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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 225x225, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12953811 No.12953811 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw everyone here laughed at me when I told them this would take off.

>Tfw it has slowly gone from 12 cents to 18+ over the past month and retards here still spam the muh browser plugin token meme.

>> No.12953822

Yeah and I remember when it was 30-40 cents

>> No.12953825


>> No.12953829

And I remember when Bitcoin was pushing $20K. Your point?

>> No.12953834

Yeah and we will see that price back soon buddy.

>> No.12953921
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>> No.12953967

there's literally no reason for bat to exist

>> No.12953975

>muh browser plugin token
Fucking idiot

>> No.12954060

BAT has taken #26 on CMC.

Steadily making its way to top 3

>> No.12954131


>> No.12954252

He's literally teasing a whole research paper

>> No.12954254

>bought my BAT stack at ten cents not too long after the ICO.
>up 80%

Fucking comfy.

>> No.12954474


>> No.12954625


>> No.12954629


>> No.12954807

They wont be laughing soon.

They will probably buy in and sell the entire ride up to $5 with their tiny stacks that get increasingly smaller as BAT steals market share from the rest of the worthless vaporware coins.

>> No.12955030

how does an advertiser pay? in bat or in fiat?
and if brave gets a % of the bat from ad sales, won't brave end up owning all the tokens eventually theoretically?

>> No.12955059

advertisers pay in fiat, and the sale is finalized in BAT. No because BATs have to be given out in exchange for attention for the system to even work.

>> No.12955060

Brave is going to be sitting on a hoard of their own tokens, simultaneously reducing the circulating supply and making the company itself richer. Of course, they will give some away as grants to keep getting people to download the browser. Brave will be a force to reckon with shortly.

>> No.12955111

but the advertisers are paying for the attention already right? so does the flow go:

advertiser buys bat from brave in fiat at current exchange value

publisher gets % of BAT and Brave gets % of bat

... what happens if people like it as a store of value, lmao... and it... it runs out? how will people advertise?

>> No.12955129

swing trade now ?

>> No.12955151
File: 21 KB, 679x452, 1551919842244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What is supply and demand
It never runs out, just goes up on value, it will be a store of value and actually used for goods and services

>> No.12955160

It's got a big market cap and is divisible into like 18 decimal points tho in my humble imho opinion. You can't run (probably)

>> No.12955204


>> No.12955210

is there a place to sign up to advertise, i can't see one?

>> No.12955237

I think they're approaching established "blue chip" third parties at this stage and will make it more inclusive after a short time. That's just a complete, worthless guess on my part though.

>> No.12955259

Just go to the contact page and send them an email. You should be able to advertise for free and it will be funded by the UGP. They are running trials, and fine tuning everything so they dont have a full public self service module running yet.

>> No.12955287

/biz/ will never understand BAT, just like they never understood ETH.

>> No.12955307
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, brave bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To expand on that, /biz/ is a little bit of an autistic popularity contest. LINK won the INTJ autistic kids' minds by shilling hardest at the right time and targeting the right kind of INTJ mindset, this whole "IT'S GOING TO MAKE YOU RICH, AND THE NORMIES WILL HATE YOU" mindset.

Brave/BAT represents something completely different, it represents bringing crypto to the masses, the fucking brainlets and the normies. /biz/'s autistic reasoning cannot possibly relate to this type of thing, and so they fucking hate it and denounce it and proclaim it as useless.

we'll see in the long run I guess

>> No.12955391

BAT holders are much more practical than any other coin. We can see the performance metrics rising, and we know that they are getting closer to widespread adoption everyday.

Other coins do not have this luxury. They rely on partnerships, and the news cycle. Their hopes are that they can con other retail investors into buying their bags or redistributing their portfolio in a way that other bagholders will pick up the slack on their bag. Basically they want to trade turds or scam someone.

BAT holders don't need to con anyone, and their value prop is simple enough that retail investors would actually be interested in it because the business model is simple enough to understand. Even if nobody invests in BAT token the advertisers will still have to.

With all the other tokens out there, the value prop is to just sell to a greater fool. Don't be surprised if you see BAT start the next bull run, and lead the charge into top 3

>> No.12955453


I'm not stupid, and I see the value, however i fail to see how a competitor could not enter this market and steal marketshare. I seriously fucking doubt this will be a top 3 coin?

That being said, I love Brave, and I love the BAT concept even if i'm unsure what the *unique* (key word unique) value proposition of this token system is. Couldn't there be competing advertising networks? seems more logical than this thing shooting up 100 billion plus in like two years lol but stranger things have happened.

Either way this is what i've been accumulating, since it's easy to buy on coinbase, but those are just my reasons why i have no significant portion of my portfolio invested at this time in BAT.

>> No.12955514
File: 226 KB, 1092x833, brave thiel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God I hope BAT starts the next bull run. Just to see all these /biz/ idiots get blown the fuck out.

>> No.12955642

>i fail to see how a competitor could not enter this market and steal marketshare

Brave already has quite the headstart in publisher/ad network partnerships. Any competitor will need to catch up on this first. If Brave/BAT is successful, other apps will start integrating the BAT system as well. Network effects should make it hard for copycat products to gain traction.

Maybe some tech giant with established industry relationships could launch a rival product quickly, but I can't quite see who would do that. The very idea goes against Google's or Facebook's business model.

>> No.12955669

i mean it's a bit of a popularity contest isn't it? any browser can simply release a blockchain friendly update, introduce their own token and bam

A single content producer of note could change the game on how people are tipped

ya feel me?

>> No.12955708

They have to establish formal relations with advertising companies and content producers tho

>> No.12956037

/biz/ have been in it since ico so don't feel special

>> No.12956403


>> No.12956661


>> No.12956686


>> No.12956706


>> No.12956760


>> No.12956792

What if BAT becomes the conduit for digital content royalties? When I upload something, that content is linked to my Brave wallet, and when that content is posted somewhere which receives BAT, it funnels a portion towards me. Can someone please explain to me why this isn't feasible? Basic attention measured beyond advertising?

>> No.12956802


Its going to be number 1.

>> No.12957455

Shhhh...don't arouse the wrath of the Bogs.

>> No.12957473

99 buy wall at poloniex being eaten up right now..

>> No.12957478

99 btc buy wall*

>> No.12958159
File: 273 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190308-101725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey whale, whatcha doin

>> No.12958167
File: 33 KB, 600x600, Screenshot_82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been holding this since 40 cents and fucking sold everything at 11 cents

>> No.12958194

>buy high
>sell low
Well done, lad

>> No.12958224

try not to kys when it hits $5 next year

>> No.12958256

2/3 my stack was bought at 2k sats, the rest was $0.38. I think I might be able to unload some of this if things don't shit the bed. I know how depressing it is to see it go that low but man I don't believe you pulled the trigger...

>> No.12958269
File: 6 KB, 236x197, 951de2665cb108a99d778fdc99c9d875--investing-cool-stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I literally shorted btc the day i sold my bat too. I've seen nothing but a sea of red.. Thought I'd be better after the years of regular stocks.. I've definitely lost good health over this recently. Happy to be alive

>> No.12958285

Hah i was convinced btc was about to drop. I was so scared it could go another - 50%.believe what you want its my losses not yours

>> No.12958295

Dude, now is probably the BEST time to buy crypto

>> No.12958302

You have no clue how much pain I've been since i sold. I fucked up hard.. Its been going up since the minute i sold

>> No.12958357

That’s a cool idea. Might be possible in the future.

Please tell me you’re LARPing

>> No.12958419

Lost some LINKs trading this piece of shit.
Never again, stay below 20c forever, piece of shit.