minimum yield rate and banks loan from each other at a step up beyond that minimum. Further, low inflation kept below the country's GDP is not a bad thing. If you want to blame someone for the fucked up economy, don't blame the FED. They only control monetary policy and they do it with both hands tied behind their back because their entries job is to regulate inflation while simultaneously reigning in or helping out the economy by making lending more or less appealing. Congress controls fiscal policy. They're the ones who put the country $20T in debt and lowered taxes during an economic boom. Go to college. This is some seriously basic shit.

>> No.12980189

the level of retardation here is so high that it's miracle anyone is able to breathe on their own.

>> No.12980209

Any thoughts on using a less-precious metal to back US currency? I.E. Bronze, Nickel, etc.?

>> No.12980223

Also...if it were possible, how and why would it work or why wouldn’t it?

>> No.12980225

cope harder poorcel. S E E T H E

>> No.12980233
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The major issue here that Gold does not protect against is fractional reserve semitism (aka fraud). This was a practice startedby the Goldmiths (Goldsteins).

There is nothing wrong with banking or loans by themselves.

>> No.12980258

the acceptance of interest of money paves the way for such fraud. If someone charges interest, he will have more money than he started with. He lends again, more money. This snowballs until his bank can charge less interest than his competitors, thereby establishing a sort of banking monopoly which is precisely what happened.

>> No.12980284

okay, somewhat understanding, could the us hypothetically have a better, flourishing economy without the fed? Do away with the fed completely?

>> No.12980307

Drug dealers are the symptom, demand of buyers the cause.

No system (be it natsoc, ancap or whatever) will ever be perfect as it all hinges on power. Depending on a system to create a great society is the equilvalent of telling yourself you need the best/most expensive guitar to play well. The perfect society is one full of dilligent, bright and noble citizens. It cannot be a top down approach but has to start from each of us and the education (both intellectually and spiritually) of the youth

>> No.12980309

Or better if interest was off the table and keep the fed?

>> No.12980323

Your post taught everyone more than US state sanctioned schooling

>> No.12980326

pretty much this, no economic model's gonna work with a lazy, unmoralized, hedonistic and nihilistic population

>> No.12980338

Nice. So I’m other word...off the chart lending and spending creates deficit?

>> No.12980384

Reason for my post was I was just mulling over the thought of potus converting the current debt based currency to, once again, metal backed currency and the idea that this would some how take out the risk of inflation from wage increase...but found myself wondering how that’s possible in theory

>> No.12980400
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>> No.12980406

No, it didn't. Monopolies are created by the government you stupid idiot - see banking regulations.

>> No.12980417

why do you think people here complanin about "muh millenial can't buy houses"

BECAUSE a debt fueled housing bubble by this "FREE MONEY" was created....

>> No.12980428

that's must be why bernie, pol or any other meme candidate or "alt right blog" NEVER talks about it right?

>> No.12980447

Truly...by the fed being the fed (old,crabby,immortal,greedy) they created somewhat imaginary money for lack of better terms..compounded interest caused IOUs that the reserve can’t even back right?

>> No.12980472
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it's backed by this

>> No.12980474
File: 284 KB, 394x292, Angel-Clark-Radio-Peter-Schiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ continually has AnCap generals and perhaps their first meme candidate was Ron Paul.

>> No.12980481


>> No.12980482

The problem so far seems to be of
>1. interest
Interest isn't an issue, you are gaining temporary access to someone's resources for a fee and is no different than renting
>2. money printing
It is in essence a way to redistribute the power (kinda like how spartans would kill cull population of their slaves every now and then, this is similar but in finance).

So lets focus on: What is wrong about power redistribution? Top of my head:
>devalues hard work of majority
>benefitors gain undeserved value
anything else?

>> No.12980489

OK, and how much did he mention this the last run? But OK, i was a bit extreme there

>> No.12980525

if you didnt regulate banking a monopoly would still be established by the mere fact jews been on this business for centuries and know how to run it best, plus all their connections from fellow jews all over the world

>> No.12980530

Constantly> He's wrote at least one book on the topic, maybe more. I don't want to spend the time checking.

>> No.12980537

Low level interest isn’t bad or wrong in my humble opinion but idk. Looks like unaccounted for money in large amounts like in the feds case is tragic..fuck idk im gonna need some ibuprofen

>> No.12980547

Dude that's retarded. At the very least, by your logic, the Jews would constantly be trying to Jew other Jews which would result in not a monopoly. Creating a monopoly through central banking is literally the dumbest way to stop a monopoly from forming.

>> No.12980564

We've been viewing the problem through the lens of the victim but lets switch it up temporarily:

What if a person sees the majority as dumb and shortsighted?
What if the majority spends their resources on unnecessary junk?
Would the society really progress if the majority were given control for centuries?

Once again, it depends on the individuals themselves. The majority made themselves unfit to rule out of their own free will, so those who see themsleves capable will do so

>> No.12980566


>he believes the jew when he says that debt is absolutely fine and that there is no problem with lending money that was printed yesterday when they do it

>> No.12980582

not if they agree to not jew each other, only jew goyim, which is what they did. The point is if you dont abolish the practice of interest on loans, a monopoly will be formed eventually with or without govt intervention.

>> No.12980604

That would be my approach..that or lower the rates substantially

>> No.12980636

>abolish interest on loans
do you also want to abolish rent? They are the same
then dont borrow if you cant accept the rates.

>> No.12980643

hmmm I see your point but how eliminating usury makes thing better?
Yes, it gets rid of the bankers but they will be replaced by another group. I mean people are not equal and eventually the smarter will create big ass business and the lobbying will take over the governmet again.

>> No.12980654

Therefor why I don’t like to borrow...speaking hypothetically and also towards higher level banking systems

>> No.12980691

So accountability on loans with little or no interest through new legislation/incriminate unpaid debts?

>> No.12980713

thats why the type of govt and more importantly the kind of people rulling are the key. If you put sellouts in charge, they will sell your future for shekels. Eliminating usury goes hand in hand with a nationalistic, almost autocratic govt which really has the population best interests at heart.
not really the same but yes there are similarities

>> No.12980723

Why view it as 'evil'? It is just leverage
Is bitmex evil for allowing people to go 10x long/short?

>> No.12980754

Leverage yes but also not foolproof...if I loan you 1000 dollars at 15% interest you may or may not feel like paying it back because of the damage each payday but if the interest were depleted with incrimination for not paying it back or if it were 2-5% for 5000 or less (just a random number) you would be more inclined to pay your debts and I still make money without being greedy..just food for thought..

>> No.12980770

counterpoints for two of your argument:
>1. interest is bad
Borrowing = paying for a service. There is nothing inherently wrong with that it's just the same as trade
>2. an autocratic govt will have best interests at heart and solve all issues
see >>12980307

>> No.12980780

I also see how little or no interest is bad for banking businesses tho

>> No.12980821

Who are you to decide how people should charge for their products? Do you not realise how absurd your proposition is?

>> No.12980838

>There is nothing inherently wrong with that
thats just your morality and jews agree with you. There is a reason based people, from Plato to Cicero, were strongly against this practice.
>an autocratic govt will have best interests at heart and solve all issues
not saying it will solve all issues but its a start. If they turn out to be corrupted, thats what guns are there for

>> No.12980849

Lol ok. So live in debt sounds better huh? I’m not the one who decides I’m just casually discussing possibilities. You borrow money and pay it back so the product is returned at same value so therefore why have to pay absurd return amounts? Lmao

>> No.12980868

what fucking product? see thats the problem, money is NOT a merchandise to be lent and profited from, its supposed to be just a mean of exchange, never a merchandise/product in itself

>> No.12980869

Interest covers the loan sharks ass in case of inflation but what if inflation weren’t an issue? Then it’s all based on greed or desired profit for services which isn’t wrong unless abused.

>> No.12980893
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the problem isn't interest on real money / loans. the problem is phantom interest on fraudulent currency created out of thin air especially with no reserves and leverage > 100-to-1. the best solution is still the one proposed by Bill Still, a currency issued interest free by a government bank with very strict limits / oversight to account for increases in the population and spur growth.

what you mental midgets fail to realize is that at this point the shews, quite literally, control all the gold. therefore, by creating a highly regulated and managed national currency you can quite easily bypass the shews altogether and obtain true freedom. lincoln and kennedy tried to do this and got murked for it. if you create a gold-backed system, the shews will just "pull it" at any point in time. which by the way, they have multiple times during the 19th century.

for proofs on how a government owned bank operates without gold and high leverage (minimal leverage, mostly loaning actual savings and capital) look no further than the Bank of North Dakota. its been around for 100 years and has funneled billions back into the economy. it also spurs economic activity and lowers taxes. its the only one of its kind. but of course you sub 70iq retards never bring up this example. never mind its a proven successful business model with a 100 year track record. i would like to slap you imbeciles a couple of times. stupidity needs to be punished.

>> No.12980899

>there's a reason Plato...
Let's suppose that interest rates are abolished or forcibly lowered to a percentage acceptable to you. What is the implication of this? Under this scenario someone would be forcibly required to give access to their resources for a reward less than they desired.
Feel free to quote from the two philosophers

>that's what guns are there for
Guns are still available now. The problem is in the quality of citizens

>> No.12980911

thats precisely what im advocating, dude. Ancaps and lolbertarians on the other hand think that going back to gold will fix all issues

>> No.12980913

The problem isn't the Fed, but the private banks surrounding it (inb4 dumb argument about how the Fed is private). Ideally, a fully nationalized banking system would be ideal. Fiat currency is a good system, and loss of value from inflation is very low.
This is basically true, though Feder is pretty outdated in a lot of his assumptions. Interest isn't that bad if you have a national banking system, only private banks charging interest is the problem. MMT is a more modern outlook on basically the same economic ideas.

>> No.12980919

Libertarians are gay and don't matter because they have no real convictions.

>> No.12980921

Money is an abstraction of work/produce/asset that also functions as a medium of exchange. I have $500k in cash. Why should I lend it to you when I can buy a house and profit off the rent at 5% annually?

It may not be an asset in itself but it CAN be

>> No.12980926

What are the terms on the fraudulent free currency in the realm of borrowing/loans? Or is it even achievable without interest? First I’ve heard of this so not mental midget just ignorant! ;)

>> No.12980941


not if the lender is the state itself. No need to charge interest and profit from loans. If every new penny printed goes into the production of more goods & services, and towards public infrastructure (electric grid, sewers, etc), the govt doesnt even need to tax its citizens it can be 100% self funded. You could say this causes extreme inflation, but not when the available goods & services are also increasing in proportion

>> No.12980944

Money without interest is totally possible, just look at fascist economies and Sharia economies. Private banks with interest are generally a bad thing. A completely nationalized banking system could use it as a way to control inflation and drive incentives.

>> No.12980947

Very true but as you said that would be if you went the route of investing in assets for profit..just to loan insured money at high interest is absurd to even think about tho..although 5% isn’t bad but you need credit for that kind of deal where I’m at lol

>> No.12980956

>Why should I lend it to you
you dont, thats why banking as practice is best left to the State, what this dude is saying >>12980913
>It may not be an asset in itself but it CAN be
and thats when you start jewing your countrymen

>> No.12980965

>not if the lender is the state itself. No need to charge interest and profit from loans.
On the contrary, interest becomes a way to control inflation instead of taxation. For example, if the state wants to have people start small businesses, it can issue interest free loans. As these get paid back inflation naturally controls itself and is only a momentary occurrence. Loans by larger ventures could have high interest, thus reducing their power and allowing for even more investment into other sectors.

>> No.12980984

Bernie USED to talk about the FED. He even co-authored the Audit the FED bill with Ron Paul.

But he was getting smeared as an anti-semite over the issue, while he was running for POTUS. So he decided not to die on that hill.

>> No.12980993

could be, but allowing interest on money is playing with fire, even if somehow kept in check.
what is MMT?

>> No.12980994

Nationalized banks could use the interest free money or the interest for inflation control? I’m getting lost in the convo due to my cherished oh so shitty public economics schooling..lol

>> No.12981002
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my frustration was more directed at the retards on this board. i can't figure out why these people are so fucking stupid.

the Bank of North Dakota model works. 100 years of juicing the local economy, reducing taxes, funneling money BACK into the economy. RECIRCULATING it back to the people. NOT to hook-nosed demons in england or tel aviv. what the fuck is so difficult to comprehend here.

charging interest on money that was earned and saved is fine. there's no fraud there. if i save 1000 bucks through hard work, but then i give up the right to use that money because i loan it to you, its FAIR for me to expect compensation you and i will negotiate on a fair interest rate and that will be that. what's NOT fair is me going to my basement, opening up photoshop and creating 1000 joo-bucks and then loaning it to you. that is quite literally complete fraud.

this isn't rocket science. pick a business model that works, has a track record, and copy it. the shewish model doesn't work. lets stop using it.

>> No.12981018

That sounds nice but ultimately I think no form of goverment can stand to infiltration, corruption and the takeover of the smarter class. On the good side I think something like this will last a very long time.
Guns are only useful in a shit hits the fan setting, people are dumb and can handle a lot of punishment if you brainwash them correctly, just look at America.

>> No.12981037

i agree with most of what you way but
>its FAIR for me to expect compensation
this is where you are treading a dangerous road.. say you turn your 1000 bucks into 10k, and by lending those 10k into 1MM, and that 1MM into billions by the same practice (snowball effect). You wouldnt have some jew printing out of thin air and lending BUT you'd still have powerful banks able to lend effortlessly and becoming ever more powerful, until they can begin the fraud again with no opposition. So as i say its best to forbid interest on money altogether with no exceptions

>> No.12981046

It's interwoven. Printing money is an issue, but interest is an issue to. It's basic maths, exponential growth is NOT sustainable in real life economics. Never.

>> No.12981053

So I assume you are better educated on this so just one last question before I leave the thread...I’m not economically inclined too far up the ladder so I guess what I gotta say is I understand about private money lending and negotiating interest levels but what I’m more concerned with is aren’t banks like regions, first federal, etc. insured in some way on their loans? If not, then how does it work when someone borrows and runs off on their debt if it’s not paid back to them by collections? Also, if they are insured then I agree that there’s absolutely very little to no need for high interest rates right?

>> No.12981057

Because any money that gets paid back is going to a sovereign government which doesn't need it to pay for anything. Why would the government need something which it produces from you to fund something? Any money going back to the government is effectively being destroyed, thus avoiding inflation. Think about it like a sink. The government printing money is the faucet, the water in the bowl is the money supply in the economy, and the drain is taxation or other means of money going back to the government.

>> No.12981077
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North Dakota shout out. I love my state.

>> No.12981086

Ahhh I somewhat understand now. The sink thing actually helped. Thanks anon

>> No.12981096

Tell me more

>> No.12981098

Feder's views are out of date, being 100 years old. Hence his view of currency being commodity backed, and his alternative of labor backed currency. MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) takes the idea of fiat currency being used just as a way for the government to organize and reward labor into the 21st century. Interest is no longer dangerous once the profit motivation is removed, and can be used like a tax against massive monopolies or negative behaviors in the market.

>> No.12981124

Thanks for the great article. A concise argument from it is that usury is akin to
>'selling a loaf of bread and charging in addition for the use of it' (p182).
The analogy works like this:
1. A pays B asking price
2. B gives A product
3. A required to pay B more despite the satisfying the asking price

But that is not how lending works:
1. A DOES NOT pay B asking price
2. B gives A product
3. A required to return product AND additional costs (as determined by B) for the trade to be fair

It was also mentioned that the state should control lending practices (with north dakota bank given as an exemplar). But that would only work under a merciful authoritarian rule, and we're then back to where we started (quality of guitar wont make you play better)

>> No.12981169

Very helpful also

>> No.12981172

thats the church rationale which is flawed, lending with interest is not like selling a loaf of bread and charging twice because
A) money is not a consumable
B) bread has value in itself, it is a product. It can feed you and keep you alive.
C) money by itself is worthless if you cannot trade it for something

> that would only work under a merciful authoritarian rule
which would become less authoritarian with time, as people learn to be reasonable, hard working logical humans again, akin to a child growing up and not depending on his parents anymore

>> No.12981185

interesting, i'll look deeper into it

>> No.12981229

Quick lesson.
The 16th amendment was never ratified. The IRS and the Fed know this.
When you are born the Fed opens an account in YOUR name. All caps. That is the corporate you. Since no living person can open a bank account they make YOU do it.
Your SSN is the account number.
When you file taxes for the first time you are signing a contract agreeing to the arrangement, justifying the illegal action (in their mind) of The income tax.
You have two options.
NEVER file and you never have to.
Or file a dissolution of corporation form 966. This gets rid of your "account" with the Fed. Never file again.
WARNING: This will eliminate and bar you from any federal aid or payments (VA disability for example)
"But we should all pay our taxes!" You might say.
And I agree, pay sales tax, pay for vehicle registration. Buy some lotto if you have kids in public school. Donate to your local police and firefighters if you like.
But 100% of income tax goes to pay the debt on interest the U.S. Govt "owes" the Fed all of it goes to the pockets of the kikes that own the Fed. A privately owned bank. None of it goes to "dem programs"
Free your self from the Fed. God bless and God speed

>> No.12981243

Probably shortest vid on it:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnyDRwSqp2E
The most fleshed out vid I've seen is this debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUTLCDBONok

>> No.12981358

We're kinda hitting a chicken and egg issue
>No one would lend you money if you force low interest rates on them. Why should they give you their money for 2% interest when they can earn more by buying property and renting it?
>that's why we need state owned banks and private lending activities should be restricted
>back to square one and under the mercy of authority

>> No.12981371

any aussie equilvalent?

>> No.12981389

>back to square one and under the mercy of authority
That's the inevitable state of nature. Humans and indeed all nature will organize themselves into a hierarchy. At the same time, there will always be those with more economic power than and those with less. The question is would you rather have that power in the hands of a couple billionaires who want even more power, or in a state which has no interest in profit.

>> No.12981433

>Fiat currency is a good system, and loss of value from inflation is very low.
Thanks for proving my fucking point with that answer

top kek.

>> No.12981522

in the hands of bright, englightened and virtuos citizens, but that's impossible in a spiritually famished nation

>> No.12981527

>giving citizens guns in a authortarian state

It doesn't work that way

>> No.12981536

change the mindset that you need to borrow to start business. Reward people for saving by not lending to every cunt that wants to buy the latest phone or TV set.
Wanna make money with money? Better buying property and renting than lending and charging interest, at least landlords have to take care of their properties and it promotes building more houses lowering prices.
>back to square one and under the mercy of authority
rather be at the mercy of an authority i can see and point at, than the faceless banking cartel with its ugly hands on every sector of the global economy

>> No.12981549

it works when the govt isnt out to fuck you over, then there is no risk of civil war

>> No.12981552

>impossible in a spiritually famished nation
That's the core problem, nothing will be fixed until that's fixed.
Sure it does, the authoritarian state just has to have the mandate of the people. Hitler actually expanded gun rights for German citizens in Germany.

>> No.12981566

Unsure of the exact form but i'm sure you can google 'ay cunt how i dissolve me biz?' and find it. Just be sure you put your AussieSSN where it says AUssieEIN. Idk if you have a status that allows you to keep your nationality but not your citizenship (american national vs american citizen) but that's what you'd be by default without an SSN

>> No.12981643

Well, come on, tell us why, smartass.

I don't see how that would help. People won't take out their metal, because it simply isn't useful and it won't serve as currency. The printed money on the other hand is easier to carry around and has other physical benefits, so people will stick to that. Many currencies were backed by gold, but the basics stay the same, backed or not backed.

Sidenote:this is how the banks started, people deposited their gold and got paper money in return which gave them the right to get their gold. Soon enough people started trading paper instead of gold.

If you wish to know more you should watch "money as debt" . It's on YouTube and there are 3 episodes. I can't believe schools don't teach you this, at least mine didn't, this makes me angry.
True, but to operate those people are needed. People who operate it get paid in monopoly money, if they realise that, it's gonna get fucked. A bit of a paradox though.
I wouldn't call housing "useless junk" and 30 year loans "short-sighted". The question is: who was first, the chicken or the egg?
Would people use their money differently if banks didn't exist?
Did the banks create or encourage this sort of behaviour?
It's tough...

PS: just read ur new posts discussing, very true and accurate I'd say, you may ignore the thing above.

>> No.12981655

Basically a bank has 100$ and there is 50$ in circulation. The money that the bank has is stationary, but as soon as its borrowed by the population, inflation occurs, because there would be 150$in circulation now. As soon as that 100$ is paid back, inflation goes away and I think deflation occurs. That's how I interpret it, may be wrong.
IF the lender would take any risk at all it may make it better, but since the borrower is always fucked(because of collateral and prison) it's unfair, because the lender gets all the benefits.
I do agree with you, better have no interest at all.

My take on this topic.
How does one get out of this shitty system? People aren't well educated, they literally went on a protest as wall street in 2008... Funny how the quality of your life depends on pieces of paper printed by some jew.

>> No.12981669
File: 8 KB, 220x184, 1547066343793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night, biz, great thread. Too bad nothing will come out of this. This shit has been happening for centuries and not a thing has changed.

>> No.12981829

>How does one get out of this shitty system?
the only way forward i see possible in the xxi century is not revolution, civil war or any other old tired methods. But the power of the internet. We need to program a political/economic system that cannot be corrupted by humans, and which is accessed and used by everyone with an internet connection (everyone these days)

>> No.12982107
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income generation and asset ownership

>> No.12982123

The FED is the only reason USA haven't suffered hyperinflation. The FED is the only reason USA is King thanks to the brilliant strategy of exporting inflation.. Show some gratitude, plebs

>> No.12982534

The FED is the reason we are in perpetual debt and will never be out of debt ever again. There is no other outcome in their game. They win, always.

>> No.12983058

Cringe incel posts made by 15-year-olds

>> No.12983073

Nice bait

>> No.12983137

Central banks are the economic equivalent of nuclear energy.

More debt = more money for your nation's people / business

More money to spend = more growth

More growth = More productivity

This productivity increase is what affords you and everyone you know in the US to own a car and a large house. Also it allows you to own multiple computers and eat out whenever you please.

Next question brainlets?

>> No.12983170

This. The only reason the US is on top is because we Jewed the rest of the world into giving us the reserve currency, allowing us to financially strong arm everyone else. Jews are literally the reason we have nice things

>> No.12983237

Politicians being unable to balance the budget is why the government is in perpetual debt, not the Fed, and the amount the Fed "wins" is literally fixed regardless of how they do. They can't do better or worse than what they are legislated to do.

>> No.12983248

that's an eagle

>> No.12983251

Ur jewish amiright?

>> No.12983254
File: 1.27 MB, 1978x2355, 74FECD1D-BCDB-4DE7-ADF6-4A308DE23E53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes good good, the banking cartels enslavement of you is good for you

Fucking idiot

>> No.12983259

Good post

>> No.12983265

In what way, shape, or form are you enslaved by the "banking cartel"?

>> No.12983562

Me and my spouse have combined income of over $250k per year.

I'm sorry the Jewish conspiracy is why you're not a winner.

>> No.12983600
File: 943 KB, 931x1287, usdcoinforks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAGA drones are as bad as libtards. Let them keep ignoring Bitcoin.

>> No.12984671

It's worse than a tax. Depressions and recessions are caused by central banks.

>> No.12985389

>The United States carries a large load of “debt,” and this causes endless political debate and many citizens actually seem to think that this could mean that the US will go bankrupt or somehow become beholden to the holders of our “debt.” But this will not happen, and we don’t need to worry about it.

>As I mentioned above, money merely represents an I-owe-you that people trade continually because it’s assumed that the institution that originally issued that currency is good for it. Effectively, there’s no need to ever approach the original issuer of the currency and demand the face value of the note because the value can be extracted from anyone else. For US Dollars, these currency notes, i.e., “I-owe-you’s,” are exchangeable basically anywhere in the world. Thus, the United States functions pragmatically like a bank for the world.

>Would we be in a bad situation if somehow all the debt we had outstanding was called in directly from us at once? Sure. But will that ever happen? No. Because if it did the entire world economy would literally stop functioning properly. Any country that called in all it’s US debt at once would effectively be committing economic suicide.

>So, the US national debt, which dumb politicians argue endlessly about, is a moot point.

>> No.12985431

No you would still have inflation, but overall purchasing power would be the same.
Only thing is that if you personally dont get affected by that %gdp increase you miss out.
The problem is also not interest on money, its when the government or your employer takes on too much debt and puts the effort on you.
Whats overall unfair is that the way we issue money into the system. The first people in the chain will always profit from it because they have access to the newly issued money before real consumer goods prices increase.

>> No.12985441 [DELETED] 

>bittrex launched bitsdaq a new exchange for asia to compete with binance
>they are giving away 20k BXBC tokes for free
>Its guaranteed to go to $1 at least
>he isn't signing up
>literally getting $20k usd for signing up with a throwaway email

don't be a retard, binance airdropped me 1000 bnb and i sold at $3, this is giving me the same vibe.

ZFEU7UVU use this code to get 2000 extra tokens.

>> No.12985473
File: 109 KB, 1024x411, 03A3CF37-3B0A-46D1-8534-DE3C91B8EC1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black pill is a thousand dollars