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File: 11 KB, 970x534, bitcoin-vs-ethereum-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12928816 No.12928816 [Reply] [Original]

Which one should i go with as my main investment and why ?

>> No.12928820

ZIL is the happy medium here
has the best of both chains

>> No.12928825


>> No.12928829

eth, more development going on (btc will raise and fall with bull runs, but eth will too + fomo from updates)

>> No.12928844

Buy both.

>> No.12928860

>Which one should i go with as my main investment and why ?


>> No.12929191

My portfolio:

50k LINK
21 ETH

Crypto master race.

>> No.12929229

well one has defined inflation rates and a decentralized consensus
the other is under control of a pedophile communist on adderall

the skelly might force stuff through faster but that doesn't make it any better technically
he gave the miners control on gas throughput
he premined 72 million coins

this isn't really a debate and never was

>> No.12929244

how does it feel losing to a premined pedo coin?

>> No.12929312

who is losing here?
this is why you ETH kids are absolute retards

>> No.12929338 [DELETED] 

He isn't a pedo you absolute retard. Protip: putting blatant lies in your shill posts makes you look a pajeet.

>> No.12929370

He isn't a pedo you absolute retard.
> Inb4 b-b-but he twee..
Yea, why don't you read the context of that tweet instead of spreading blatant lies.

>> No.12929376
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he literally was arguing there there's no victims in having child porn
who would argue that position if they weren't in that shit

>> No.12929391

I can tell you’re smart anon. What are your predictions for BTC price within the next 5 years?

>> No.12929396
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tweet he quickly deleted

>> No.12929398

As I said, why don't you post the actual context of that tweet.

>> No.12929412


Obviously bitcoin is the investment

Eth is a speculative research project that could become obsolete

>> No.12929434

I can tell you’re smart anon. What are your predictions for BTC price within the next 5 years?

>> No.12929449
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a lot can happen in 5 years I don't know
I think it will go up
if those halving cycles are to be believed we might be digging out of another bear in 5 years but who knows

I know in 5 years ETH will be exposed like EOS is being exposed now on their blockchain bloat
As much as people talk shit on LN it's the best solution because those development teams can upgrade without needing consensus of main chain
needing a consensus for hard forks centralizes the chain badly
it's just bad mixing the main chain up with regular changes when you can have channels that have custom parameters while the main chain is set in stone

>> No.12929457


100k+ by the end of 2023

>> No.12929467
File: 711 KB, 1200x628, 13C96CFA-7765-47A6-9FAA-AA4318673D3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12929468

Based. So you don’t have any specific price predictions? For example do you think BTC can hit $50k?

>> No.12929491

both are top projects well out of reach of any competitors. ethereum has more growth but is much more risky, bitcoin has already experienced most of its growth but is a guaranteed bet as long as cryptocurrencies exist.

>> No.12929502


Have fun having your coins stolen from you. EOS is a centralized shitcoin doomed to fail.

>> No.12929503

how will BTC price be in 2023?

>> No.12929505

I think it can but there's no guarantee
50k I would put it at 80% chance of that happening before 2022
but I'm just pulling numbers out my ass a lot can happen

>> No.12929510

ethereum doesn't have blockchain bloat, it's blockchain structure means you can verify the entire chain based on very little data, something not possible with utxos

>> No.12929514

Probably because he realized that retards like you would try to use it out of context to accuse him of being a pedo.

Yes, his tweet was a bad PR move, but there are plenty of hyper autistic BTC developers too.

>> No.12929520

nobody knows and anybody telling you otherwise is lying or dreaming. you won't get rich off of crypto with only a few thousand dollars anymore if that's what you're hoping though.

>> No.12929534

yes, but if you'd want to have a full node just for fun, then you'd have to sync for a few days

>> No.12929547

>but there are plenty of hyper autistic BTC developers too.
like who, luke-jr? because he's catholic and a family man

ETH changed the definition of a full node, you're not validating anything that's under the control of the few people who can dedicate hardware to that
the nodes and so called decentralization of eth is smoke in mirrors
I also love how mETHheads will go off about chinese miners or whatever when they literally gave control of gas throughput to miners while bitcoin defended that
your scheme is falling apart and pedoskelly knows it

>> No.12929580

you can't compare BTC devs to ETH devs
a lot of BTC devs were working in this field before bitcoin was even a thing
a lot are cited in the white paper by satoshi himself
there's a whole other level of knowledge and experience in bitcoin developers compared to skelly's team

>> No.12929581

If hes a pedophile itll just mean that he fits in with everyone else in the finance world. Seems this is a positive more than a negative.

>> No.12929584

That's some good FUD.

It will probably work on most stupid people.

>> No.12929606
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Why not both?

>> No.12929618


>> No.12929629

Go back to your corner and shut the fuck up, no one asked for your shitcoin

>> No.12929631

45% BTC
32% ETH
18% XMR
5% some trash like NANO as an insurance is the Godlike folio.

>> No.12929637

BTC is literally the coin to hold. You can't go wrong with it.

>> No.12929642

that is a full node. if you want the history of every single state change on the ethereum network, that's completely different and something not applicable to bitcoin in the first place.

no, thats not how ethereum's validation works at all. the trustlessness is identical to syncing up a bitcoin node.

>> No.12929647

45% BTC, 45% ETH, 5% trash where the team is still building and yet its been oversold in the bear and has a good chance of coming back (eg ICX).

>> No.12929648
File: 258 KB, 807x544, gupta-censorship-ethereum-gab-nazi-communists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another gem from an ETH dev

>> No.12929652
File: 12 KB, 870x53, Capture22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He litereally believes in the geocentric model. Also, pic related. I guess Bitcoin is under the control of a slavery supporter? He has said a lot of other fucked up shit, but I can't be bothered to dig it up. Use Google if you care.

Of course, Luke jr writing dumb shit online doesn't make Bitcoin a shitty project. That's your logic, not mine.

>> No.12929659

You won't get rich but you will still get good money. A couple hundred grand is amazing and can really change your life for the better.

>> No.12929663


LOL richard heart thinks he can create retarded shitcoins to enrich himself? We will prove him wrong.

>> No.12929666

sure, but there are a lot of people that think its still possible to become a millionaire with a few thousand invested this late into crypto's growth period.

>> No.12929668
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great minds over at ETH

>> No.12929690

yeah that line was pretty autistic I didn't know he said that