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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 570x760, 3137_Bitcoin-comes-to-Kingsbridge-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12924740 No.12924740 [Reply] [Original]

100% anonymous and onchain, bitcoin atms are the only way to safely and securely buy bitcoin worldwide. If you are worried about repeated used of a wallet being traced back to you, you can print a new paper wallet every time you go to the ATM.

With tiny deposit minimums, even little kids with allowance can get ahold of some coin. I don't see how people aren't constantly shilling these things.

Most of these have withdrawal options too, with some allowing up to 10,000 USD in cash to be taken out daily, with zero trace left behind. Any profits withdrawn would be completely dark money, as the only way to prove you withdrew any cash would be to explicitly admit it.

If there's anyone out there that wants to get involved in crypto, but is worried about the current retarded anti money laundering structure, this is the way to get in.

>> No.12924767


>10-20% Premium
>Cameras everywhere.

Yah I'll pass these machines are literal niggerbait.

>> No.12924772

Haha no. This ride is almost over and you fucking know it, sissy.

>> No.12924799

>muh cameras

fuck you nigger

>> No.12924830

Imo it is better to run/operate an ATM than to maintain it. Fees for using this is atrocious

>> No.12924836

Fucking typo.
*use it not maintain

>> No.12924843

Not anonymous, These employ KYC in burgerland.

>> No.12924847

Its is true, none can see, I have sent many times back to caliphate in Syria, inshallah God willing this transaction will go through

>> No.12924852

oh fuck me, is that a fingerprint scanner?

>> No.12924951

kek you burgers are so cucked. I live in Canada you literally just flash any QR code at it and put cash in. fucking based

>> No.12924963

You seriously think nobody is going to notice a deposit of more than usd10k at a time? Nobody is going to check the cameras for the timestamp of the transaction? Delusional

>> No.12924977

ahhh and that’s where the fun stops

>> No.12925000

I've been buying bitcoin with these atms since they were 500 a piece, trust me ((they)) dont give a fuck. If (((they))) did, (((they))) would've come after me when my cones were worth 20k apiece. Now it's 2019 and I still haven't claimed my coins since 2016. Sorry to hear you mutts are so cucked down there.

>> No.12925001

Just send someone else in if you're that paranoid about cameras

>> No.12925012

i was actually approved at a major mall in my town, they wanted 1500/month

>> No.12925021

In a gold rush it’s much better to be the guy selling picks and shovels than it is to be the guy busting his ass digging for gold.

>> No.12925039

heres another (you) cause you're such a brainlet.
Also it's an 8% fee which is negligible if you
1. aren't fucking poor
and 2. care about your fucking privacy and protecting YOUR money

taxation is theft

>> No.12925046
File: 123 KB, 595x397, 9CCA9F2B-91B8-4B9E-89C5-F1C6CA38ECD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxation is theft
>enjoy your 8% fee

>> No.12925052

>8% fee
>buy $1k bitcoin
>receive $920 bitcoin
No thanks robot-Jew.

>> No.12925063

can confirm there are multiple manufactures offering different tiers with multiple setting options

>> No.12925236


>reddit spacing
nigga they ask for your ID in my country by law

>> No.12925266

If you're worried about the cameras... Just hide your face? Put on basic clothes you never wear, a hat, sunglasses, literally a fake mustache if you have to. Nobody is going to say shit.

>> No.12925269

Please shame anyone on /biz/ who uses the N word from here on out. The racism on this board is becoming an epidemic. This is a board that welcomes all races, ethnicities and genders.

>> No.12925312

hmm they have one in my shit town in Ontario. $80 on $1000 is pretty steep though

>> No.12925336

1. Go to btc atm
2. Use cheap flip phone for SMS verification
3. Hide or disguise your face
4. Receive anonymous Bitcoin

P.S. Getting BTC that can't be tracked to you is well worth the 8% fee

>> No.12925361

kill yourself schizo

>> No.12925374

>taxes are more than 8%
>numbers that are bigger are the same as numbers that are smaller
>every number is exactly the same

>> No.12925494

i was doing this for a while then said fuck it and used coinbase, but this is legit what this anon says.

>> No.12925542
File: 103 KB, 636x600, 1437273983567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using btc atms to buy

>> No.12925718

That is how it is below your border too, maybe not every single one, but a few I have seen. Sometimes they have a limit, like over $1,000 requires ID. But you could literally just use a few different wallets to get around that.

>> No.12925757

Where I'm from the fees are 12% at the moment. It's ridiculous. But yeah it's completely anonymous, just put a hoodie on or something and you're good. Still not worth it imo because the fee is insane.

>> No.12925767

The fee is shitty but it decreases the more you buy. I remember when BTC capitulated from 6k, I bought over 1500 CAD worth at once so my fee was only about 6%. still shitty but for a large amount it doesnt hurt as much.

>> No.12925821

because of this thread i found there's one in my town so i'll probably go make some sort of purchase just to be familiar with the process in case the trudeau government decides to be even more of ginourmous faggots where crypto is concerned

>> No.12925854


I'm pretty sure the fee wasn't always this high actually. I'm suspecting they might actually increase the fee as the price gets lower. I mean the fee for selling bitcoin is 2% but buying is 12% at the moment so. I think it was like 7% / 7% before. Maybe they think we're close to the bottom?

>> No.12925894

trudeau's gov has no stance on crypto, nor does cra. they will follow suit when the IRS gives their official stance on crypto assets. its a grey area.

>> No.12926082
File: 2 KB, 106x125, FA8FCA9F-891F-4560-98A5-4C69AEFE375F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
