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12932807 No.12932807 [Reply] [Original]

>a person from work invited me to his party last saturday
>it was ok i had a nice time
>i had a beer and played some ping pong and monopoly and then went home around 9pm
>monday morning i was talking to my boss and i told him about it
>tell him that people from our office were doing drugs (they were i saw it in other room by accident)
>tell him that i saw them doing marijuana and possibly some other drugs but i couldn't be sure about that (some white powder, either meth or coke, was on the table)
>his mood changed instantly
>he thanks me and goes into his office

did I do the right thing? I felt that my boss needs to know.

>> No.12932838

Sure you did well, snitch. Good dog.

>> No.12932856

Drug users are subhuman degenerate trash. You did the right thing for sure.

>> No.12932864

>tfw middle manager
>tfw christian
>tfw constantly trying to improve my employees into being better men
>we all going to make thanks to jesus christ, we just need to believe and be productive
>my employees gather in parties but its ok because we all need to be brothers and love each other
>after some days, fren employee at work talks to me about those parties
>realize im outcasted because they think im the boss
>realize even my wife cucks me
>devil has tempted all my employees and broke my home
>feel hopeless

>> No.12932875
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Nice pasta


>> No.12932885

You’re supposed to keep valuable intel on coworkers to yourself until you can use it for maximum leverage. You’re a premature ejaculator.

>> No.12932948

Boss will probably do a drug test. If it comes up negative he'll lose trust in you. If positive youre one handy away from a promotion.

>> No.12932992
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Clocks ticking, junkie, better start filling out applications

>> No.12933117



>> No.12933175


>> No.12933467
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not risking it

>> No.12933491

Was your coworker an African american by chance? What about you boss, jewish?

>> No.12933499

How does it feel to be an unoriginal faggot?

>> No.12933511


>> No.12933716


What the fuck are you doing?!?!

>> No.12933829

OP did the right thing. I would want to know if the people who worked for me behaved in self destructive ways like this. Hope he fires them.

>> No.12933860


you did right.


>> No.12933863

I wouldn't tell on people for smoking weed (except for extreme circumstances, such as, they're pilots) but white powder on a table? 100% the right thing to snitch, fuck those degenerates. I have some friends from way back who are into that shit as well and I wouldn't want them working in the same company as me. people who do serious drugs are not accountable for their actions, they are temporarily insane and I'm not saying that to defend them. they are not in a state a functioning, responsible adult needs to be in to make the right decisions.

>> No.12933876

anyone ive ever known that has habitually done those kinds of drugs are always the fucking sketchiest people in the whole crowd. fucking liberal commie nigger lickers.

>> No.12933880
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Cool pasta

>> No.12933889

Cool, you posted the pasta again! Thankksssss

>> No.12933890

Surprise twist: your boss also does drugs and now knows you are a snitch. You are a liability and will be fired as soon as he finds a plausible excuse.

>> No.12933895
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You probably also say "Dont judge." AKA "Let me sin in peace." Degenerate.

>> No.12933897

based and redpilled

>> No.12933904

definitely commies. drug users are in an irrational state frequently so they fall for any emotional appeal. given that the MSM uses emotional appeals to push corporatist SJW pseudo-socialism all these clowns are rabid SJWs. they think they came up with the ideology themselves, too, nevermind the fact it's being pushed in all major entertainment products. that's somehow subversion by deep cover corporate employees, I guess.

>> No.12933936
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>> No.12933948

Honestly if they were raping people or doing anything else illegal I wouldn't really give a shit and I would think that OP is a scumbag for turning them in, but the fact that they're druggies, I don't give a shit. Druggies are scum of the earth and OP should have just killed them instead of turning them in.

And yes I know this OP is just pasta but druggies are fucking scum.

>> No.12934502
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>> No.12934734


You "told on them" just because they were smoking weed and doing a little coke? If I were your boss, I'd fire you just for being a little faggot.

>> No.12935222

>replying to pasta

>> No.12935343

Nice copypasta OP...