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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12922130 No.12922130 [Reply] [Original]

What's the actual ratio of dudes not getting laid?

Browsing /biz/ and other leads you to believe about 95% of male aren't sexually active
>but that's online
there's a sick tone of normies who are "still in a dating phase" aka not dating at all, or maybe once a year and all those 40+ single men on suicide watch
Isn't that an alarming recipe for an economic collapse? Like rather soon? A companionship and a female body are the best things in life, and if men aren't exposed to it, what's the point of working and performing in life.

>> No.12922145

People say 80/20...which is sort of true

80 percent getting laid once a year or less

10% getting laid maybe a couple of times a year by sheer luck

5% getting laid on the regular

5% AlphaChad slaying whenever and wherever

>> No.12922179

everybody is having more sex than you

>implying ultraChads don't LARP on here as virgins to mine sweet incel tears for keks

we're laughing at you

>> No.12922202

Western women have criminalized intimacy and even courtship for men, while simultaneously promoting female hypergamy.

End result is collapse, as males check out or move away to nations where they have better prospects. The process has already started, and no amount of imported brown people will prop the system up.

Women destroy everything if they are allowed to. Families, gaming groups, companies, nations. All just because they want attention and for a chad to nut inside of them.

>> No.12922211

I often wonder this because I have no friends to ask.

Smashing multiple sloots of tinder every month is so easy and I'm not a male model or anything.

>> No.12922300


The dudes getting laid are too busy with their social lives to post on 4chan.

This is a place of neets, by neets, for neets. Chads need not apply.

>> No.12922324

I'm not a neet. I just come here for the Chainlink larpers.

>> No.12922350
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>all the reddit spacing

>> No.12922365

What the fuck does this mean? I'm not a Redditfag

>> No.12922397

Ignore him. Using the term "reddit spacing" is the most clear way to spot a reddltor because the rest of us have no idea what it means.

>> No.12923363

Basically this. The majority of single men are absolutely not getting laid with any kind of regularity.

>> No.12923386

I have a girlfriend that I have sex with 3-4 times a week. I’m 33 and she’s 22. She’s on the pill so I get to fuck her raw and I’m the first person she’s let come inside her. She packed a lunch for me to take to work today. It’s really not that hard guys.

>> No.12923421

Same except without the sex because it's my mom making lunch for me.

>> No.12923479
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Just be yourself bruh

>> No.12923518

Even Pepe has a gf?

>> No.12923528

>what's the point of working and performing in life
Kys normie

>> No.12923553
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>it's really not that hard guys

>> No.12923560

I have a dad bod, a bald spot, and an average penis. My face is fairly handsome but my personality is my primary selling point.

>> No.12923572

I would have to assume your gf is around 6/10, based on your description

>> No.12923594

I’d put her more at 7/10 but it’s subjective and I won’t be posting her picture anyways. Her body is 10/10 for me though and I genuinely like her.

>> No.12923603

maybe I'm just tired of sex
I like underage brappers now and fapping to them. Is that so wrong?

>> No.12923611

if you arent getting laid weekly, youre in the below avg

>> No.12923637
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But she's 22 which means she's an idiot and you've found away to take advantage of her

>> No.12923641 [DELETED] 

a fapper is a fapper, welcome to 95%

>> No.12923661

Nah, I disagree. Women like a man to be a bit more established and experienced. I have a strong moral compass and I don’t believe I’m taking advantage of her at all. I’m supportive and encouraging.

>> No.12923693

Pretty sure that Anon is mocking roasties/feminists, who would most likely ban her from being your girlfriend. Because you should settle for a 40 year old with triple digit n-count.

>> No.12923715

Oh, ok

>> No.12923741

Had a regular fuck buddy last year. Broke it off to focus on crypto. Deleted Tinder, not getting any action and not looking. On the rare occasions that I go out I occasionally find a hook up.

I had a string of fucked up experiences with Tinder dates last spring that led to me ultimately deciding not to waste my time or money on women. People on Tinder treat each other as disposable, it is a degenerate culture and I want no part of it until I can quit wagecucking.

>> No.12923755

>People on Tinder treat each other as disposable, it is a degenerate culture and I want no part of it until I can quit wagecucking.

>> No.12923775

Casual sex is degenerate though. Enter into a bonded relationship and have sex. Sex = babies. Why trick your mind into believing that you're impregnating hordes of women?

>> No.12923789

>Why trick your mind into believing that you're impregnating hordes of women?
feels good man

>> No.12923812


>> No.12923858

I'm not going to swipe endlessly to message 15 girls, get 8 replies, maybe go on 3 dates and hope one of the girls is down for a quick lay or decent enough to try to date. Oh and there's good chance at least one of them flakes out at the last minute.

If it's not about making money I don't even want to hear it. No TV, no vidya, I barely even pay attention to politics. My friend gets a shit load of pussy. He's on like 2-3 dates a week and blows all his money on wine and dining. He also doesn't know shit about crypto or where this space is headed. Not going to make it.

>> No.12923894

Where's the space headed? All I see is starbucks

>> No.12923899

So very this.
Last straw is when despite being cool with all of the fucked up Tinder whore shit, she acts like a conversation about basic hobbies is "stranger danger" weird. Comfortable with sending nudes, meeting guys she doesn't know in strange places, then fine with you slapping her ass, pulling your dick out of her, having her suck it and then blow on her face, but asking her about what she likes to do on vacation is "kinda too personal."
It's a truly fucked up world. I can picture the casual conversations they must have with friends about taking 40 miles of dick but "this guy I've fucked six times, I told him my middle name last night. It's like sooo intimate, we really connected."

>> No.12923905

Look up FOAM and Urbit.

>> No.12923913

fucking lol, degenerate sloots

>> No.12923951

spare me

>> No.12923953

I didn't know JPMorgan was testing this but I heard about AZTEC a month before this was announced. That's how deep I am in this shit.

Also look at what Flyingcarpet and Althea Mesh are doing.

>> No.12923963

Kill yourself normie. I tried to help you. Not going to make it.

>> No.12923985

I guarantee you all this shicoins will accomplish nothing.

>> No.12923994



>> No.12924050

I'm sure your expert opinion is very highly regarded in this space, Mr. Starbucks.

>> No.12924085

Would consider myself 9/10. 6.3 blond hair. blue eye. 2 women this year one in Portugal one in Warsaw. Both locals 7.5/10ish Even for me it's a challenge. Btw mostly trade crypto and hold ETFs. Live in the States

>> No.12924109

There have been no accomplishments in YEARS

>> No.12924139

this, or at the very least a chanperson who you've no business listening to on a majority of subjects outside of anime and whatever else they've autistically clung to.

>> No.12924154

You don't get it OP, what's the point of a carrot on a stick if you get the carrot?

>> No.12924174

Lmao okay Starbucks. Go back to reading CNBC, boomer.

>> No.12924381

There was a study saying it's damaging to a cat's psyche not being able to catch the laser dot

>> No.12924394

Depopulation tactics.

>> No.12924414

But who cares if you are importing foreign cats to meet the future demand of labor in the laser dot catching industry.

>> No.12924460

There's only one thing to do... stack up our money and prey on the economically crippled once shit hits the fan. I've been anticipating for an economic collapse for a while now and I think it will arrive after Trump's second term.

>> No.12924563

Im pretty ugly and I have a gf to nut in. Literally just try losers.

>> No.12925288
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Nigga, only newfags don't know what redditspacing is.

>> No.12925331


Idiots and newfriends think double spacing after each sentence or paragraph is reddit spacing.

This is an example of not Reddit spacing. It just makes it easier to read and is a common way to type.

This is Reddit spacing. It is when
you put hard breaks in sentences
or paragraphs because of how
retarded that shithole is formatted

>> No.12925355

Wut about me I haven't gotten laid ever since i came out of my mom's vegina.
Where do i belong faggot?

>> No.12925364

Na fuck you. I didn't know what reddit spacing was until I went on reddit for a crypto sub. I found that on reddit you have to press enter like three times to even sort of start a new paragraph.

There's no reddit spacing in the OP. Reddit spacing looks like this.

And you are genuinely retarded if you use reddit for anything nonspecific. The place really is cancer.

>> No.12925386


Also they double enter for every new line (like so) because for some retarded reason only hitting enter once won't start a new line on reddit.

>> No.12925416

breadchan nooooooooooo

>> No.12925897

shes gone now, no amount of screaming will bring her back

>> No.12925903

I know a lot more of my former high school peers addicted to heroin than I know of my ex classmates married, have girlfriends, or getting laid

>> No.12925911

I'm fairly attractive and even I have to beg women. I can't imagine what others go through

>> No.12925959

but she ugly

>> No.12926156
File: 439 KB, 492x503, F3FDAD62-E086-48A0-9D71-89152938A661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol’d

>> No.12926193

>if men aren't exposed to it, what's the point of working and performing in life
Nailed it. This is getting especially true of males who would otherwise be carrying the workforce. Instead they will blow their brains out in their 30s as they remain khv while manager Chad flirts with systems architect Stacy

>> No.12926290

I'm very good looking, jacked and have the best personality. I find it damn near impossible to get with a girl that I find equal (7 or greater)

>> No.12926339

One can assume that your self-assessment is flawed

>> No.12926360 [DELETED] 

This is probably pretty accurate.

>> No.12926369

I'm extremely handsome and somewhat fit (got a tad bit high bodyfat tho but idgaf) but I have the worst personality ever. I literally send altright memes to the thots I'm fucking. In the beginning they laugh it off but after a few weeks of me mainly responding with pepes hanging niggers they kinda catch on that I'm not the most mentally healthy guy around kek. I also love to behave like a "conservative" in stoner le partyface groups and as a degenerate druggie when in conservative environment.

Such is the life of the mentally deranged.

>> No.12926372

With women it comes down to personality and not being depressed.

I'm good looking, 9/10 easily, have had numerous good looking girls just flat out tell me I'm attractive and they don't even mince words, but when I'm depressed I can barely give a shit what they're saying and they can tell and it kills their interest because I'm not interested.


>> No.12926396 [DELETED] 

This is probably pretty accurate. A lot of it is because genetics/evolution, but some of it is because dating culture as well. When a 4/10 girl can swipe a couple of times on tinder and find a 8+/10 guy who wants to fuck/"date" her then why would she pick a 4/10 guy instead? Also, a lot of guys seem to opt out of dating for various reasons. I'm somewhat attractive (tall, decent face, not fat, good career) but I just can't be bothered with all the bullshit. If I'm dating it's to find a long term relationship. Dating to hook up with a random girl is just not worth the effort to me.

>> No.12926399

This is probably pretty accurate.Some of it is because of genetics/evolution and some of it is because of dating culture. When a 4/10 girl can swipe a couple of times on tinder and find a 8+/10 guy who wants to fuck/"date" her then why would she pick a 4/10 guy instead? Also, a lot of guys seem to opt out of dating for various reasons. I'm somewhat attractive (tall, decent face, not fat, good career) but I just can't be bothered with all the bullshit. If I'm dating it's to find a long term relationship. Dating to hook up with a random girl is just not worth the effort to me.

>> No.12926403

I've done it and seen others do it. Never let your secret online persona out IRL, normies and rosaries don't get it and won't appreciate the strange internet humor

>> No.12926406

>A companionship and a female body are the best things in life, and if men aren't exposed to it, what's the point of working and performing in life.

This is correct and it's a good question and pretty much ponder almost on a daily basis

>> No.12926417

I don't use tinder or leave my house

have to be social for sex

>> No.12926434

Wow a Jew psyop is stopping you from getting settled. Can't make it up.

>> No.12926450

Nah he's right. Women have just become outrageously selective. If you're single and you aren't an ultra chad it is almost guaranteed that having a fulfilling sex life with girls of similar quality will be a struggle.

>> No.12926452
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>Would consider myself 9/10
Post pic
>I'm very good looking
Post pic
>I'm extremely handsome
Post pic

Picrelated is me, I think I'm a 7.5/10 6'0 190lbs

>> No.12926460

You are hotter than a girl behind, should be other way around

>> No.12926461

That's true for single guys

>> No.12926472

Because women don't want to fuck virgin men, they want to fuck the Chad who has multiple options, and is good at sex.

>> No.12927241

people and by which I mean Americans specifically need to stop propping sex up on this crazy fucking pedestal. yeah if you have a meaningful relationship sex can be wonderful. one night stands are indifferent from using a woman to masturbate.

rather than focusing on having sex people should focus on finding a relationship with an intelligent person who has no debt a steady course towards or in employment and aiming to earn and save more instead of burning money and going into debt.

>> No.12927289
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>should be other way around
In most relationships the guy is usually hotter than the girl unless he is rich or have a crazy amount of charisma. Girls don't settle...at least these days.

>> No.12927314

Caring about what women want is why you’ll never make it

>> No.12927403

>Im pretty ugly and I have a gf to nut in

How do you know you're ugly? Have people actually told you? If you have a girlfriend and didn't go sugar daddy mode you probably aren't.

>> No.12927495

Troll posting a 6-6,5/10 at best, start with a less cringey outfit, that's high school tier(oh wait, you might be in high school)

>> No.12927549

The outfit is irrelevant. It comes down to facial structure, symmetry, and regular features.

>> No.12927600

The problem isnt that its hard to get laid but that it isnt worth it. It only makes sense if you're top 10% aka Chad since that is the only time a girl will put in roughly equal effort or simply just let you do what you want and have the agency of a doll (thats boring, a different problem). For regular guys like me, I have to display wealth, an appropriate fashion sense, a certain standard of behavior, where I have to act in control of everything, entertain her, be cool, take her to dinner blahblah all the while she is only judging me relative to her 1000 other options. If im lucky I get laid, if not well she still had a good time. I would honestly love to take a girl out and pay for her dinner and go wine tasting and engage in interesting conversation and all that jazz. I would LOVE it but the problem is they bring nothing to the table themselves. So i do that with my male friends and jack off.

>> No.12927643

Those shitcoins are going nowhere, guaranteed. Maybe some pump here and there but in 2 years? long forgotten and replaced by new wave of shitcoins. But you know this you're just playing stupid like the rest of this board.
If you really believe in those 'projects' then you're not much smarter than the normies.

>> No.12927651

rather no gf than your fat ugly gf

>> No.12927658

>about 95% of male aren't sexually active
We are on the internet. What do you expect? People who frequently get laid don't have enough time to be on 4chan because of their Snapchat, Instragram and etc.

Luckily, I have a job and enough money to buy hookers.

>> No.12927670


I'm a crypto trading NEET with zero friends and I smashed 3 new tinderellas this week.

>> No.12927691

Look at this guy here bragging about buying diseased riddled hookers who will never care for you like a gf would.

>> No.12927720

I got easy pussy and gfs when i was a degenerate drunk with no money

I have gotten no pussy for 5 years beign sober, working 6 figures job and working out 5 times in a week

Something is definately wrong in society, cant be 100% me

>> No.12927729

One-night stands are shit, having an actual loving relationship is the best.

>> No.12927734


I have intermediary PUA skill. I won't game the average HB5-6 anymore. Nor would i fuck a girl with a condom. Boring, useless, loss of time. Sex with condoms or contraceptive pills are enhanced masturbation.

>> No.12927921

Women want someone as fucked as them. That's the only logical conclusion I've come to.

>> No.12927956

>Devalues himself gets low value woman
>Now he is devalued doesn't understand why he doesn't get a high value woman

You did this to yourself. Go watch some porn and moan about how shitty woman are.

>> No.12927978

She is probably a land whale

>> No.12927988

Land whale confirmed

>> No.12927998
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roast is in an insane bubble. even chads are struggling.

meanwhile, despite 1000s of suitors, women choose no one and end up wine aunts

its a mouse experiment style population collapse

>> No.12928008


just because you got a gf doesnt say anything about the state of the market

>> No.12928013



>> No.12929195

Women drool all over me wherever I go. Either you are a slob or you don't understand how to observe and pick up on social cues, something that you can do even as a light autist.
I catch them staring at me sometimes literally with their mouth wide open. They ask me on dates. I have a wife so obviously I completely ignore their advances and it just drive them crazy, some of them just act like I don't even have one. I'm in my early 20s, /fit/ and I mew. If I wasn't married I would be fucking so many chicks. Maybe the problem isn't the women and it's you if you're having so much trouble. Women drool over somebody with ambition. Just focus on something else and they'll come running.

>> No.12929297

>I have a strong moral compass
is that how you ended up on /biz/?

>> No.12930087

Whats mew?

>> No.12930153
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