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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12915936 No.12915936 [Reply] [Original]

So what are you going to do when you get your monthly $1000 neetbux from my mang, Andrew Yang after 2020 fellow Americans?

UBI is the way of the future

>> No.12915949


Buy more Bitcoin

>> No.12915964

love this guy

cant believe he still hasnt hit 65k donations. hes great

>> No.12915979
File: 82 KB, 850x400, quote-democracy-cannot-exist-as-a-permanent-form-of-government-it-can-only-exist-until-the-alexander-fraser-tytler-53-85-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is 100% why decentralized currency needs to start being taken more seriously by the general public.

>> No.12916072


A bad democracy is still democracy.

also buy zrx.

>> No.12916082


Shilling a Democrat chink and a coin that does nothing. Congrats on this seriously.

>> No.12916085


>> No.12916116

I'm hoping he will do for the UBI discussion what Trump did for the isolation / border security discussion.

>> No.12916133
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cmon guys. enough with this capitalism bullshit. it's time to join the yang gang

>> No.12916139


I'm getting my money back and opting for financial freedom. Go back to sucking cheeto dick, braindead worthless faggot.

>> No.12916201

yang is a capitalist. he's not lying about that.

>> No.12916212

oh yeah. definitely. *wink wink*

>> No.12916222
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Ok, blackpill time.
We do not WANT post-scarcity. We need scarcity, because our bodies were evolved since abiogenesis to function healthily while constantly at the fringe between order and chaos. Here is the research on behavior of social organisms under extended "utopia" conditions. Basically they turn absolutely dysfunctional and kill each other and themselves, and stop breeding.

Sound familiar? It's starting in America. It goes deeper: pic related. Sexual degeneracy, unintentionally self-destructive policy, lack of reproduction because dysfunctional males become low T and women exercise reproductive rights in outside cultures because despite what they say they want, they are not sexually attracted to the betamale cucks they created. This is the start of the end of western culture.


>At the peak population, most mice spent every living second in the company of hundreds of other mice. They gathered in the main squares, waiting to be fed and occasionally attacking each other. Few females carried pregnancies to term, and the ones that did seemed to simply forget about their babies. They'd move half their litter away from danger and forget the rest. Sometimes they'd drop and abandon a baby while they were carrying it.

>The few secluded spaces housed a population Calhoun called, "the beautiful ones." Generally guarded by one male, the females—and few males—inside the space didn't breed or fight or do anything but eat and groom and sleep. When the population started declining the beautiful ones were spared from violence and death, but had completely lost touch with social behaviors, including having sex or caring for their young.

>> No.12916226

>buy my boomercoin bags
no ty, grandpa

>> No.12916241

$1000 per month X 300 million Americans = Venezuela to the power of Zimbabwe hyperinflation.

>> No.12916246

Only brainlets bring up the stupid fucking mouse experiment. Shut the fuck up you absolute moron. Do you know how many drugs get tested on mice, succeed, and then fail miserably when applied to people? Humans aren't mice, mong

>> No.12916288

>voting for a libshit socialist
No thank you!

Fucking zoomers

>> No.12916297

Fuck off boomer

>> No.12916354

He is definitely a China spy

>> No.12916369

Fuck off zoomer

>> No.12916378


Less than half of that is actually eligible, since it doesn't go to anyone under 18 or over 64. The math still doesn't work either way. You simply cannot pay for a system like this, even if you completely gut most of the other weflare systems. Speaking of which, you really think all those people that get two to four times that are going to be okay with having their gibs cut, which is the only reason they vote Democrat?

I also think it's hilarious how argument for UBI is restructuring or removing all other forms of welfare, but he is also going to implement Medicare for all, which is already the most overbloated, most inefficient, and most corrupt welfare system we have in place. The current budget can't even support Medicare in its current form, let alone the entire country.

Don't even get me started on the philosophical implications of having an entire country being dependent on welfare. There is no going backwards once you implement a policy like this. The only thing that can correct the system at this point is a civil war.

>> No.12916392

Donated 10 from my wagecuck funds, after the joe podcast. Don't care if he wins or not. Was the first candidate in a long time, that seem to atleast have an idea of whats going on. The dude wins my support, just of the fact that he didn't use the race card or any other bs.

>> No.12916403
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based and yangpilled

>> No.12916538

bernie is the fake capitalist who wants to be a socialist dictator. yang is trying to expand welfare to more people to widen the "democrat" voter base while getting all kinds of industry connections from lobbyists who all want to talk to him once he's president (unlikely) or some consolation prize position (realistic goal). his UBI sales pitch isn't just directed at voters, it's also geared to interest fellow Democrats. the only lie he's peddling is that he would run independent if that were a realistic option. I don't believe the guy has any qualms with Democrat policies. what he's proposing is basically their logical next step. it would make no sense to run against them even if he could become president without them. change my mind.

>> No.12916541

I’ll vote for Yang but he has no chance, Normies barely even know he exist

>> No.12916558

the math works you dumb mong

he wants to implement a 20% VAT tax on corporations. also, people who are also getting welfare benefits won't get the $1000 UBI, or will get an amount only up to $1000

>> No.12916598
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So you support the idea of UBI lowering the bar for male competition to the point that none of us need to be tough anymore, which we will rationalize with the fad of the year (in this case feminism & other s o y ish bullshit), which will inevitably collapse society not only because half the population will be dysfunctional low T low sex drive betamales playing Fortnight and the other half will be fucking foreign chads, but also because none of us will feel the need to compete, which is at the core of evolution (which might I remind you is at the center of every successful system on this planet so far, from evolution of organisms to evolution of ideas via free speech and evolution of products and services via free market economy)?

>> No.12916654

>what are testosterone injections

>> No.12916703

Those corporations can just find loopholes or find ways to not pay for the whole neet bill entirely.

>> No.12916745


>getting fucking $1000 a month is going to cause all that

Is $1000 a month really THAT big of a deal for you?

>> No.12916772

He thinks stopping the fringe from killing themselves instead of facing homelessness and despondency will cause all humans to stop competing.
What an absolute retard tier thought.

>> No.12916783

It's a step in that direction. Human psychology is capable of weeeeird fucking gymnastics by moving the goalposts incrementally. Especially in an echo chamber.

Basically my argument is this is the first step. We have weak men and easy times, and this marks the initial downtick into hard times in >>12916598 pic related. Throughout history cultural decay never happens in an obvious way - they always think they're making the right choices, but they only think that because conditions are ripe for self destructive thought patterns.

>> No.12916784

> dysfunctional low T low sex drive betamales playing Fortnight
This actually wouldn't be a problem in the age of automation. We don't need the labor and we are way more young men than necessary, with no war in sight to thin us out a little. Pacifying entertainment is a necessary evil at this point. It's better than civil unrest, gang violence, drug addiction (better to be addicted to VR porn than to substances that fuck you up physically), cults, you name it. The best case scenario is that the world at large stays peaceful and that the non-White parts finally get rich enough that they, too, stop reproducing like rabbits.

>> No.12916792


Yeah it's really weird. On the other hand people here seem to think less than $100k a year is absolute unlivable poverty tier salary yet $12k a year would somehow be good enough to live like kings and cause everyone to just play video games all day.

>> No.12916808

Again, keep moving the goalposts. That's how we'll get there. I'm only saying this is the first step.

>> No.12916810

Arguably, humans would be tougher if they didn't have to spend 9-5 wagecucking.
There would be more martial artists and professional athletes, that's for sure.

>> No.12916821
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>calling you out on your retarded logic = moving the goalposts

Yeah, ok bro.

>> No.12916830

No, going from $0 UBI to $12,000 UBI is moving the goalposts from healthy competition and evolution, toward complete post-scarcity.

>> No.12916839

neetbux is inevitable, get on the yang train

>> No.12916855

Why would UBI not just cause rampant inflation? I have $1000 extra a month, why wouldn't my rent go up accordingly? They know the entire market has the extra money.

>> No.12916872

>How's this fucker gonna pay for another 3.6ish trillion dollars a year on top of the budget? He must have some clever plan to abolish SS/Medicare/caid
Andrew Yang:
>Hurr we'll tax big business through a value added tax
>Value added tax

>> No.12916877

Here's a graph.
|-------| America's goalposts now
|--------------------| America's goalposts post-Yang
they have been moved. How is this retarded logic? I'm not attacking your character, I'm saying your (Yang's) plan involves moving the goalposts toward what I think will be the end-times for Western culture (The logic for that is another can of worms - my initial post >>12916222).
I fear for the future of something I care about - is that so wrong?

>> No.12916878

I'm curious as well
Need a math anon to answer

>> No.12916917


I don't know. Sounds very expensive in the many trillions per year. I feel optimistic to see this talked about more.

>> No.12916920

You're right. We better recreate the experiment with humans and cross reference........ oh wait.

>> No.12916921

VAT gets passed directly to consumers so you get

1, everything more expensive
2.niggers get losing 1000's per month in benefits in exchange for $1000 in UBI

this will result in calamity. $1000 wouldn't even begin to pay for a thrid of the rent of an NYC project, much less SNAP, WIC, or any other of the 90 programs they receive. Of course, the endgame isn't to actually get rid of any of those things, but to give niggers more free money AND expand the other aspects of the welfare state.

That being said, I'm all for it. I'd love to see this government collapse on itself and watch libfaggots being maruaded on by their pet niggers outright.

>> No.12916929

what we have now isn't healthy competition. plus, it's not competition we're lacking any way. competition will always happen around females. what we're quickly running out of though is more basic, it's PURPOSE. a reason to get up in the morning. and the shit jobs people work now are already not that. we need to come up with meaningful activities. then it won't matter whether we compete or not (although I believe we will as it's just our nature to make everything a competition).

this is also my main doubt.

>> No.12916961

" sked a passing teamster, for want of something better to say, what land was worth there. He pointed to some cows grazing so far off that they looked like mice, and said, "I don't know exactly, but there is a man over there who will sell some land for a thousand dollars an acre." Like a flash it came over me that there was the reason of advancing poverty with advancing wealth. With the growth of population, land grows in value, and the men who work it must pay more for the privilege....a sizeable portion of the wealth created by social and technological advances in a free market economy is possessed by land owners and monopolists via economic rents, and that this concentration of unearned wealth is the main cause of poverty."

No matter what the fuck happens, no matter how advance and productive we become, most wealth is monopolized by landowners in the form of economic rent. Until we tax economic rent. which is created by the public, and elminated taxes on labor, which is the result of individual effort. we will keep going on in this same cycle.

>> No.12916964

Honestly. I will obviously continue to work. But $1,000 a month will completely offset my student loan debt. I pay about $950-1100/mo give or take, bare minimum payments. Yes I was a stupid 17 year old signing away my life.

Anyway, with my earnings I would invest in my business. Of course this is something I can do now. It's just really hard with my current liabilities.

I know UBI will never pass, but I do know that the ride is over once automation is here.

>> No.12916969
File: 70 KB, 750x757, AAGH TIMMEH TUNNAH YOU&#039;VE DONE EET AGAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12917318

If I haven't finished my thesis yet, I'd draw down on any necessary TAing and finish my thesis ASAP. Then I'd get a six figures job on wall street.

>> No.12917328

Who is this guy? Can somebody give me a quick rundown?

>> No.12917332

He accepts erc20 tokens.

Someone dump him 0xbtc

>> No.12917398


maybe they should of thought about that before moving into one the most expensive cities in the world. They are only there because of benefits.

>> No.12917418


Because prices are determined by supply and demand, not landlord fiat.

Think about it in terms of food. Food costs way less than even a minimum wage worker earns. You can survive, calories wise, on twenty cents worth of flour a day. Why don't grocers jack up the price of flour, knowing their customers could afford it?

The answer is because they can just buy it somewhere else and the store will not be able to sell their shitty overpriced flour at all. Anyone with capital can farm wheat and mill it, just like anyone with capital can buy land and build housing.

>> No.12917430


serious question, are you retarded?

>> No.12917435


>> No.12917462

Do you believe prices are not determined by supply and demand?

>> No.12917554

He's the only American politician that gets it
I just hope ''''they'''' won't get him
I wonder what his opinion on crypto is, and if he holds any

>> No.12917637

He wants to use blockchain for voting in the future

>> No.12917646

He support entrepeneurship. That's what built america and what we are now lacking in thanks to the student loan bubble combined with oligarchical structuring.

>> No.12917693

what about cartels, collusion and price fixing

>> No.12917769

Seriously, who IS this chink that people have been non-stop posting about for the last week?

>> No.12917795


it's just a leftypol shill effort

>> No.12917808

Next President of the United States

>> No.12917813
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>> No.12917874

For that shit to work they would need to get some kind of monopoly over all housing. That's not happening anytime soon.

It would be even harder with UBI, because you can't force people to stay in one location for fear of not having employment elsewhere. Literally anyone could buy land in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and rent it to colonies of neets for cheap, how is a cartel gonna stop that?

>> No.12917875
File: 835 KB, 720x685, 2018-06-28_13.51.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn. Well ironically accelerationism until the NEET era is over could possibly not be such a bad thing. Everything is screwed anyway so might as well get it over with until reasonable ideas rise again. Ride the tiger, pray on the stupidity of the opposition etc.

>> No.12917913
File: 157 KB, 563x542, A5FB3E67-7A08-4053-A220-5FE6F02C47DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this bugman china plant, and fuck yang shills

>> No.12917929

This guy is so based. I’m going to retire early and buy a farm and live simply. All funded by my $1000 neet bux

>> No.12917938


you suck at shilling, nigger. you're way too transparent

>> No.12917966
File: 609 KB, 638x551, 1548379273661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who cares, /biz/ is a NEET board.
Fuck off loser maga schizo fag.

>> No.12918036


The only people anti-yang aren't even american or amazon shills.

Everyone wants $1000 a month.

>> No.12918041


Fuck off shill.

>> No.12918053
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The discord trannies are back I see.

>> No.12918076


No, the only people against him are literal jews who don't want to pay 10% VAT on expenditures.

He's literally going to set us FREEEEEEEE

Go suck bezos dick somewhere else.

>> No.12918089


>if you don't vote for the democrat chink you are a jew

This is very poor shilling anon. You will never make it with this IQ.

>> No.12918099

Why would competition stop form UBI?
All it takes is people to decide to work to now have an advantage over those who don't.

>> No.12918103


>not voting for him and actively shilling against him is the same.

yup, he's a jew.

>> No.12918105

ubi is never. going. to. happen. until all shitskins are removed from white countries.

>> No.12918119

Here is a redpill anon: the USA isn’t a white country

>> No.12918138
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Citizenship required dividends will limit who becomes a citizen thus controlling immigration. Because now being citizen is actual guaranteed money.

Thus, it's a privilege to be a citizen.

we starship troopers soon.

>> No.12918153


you're the one shilling the gook communist, schlomo

>> No.12918162

doesn't matter what you think it is, it matters what those that would be directly funding and voting for UBI think it is.

>> No.12918213

People really want those free gibs huh? I can't wait to see how much "value" the gibs me dats are gonna add to our society. Yes we all know how financially sensible and intelligent Americans are. You just know this dumb chink is gonna be forgotten because of this UBI shit alone. UBI is the biggest meme of the new political landscape and I'm gonna get to see it crushed by the sheer stupidity of the people who want it. We'll get all our free shit and everything we want and it will destroy us. It truly will be the Chinese century if UBI fags win. I can't wait for all the artists and creatives to blossom and bless our economy with their wonders, all those losers who just couldn't hack it without that extra 1000 bucks oh boy a revolution. We are going to blow it all on dumb scams and buy even more shit we don't need and abuse the fuck out of the whole thing until it collapses. Yanggang? More like hang gang. They'll literally or figuratively be decorating the tree's around the capital building when their little experiment is over and they'll pay for the rope. Not like this whole argument really even matters. Yang won't happen and UBI won't happen. Fuck chinks and fuck UBI.

>> No.12918243

he plans to abolish the existing food stamps program which is costing the government somewhere around a trillion dollars a year and a percentage of the UBI will wind up back into the economy and a tax rate on the upcoming automation industry america can quite easily afford this with very few if any cut backs, people argue this may cause mass inflation though

>> No.12918334

> Retards here think a president can enable this program
Even this left wing Congress would never pass this shit pass, not to mention the Senate

>> No.12918443


Go cry about being a tranny to your two dads.


>> No.12918467

He has a degree in economics and law.
and created 3000+ jobs from his company.

Am I really suppose to take your opinion over his? go eat a bloody mutilated tranny dick.

why is that?

>> No.12918481


Here's his UBI platform:

>> No.12918501

Supporting a UBI doesn't just require economic ignorance, it requires complete innumeracy to buy even a single one of its promises.

>> No.12918502

Lmao who's opinion are you going to take when your chink hero gets shit on all over an imageboard boohoo. Yeah he went to college great. Just like every other dumb retard who shills UBI. Go back to your tranny boards shill we all know you leftytrans just want free gibs to support your sexchange. The Yang is gonna get hanged.

>> No.12918567 [DELETED] 

The catch: the devs know the private key of the wallet and will dump it just before the year is over

>> No.12918587

> Why is that?
The president doesn't have the power to do this, Congress would have to write and pass a bill. Do you know if any Congressmen currently pushing for this? Then, thinking the currently Republican senate would pass anything close to UBI is shoe on head levels of retardation.

>> No.12918641

>He has a degree in economics and law. and created 3000+ jobs from his company.

is that your argument?

trump has an econ degree from warton and has 22,000+ employees let alone all of the people hes employed over the years and hes on the other side of the spectrum.

>> No.12918946

UBI will increase rent and consumption prices.

Let's be ambitious, Abolition of: money, private property of the means of production, political parties, the state.

I know, people aren't ready. Maybe in a couple decades.

>> No.12919011


If this guy got in UBI would be the next wall. Something that will never happen because special interests and jews control everything.

>> No.12919065

Your numbers are way off. Look things up before you say something. UBI will cost an extra $750 more per recipient as well

>> No.12919370
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Been on Fox news 5 times.

CNN: 0 times.
