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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12923135 No.12923135 [Reply] [Original]

>TRYING to get mainnet live first half this year
you guys realize this means that there is absolutely 0 chance of mainnet going live first half this year. we would be lucky to see it go live before eoy 2019.

unironically bearish as fuck. there is literally no reason to hold Link, its only down from here until 2020/21

>> No.12923167

>all the low quality FUD
>1 post losers

Thanks. Sending in $10,000 more fiat.

>> No.12923182

please don't buy sirs. You will regret sirs.

>> No.12923191

>mainnet in months

>> No.12923246
File: 119 KB, 404x448, 1551727494014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are bad at chainlink HQ. Sergey has run out of ways to interrupt the team's work. He's tried the breadcrumbs on keyboards, releasing bugs (although he says this was to "teach"), and writing adelyns home number in the bathroom. As there is only one Adlyn saw it straight away and went to complain to HR. To save money Sergey is also chainlinks human resources superstar (a title he chose himself). When Adelyn came in for the meeting Sergey put on his best pokerface so she wouldn't guess that it was in fact Sergey who had written the number.
> Pic related this is the face of someone good at hiding things.

>> No.12923288

Slop has serges stricken again

>> No.12923301

I just came back from the show in Paris, it was a terrible experience for me and my girlfriend. First of all Sergey wasn't even there and Dan instead took his place, except he obviously didn't prepare at all. You can tell he's just a salesman and has no tech background. He was just wearing a sparkling purple suit with a big hat and an unbuttoned shirt that revealed his pecs and chest hair, very vulgar display... I think he doesn't even know what a blockchain is. After the show I went up to him to ask if Steve was still working on aggregation, he just shook his hands very fast very close to my face and tried to change the subject, "don't worry about aggravation, I'm a ninja, look at my moves". I was ready to leave but my gf realized she was missing one shoe, I turned around and I saw Dan was burying his nose into it and sniffing it with a big grin on his face, I don't even know how he stole it in the first place. Maybe he really is a ninja

>> No.12923376
File: 611 KB, 921x538, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at 12.43.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they must be stopped. today.

>> No.12923408

qrd on how this first half of 2019 meme start?

>> No.12923420
File: 43 KB, 630x630, 2488323_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next month guys

>> No.12923499

Why are you brainlets so hyped about this useless shit? Muh oracle lmao.

>> No.12923520
File: 15 KB, 251x242, IMG_1746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stinktards only getting half the mainnet finished this year
>still have I wait 3 more years for the full mainnet
>thinking it will ever come and you didn't just get scammed by a Russian


>> No.12923531


>> No.12923791

April is mainnet