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12952978 No.12952978 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12952983

imagine being a hairlet. Its even worse than being a manlet

>> No.12952992

>t. early twenty year old zoomer who thinks that thinks he is safe
Either that or you are chemically castrating yourself with fin. Either way, this thread is a sign of severe insecurity. Learn to love yourself, friend.

>> No.12952993

nobody looks like the right unless they don't care. they either shave or get it fixed

>> No.12952996

Truly is.
What's worse is these conditions only effect men.

>> No.12952998

its unironically true hairlet. bezos is a prime example. shaved head is fine, danny devito bowl cut is not

>> No.12952999

Have hair, but I agree with this 100%

>> No.12953005

Thanks OP I was feeling self conscious but you're right. Nobody cares.

>> No.12953020

Hm Bezos.
Yes maybe nobody cares because he is a billionaire.

>> No.12953059
File: 1.51 MB, 432x766, 1515015264205.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total manlet cope
>imagine being manhandled like a child

>> No.12953091

am bald. shave my head + beard. also tall and reasonably fit. fuck you

>> No.12953109

no, nobody cares because it's normal af to see bald dudes out there. even in OPs pic, if the shooped guy on the right just shaved his dome and grew a beard he'd be pulling just as much poon as the left.

>> No.12953132


jesus, apparently you are all 20 years or below. there is about 50/50 between those 2 dudes. the left guy is slimey and handsome, while the right one looks like a real man. go ask your sisters/mothers, they will tell you the same.

both are very attractive in the eyes of a woman. the older and sexually mature they are, they will prefer the right guy

>> No.12953134

if /when i ever look like this i will probably not care. shaving that shit off all the time sounds like a major PITA... way too much time spent obsessing over grooming and appearance.

>> No.12953144

he doesn't even need a beard with those god tier facial aesthetics.

>> No.12953145


>> No.12953154

Funny thing is, the dude on the right would still pull more bitxhes than 99.9% of this neet board Kek. You fucks have hair but stay in your basement all day and fap to anime.
t. Chad with hair

>> No.12953587

>ever going outside
>ever being in a place with more than 3 ppl

>> No.12953717

this is my future desu.
>t. tail end millennial with hairlet father

>> No.12953743


Guy on right would need to stay shaved and bulk up a little and he'd be gucci. At least half of all women have a strong daddy/tough guy fetish which is why bald guys keep getting laid and married.

>> No.12953768

Left pic looks like a twink. Right pic if clean shaven and beard would look more distinguished

>> No.12953820

Bald dude here.
Balding sucks, there's no denying that, specially in your youth. Most of the men will experience it sooner or later in their lifetimes. You just need to learn to deal with it, once you do, you will realize that it doesn't affect any aspect in your life in the slightest, and that no one really give a fuck about your hair.

>> No.12953828
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>> No.12953846

I have no baldness in my male line and I have a full head of thick hair. I'm a skinhead though because I like it and I have been blessed with a great skull and a really thick neck.

>> No.12953873

>that it doesn't affect any aspect in your life in the slightest, and that no one really give a fuck about your
oof, now this is cope

>> No.12953916

Aren't we all coping with what we got in a way?
But it's the truth. Ask yourself when did you truly judged a man by his hair.

>> No.12953998

How about having a micropenis?, like so small you can't have sex at all? That's the ultimate genetic insult imo

>> No.12954018


Yup. You'd even have to deal with the pain of talking to a girl who thinks you're otherwise attractive, knowing 99% of the time she will hate it and you're only moving towards the inevitable.

>> No.12954021

yep, hair is 100% fixable, being a manlet, or having a tiny dick is not

>> No.12954075

Nah, big dick, 6’2, healthy hair over here

>> No.12954129

He's not wrong. I'm 28 and while not full on balding, I have a small spot on the back where it's stopping to grow past a certain length but it can't be seen from front or sides. I know it'll get worse in the next 5-10 years. I just get a bald fade with a short clip up top and it looks fine. I'm a pretty average looking dude but I lift almost daily and despite hanging around this board constantly I have no problems going out and approaching women in social settings. It's really not hard, you just have to stop giving a fuck what they think. Yes, of course there are tons of shallow roasties out there who may care about your hait, but majority of the time if you can hold a conversation without sperging out and show confidence you're golden. It's not rocket science.

>> No.12954181

It's so weird seeing Sean O'Pry on the Internet. I had classes with him in middle school and high school. He was class clown but still a pretty cool guy.

>> No.12954194

Did he get all the girls back then? What school was it, isn’t he from Georgia?
t. georgiafag

>> No.12954225

Yeah. We grew up in Kennesaw, GA. Palmer Middle School and North Cobb High School. He was just a popular, normal good-looking guy. He had girlfriends, but I don't think he slept around.

We had the same home room in 2006/2007. One day he suddenly stopped showing up to school. Someone said he went to New York to start modeling and we all just laughed. That's how much of a clown he was lol

>> No.12954256

Did you ever know a kid named Tanner Gershick? Sean was supposedly friends with Tanner and I met Tanner in Korea when we were both models there. I met Sean in NYC once but he was big league compared to me.

>> No.12954280

Cool, I’m from Stone Mountain. Hope the Georgia fags make it

>> No.12954281

The name doesn't ring a bell.

>> No.12954292

I just googled him and his modeling pictures come up as a first result. I just met him at a club and he said he was from Kennesaw, and I knew that's where Sean was from and apparently they played football together. One of their dad's was the coach but I forget which one.

Anyway go gators faggots.

>> No.12954304

Yeah I searched google too. I don't recognize the name or face. Sean did play football though.

>> No.12954314
File: 29 KB, 784x247, wj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my friends who I see once a month told me the other day he had a picrelated (hair system) for the past 2 years and , I honestly never knew.
Apparently it costs $200 and you gotta take it off every 10 days to wash it, shave your head and re-glue it. I might check it out

>> No.12954555

Churchill was a fat bald alcoholic manlet and he was based as fuck.

>> No.12954612

Right side looks like every Polish person I've ever known

>> No.12954899

Buy a hat.