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12947333 No.12947333 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto has no use case outside of being a western union replacement. Think about it.Why would anyone buy money to use money?

>> No.12947354
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To avoid hyperinflation?

>> No.12947357

Why would anyone buy real estate when you can rent?

>> No.12947366

what inflation? the dollar is at ATH now and projected to get stronger due to the world around us collapsing. US is insulated. We don't need the global economy to survive.

>> No.12947369

Do you live in Venezuela? Then you have no problem.

>> No.12947374

as a store of value (nominally) in the domestic toilet paper of thier choice. QE will be restarted. interest rates will stay negative in parts of the world. the govts cant do anything but flood the world with money. because of its hashrate being to big to be taken down by any one organization bitcoin will continue to have utility as a network capable of cross border value transfer regardless of whether govts want it to and on top of that you can transport it simply by memorizing a phrase. without a catastrophic netwok failure, combining these facts with bitcoin's distribution curve guarantees it will tend to increase in nominal price on average as time goes on. that's why people will buy it, because there is nothing as un-correlated to the dumpster fire that's happening in legacy markets and there is nothing as portable

>> No.12947378

several other cases exist too besides money transfers

-untraceable transactions
-no governing authority that can just freeze your account if you dont play by the rules
-no federal reserve that can just print more money and make your savings useless overnight

>> No.12947389

I'm saving a big folder of screenshots like this because I know I'll feel guilty and want to help people after hyperinflation kicks in but I need to remember they don't deserve it.

>> No.12947396

Buttcorn doesn't scale becauase pow doesn't scale. Also if the gov wants to shut it down they could very easily. Nodes have IP adresses on the internet just like everything else. if we are talking total collapse of society the internet itself will most likely be taken down completely as infrastructure starts to crumble and be taken out by bad actors.

>> No.12947398

>QE inflates assets
>People who don't get direct QE suffer
>QE sugar rush begins to wear off (you are here)
>markets crash
>governments either use more QE or seize bank accounts
>people get poorer, assets get more expensive
>uber socialists practicing MMT ride a wave of public discontent into office
>continue taxing, seizing wealth, and printing money

Crypto is the answer to the impending combination of inflation and wealth confiscation

>> No.12947412


Actually the government is thinking about using blockchain for voting because it's unriggable.

>> No.12947423

This is fucking brainlet logic You think Ethereum is just a payment ledger?


Now is the time to be learning more about this stuff or you will stay forever poor.

>> No.12947428

i'm sure they aren't scared by blockchains. they already control the media so they control public opinion. with that kind of power it makes no difference who the sheep vote for.

>> No.12947446

Clarification: Whether a government tends towards printing money or confiscating wealth depends on their relationship to the control of the monetary supply.

However, crypto is a global phenomenon.

>> No.12947453

i like eth. it's the best candidate for western union 2.0 since it's going with the faster PoS method. as far as smart contracts go i think they are a meme personally. i don't see much being built on eth right now except shit tokens. and it's not like eth is new tech. it's been around for years now....

>> No.12947468

All of this is new tech. Even bitcoin still gets improvement proposals. Furthermore Ethereum has some extremely high level projects being built on it. Both FOAM and Urbit are using it RIGHT NOW.

Now if you bothered to read the article you would see that Ethereum is nowhere near the endgame of this space. Ethereum 2.0 might be though if it ever comes to fruition.

>> No.12947486


ETH has been around for like 3 years bro

>> No.12947497

I like ETH and currently put 60/40 into ETH/BTC with all my extra money.

For a brainlet like me though, how does the price of ETH become affected by its use for SmartContracts and stuff?

>pls no bully

>> No.12947516

it doesn't because the average joe doesn't use smart contracts nor care about them.

What's going to hurt ETH is the fact that it's taxed in the US. that means it will be hard to use it even as western union. grandma just wants to send money to her daughter overseas not figure out how much capital gains tax she owes the gov because the coins she sent appriciated in value.

>> No.12947543

Good mix, I wouldn't recommend any alts to someone who hasn't researched them thoroughly. The problem with Ethereum and its price are that the 2017 run was due almost entirely to ICO scams. Ethereum is fairly priced atm in my opinion. I am buying 1 ETH a week.

The smart contract locking up the most Ether is the Wrapped Ether contract, which is used almost entirely for Maker CDPs. Around 1% of all Ether is locked up in these contracts. Proof of Stake (if it works, of which I am skeptical of), will lock up quite a bit of circulating Ether and will probably pump the price. That's going to be in a few years though.

>> No.12947552

Gov't won't be going after plebs for taxes on their $100 gains.

>> No.12947565

i wouldn't be so sure. $100 isn't much money but if you had mainstream adoption that's hundreds of millions of people using it. then that $100 becomes 100 x 312M. And that is serious loss of revenue.

>> No.12947569

This is why you should go all-in on XRP. Even Western Union is in on the action.

>> No.12947585

XRP is a scam.
They will amend the laws, I don't think the government has realized how much of a pain in the ass it's going to be for the IRS.

>> No.12947606

Google interest rate parity. The dollar is expected to depreciate against the Yen, the Euro and most other European currencies. Also, depreciation =/= inflation.

>> No.12947626

>XRP is a scam.
So is Ethereum but that doesn't stop people from inflating it's value.

>> No.12947639

crypto has one major selling point: Nobody can control your money. Paypal,Patreon,... all have the same issue: The institutions you use fuck with your income at will. There's also no paypack with crypto so you don't have to deal with scammers charging back.

The whole problem with crypto is just about making it normie friendly so they would use it.

>> No.12947660

It's high against other paper inflated currencies. It's purchasing power is at ATL

>> No.12947692

speculation gives it its value. at this point it doesn't even really matter what a coin's fundamentals are anymore. all that matters is how well it's pumped. once the hype train gets going and normies start buying in everyone that was smart enough to buy in early will be rich.

Just like 0x and Link. they are both just cents right now. Forget about big name brand coins like btc and eth. those ships have sailed already. unless your already rich you wont be getting rich of either of those. low cap coins are the key. buy in early and pump the shit out of it until you make it.

>> No.12947700

Interesting. So in your opinion ETH wont raise in value significantly? I dont have much money so I'm trying to put it somewhere that'll grow, even if that's 3-5 years. It would sound that you think BTC to be a better bet for future returns?

>> No.12947701

Ethereum definitely facilitated a shitload of scams and Vitalik/Poon have affiliated themselves with a few (OmiseGo), but Ethereum itself is not a scam. XRP is an actual retail investor scam. That said. I have heard from inside sources that XRP and BNB (also a scam) will pump more in the short term.

>> No.12947725

you speak chinese?

>> No.12947726

Also, what's to keep altcoins from making use of ETH in the future, thus pumping it again?

>> No.12947753

>Ethereum itself is not a scam
Oh okay so premining 12 million ETH for the developers to do with them as they please before premining the 60 million ETH for ICO buyers is perfectly fine, right? Definitely not a pump & dump scam. Oh but wait, you can deploy smart contracts and do actual stuff with that coin. Wow. Does that mean, because you can essentially do what XRP claims it can do (send and receive money) it's not a scam either?

>> No.12947762

>can deploy smart contracts and do actual stuff with that coin
yes. It's not a scam because it provides utility.

>> No.12947768

So in your own terms XRP is not a scam since it is also working as intended?

>> No.12947792

Ethereum and Bitcoin are both solid bets, but right now no one is using Ethereum much outside of ERC20 meme tokens and NFT money laundering. Longterm I am pretty bullish on it. Some very cool projects are building on Ethereum but they won't gain any traction for another 2-3 years or so
Random question lol. I am a Bok Gwai but I went to school with a lot of Fujianese and Cantonese in NY. I don't speak Chinese though. I used to hang out with them in the gambling dens, internet cafes and ketamine trap houses. Very glad that I left that scene it was not a good crowd to be around.

>> No.12947798

it's not a scam because it does what it does very well. but it's a shit coin though. it burns coins when you use it so eventually the network will run out of coins. kinda dumb making value disapear like that. PoS is better. it's speed will be on par with XRP and it wont burn coins just to use it.

>> No.12947804

XRP is not working as intended, since the entire marketing gimmick of it is that banks will adopt it, which is an absolute lie.

>> No.12947828

it was in reference to insider info on chinance

>> No.12947837

The source does in fact originate from a Chinaman

>> No.12947840

>not working as intended
>can send and receive
Anon, I... I don't like XRP, but please don't go full retard.

>> No.12947847

>Ethereum and Bitcoin are both solid bets, but right now no one is using Ethereum much outside of ERC20 meme tokens and NFT money laundering. Longterm I am pretty bullish on it. Some very cool projects are building on Ethereum but they won't gain any traction for another 2-3 years or so
So are more things being built on BTC then? Is BTC being used much more?

>> No.12947870

Are banks using it to transfer value internationally and can cash out for their native currency with high liquidity and nonexistent price volatility? If not then it is not working as intended and you should be ashamed that you are defending this absolute scam.

>> No.12947886

xRapid uses XRP as a liquidity transport tool, so yes, it is used as intended.

>> No.12947924

A third world country known for electronic waste dumping and scams. Fucking lol.

>> No.12947928

>moving goalposts
Nice cope.

>> No.12947938

You think XRP is a good investment?

>> No.12947940

Not moving any goalposts, retard. You are naive for believing any of this horseshit.

>> No.12947944

It's as good a gamble as any other crypto shitcoin, just be smart about your trades. If you put ideology into cryptocurrencies, you're never going to make it.

>> No.12947959

Do you think the banks are keeping the price suppressed? It doesn’t really behoove them to pump the price, does it?

>> No.12947961

We've been watching shadows dance on the wall for our whole existence.

Of course, we'd think nothing else exist but usual case of money exchange.

We can't fathom what comes next, even the 1 unseen use case I am working on does not open my eyes to the other opportunities lurking beyond my cave.

Pro-tip: using money as we know it is the last thing you should be thinking about.

>> No.12947967

Everything about XRP is smoke and mirrors bro. No one is using it. But I can't convince you so whatever.

Short term pumping is the rumor I've heard so best of luck to you.

>> No.12947970

Wow, ok. You can continue to blindfold yourself and ignore certain tokens that don't fit your ideological standard; crypto or not, if it is making me money, I don't give a fuck. And you shouldn't either.

>> No.12947982

If what you say is true, why are big banks partnering with ripple?

>> No.12947999

> Only use is challenging a growing industry with over $5.5B in revenue
> Bad thing

>> No.12948000

Corporations scam retail investors all the fucking time.
Bottom line is we are all here to make money, which is why I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.12948012

But corporations are using XRP. Why can’t I get a straight answer from fudders?

>> No.12948038

>why are big banks partnering with ripple?
Delusion, the post

>> No.12948043

Feel free to tell me where I’m wrong.

>> No.12948048

You’re fucking stupid, and you deserve to die poor.

>> No.12948056

you're right, which is why alts are technology products and all trend to zero long term as their technology gets obsoleted or replaced, with the possible exception of ethereum because it's already turing complete.

bitcoin is money/an investment product and with technology on upper layers could become a very smooth payment system, but until then it's just for lightweight usage and long term investment.

>> No.12948066

>Why can’t I get a straight answer from fudders?
Its all about confirmation Bias Anon...
Do you believe a company that has something to gain out of bag hodlers?
Do you believe Reality?

>> No.12948071
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Oh shit you’re even stupider than I thought from your OP.

This is on the level of BNB FUD from last year trying to tell people binance was gonna burn their coins. I really hope you fucking suffer, idiots should be culled.

>hhhurrr durrrr I can only think in whole numbers blooopity dooooopity doo!

>> No.12948076
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Forgot some things:
Immutable ledger, database.


>> No.12948173
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>> No.12948302
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>One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
Confirmed Normie coin

>> No.12948436

Introspection is very important. I have fallen for plenty of scams during my tenure in crypto. It's a big part of denormifying.

>> No.12948445

Cryptocurrency has genuine advantages over fiat but the community has largely lost sight of them because of the shift in focus from currency to smart contracts, ICOs, and dapps.

The biggest advantage crypto has is that you can use it without submitting personal info. This is revolutionary for more than just illegal stuff like buying drugs on the Silk Road. It means you can integrate payments into any piece of online software with none of the restrictions imposed by banks or credit cards or by international currency conversion. The first applications of this will be adding rewards to social media and games but there is probably way more you can do that people haven’t even thought of yet.

>> No.12948493
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>> No.12948510

You can’t though. Every exchange and even localbitcoin now has kyc. The anonymity of crypto is gone, ogre, finito.

>> No.12948520

No one is stopping you from mining or doing OTC purchases set up on the dark web.

>> No.12948557

Because both of those will totally help drive mainstream adoption. Shit’s complicated enough to get into as it is, and and one of the things you just suggested reinforces the perception (real or not) that crypto is for criminals. I love the idea of the tech but vested interests will always win. Always.

>> No.12948605

Just saying if you had to you could. Normies won't want to deal with that shit and frankly neither do I.

>> No.12948617

Fair enough but my point was that, beyond taking pretty drastic measures, there is no anonymity left in entering or leaving the crypto space.

>> No.12948626
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You won't have to buy it in the future. There will be other ways of getting it.

>> No.12948840

I agree this is a problem currently (especially now that Coinbase has set the precedent of banning people) but over time as more products and services can be purchased with crypto, the fiat gateway will be less of an issue.