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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 88 KB, 600x337, A5807969-5893-427F-8E59-B19E47829186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12912784 No.12912784 [Reply] [Original]

I cant believe I still come here
ETHCC will have Link be the designated oracle for polkadot
In April the first uses of what you call mainnet will be live; this is because some projects which absolutely need on chain crypto and real world asset prices are confident enough to use essentially centralized feeds over chainlink given that those feeds will be from trusted data providers (lookup the nodary service from chainlink consulting group)
Those will be the nodes most in demand before payment APIs are integrated; once those are up and running smoothly linkpool will let all the neets to get ready with their neet nodes
Hence the may-aug window for "real" mainnet
But the cherry on top won't come until the end of 2019: remember how this all started. The reason anyone cares about chainlink is SWIFT, full stop.

Why did the most powerful banking collective bankroll sergey and back link? Because they're so nice? I know you all are fucking retarded and won't get it so here it is: SWIFT is how establishment banks comply with PSD2 and, instead of getting their lunch eaten, make MORE money.

Oh, you're an ambitious startup that needs access to our customers balances? we've mad our data fully available through the industry-standard, trusted, decentralized Chainlink network, you're free to access them there at any time. And just in time to meet the regulations of PSD2.

What's that? You're upset that each access costs more than you have allocated for such transactions and now you can't compete? Well that's just a shame. I mean we did have LINK available for over a year at less than a dollar. Why didn't you buy then? And you're mad that we hold 30% of the supply? Why wouldn't we? Look at what a fine investment it has been, friend.

Screencap or pasta this or whatever. You're all too fucking dumb to even understand what is above. I hope the next generation of lonely introverts feeling pol/b/fit are smarter than you idiots.

>> No.12912843

>ETHCC will have Link be the designated oracle for polkadot
They already announced a partnership long time ago
>In April the first uses of what you call mainnet will be live; this is because some projects which absolutely need on chain crypto and real world asset prices are confident enough to use essentially centralized feeds over chainlink given that those feeds will be from trusted data providers (lookup the nodary service from chainlink consulting group)
Ok, that makes sense.
>Those will be the nodes most in demand before payment APIs are integrated; once those are up and running smoothly linkpool will let all the neets to get ready with their neet nodes
Staking contracts are not ready yet
>Hence the may-aug window for "real" mainnet
Show proof or point at evidence

>> No.12912866


I was going to try and educate you all but it's a lost cause

True winners only play when they've won the moment they get on the field. Playing with the other team having any possibility of winning is a failure of preparation and evidence of inadequate discipline.

You all are sitting there holding your neet dicks praying for dollars for your waifus. Think about who actually runs the project and what the project really is. Don't you think it's funny that chainlink is the industry standard, is integrated at the kernel level for writing smart contracts and that a decentralized oracle network (link being the only one) is required for a smart contract to be legally binding?

And the network doesnt. even. exist.

If you believe the shit on the pivotal for one second you are a sucker. If you think the project hasn't been done and production ready for a year you're a fool.

The worst thing that could possibly happen to legacy banks was legislated by the EU. Watch what real winners do when faggot legislators try and push them around. They'll end up richer, more powerful and more entrenched than ever. And, oh yeah, they'll be able to fire half of their back office staff while doing it.

That's how winners play the game. Link exists for banks. You, through dumb fucking luck, get to come along for the ride. If you don't get smart you'll only be renting your money until its rightful owners come home.

>> No.12912874
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Retard reporting in.

>> No.12912887

So what the fuck do you want us to do? God fucking damn it just spill it.

>> No.12912897

wee woo wee woo, this is the larp police. please put down your keyboard sir.

>> No.12912905

big retard reporting in

>> No.12912922

I cant believe I still come here
ETHCC will have Link be the designated oracle for polkadot
In April the first uses of what you call mainnet will be live; this is because some projects which absolutely need on chain crypto and real world asset prices are confident enough to use essentially centralized feeds over chainlink given that those feeds will be from trusted data providers (lookup the nodary service from chainlink consulting group)
Those will be the nodes most in demand before payment APIs are integrated; once those are up and running smoothly linkpool will let all the neets to get ready with their neet nodes
Hence the may-aug window for "real" mainnet
But the cherry on top won't come until the end of 2019: remember how this all started. The reason anyone cares about chainlink is SWIFT, full stop.

Why did the most powerful banking collective bankroll sergey and back link? Because they're so nice? I know you all are fucking retarded and won't get it so here it is: SWIFT is how establishment banks comply with PSD2 and, instead of getting their lunch eaten, make MORE money.

Oh, you're an ambitious startup that needs access to our customers balances? we've mad our data fully available through the industry-standard, trusted, decentralized Chainlink network, you're free to access them there at any time. And just in time to meet the regulations of PSD2.

What's that? You're upset that each access costs more than you have allocated for such transactions and now you can't compete? Well that's just a shame. I mean we did have LINK available for over a year at less than a dollar. Why didn't you buy then? And you're mad that we hold 30% of the supply? Why wouldn't we? Look at what a fine investment it has been, friend.

Screencap or pasta this or whatever. You're all too fucking dumb to even understand what is above. I hope the next generation of lonely introverts feeling pol/b/fit are smarter than you idiots.

>> No.12912952

I just witnessed the creation of a fresh hot n spicy pasta

>> No.12912960


Stop thinking like a technerd and start thinking like a business- in every project the needs of the funders are the only needs that matter.

If you were a swift bank and had supposedly bank-killing legislation that a bunch of lazy faggot never-worked-a-day-in-their-lives EU bureaucrats dreamed up passed out of thin air on you, how would you feel?

If you were a construction company and the government mandated that you loan your tools out to anyone looking to get into the biz, how would you feel?

If you were a doctor and you were required to allow anyone, regardless of training, to treat patients and do surgery because of a law a group of proud retards passed (and when the patients got fucked up you had to fix them for free), how would you feel?

Bankers are greedly little fucks with inferiority complexes. If anyone is going to take something like psd2 and do something truly vindictive in response, its them.

So what do they do? Launch Chainlink and let the best man win? Or launch Chainlink, provide accurate information to the legacy banking group and provide NOTHING to the rest of the world. Its almost like they want the project to look like nothing. But, of course, it's something, and potentially something big. And that will have to get out at some point. So when?

If it were me, it would be the day before I have to comply with psd2, so that all those inexperienced "fintech" bros who couldn't wait to take on swift have no warning, and suddenly face a nearly insurmountable hurdle to even getting their networks off the ground.

But again, that's just me. I'm probably a meanie. I'm sure the legacy banking elite are really nice folks who just want to play nice in the sandbox and lube up their asses for an ungrateful generation of proto-socialists who have all the confidence in the world from having contributed nothing to it.

>> No.12913015

so what you're saying is - us little faggots, with measly LINK stacks, are going to be nothing in the 4th industrial revolution and the big boys with large stacks will be the ones who carry out jobs? Is that what you're getting at? The NEETS will be dismantled entirely and only the big boys will survive?

>> No.12913100
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Not the guy you're talking to, but, yes, thats completely right. I dont know which meme is best. Ill post two.

>> No.12913135
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, KEK7777777LINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Data is the new oil and we are the new oil tycoons.

>> No.12913141

I cant believe I still come here
ETHCC will have Link be the designated oracle for polkadot
In April the first uses of what you call mainnet will be live; this is because some projects which absolutely need on chain crypto and real world asset prices are confident enough to use essentially centralized feeds over chainlink given that those feeds will be from trusted data providers (lookup the nodary service from chainlink consulting group)
Those will be the nodes most in demand before payment APIs are integrated; once those are up and running smoothly linkpool will let all the neets to get ready with their neet nodes
Hence the may-aug window for "real" mainnet
But the cherry on top won't come until the end of 2019: remember how this all started. The reason anyone cares about chainlink is McDONALD'S, full stop.

Why did the most powerful fast food chain bankroll sergey and back link? Because they're so nice? I know you all are fucking retarded and won't get it so here it is: McDONALD's is how establishment banks comply with Sergey's unbridled appetite and, instead of getting their lunch eaten, make MORE money.

Oh, you're an ambitious burger franchise that needs access to sergey's patty preferences? we've made our menu fully available through the industry-standard, trusted, decentralized Chainlink network, you're free to access them there at any time. And just in time to meet the regulations of FDA.

What's that? You're upset that each burger costs more than you have allocated for such meals and now you can't compete? Well that's just a shame. I mean we did have LINK available for over a year at less than the cost of a McChicken. Why didn't you buy then? And you're mad that we hold 30% of the fries? Why wouldn't we? Look at what a fine investment it has been, friend.

Screencap or pasta this or whatever. You're all too fucking dumb to even understand what is above. I hope the next generation of lonely introverts feeling pol/b/fit are smarter than you idiots.

>> No.12913167


>> No.12913175

Ok but say they are developing LINK quietly behind the scenes and getting everything prepped for a full launch. Why have sergey doing all these conferences and publically speaking? I mean, unironically, who the fuck cares if insurance or shipping, etc, businesses get in. When in reality if you have a big enough network already primed to use CL you can have those industries join in later at a premium paying for LINK.

>> No.12913258
File: 299 KB, 641x667, 1548198984536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WEE WOO WEE WOO larpers return to this thread immediately. This is not a drill and any larpers caught running will be prosecuted.

>> No.12913352
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1547077428100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not repeat myself again. Return or i shoot.

>> No.12913363

Look around. Look at how everyone is excited about main net release.
Notice the poster you replied to and the OP, they both have a common theme.

Main net will not release for a couple crypto start-ups looking for secure data feeds. It will release at the last possible opportunity when psd2 will be forced onto banks late 2019.

>You, through dumb fucking luck, get to come along for the ride. If you don't get smart you'll only be renting your money until its rightful owners come home.

The majority of people personally invested into this project truly have no idea what they have their hands on. And the truth is, the majority of these investors will sell early being happy they secured a tidy profit as opposed to treating it like a business.

>> No.12913383
File: 781 KB, 716x892, bb234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based anon. Thank you for clearing it up for a retard like me. Please, enjoy this brapper on me.

>> No.12913504
File: 79 KB, 383x383, 1551624424637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chainlink thing is a meme, it's a lottery, some vagainas are like that too.
My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you can't see the labia
Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
Same as the "uncut dicks smell" thing
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while my the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells

>> No.12913721

The 4th industrial revolution also known as the NEET revolution will happen based completely off pure dumb luck given that CZ listed LINK on Binance.

>> No.12914404

I plan on running it like a business anon, i have a measly ~100k and counting , will stake all and see how it plays out.. what kind of liquidity event do you see happening? Private entities buying large pools of link off neets in a few years for millions?

>> No.12914424

>measly ~100k
6 digit stack is considered measly?

>> No.12914439


>> No.12914441
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The other thread isn't even archived yet retards

>> No.12914481

You’ve made this into pasta and have no appreciation of when someone genuinely tries to help you. Biz has made me very wealthy and it’s because of the converations you’re mocking. Even if you make it, you’re going to lose it.

>> No.12914485


>> No.12914490


Checked fren. We just win. Literally hundreds of teams.

>Or launch Chainlink, provide accurate information to the legacy banking group and provide NOTHING to the rest of the world.
Can't say that it was a monopoly that wasn't available to outside investors. This is all shaping up perfectly in their view I imagine.

>> No.12914534

I think there is are many silent anons that appreciate it but above all nobody wants to call any more attention to stink until their nodes are up and running. That means the ones who value anon's posts the most will lurk without saying much at all. Meanwhile the others will continue to shitpost incessantly in a desperate attempt of obfuscation; basically trying to keep out anyone else that could still be on the fence and lurking.

>> No.12915002

bumping for more brappers

>> No.12915029

Hi poopyscoopy

>> No.12915177
File: 3.78 MB, 4032x3024, 20190302_130216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We lurk and listen.
Here have a rare linky

>> No.12916138


>> No.12916153

Maybe the OP is doing it to pass the time until LINK moons? Jesus Christ we have to wait until 2020 for this shitcoin to even do anything

>> No.12916187

wasnt this a dark web leak? basically link was a secret until the big bros from the dark web let us know

>> No.12916207

It's sorta scary how 4chan makes memes into reality, like Trump.

>> No.12916248

based. This board is full of children now.

>> No.12916261

4chan had no impact on the outcome of the 2016 elections

>> No.12916330
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>> No.12916438
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>> No.12916719

Marsupial Masquerade.

>> No.12916865

What you are forgetting is that in some countries psd2 is allready rolled out, netherlands allready has it, some others do to, and it should be rolled out in whole europe by september 19 so if link doesn’t moon till then then we’re fucked

>> No.12916895
File: 33 KB, 660x400, D0179698-E54C-4EDD-AA71-1E959130B9DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn’t buy link on etherdelta

>> No.12917111
File: 19 KB, 381x350, 7185134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf does this even mean

>> No.12917148


>> No.12917597

Municipal marmalade

>> No.12917618 [DELETED] 

Bittrex new exchange and free coins

In July 2017, Binance created it's own Token Binance Coin (BNB). Before they launched their exchange they did a sign up and referral programme where they gave out 1000's of token to people. Today those tokens are trading at over $10 each.

In April this year, Bittrex is opening a new exchange specifically aimed at the Asian market, called Bitsdaq, registered in Hong Kong. They are also doing a candy programme where you can get 1000's of their BXBC tokens for free.

You will receive 1000 tokens just for signing up using the link below.


Then there is a 200 token DAILY reward for just login until 31st of March 2019. So if you sign in everyday of March you can get yourself another 6200 free BXBC Tokens

You will get a referral code. If anyone signs up using your code then they will receive 1000 tokens and you will receive 500 BXBC per person.

If you do your KYC then you get another 5000 tokens.

This is all totally free money. It's possible to accumulate over 20000 free tokens by the end of March. Even if they are trading as low as $0.50 by the end of the year, that amounts to $10K. Imagine they are trading at half the value of BNB at the moment

Don't delay, register TODAY. Each day you wait will cost you a minimum of 200 tokens.
The exchange itself looks very professional and smooth. Nothing less than you would expect from a professional company like Bittrex

>> No.12918174

Ruta we miss you