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File: 207 KB, 2116x1042, Screenshot 2019-03-04 at 02.42.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12915605 No.12915605 [Reply] [Original]

biz do you want free money?
pic related is the CBOE VIX. It tracks volatility of the s&p 500 by using option prices.

you want free money?
long everytime it touches the pink line.

>> No.12915619

if you had been longing in this range and selling every 60% bounce since 2012 starting with $1000 you would have ~$7.5 million now.

>> No.12915651
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Buying the VIX isn't a simple retail deal. You could just as easily just buy cheap put options to achieve a similar outcome.

>> No.12915657

>0 replies
the absolute fucking state. I'm giving you free fucking money. No wonder you fucking retards lost all your money in 2018. what happened to all the fags from 2015 and shit. they would be all over this.

heres another hint;
you cant buy the vix directly but you can buy short term futures that follow the price movements near exactly.

this is the best; Barclays VXXB

>> No.12915664

What is the pink line?

>> No.12915671 [DELETED] 

oh my bad ignore this >>12915657

>> No.12915677

no idea how to do that, need time to DYOR but lazy

>> No.12915699

nigga are you blind? every time this shit gets near the pink line it bounces.

Why? Because below the pink line would mean near zero volatility. Since the VIX is based off of options prices, and no retard is going to sell options for zero cost, it doesnt go below that line. It always comes back to that line because in the market, when shit starts to get non-volatile almost no one buys options. because who the fuck would buy options when volatility is dead. clearly there is a huge discrepancy in the market and im handing it you on a silver fucking platter

>> No.12915702
File: 7 KB, 411x123, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always just maybe buy call options on that VXXB if it's an ETF. That would get you a nicely leveraged position

>> No.12915709

yeh i was saying "ignore" to my little rant about zero replies

>> No.12915718
File: 1.36 MB, 356x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sorry. I was trying to reply to this

>> No.12915724

Yeah, everyone knows the relation between the VIX and the S&P. You have a cute system but look that it literally does not trade for various years, and your system has no sell signal. I'm sorry but your system is shit.

>> No.12915865

how do i buy im brain dead

>> No.12916065
File: 146 KB, 1173x1205, trxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kiddos, did you know if you bought just $1 of tron classic at this point and repeatability sold it at the top you'd be a millionaire by now? Please keep doing this sirs it will work forever.

>> No.12916088

Out of the thousands if not tens of thousands, this is the worst shitcoin.

>> No.12916130

the difference is the fact that the VIX has $100's of millions in volume in comparison to $400 lmao kys

>> No.12916142

VIX also isn't an outright scam

>> No.12916166

how do i get sneed money?

>> No.12916275

This is an interesting idea. My one concern is that VXXB has a tendency to lose money from contango in its futures positions, so it probably isn't a good idea to hold it long term. This could be problematic in years with consistently low volatility like 2017.

>> No.12916900

Thanks for pointing this out anon. Where does one go about doing this? I'm a literal brainlet.

>> No.12916936

This. OP needs to explain this shit to us like we are in 3rd grade. I buy shitcoins not boomer stocks.

>> No.12917032

What is the line called so i can chart it

>> No.12917205

I don't understand how to buy this.
please help

>> No.12917311

yeah this. fucking hate the kikemarket but

>> No.12917421

how do you know the line is going to stop there?

>> No.12917928

why aren't more people doing it if it is so great?

>> No.12918032

lol if it's that easy every hedge fund will be doing this. This does not work because you cannot buy the VIX index.

Go look at the VIX futures chart instead. What you will see is the price keeps falling as it approaches contract expiration date.