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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12954710 No.12954710 [Reply] [Original]

in b4 kys and/or faggot and/or poo in loo
>be me. 20 yo kissless virgin.

>start working as an intern in a company.

>fascinated by finance

>read about the 2008 crash like the faggot i am

>want to become an investment banker

>no social life. might as well get paid for it

>start working in a financial firm

>start reading up on cfa

>leave as they wouldnt give me a job in m&a

>give up on dreams for a while

>go to a consultancy firm

>everything going well

>father cant handle his business

>go to home business to help him out

>things stabilize at home

>go for an mba in a tier 2 school

>year one goies well. internships end

>the only investment bank that recuits here blacklists us because this chick wont do work during her internship

>fucking bitch

>year two begins

>start preparing for my cfa

>sacrifice grades and sleep and social life to find out ive failed to clear it

>feels bad.jpg for a month

>college about to be over

>dont have a job in hand

>start approaching boutique banks for jobs

>the best reply ive gotten is to be a glorified personal assistant
i know you fags wont care. and tell me to move on. but i really want to prove myself in this field. this field only. thanks for reading/ignoring. just trynna get somethings off my chest

>> No.12954746

Would you be willing to be any other kind of analyst at a bank?

My ex just had a degree in finance from an ok-ish school in Canada and had work lined up almost anywhere she went. Works in the US now.

Couldn't you just work elsewhere in the system and do a lateral transfer after a few years?

>> No.12954758

Mad respect for helping out your family. You are better than 90% of this board. Keep trying anon and network like crazy, you'll make it.

>> No.12954814

anon, i havent said these words in almost 7 years ,but i want to kill myself right now. everything has failed.

but yeah, thanks for the kind words. getting back on the fucking grind. back to networking like crazy.

>> No.12954823

i live in india. my work ex goes from finance to consultancy to operations. it is not counted as a positive in any sense. adherence to the norm is the norm over here. going in for a relationship manager role would just ensure im further away from ever getting into it. getting old as it is. fuck me.

>> No.12954828 [DELETED] 

>won't stick with anything
>can't get through basic industry qualifications without melting down
>literally just drops his foot-in-the-door industry job to help his 90IQ father run the 7-11
>impresses nobody at internships
>school is "tier 2" yet nobody hires from it
>thinks he's too good for a PA job
>repulsive to women (probably the smell)
Bravo dipshit, this is the most dravidian post I've read on this board in a while and that's including shitcoin shills.

How does it feel knowing your father's lineage would've been more likely to survive if he'd just stayed in india?

>> No.12954868

not making excuses. i was job hopping.

seemed to be going well (the jobhopping that is) mainly cause i wouldnt listen to anyone. no 7-11, mum dies, he has a meltdown, i give up on collecting brandnames on my CV.

im still stuck in india bruv. and seeing how things are going, ill prolly die on the streets too. thanks for bringing perspective and not making it a pity party. appreciate it dude!!

>> No.12954996

Well, it seems to me like you are miles ahead of your countrymen. You speak English, are educated, have useful degrees which can take you international, and a desire to stick to a path. Take what you have and be willing to go anywhere.

I know people twice your age who are listless. You'll be fine, setbacks will always happen. You just push through.

>> No.12955023

Oh, and on the suicide thing: don't.

As a guy who had a loaded gun in his mouth at 23 over a breakup with a long term GF (lol), I can tell you I'm so glad I didn't do it. Life got WAY better. Took a while, but it was worth it. I had friends who followed through in their early 20's, and they threw away their chance to see how good it could get... a real shame.

>> No.12955335

thanks anon, ill keep chugging along appreciate you listening for a while!

best of luck with your thing

>> No.12955403

kys pajeet

>> No.12956247

hey at least this one is not a poo in the loo pajeet

>> No.12956384

Man I know it sounds dumb, but don´t worry too much
You seem like a smart guy who knows what he wants. This alone puts you over 80% of all people.
Now what you have to do is: Keep your head up and push through. Nobody said that things will be easy. Especially not as a man in this world. Trust me I know what I´m talking about.

And don´t worry about that 20 yo virgin thing.
I lost my virginity at 23 to a beautiful and smart girl. It was sadly abroad and I never ever had success in my country. But that´s how things are. I´m 25 now and also though about ending it a few times the last two years.
But killing yourself is like FOMOING into Bitcoin at 20k
Both is extremly fucking stupid.

>> No.12956472

Oh man....
What was I thinking to get advice here

>> No.12956630

>>the only investment bank that recuits here blacklists us because this chick wont do work during her internship
>this chick
Why are you more than one person and what does some other woman have anything to do with you?

>> No.12956666

Keep your head up dude. Yes you are a stinky pajeet but a really smart one at that<3

>> No.12956681
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Those digits and being positive in this clusterfuck shithole no less, fucking checked .

>> No.12956803

Posting from a different phone. That previous guy wasn't me.

The chick was included cause she destroyed the chances of any investment banks coming here. The sole purpose of getting an MBA down the drain.

Also am turning 27 this may. Completely forgot to mention my age (posting here for the first time on 4Chan). Been almost seven years since I've been told no. Dunno what kind of a masochistic fuck I am that I'm still chasing this dream of mine.

>> No.12956850

Sorry if my messages don't make much sense, not in the best frame of mind right now. But it'll be okay soon enough I guess.

>> No.12956866


Also kinda ironic that someone else gets to be Bateman in this thread

>> No.12956883

Would they hire a guy without a degree? I want to get in the industry and work my way up. Don’t mind going back to school but I want to start working at one first