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File: 1.47 MB, 1172x1366, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at 3.47.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12922152 No.12922152 [Reply] [Original]

Mainstream adoption is here.

>> No.12922189

>ditches chrome for chrome
The absolute state of journalism

>> No.12922563

>not hiding the dock
>leaving your full name visible in the upper right
i shiggity diggity

>> No.12922572
File: 24 KB, 466x490, brainlet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand the difference between Chromium and Chrome

based retard

>> No.12922583

>Same name as photography credits
anon u dum

>> No.12922601
File: 303 KB, 1197x1608, computer revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave.com is going nutty on the Alexa rankings as well. Its Alex ranking curve is starting to look like my dick after a BAT pump.

>> No.12922611

>Download Brave
>Use it thinking I can earn brave tokens from using it
>Can't and the tokens donated to me expire

Yeah fuck this.

>> No.12922616

>random internet article
>mainstream adoption

>> No.12922627

The fact that you think they will ever go mainstream if fucking retarded

>> No.12922632


dumbass pajeet beggar

>> No.12922677
File: 27 KB, 717x352, brave alexa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said it's going mainstream. The article about Brave is on theverge.com which I guarantee gets 5x more hits in a month than your scamcoin's webpage has gotten in its entire history

>> No.12922695

What incentive do I have to use it then? I can just install a ad blocker and move on with my life.

>> No.12922704

going to be the #1 mainstream normie coin during the next bullrun every dumb cunt that eventually uses brave will think "hurrr better buy bat because brave = bat" It's inevitable and there's nothing any of you bagholding pajeets can do to stop this from mooning

>> No.12922707

all this "adoption" and the token price does nothing.

>> No.12922726

>up 40%-60% in the last month
>does nothing
have fun coping while the users and publishers are growing exponentially


>> No.12922727


> seething

Little 'ol BAT is going to nuke the entire crypto space except for a handful of projects (which are on Coinbase already and not bitcoin, eth, or their derivatives). This token is a fucking killer. You all will be using it by 2020 whether you like it or not.

>> No.12922729

Chrome is banning ad blockers soon.


>> No.12922733
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It's debatably the best ad blocker in existence, is exactly like Chrome in every way except faster, and doesn't track your private information and sell it to anonymous, shady, morally ambiguous 3rd parties.

But yeah do whatever you want. BAT Ads will come out eventually, the whole process takes time because Brave has to get it perfect for this to really take off.

>> No.12922767
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Its almost like they want to lose. There's no way they can't see that this is like suicide. Either the board is calling the shots now or they've lost their minds. Either way its not going to be pretty if you haves shares in Alphabet. I'd short that too.

Don't bother, they don't care. Concern trolls are concerned. Seriously don't even bother convincing kids on biz about this. They haven't collected enough business acumen to properly identify good investments. Plus most are assholes and honestly don't deserve wealth because they would abuse it.

That's why I fud the shit out of this thing any chance I get. But unfortunately my ego sneaks out every once in a while.

> thanks sold 100k

>> No.12922770


>> No.12922800
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Well fancy that. Guys a heavy hitter. Hope you have your ducks in a row.

>> No.12922843
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>"people are using Brave because they support my shitcoin and it has nothing to do with the built-in ad blocker for mobile"

>> No.12922853

When Brave is working with metamask to build a wallet centered on being user friendly. Once Brave becomes mainstream dapps will become the standard for internet monetization, and BAT will be the crypto everyone and their dog has, to pay with.

>> No.12922994

FF wont ban ad blockers because they are non profit. Only for profit browsers will block ads. it's going to be funny because there is a war on ads right now. All this capitalist greed will make FF the king again.

>> No.12923105

How will you ensure they they never sell my info and last i heard youtube is still glitchy on desktop, so i assume phone app will take forever to properly run youtube, the number one app

>> No.12923126

There are still plenty of normies out there who just don't give a shit and fill their computer with AIDS every time they get on a news site. Also, most people only use about 10 different websites, none of which have ads that are intrusive enough to seek out adblockers for.

>> No.12923129

Brave is a great browser. BAT is a shitcoin.

>> No.12923145

I guess it's been six months now and I'd have to try it again to see if it's fixed now, but when I last tried it I had all sorts of problems just doing my day-to-day activities on it

>> No.12923146
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, brave bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave on the phone is even better than the desktop browser. You can watch YouTube videos on Brave with your screen off too on iPhone which isn't possible with any other browser.

>How will you ensure they they never sell my info

Of course there's no way to ever be certain, but Brave has built its entire browser on the promise of privacy. That is its #1 appeal and will likely remain that way for a long, long time. That's the main thing it has going for it and Brendan Eich has stated that many times.

>> No.12923168

It's literally the same thing. Chromium is not really open source, it has tons and tons of proprietary stuff that it depends on and it's already compiled in the sources.

>> No.12923186

What is paid advertising? They are spending all your ICO money in google search right now, lmao. Just google brave browser and see all the money they are spending.

>> No.12923216

>bought 15k BAT @ 8 cents
>not a poorfag so I can afford to be patient

Do you have any idea how comfy I am knowing this is going to $5/BAT?

>> No.12923219
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Sick bro

>> No.12923443
File: 424 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190304-181745_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last 24hrs
Kek keep coping

>> No.12923455
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>> No.12923488


I always baka and laugh when I see FF pop up in a Brave thread.

> Brendan was FF

>> No.12923497
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> he can't read binary code to reverse engineer it

>> No.12923504

>because I hold BAT bags

>> No.12923810

Didnt know that, thanks bro.

>> No.12923918

>Desperate journo in the worst joiranalism job market in decades writes hacky review piece for obvious kickback just so they can afford kraft dinner

>adoption is here

Haha I really can't wait for all you cryptofags to just commit neck rope but you guys are good for the occasional laugh. Thanks OP.

>> No.12924277

The amount of mental gymnastics you are having to use to create FUD for Brave/BAT speaks volumes about how good the project really is.

>> No.12924300
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The Verge isn't even Brave verified so that theory doesn't check out at all.

A lot of people love Brave and hate/don't know about BAT anyways, you fucking retards should try the browser before you post embarrassing dumb shit.

>> No.12924318

>You can watch YouTube videos on Brave with your screen off too on iPhone which isn't possible with any other browser
Seriously? I've tried pretty much every other browser that exists and what you say doesn't work for them (Puffin, Photon, etc) so I'll definitely try Brave out on my phone right now

>> No.12924370

no fud required. all you have to do is look at this link https://batgrowth.com/publishers/website

You see, faggots here like to cite "growth" in "YouTube and Twitch" users. That's fine... they are the bottom feeders of the internet. Their impressions are almost worthless in the grand scheme of things. THEY, the bottom feeders of internet advertising (video ads) - will take literally anything they can get. The real prize is getting websites to convert. That isn't going so well (and never will).

13,513 Websites support Brave/BAT (but zero have actually installed BAT ads except for maybe a couple beta partners)

Guess how many will still have BAT ads up when they realize they are making LESS money even with 70% going to the publisher? Probably not very many. Why will they make less... well, less advertisers for starters. Advertising systems like this work on a bid basis and competition drives up bids - but large ad agencies don't want to buy a shitcoin just to advertise to an audience that will prove to be one of the least valuable audiences of all time (even less valuable than reddit) - because it's all a bunch of cryptofags that don't look at ads and don't buy shit when the do look at ads. It's a tech savvy group of people, who advertisers typically try to avoid like the plague.

oh well... I've given at least 10 solid reasons why the BAT/Brave system is not going to be as earth shattering as many of you hope for, and if it saves one of you from financial ruin - great. The rest of you will find out when advertising goes live, how much of a shitcoin this is. Advertisers are not going to FOMO into a shitcoin with huge stacks of cash. The ones that even give it the time of day will dip a toe in with $100 or so. Once they see that they cannot create a positive ROI unless they are shilling an outright scam, gambling offer, or some DIY trap conversion system. What happens next is either an artifical floor price is set or (out of room, part 2 anyone or stfu?)

>> No.12924479

Also worth noting, exactly ZERO new websites have signed up since yesterday morning. Track it for yourself. The growth is artificial. Literally counting youtube and twitch channels as "Publishers"... uhh okay, it's not a publisher unless TWITCH or YOUTUBE sign on as a publisher.

I also did some analysis on the websites that are listed as publishers and there is a trend... they are all bottom tier in terms of advertising value. These are sites (99% of them) - that are terrible for advertisers and can only generate revenue as a RON (run of network) website. These types of websites (porn, youtube to mp3, torrent, gaming, etc) are the least valuable for advertisers and are almost exclusively dominated by scam ads. You know I'm right.

If I should continue this fud-stravoganza, let me know - else I will show myself out... but I'd be happy to write an entire book with citations and evidence as to why this will implode. I would even be willing to share the results of my first advertising campaigns on the BAT/Brave platform once it goes live.

>> No.12924499

BAT is centralized. Brendan Eich can jack your BATs for whatever arbitrary reason. There will eventually be a stablecoin-based alternative to BAT that makes more sense and is actually decentralized.

>> No.12924573

>The real prize is getting websites to convert. That isn't going so well
Apparently having Dow Jones Media signed on "isn't going so well"
>Advertising systems like this work on a bid basis and competition drives up bids
Brave ads will have such a system
> large ad agencies don't want to buy a shitcoin
They buy an escrow USD amount of Brave ads that gets converted to BAT when the ad is ran
> ZERO new websites have signed up since yesterday morning
The website is created and ran by a 3rd party that doesn't consistently update the list. Of course it wouldnt grow if they havent updated it yet today.
> I'd be happy to write an entire book with citations and evidence as to why this will implode.
Glad to hear that you have so many Anon's best interests at heart.

>> No.12924582

>Because they paid me $$$ to do so.

Spared you reading the article