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12970082 No.12970082 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best jobs for someone who wants to seem high quality for women yet have a small work week. I have money but women are more attracted to "useful" men with important jobs over rich men. I enjoy my free time but office jobs (9-5) require too much of my time.

>> No.12970114

My plan is to telling my future Asian girlfriend that I trade stock for a living. Meanwhile I will just shitpost all day while my vanguard index portfolio will give me 4k/month.

>> No.12971276

>shitpost all day
Is this what we will do when we make it?
Seriously reconsidering a 9-5 job

>> No.12971294

Real Estate Agent

>> No.12971309
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there is no job title that fits those requirements OP.

Women ONLY care about the job title. They don't give 2 shits if you work 35 hours a week- 80 hours a week. As long as she can brag to her girlfriends about your title.

Remember women are insecure brainlets that don't care about the things that actually matter.

Health, Happiness, actual amount of money you make. All that matters is the title.

>> No.12971322

Get rich dude, there is no other way to maintain a high quality woman besides being rich.
Work for someone and she consciously recognize your bosses as your Alpha Owners, do anything else besides being a freelancer/having your business and you will be seen as a cuck.

Cucks dont fuck high quality woman in the first night, but if you wanna be a cuck then you can cope and fool yourself.

>> No.12971348

Airline pilot

>> No.12971399

have a big dick and look good
have a nice suit
have game
have confidence

you faggots think you need money to pull bitches. YOU NEED A DICK AND GAME.

car and money just helps (you'll need less game)

stay virgins /biz/

>> No.12971573

Airline pilots all die early

>> No.12971604
File: 42 KB, 678x452, images (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are more attracted to "useful" men with important jobs over rich men

Stupidest thing I've read today

>> No.12971893

They're not though. Nothing turns women off more than a man without a job. Having money is great to get in a girls pants but if you want her to bear your offspring she needs to think you're not a lazy bum.

>> No.12972226

This and if you can, insurance too, insurance has a lot of residual income to be made

>> No.12972239

Literally just wear a suit occasionally and tell them you are a freelancer cryptotrader /stockbroker/ etc etc
just make up some shit

>> No.12972324

>I have money but women are more attracted to "useful" men with important jobs over rich men.
No they're not. They like men with money they don't give a shit how you got it.
Deal drugs for all she cares.

>> No.12972384

You think a high quality girl wants to have kids with a drugdealer or lazy bum?

>> No.12972430

If you are rich you can literally lie and say whatever you want.

>> No.12972442

Take the silverpill, go to /g/ and start building an AI humanoid robot with a fleshlight vagina

>> No.12972547

Why the fuck do you care, if a woman is picky enough to care about superficial shit like that you lie about it, otherwise you're getting cucked. You got to play the market, don't let the market play you

>> No.12972571

Your problem is that you aren't muscular enough. If you are, she wouldn't give a shit what you do. Just never ask her money, and never be whiny.

If she gives a shit and complain, just find an other one who wouldn't give a shit.

>> No.12972774

This is accurate.
Women have no awareness of even interest in what their man does all day. All they care about is the surface appearance. So polish the surface and make your job seem as important and amazing as possible so she can brag to her friends

>> No.12972907

Gonna need a source on that. Pretty sure the average life expectancy for pilots is in the 80s

>> No.12972960

>Nothing turns a woman off more than a man without a job

>> No.12972963

“The ALPA data also indicate death rates at younger ages, with an average age at death of 67, compared to 70 for the general population. The study reports that 69 percent of pilot deaths in the ALPA data occurred in the first nine years after retirement. By comparison, the death distribution for the general population is more even, with only 45 percent of deaths in the 60-80 range occurring in the first nine years.”

“No doubt flying through many different time zones, in the dry air environment of an aircraft cabin at a cabin altitude of 8,000 feet, puts the body under more stress than it would be on the ground. This stress causes the tellers to shorten, which is the cause of pilots living less than the most people. However, there are things you can do to counteract this.”


>> No.12973022

>Half of all retired pilots live past 83 years

>> No.12973451
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"I'm a securities analyst"
>Pays linkpool to run my node

>> No.12974025
