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File: 200 KB, 1080x970, 2EFD4C3C-51FE-462A-B8AA-9C1F6CD3604E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12952837 No.12952837 [Reply] [Original]

To everyone here that have no idea what’s going on, let me explain.

BTC isn’t decentralized (mining and ownership is centralized), it’s slow as fuck (1 hour settlement speed), it isn’t scalable ( 6 TPS), fee’s are too high, it uses too much energy (69 TWh annually) and is NOT secure (51% attack). They are abandoning (((this))) project.

I’m apart of a think tank, funded and owned by JPM. JPM coin will merge with ZEC and shortly after, it will overtake BTC in Market Cap. The path has already been concluded and the plan is in motion as I type this.

ZEC is unequivocally (((their))) coin, its admitted in pic related and (((they))) never lose, especially on finances.

BTC will still be valuable, its speculated it will hover around 10-15k when the flip happens and ZEC dethrones BTC dominance.

(((They))) know a currency doomsday is coming (yuan and US Dollar). To ensure the longevity, viability and trust in (((their))) project, they’re going to back the JPM/ZEC merger coin with physical silver, hence why JPM itself is accumulating, stacking and hoarding physical silver on unprecedented levels.

To emphasize how undervalued silver is (they suppress/manipulate its price through COMEX Futures, Silver Leasing, Silver Certificates and ETF’s) its price comparable per ounce to weed is 1/20. If you truly believe weed (unlimited supply, unironically grows on trees) will continue to be 20x per ounce as compared to silver per ounce (finite supply, mining being exponentially harder to extract than picking plants) you are severely mistaken.

>> No.12952843
File: 76 KB, 867x280, F19598EE-7276-46CB-AF8F-06FE8380FE81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((They))) view silver of astronomical importance, to control the future you must control what is needed in the future. The biggest control factor being silver, and its many versatile use cases, predominantly but not limited to batteries, electrical conductors, electronics as a whole, medical applications, solar energy cells and last but not least water purification. The only use cases of the silver being used that can be repurposed for future ventures is jewelry/silverware. All other use cases, which are direly needed, result in rendering the silver completely unusable.

(((They’re))) also actively suppressing its price through orchestrated and well thought out psychological operations, with the objective of dissuading people to buy physical silver whatsoever, the most successful being that silver is a terrible buy that will never result in a profit. Also, the “boomer” label was birthed by the very same think tank I’m actively apart of. Basic supply and demand, when theres no one buying, the price will continue to stay low, which allows (((them))) to actively buy and buy at low prices.

(((They’ve))) done the exact same thing to cryptocurrencys too, overloading them with psyops. It started with “its illegal” then “only criminals use it” then “its unsecure” then “too volatile” then now “its all going to zero”. Same S&D motivation to keep accumulating.

Ring any bells? When one tactic becomes unresponsive they jump to another one (think global warming into climate change)

Proof of commodities market manipulation
>Edmonds, a 13-year J.P. Morgan veteran, said that he learned how to manipulate prices from more senior traders and that his supervisors at the firm knew of his actions.

>> No.12952850
File: 117 KB, 356x2048, 7CF108F7-EEB6-46B0-8DA4-183B19C6EE20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((They))) view 4chan with great disdain, because of it’s free speech factor, reddit on the otherhand is laughable to them. All (((they))) have to do is downvote a dangerous post with sock accounts. To combat 4chan, active real person shills must create slide threads, and FUD (((dangerous))) posts to dismay readership and keep out of view.
My point being, paid shills are a substantial part of this place, (((they’re))) everywhere.

Hilariously enough, the often used “late adopter” term is very wrong. We were given tried and tested statistics and polls. Let me tell you its estimated that less than 1% of the population can even name a single cryptocurrency in existence. Let alone buy them.
>Can actually name more than one?
>Can explain how they work?
>Own any cryptocurrency in existence?

It’s still extremely early in the game, you’re going to have massive gains regardless of what crypto you own. There’s a few ICO scams that will fail and go to zero and obviously competing privacy coins will take a huge hit.

Copy and pasting this post I saw someone make a little bit ago, it makes me happy that some people have shifted through the bullshit.

>> No.12952853

What does this mean for chainlink?

>> No.12952856
File: 11 KB, 300x277, 06C2B6DD-FA3D-4AD1-A1F4-828FC9D36A5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This esoteric astrology, numerology and symbolism is of upmost importance to the elite that I work for and with. They all regard stuff like this with unconditional certainty, its the epitome of the foundation of their beliefs.

>”Development of the protocol started in the 80s. When the phoenix issue of the economist came out.

>Zooko was part of the original digicash team

>Hal finney followed the zero coin protocol Twitter right befre he died and tweeted looking for ways to add anonymity to bitcoin

>Halfin is part of 'satoshi nakamoto'

>You have big names like snowden and vitalik shiling it

>Jp Morgan working on it since day 1

>It has its own investment trust

>NYDFS approved

>Coinbase listing

>Gemini listing

>Z is the 26th letter

>Saturn tilts at 26 degrees

>Zcash has 26 transactions per second

>the symbol is for saturn and it also is the symbol for NULL which means ZERO

>10 2018 is also the last month btc was stable before it broke support

>it is a coin, hung by a CHAIN (blockCHAIN)

connect the dots
zec first halvening in 2020

>its also the symbol for PHI

>the 21st greek letter

>aka the golden ratio

>Phi (/faJ/;[1] uppercase Φ, lowercase φ or ϕ; Ancient Greek: ϕεῖ pheî [pʰé͜e]; Greek: φι fi [fi]) is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.

>21 million bitcoin

>21 million zcash

>21st letter
>golden ratio (PHI) in saturn”

I hope for a prosperous future for all of you.


>> No.12952859

2/10 LARP Stopped reading halfway through

>> No.12952890

btc is the most decentralized and attack resistant cryptocurrency or project out there, by a long margin.

zcash is already dead, couldn't even compete with monero, both of which feature coins are quickly becoming obsolete thanks in part to ethereum.

>> No.12952899

nice bitcoin FUD

>> No.12952911

ZEC hahahahahaha

>> No.12952914
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>> No.12952945


>> No.12952958

you think it's coincidence that it's one of 9 coins listed on coinbase?

>> No.12952963

Wouldnt they want normies to use a non-anonymous coin so they can track all our transactions?

>> No.12952972

what, like other funding tokens including 0x and bat? it means nothing. they added bcash after all.

>> No.12952979
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>> No.12952982

How did you get a job at a think tank? How old are you? This reads like you are just mashing together different conspiracies in order to manufacture a unique larp.

>> No.12952997
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>> No.12953012
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>> No.12953019
File: 46 KB, 615x346, D5EB9B51-2F52-451E-B1DD-1A8DFD841B56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Mr goldberg picks up*
“Sir we got 5 slide posts on this very dangerous thread, is that enough?”
>”NO! Keep shitposting and keep creating shitpost threads I need that thread buried ASAP”

>> No.12953022

How do they not get called out on this cognitive dissonance?

>> No.12953026

ouch. is your tinfoil hat on to tight my fren?

>> No.12953052

explain. who determined the target?

>> No.12953065

got into astrology like 7 months ago
hail saturn u're crazy

>> No.12953095

You’ll make good gains
Theres backdoors in it>>12952979
Recruited through GATE
I’m exaggerating, but theres definitely boatloads of paid shills here, they dont have the clearance for the exact knowledge in OP, but they definitely search for keywords, “zec” “silver” and “JPM” and attempt to slide

>> No.12953120

im going to kill you

>> No.12953127


>> No.12953128

JPM coin uses AZTEC for ZKP.

>> No.12953139

how much ZEC to make it fren?

>> No.12953188

How long do i have to accumulate? id like to get a nice pump out of QNT before i move to ZEC.

>> No.12953200

damn, you two sure posted fast
200 million volume is dead?
OP said bitcoin would make gains, why wouldn’t he just say its going to 0?

>> No.12953219

zec is 3x more volume than xmr

>> No.12953232

1 to make it, 100 to be an oil baron >>12953188
A couple years give or take

>> No.12953236

zec has half as much volume on binance than xmr. now kys shill.

>> No.12953241

Honestly I don’t really care about what your saying but the silver vs weed price is interesting to think about. It just comes down to the demand tho

>> No.12953266

I'm going to need a works cited on this one OP.

I don't see how JPM manipulating dilver has anything to do with Zcash.

JPM would not ditch Quorum for Zcash, Quorum is superior technology and could implement zk snarks if they wished.

Just because research labs and JPM worked on zk snarks doesn't mean they support zcash or support it over btc and xrp.

Why would dcg invest so much in lightning if it was just going to replace it with zcash?

>> No.12953271

>on binance
Stop spreading lies

>> No.12953276
File: 93 KB, 860x691, BE5B4CAC-864F-4BFE-8E74-F34B13B5C5AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12953277


1 to make it? What do you mean by this. I’m bullish on Zcash but damn man. Where u getting your estimate figures?

>> No.12953286

> JPM and MFST partnered together to make the Ethereum alliance
> To use Zecash
Replace ZEC with ETH and you're on the right track.

>> No.12953311

XRP has already been chosen

>> No.12953348

everything is a false flag >>12953277
If it was to upload undeniable proofs of the documents, they’d know it was me, I’d be suicided

>> No.12953352

Always cringe when I see ((())) used so fucking much


>> No.12953368

Look no one wants that but wtf do you consider making it

>> No.12953370

No, really, it has

>> No.12953372

Shit larp. Next time dont pander to stinkies

>> No.12953388

Yep, it always triggers ZOG shills
I dont know, what do you consider making it?
You’ll still make gains

>> No.12953398

Not pandering to anyone, i know for s fact everyone in any crypto will make mega gains

>> No.12953401

>I’m apart of a think tank
No you're not you fucking liar. Think tanks would never name themselves

>> No.12953420

1 to make it sir? are you sure I ltierally have 330 in this shitty crypto thing (im the one who losed 100k) I can sell some bitcoins, should I?

>> No.12953422

>no one in any think tank would ever leak info or say they are apart of one
heh and they thought the same about snowden

>> No.12953427



>> No.12953467

so the takeaway here is buy zcash and buy silver?

>> No.12953468

The fact that snowden got a hollywood movie glorifying him instead of smearing his image should indicate that he was a spook all along.
How many people are involved with your think tank?

>> No.12953472

Don't you find it odd how Gemini lists it though? They also added it when they could have literally added way bigger coins, so I'm guessing quite a few people up top have a sizable stack of it.

>> No.12953490

$1M usd, at least

If these (((folks))) can successfully suppress silver and whatnot why would they ever allow a digital asset to make such gains

>> No.12953501
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>> No.12953519
File: 28 KB, 400x184, zec_backdoored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck zcash (pic related)
ability to rollback transactions, spy on you.

>> No.12953556

If you want to make more gains then yes, sell your bitcoins

I dont think snowden was a spook
Thats the thing though, you cant switch to anything, they have big stakes in it all

>> No.12953557
File: 103 KB, 640x640, 0056a4f7ba488a5a5d5932a82a38ec5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What price has one to pay for exposing the secrets of the elite ?

Which SUCKtank are you in ?

>> No.12953564
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>> No.12953579

They created backdoors in btc too
Death by (((suicide)))
The most important one

>> No.12953581


>> No.12953582

Just bought 100k

>> No.12953602

i have a feeling you work for RAND corp, IDK why. IDK anything about thinktanks

>> No.12953604

Isn't this true of all privacy coins? I never thought of the negatives surrounding zk's

>> No.12953633

not monero. when zcash was launching they went over the "ceremony" it was some basedboy sistehood of the traveling pants bullshit you have to "trust them" that they fully destroyed the secrets, kek

>> No.12953635

Forgot to answer the 2nd part, they’ll allow it to make gains because they own the most of it (silver and crypto) therefore make the most from it
Pretty much
Like i said, they got a huge stack of everything viable, they can drop monero off a cliff when they want to

>> No.12953636
File: 67 KB, 500x727, 11891214_10207468541941215_1157902925698455817_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread has been pruned or deleted

btw op is right but the coin is NERVA

>> No.12953643

won't someone of your gang find this thread since you've been dropping the words JPM and zcash all over the place?
>hopes he can be part of a think tank too someday

>> No.12953644

I hope you’re right. I’ve been stacking ZEC for the past year. Got that shit in my wallet and plan to forget about it for a few years. Will be watching and waiting.

God speed

>> No.12953715

If 100 would make someone an oil baron, I sure as fuck wouldn't be able to buy one on normiebase for $50 today.

>> No.12953754
File: 273 KB, 1024x1024, hitler_the_world_will_know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the Jews are certain to stay in charge of the world? Are they afraid at all of losing power?

>> No.12953761

The only thing you're leaking is diarrhea on this toilet of a board.

>> No.12953774

You are a dumb cunt. Why the fuck would they choose a privacy coin, where they can't track everyone's transactions?

>> No.12953836

I also question this fact

Why provide any opportunity to share the wealth

>> No.12953844
File: 27 KB, 550x520, 08237602468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP are you ok buddy?

>> No.12953880

people would go along with it much easier if it was seen as a market type of process, where they "could have" had the chance to have bought in for a few years for very cheap buy just happened to not know or care about this particular coin. it's more fair and inclusive than just issuing the coins proportionally to existing banks, which would basically be like doing nothing. remember they're in this situation in the first place because the current regime is unsustainable

>> No.12953923

Yeah I guess that makes sense.

All I know is I’m stacking as much as I can before the halfining and end of the founders reward.

>> No.12954040

Considering buying a stack of ZEN...

>> No.12954073


>> No.12954123
File: 3.83 MB, 2011x1337, D308ABDF-3CF3-4B6F-982F-45E09BB80E90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are very scared, the good guys will come back
Yes im okay

>> No.12954133

So ummm... the 3rd Reich still exists in space or Antarctica or something? And they are coming back?

>> No.12954141

Earth is flat, there is no space, zcash is a shitcoin, Hitler was probably illuminati.

>> No.12954152

These digits and your judicious use of echoes to identify(((them))) have intrigued me. One question. You say JPM will "merge" their coin with ZEC...wouldn't that render ZEC obsolete?

>> No.12954158
File: 444 KB, 480x267, jews_be_good_goyim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the rabbi

>> No.12954159

Lmao based

>> No.12954189

Hal Finney is most definitely Satoshi Nakamoto, his death is the reason why none of Satoshi's coins have ever moved.

>> No.12954199

Nope. Who killed more europeans than hitler?

>> No.12954208
File: 129 KB, 900x729, 1547225603210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.12954210

>Edmonds, a 13-year J.P. Morgan veteran, said that he learned how to manipulate prices from more senior traders and that his supervisors at the firm knew of his actions.

JPM hiring teenagers now? Not surprised.

>> No.12954218

thank u based leaker man. I hope we make it

praise tmek too

>> No.12954223
File: 372 KB, 1050x1800, ww2_britain_last_appeal_to_reason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a toss up between the guy who started WW2 (((Churchill)), or ((Yagoda))) or (((Koganovich))).

>> No.12954253


>> No.12954274

Who invaded Poland and France first? Come on now. Anyway, when the snow fell, the beast's only rival was defeated.

>> No.12954289
File: 95 KB, 800x500, jews_greece_invasion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Soviet Union and Germany invaded Poland at the same time. Yet the UK and FRANCE declared war on only Germany.
Really makes you think.
Oh, and you think Germany shouldn't have invaded France after they declared war on them?
We all know the Jewish version of WW2 buddy.

>> No.12954320

Zcash is Zerocash?

>> No.12954330

They should not have invaded Poland.

>> No.12954358
File: 531 KB, 900x600, judea-declares-war-on-germany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany had no choice, the Danzig corridor was Germany territory filled with German people. Hitler tried many different ways to free their people: appeal to the League of Nations, become a separate country, vote for sovereignty, etc... but all plans were rejected. He knew the Soviet Union was going to invade anyway which would have:
1) pushed million of Germans into Soviet slavery.
2) given the Soviet Union a shared border with Germany from which they could invade.
What choice did they have?
Like I said... we all know the Jewish version of WW2 buddy.
Maybe you should try learning the non-Jewish version?

>> No.12954394

Hey faggots pol is that way ->

This is a Zcash maximalist thread

>> No.12954423

All clay is /pol/ clay.

>> No.12954467

Close, but not at all.
The revolution is an better version of bitcoin.

>> No.12954482

Here here.

Dictate all germans return to germany. Full mobilization. Bunker down by putting human shelters and defense industry underground. Fortify borders with walls, trenches, pillboxes, mines, develop guided manpads and rocket artillery/anti-aircraft, eliminate resources spent on the navy- no projection of force. Spend maximum resources on counter propoganda and diplomacy.

>> No.12954488

Zcash halvening wen

>> No.12954502
File: 135 KB, 728x512, 62C4368A-3745-4967-8F74-47A81C8398FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they will come back, when? I dont know
No, its hollow

>> No.12954508


>> No.12954534

Maybe those pierogi niggers shouldn't have killed Germans in Danzig, German land. Oh and maybe you should shut the fuck up because there's nothing wrong with conquest and imposing your culture and will on others. That is the right of the strong, faggot.

>> No.12954542

It's not a ball, you can measure that.

>> No.12954559

Killing europeans doesn't solve the problem.

>> No.12954562

when will the bullrun happen OP?

>> No.12954574

>still pretending the earth is flat

>> No.12954584

You love to gish gallop, doesn't work here.

>> No.12954620
File: 168 KB, 977x977, nazi_transgender2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the battle, everyone is a general.

>> No.12954634

What could have been...

>> No.12954668
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>> No.12954674

Looks to me like he was illuminati controlled opposition who led his people into a meat grinder.

>> No.12954682
File: 134 KB, 1024x639, Jews_transgenderism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we get this...

>> No.12954702
File: 741 KB, 772x1165, jews_multiculturalism_australia_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were just spewing the Jewish version of WW2 15 minutes ago...

>> No.12954716

woah, thats a little anti semetic there. cool it dude. what are you trying to imply?

>> No.12954727

We know the politicians are puppets today, I don't think it was different then.

>> No.12954745
File: 206 KB, 1256x1304, jews_immigration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch The Greatest Story Never Told, and "The Eternal Jew", it will change your mind.

>> No.12954763

"Z" comes from "zero-knowledge proofs" faggot kys

>> No.12954777

I came from /pol, you aren't telling me anything new.

If he was honest about his intentions he would have exposed masonic lies about space, nuclear physics, gravity, shape of the earth, dinosaurs, oil, what the moon and sun are etc. but he did not.

>> No.12954791


>> No.12954796


I see no issues, we are in the 2019, victorian era called you back

>> No.12954803


>> No.12954810

Nazi physics rejected "Jewish Physics" and believed there was an illuminiferous aether, what know is known as Plasma Cosmology or The Electric Universe Theory.

>> No.12954816
File: 721 KB, 1000x624, jews_goyim_were_born.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good goyim.

>> No.12954865

laughing emoji

>> No.12954867

This is actually a smart account of what is happening.

>> No.12954884
File: 11 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty underrated desu

>> No.12954889

Thanks, just bought 100. There's a reason so many high profile people/organizations are interested in this.

>> No.12954902

always do the opposite of what /biz says

>> No.12955013

biz told me not to buy in to btt when it was first released at 15 sats fuck biz

>> No.12955149

Worst larp ever. As if powerful people would give a shit about what a handful of virgins nearing their 30s would post in a Chinese cartoon imageboard.

>> No.12955299

Bad larp, including 4chan as if 4chan matters to global elites in amy way shape or form.
Re: zcash, it got added to alphabay and soon alphabay was traced and shut down. It's not a privacy coin, it has back doors. On the other hand, they couldn't trace anything related to monero.
Not shilling Monero, it haa other ways to get compromised (a whale controlling a majority and spamming transactions makes it possoble to trace "real" users).

>> No.12955579
File: 58 KB, 1440x505, Screenshot_20190308-070812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over half market cap moved in 24 hours with minimal price change. Is this bullish?
Yes I'm a bong. Pip pip.
>4chan isn't the top of the internet culture pyramid
>multiple agencies worldwide don't pay people to actively steer conversation here

>> No.12955596


>> No.12955605
File: 279 KB, 482x602, 1551480914613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recruited through GATE
toppest of keks my larper friend

>> No.12955606

OP, If JPM coin and ZCash are the chosen coins... and XRP is supposed to be a bankers coin... is XRP controlled by “good” guys, “bad” guys, or simply a company trying to market to a specific sector?

Who is JPM’s biggest rival?

Where does Trump fit in with all this?

Ty for your knowledge OP

>> No.12955610

That's it. Sold my last portion of ZEC.

>> No.12955640
File: 90 KB, 512x694, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where does Trump fit it

>> No.12955909


>> No.12956537

fuck kikes

>> No.12957303


>> No.12957350

Threw in $35,
If what you said is true I have .75 of a coin with a 6 million supply. Could go to over $1,000. Worth the risk vs reward in my mind

>> No.12957551

Fuck. This real people?

>> No.12957582

Sounds like a subversive silver shill nice try rock hoarder

>> No.12957633

you are dumb as a rock
you don't understand what bitcoin is
go back to school

>> No.12957649


You mean Zcash is literally Ecoin from Mr. Robot?

>> No.12957753

nice. just sold 100k.

>> No.12957771

The reason you'll find big gov supporting crypto is because of the fact that small nations whoms currencies aren't as stable will get absorbed by crypto thus globalizing the world and removing nation soverignty.

>> No.12957789

>Unironic nat socs
Not a coincidence that you
ve made your appearance into such clowny thread like this one.
But yeah you are right...the strong will prevail and the Poles cant wait to roll out their panzers in case of EU/G*rmany meddling with them and then beat the actual jewtropolis (Ever wonderd why (((Them))) got almost always german surnames? )

>> No.12957801

Good. There’s nothing inherently wrong with globalism. Just not the kikes’ vision

>> No.12957914

qtum has more than its mcap in value

>> No.12958019
File: 246 KB, 861x698, 1551201544852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.12958030


>> No.12958363

u dirty jew

>> No.12958404

ZEC has only 6m supply though???

>> No.12959441

Bump wheres OP

>> No.12959522

Bought some last night based on OPs advice. This better be the rel del

>> No.12959574
File: 16 KB, 225x534, chariot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to join Chamber Of Light.

Esoteric discussion and Trading going on there. Oh, very good thread, and yes, I have ZEC.


>> No.12959585

Who ever buys silver and gold in hopes of selling it for more profit is a moron. You buy silver and gold as a safety in case fiat currency fails and it will. Silver, gold, cars, cigarettes, drugs, real estate, food are tradeable goods unlike pieces of paper that are given an imaginary value. Why do you think USA is stockpiling tons of gold? Also England, China, Russia, Turkey, etc. Once fiat fails, we'll turn to gold.

>> No.12959665

Snowden is a CIA asset. He shills zCash. JPM is unironically a CIA asset.

Daddy Trump and Q Team. Save us all.

>> No.12959670

You don't realize that Europe, especially England and France were jew'd beyond repair before and after WW1. Hitler had no chance when he proved you can live without jewish bank ruling over you.

>> No.12959759


google this and see what the ONLY result is.

>> No.12959817
File: 71 KB, 222x533, strength.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, think it means anything?

>> No.12959878


>> No.12959916

I’m here for tech and /biz/ board culture not youtube tier conspiracy theories

5/10 made me reply

>> No.12960101

wew lad
kek if you cant understand what OP typed up youre a brainlet
What is that a discord address?
Wtf this is the exact fud OP warned about

>> No.12960225
File: 22 KB, 233x533, thefool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes QXS2beF is a dizzc0rdo invite code.