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12916255 No.12916255 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12916282

Why would it? Do you even know what it does? I think you guys just see fancy logos from well-known institutions and think that Chainlink is already connected to them. Well, it's not. That's just concept art of what's possible. And what's possible is really only worth about a cup of coffee per token.

>> No.12916286

Because it's a scam token and like all other scam tokens requires manipulation or Bitcoin to pump

>> No.12916293

>cup of coffee per token
ive never bought a $30 cup of coffee before

>> No.12916305

You'll see $0.50 max, what a shit token

>> No.12916313

its a rest api. do you pay weather.com for their api? why would you pay for a bitcoin api

>> No.12916317

everything in existence requires going through an oracle. Every oracle requires a LINK.

How this thing not mega millions per token? i dont get it

>> No.12916324

Because it runs on networks that no one is using, like Ethereum and other shit that no one even heard of.

>> No.12916331

Most jobs will run on 0.003 LINK or some low number, no one is paying obscene amounts of money for automation. It's a race to the bottom

>> No.12916337
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>no one is using
but why the fuck wont they use it alreayd?!
mass adoption ffs. what the fuck is taking so long??

>> No.12916377

They still can't scale. Remember when cryptokitties clogged the network? Now imagine the NYSE, SWIFT, Chase, and PayPal depending on such a network.

>> No.12916390
File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, main-qimg-83672c97b1f638dd8ae4798142f1822b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12916394

It's a fucking scam that's why jerkoff. Learn to differentiate between scams and legitimate tokens. ETH = the real deal LNK = Enron tier shitcoin. Got it doofus. Do I need to spell it out to you???

>> No.12916399

its volume that will make us bucks

>> No.12916416

>everything requires oracle
said who? also oraclize works just fine.

>> No.12916422

Thomas told us in slack that Sergey pushes for the coffee standard in every meeting. Swift were excited for a moon to pump their bags but Sergey always talks them down by repeating coffee standard over and over again in a really loud voice and throwing hot cups of coffee at them. He then shouts get it??? and leaves the meeting. Swift executives are not sure what to make of it but they stopped serving coffee at the meetings so Sergey always buys like ten cups and has adelyn carry them in and hide them in the meeting room right before the meetings.

>> No.12916442

>why wont this vaporware thats evaluated at 150 million dollar moon?
because it already did brainlet. its literally worth 150 million dollars and its currently only a concept. you retards unironically believe this is some hidden gem when in reality its an overvalued shitcoin that will tank to 50 million market cap as soon as everyone realises its not the fucking holy grail of crypto. this shit is at least 100 million dollars overvalued due to hype and time will prove me right when this garbage tanks to 50 million in the next months

>> No.12917362

how do you guys come up with this shit? fuckin nothing better to do niggers?

>> No.12917364 [DELETED] 

Its a scam

>> No.12917382


>> No.12918059

Damien, is that you?

>> No.12918069

Once it finds support at slightly below 10k sats and consolidates there.

>> No.12918074
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Blue cube bad

>> No.12918160

Because the network doesn't exist yet retard.

>> No.12918172

the clue is in your picture op. where do you think all of the value is going to accumulate?

>> No.12918173


that's why we need iexecs off cloud computing solution

>> No.12918225

The question on all our lips... It'll moon the second you sell anon

>> No.12918259

>Does nothing
>Why doesn't it do anything?

>> No.12918279

No it doesn't.

>> No.12918658

You'll never see $3 or more per token either. That must make you happy

>> No.12918675


>> No.12918759

whats the fastest blockchain that can scale ?

>> No.12918782

It does. Don't bother posting that image macro about that one time when they had a temporary outage. This happens even to Amazon.
Vaporware is always (going to be) perfect and 'win' over real services.

>> No.12918937

it's blockchain agnostic anon

>> No.12918941

once its listed on coinbase the price will be ~0.15

>> No.12919369

The two big use cases, insurance and derivatives can't even be done with smart contracts in the real world.
Do you think that insurance companies have a 1:1 ratio of capital to covered insurance? No of course not, because they know that only a fraction of all contracts are getting served.
With smart contracts you need to have a 1:1 coverage, because the funds need to sit and wait in that SC in order for it to be trustless.
It's the same thing with derivatives. So banks and insurances will need to 10x or 100x their capital reserves to use smart contracts which will obviously never happen.

>> No.12919990

>link is a scam
>link will make you make it
As someone who is not tech-savvy, how do I know which shills to trust?

>> No.12920048
File: 319 KB, 1600x1184, 1_5KrHGg6BdR3SNWjY5EM0-w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would insurance and derivatives companies feel comfortable relying upon a decentralized oracle market based on a "reputation system" that can trivially by Sybil attacked? Why would they not prefer pic related?

>> No.12920061

The real red pill is insurance companies dont want to use smart contracts because it goes against their business plan. Their financial objective is to not pay you what you owe, they need bureaucracy and deceipt to do that.

>> No.12920081

They are going to have to once an insurance companies goes all in and creates a successful use case. They also save money by reducing alot of their human overhead.

>> No.12920151

They can just simply use credit lines tied to the smart contract payouts. No one said all that had to be capital in cash. Since not all will get paid, then there is no need to worry.

>> No.12920189
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Oh pumpkin you're so sweet to take time out of your morning to fud.

>> No.12920197
File: 60 KB, 190x146, Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 4.56.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao oh anon, those bags must be so heavy.

>> No.12920204
File: 5 KB, 255x198, Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immutable smart contract triggers based on the oracles input
>"Ok wait, we just need to increase our credit line to actually pay you."
>"Oh sorry, we couldn't get the funds, guess we cannot fulfill our part of the immutable smart contract agreement."

>> No.12920251

They do the same shit today brainlet by using credit to write far more policies than they can payout or sell far more derivatives than they can pay. They know they won't have to service many of them so the credit line will easily suffice as a backup.

They may have to payout a little more or atleast more timely, but that's good. First one to do that will get more business and you are not even taking into account all the savings by automation. Plus, they are all overleveraged anyways and many in the market of tired of it. Some deleveraging is good.

>> No.12920269

Remember when the internet was colleges connected to each other over phone lines and a falling tree could take it down?

>> No.12920295

>They do the same shit today brainlet by using credit to write far more policies than they can payout or sell far more derivatives than they can pay.

This is exactly the point that I am making. The money for all insurance/derivatives covering does not exist and it doesn't need to because only a fraction of contracts are getting served.
With smart contracts the capital actually needs to sit and wait in the smart contract, otherwise it's not trustless.

>> No.12920316

But what you don't get is that credit will sit in the smart contract just like all the insurance and derivatives are largely credit. It's the same thing they do today when they overextend themselves but only end up paying a certain portion. Just because they have insurance smart contracts out there, doesn't mean those will get paid if no accident happens.

>> No.12920319 [DELETED] 

woooow you're desperate

>> No.12920356


>> No.12920357

Oraclize isn't a coin, so I'm not holding bags. I mean I literally own LINK and am bullish short term, but I don't think linkies have a good response to what I posted.

>> No.12920358

Be patient. It will take ATLEAST two years for adaption. A revolution takes time.
If you cant do the time, dont do the jvestment

>> No.12920372

but why did other complete shitcoins have billions in marketcap and surged in price with no product and we are here with the best fundamentals and we cant even break a fuckin dollar..

>> No.12920440

whole market is down you brainlet

>> No.12920447

No I dont you old bastard.

>> No.12920512

You can pick your nodes and even pick nodarized nodes if you are worried about a sybil attack.