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File: 63 KB, 500x500, BlockMesh_Logo__TIfrqDZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12945255 No.12945255 [Reply] [Original]

Let me dispell all of your dipshit fictions.

>> No.12945261

why is there only 1 btc volume you fucking pajeet? I could 10x this shitcoin with one order

>> No.12945294

BTC volume pumped a few weeks ago and brought BMH up to 0.000003 because there were rumors of cooperation with Binance (long term seems possible because both companies seeking adoption in the third world) and Stellar (Blockmesh is in the Stellar Candidate Program, according to Blockmesh telegram admins).

The rumors, combined with a big announcement of partnership with Ecentric Payment Systems, ended up making the coin pump.

Blockmesh team has stated that they have yet to pursue any marketing yet however they indicate that the time to start rolling out Blockmesh for full-scale adoption is very close (This month/early Q2).

>> No.12945455

Lmao fuck you poor faggot. The team has no funds. They’re going to do a kickstarter, and then they leave this piece of shit and focus on that. Stay poor and get scammed fag

>> No.12945506

You should be nailed to a fucking cross for running your pretty mouth off like that you little twink fag.

>> No.12945510

Ya bro. I dumped my bags on you fucking fools. Got in at 50 sats and some dumb fucked pumped this to 400 LOL

>> No.12945520

>thinks people give a shit about a nothingburger crypto

>> No.12945535

Are they really doing a Kickstarter lmfao holy shit

>> No.12945539

You sound like a hypebeast wigger alcoholic. I've got a three inch slanger your mouth was made for, fuckface. Drop to your fucking knees and start delicately extracting my lifeblood out into your fucked up esophagus, you fucked miserable piece of human toilet shitstreak

>> No.12945540

Why the fuck would I buy literal african niggercoins?

>> No.12945543

Scam coin

>> No.12945544
File: 76 KB, 535x681, BMHpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockmesh is enabling cost-free communication and crypto adoption all across the third world.



Stellar speculation:

Token information:
Mesh Token will be the first accepted token for traditional cash at selected retails stores in Africa. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoprite_(South_Africa)
Network support is rewarded through ‘mined’ cryptocurrency (Mesh Tokens) which is deposited directly to your wallet. 1 MB of data used on Blockmesh = 1 BMH token earned / mined.

89,598,476 BMH Circulating Supply
2,000,000,000 Total Supply
>50% Mining (Proof-of-network)
>25% Future Development
>10% ICO
>5% Founders
>5% Reward Air Drop
>4% Service Providers
>1% Pre ICO

>MeshEx complete and test network has been rolled out in Mauritius.
>Backed by giant retailer
>Blockmesh is very likely to be partnering with Stellar in the near future
>Blockmesh rumored to be listing on Binance soon and receiving partnership (CZ seeking to make blockchain technology accessible to African markets)(https://cointelegraph.com/news/binances-charity-arm-rolls-out-blockchain-powered-school-lunch-campaign))
>Tumelo Ramaphosa, son of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, is the Strategic Growth Advisor for Blockmesh
>Working with Serval Project
>Retail integration to be completed Q1
>Team is very responsive and transparent

FUD niggers whining

>> No.12945549
File: 216 KB, 1500x1100, 1551130475275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12945560

Was going to buy blockmesh until I read this. This is not a good look and to see that you are OP, hurts. This kind of talk is not acceptable especially on this board. Why don’t you grow up and get a life like the rest of us on here are doing. Going to have to sage you for this. Have a great night

>> No.12945561

You get coins from data used? Is there any way to prevent people from just using a bunch of data to mine shitloads of tokens? Seems easily abusable and that would make the token lose value if everyone could mine a load. Legit question.

>> No.12945582

Blow me faggot. Don't let the cumshot hit you on the way out, now take your meds, faggot.

Think long term, ~10 years.
Users will be able to buy mobile data at any mesh hotspot for a fraction of the typical cellular data price.
1,000,000,000 tokens for mining.

>> No.12945593

You S 0 Y drinking , Muh Mainnet loving , b-but 100million cap will 10x saying, LOSERS need to stop whatever you are doing and dig deep into Blockmesh RIGHT NOW.

If you miss this one biz, you need to just quit. End it. Just cash out everything you have in crypto and stay away, because you obviously cannot see what is about to happen here.

Let’s see.

Binance is trying VERY hard to break into the African market (1.2 BILLION PEOPLE). They are trying to convert the “Unbanked” into crypto users. What better way than to offer a South African (hotspot for crypto) cryptocurrency?

Why Blockmesh, you ask?

Because Blockmesh is partnering with a major African retailer to allow people to buy groceries with their gains. GROCERIES. A Vital part of what you NEED TO LIVE.

Stellar is coming soon, the news has leaked. REAL WORLD ADOPTION HELPING HUMANITY and all you can do is call it a scam lol.

They have patents on their HARDWARE they are integrating their hardware ALREADY.

And this is complete speculation, but I believe that they are working on offering FREE telephone voice communication without the need for the internet. That would be absolutely MASSIVE.

>> No.12945597
File: 3 KB, 200x200, 9ECDCED1-7C60-4721-97A6-E9AFA8E505B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP also admitted he’s gay. Thats not surprising.

>> No.12945623

You know you want me, nigger

>> No.12945654

Nice counter argument OP. Really solidifies my opinion on this project and its contributors.

>> No.12945685

>Lmao fuck you poor faggot. The team has no funds. They’re going to do a kickstarter, and then they leave this piece of shit and focus on that. Stay poor and get scammed fag

You can kind of see why I wouldn't respect this guy enough to give him a serious reply, but I'll go ahead and spill the beans with you since instead of directly insulting me, you're at least being sarcastic, which hurts my feelings less:

Blockmesh ICO raised $5M back in Feb 2018. All of the funding that they received from it went into development and hardware. They struggled through the bear market with very limited funds.

Blockmesh are in weekly chats with most exchanges, the issue is that as a real project with limited funding they aren't willing to pay the ridiculous listing fees.

The tech prototype have been built and tested, concept proven. However, marketing will come very soon once more funds are raised (as they inevitably will be).

You have to realize that there are a lot of companies with skin in the game that are banking on Blockmesh being a huge success in the third world cryptocurrency space, specifically Africa currently. They will guarantee it's marketing is a success.

That's all from me, DYOR.

>> No.12945721

turning your phone into a 15km range mesh node
no sim card, no need for ISPs
free internet
get reward keeping up the network --> free money
auto exchange with fiat and a stable coin in the middle. Built on a p2p exchange structure
IPs can be blocked like in China and Korea. You cant block a cellphone bluetooth/wifi connection unless its removed from hardware.
Shoprite 2,689 outlets in 15 countries across Africa
u are welcome

>> No.12945731


Yikes. Really not a great look. Here's a tip. Next time you shill your bags try not to sperg out like the faggot fucking nigger loving street shitting incel you are.

>> No.12945736
File: 246 KB, 1347x827, PARTNERSHIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than that.

Please suck my cock. You want politeness then be polite.

>> No.12946072

Idgaf about africa. If I can't use the platform in the first world to mine coins, it's of no use to me.