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12944198 No.12944198 [Reply] [Original]

Is college worth the investment?

>> No.12944205

You're not investing in college, you're investing in yourself. So likely no.

>> No.12944211

I want to cuddle Botan

>> No.12944216


>> No.12944224


>> No.12944229
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Still kind of a rubber stamp unfortunately. Just major in something worthwhile like engineering

>> No.12944238

Depends on what you get into...

Unless you're going for STEM, law, medicine or finance (like actuary), then forget about higher education.

>> No.12944248

If you live in Europe and get it for free or like 400€/year then yeah definitely, otherwise fuck it mate.

>> No.12944268
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Fucking gottem.

>> No.12944273

No, STEM is a meme and you can learn it all on your own on internet for a fraction of time. You're literally only paying for the degree in hopes that the system will continue to value your ponzi degree for essentially no reason at all.

>> No.12944282
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>> No.12944310


>> No.12944378

Depends what you're talking about in STEM.

If you do software engineering then yeah, you could get a job without a degree as long as you have a superb portfolio. But anything else, whether chemical, mechanical or electrical, they'll definitely want a degree.

>> No.12944820

Yes, they want a degree for literally no reason at all. I guarantee you that random neets from /sci/ are more educated than 80% of STEM BS degree holders.

>> No.12944830

No. And the debts will screw you over for life.


>> No.12945057

depends on the cost of tuition, what you study, and what job you get because you went to college

>> No.12945217

holy shit STOP SAYING YOU CAN GET A JOB IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING WITHOUT A DEGREE! if you are a self taught coder you will be competing with poos over what amounts to minimum wage in high CoL areas. literal code monkey garbage. even if you have a degree now jobs are getting very scarce. Software engineering is completely bloated and overfilled with pajeets. PLEASE get into ANY OTHER major in stem, you will have better prospects 100%.

>> No.12945233

>bittrex launched bitsdaq a new exchange for asia to compete with binance
>they are giving away 20k BXBC tokes for free
>Its guaranteed to go to $1 at least
>he isn't signing up

don't be a retard, binance airdropped me 1000 bnb and i sold at $3, this is giving me the same vibe.

ZFEU7UVU use this code to get 2000 extra tokens. free money for signing up is the best investment.

>> No.12945250

>I guarantee you that random neets from /sci/ are more educated than 80% of STEM BS degree holders.
Please, I implore you, just stick to what you know anon

>> No.12945277

Most of /sci/ has degrees tho

>> No.12945284

If your family is already rich, then it's optional. Otherwise it's a minimum requirement for most well paying jobs.
Don't get into too much debt... CC and then transfer to a state school.