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12913769 No.12913769 [Reply] [Original]

Are bitcoin bulls exhausted?

>> No.12913781

what kind of dumb bitch lays on her back after strenuous exercise instead of walking and gradually bringing down heart rate

>> No.12913799


>t. fat fuck virgin

>> No.12913812

stop projecting landwhale, i'm actually scrawny manlet.

>> No.12913820


One day, I will own her in my poo kingdom.

>> No.12913821

sex sells?

>> No.12913828

Idk I'm happy she did it

>> No.12913859

You're probably slow as fuck and have never run a race before then. Plopping on the ground after a 1 mile/2 mile race is normal.

Not everyone comes in 6th-10th place and has the energy to walk around with their arms above their heads and bring down heart rate

>> No.12913870

ask me how i know you've never competed before in any athletic capacity

>> No.12913876
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Real athletes deplete their bodies so much during the event that they can't stand or sit properly after finishing. It is called 'giving everyting' and pussies like you (and most humans who have ever lived) never learn how to push themselves that hard.

>> No.12913889

you're a fucking retard

>> No.12913891

I usually jog a cooldown half mile and then walk to the taco truck

>> No.12913916

You know running/jogging is bad for you, right?

>> No.12913941
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no, but you are a confirmed pussy who lacks the mental toughness to really push himself to the edge and beyond. it is nothing to be embarrassed about anon, most people are just like you.

>> No.12913957

again, you're a fucking a retard

>> No.12913966

again, you are a pussy. I'm leaning towards pathetic overcompensating pussy. that IS something to be embarrassed about anon.

>> No.12913972

Only if you're genetically inferior
You can use the elliptical machine, grandma

>> No.12913982

what's embarrassing is your larping about athletic activity as if you had any knowledge or experience in track and field

>> No.12913988

Will you morons stay on topic for fucking once? God I fucking hate you all.

>> No.12913990

You've obviously never completely pushed yourself.

>> No.12913995

this is you:


>> No.12914001

Well it sure feels like it

>> No.12914028

this is you:


>> No.12914056
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>knowledge or experience in track and field
i believe you

>> No.12914066

sick burn retard, now fuck off back to your mcdonalds nuggets

>> No.12914070

Donald Trump made a good point in this issue. He said he doesn't run because all of his friends who were runners had their hips replaced/are currently immobile. He also says the human body only has a finite amount of energy and buy running you deplete it quite quickly leading to early age death.

>> No.12914082
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>> No.12914108

This really triggers my blowhole. Humans are designated running machines. Persistence hunters own everything.

>> No.12914173
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I run a lot, sometimes competitively. I did this once after a marathon. Usually not. She must have tried really hard.

>> No.12914206

>White people are persistence hunters

Anon do white people look like Bushmen?

>> No.12914221

damn 10/10

>> No.12914227

lmao, you win /thread and saved

>> No.12914308

You probably could sound more like a fucking annoying prick but honestly you've hit quite a high there.

>> No.12914646
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>> No.12914683

Imagine the smell

>> No.12915028

This is why i never leave my house and have all of my supplies delivered to me, i even use a motorized scooter inside of the house as to not expend too much of my precious energy. I'm over 350 pounds now but, i figure i have enough stored energy to last me at least 100 more years. All these fit cardio fags don't realize that they are destroying their heart by making it work too hard.

>> No.12915053

I’m a medfag and this thread is retarded even by biz standards.

>> No.12915059

fat fuck detected

>> No.12915073
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i weigh 120lbs, diabeetus. keep fuming

>> No.12915122

My uncle did this for the last 15 years of his life and died in his forties.
I'd strongly recommend you reconsider your life choices.

>> No.12915131

120 lbs
Fucking manlet

>> No.12915139

good one, retard

>> No.12915251


don't let him get to you man, your life is too short

>> No.12915286
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>there are people ITT right now who don't have a cooldown routine
>perhaps don't even cooldown at all

>> No.12915308

You're projecting so fucking hard. I ran a 6 minute mile in high school and played division 1 sports. I could outrun you backwards.

>wow she's tired after race?!?!?!!
>what a dumb bitch

you fucking autistic cunt lmao

>> No.12915315

what're you doing now? just out of curiosity

>> No.12915322

law school

>> No.12915323

its called accumulation

>> No.12915331
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>> No.12915339
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you couldn't run a mile if your life depended on it, moby dick. i like the larp though, keep up the good work

>> No.12915402

just wait till all the impulsive scalpers and naive normies rush in to make a quick buck

go to the most npc like locations such as bars and nightclubs - once you hear people talking about btc again and the chatter grows louder and louder start dumping it harder and harder

we will all make it frens

>> No.12915410

You have 11 asperger's ass posts in this thread and you reply with a picture of an anime girl, saved on your hard drive. Not much more needs to be said about you.

>> No.12915423

you have 5 retarded posts in this thread and you got your asshole blown the fuck out so hard you had to reply 25 minutes later. not much more needs to be said about you, larper

>> No.12915866

I learned catching the dagger is a marathon, not a sprint.

>> No.12915976

my goodness

>> No.12916685

youre fucking retard

>> No.12916697

youre fucking retard mcdonald

>> No.12916706

yeah ok retard athlete is a scam

>> No.12916713

larping retard get the fuck out

>> No.12916721

i fuck anime ass so what

>> No.12916730

im sorry what,

fucking larper retard
count my posts you fat fuck
fucking disappointment

>> No.12916782
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>> No.12916814

You athletes won't even survive a single shift at a ups warehouse during peak season.

>> No.12917397

>12 posts by this ID