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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12912837 No.12912837 [Reply] [Original]

>be one of most influential and successful figures of your generation
>still beholden to the financial jews

There truly is no escape is there /biz/

>> No.12912845

imagine the smell

no seriously price is too high for electrical, people don't have the money, if the product you offer is not affordable it does not matter how good it is

>> No.12912855

>millions die using a car

who cares

>a few die using a tesla

oh fuck what the fuck the ai is trying to kill us!!!!

>> No.12912864


Yeah guess that's why Ferrari stocks are worthless.

Oh wait....

>> No.12912865

He pissed of the Jews at the top with that tweet. This was bound to happen.

>> No.12912872

They can't break the window?

>> No.12912885

2018 the first year accountants failed to even cook the books

>> No.12912892
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Elons a massive fraud and if you havent realized it by now youre a greasy nigger

>> No.12912896

What's the point of not having exterior door handles on Teslas? Too old fashioned or something?

>> No.12912904

There's still gonna be that Uber IPO and self-drive memes coming up in spite of whatever is going on with the Tesla 3

>> No.12912912

time to start shorting telsa? company is unfprofitable and just burning through tons of money, not likley to see a profit any time soon. Worth 50 Billion, more than2x the marketcap of all silver on the face of the earth. Delorean, bankrupt, tucker- bankrupt. Tesla will just be another name in the history books.

>> No.12912918
File: 576 KB, 1044x793, snokeweed-t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in the fuck would a multi billionaire need to mortgage all of his property for 50 million?

That shit is a red flag, you need to not ride TSLA down if you are invested faggots.

>> No.12912920

Tin foil hat teim.

What are the odds that the fossil fuel or automotive industry is strategically sabotaging Tesla's production line? If not then why do Teslas keep blowing up? Why is the S model specifically having this happen?

>> No.12913052

Why exactly do people need 5 houses?

>> No.12913231

They've blown up twice

>> No.12913240


Ferrari is owned by Exor though... completely different animal.

Plus you really think the NTSB is going to sit around and let people die on their watch for the sake of innovation? The current NTSB chairman, Sumwalt, was a US Air pilot and crash investigator and is an acquaintance of mine. He's not going to let a tech bro keep killing people for his own ego. I can promise you that.

>> No.12913247

Elon literally said they didn't look futuristic enough

>> No.12913289

Let's face it they lowkey let him burn to death because he was a rich Tesla driver.

>> No.12913312

This oil co. owner stays at a hotel I used to work at.
He drove a gen I tesla and used our outlets to charge up.
They know something we don't.

>> No.12913676
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>> No.12913691

>There truly is no escape is there /biz/

Ever heard of a little red planet called Mars?

>> No.12913725

Fossil fuels will stop being used inside a year, the smart money has been exiting/deinvesting since 5 years ago.

>> No.12913730
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>mfw i actually learned something on /biz/
>its how to deal with fud

>> No.12913793

That's all paper value anon. He probably doesn't have that much in cash. And apparantly investors were scared because he'd been embezzling. Banks didn't find his SpaceX shares in return for funding very appealing either. Understandable since it's a huge gamble in the first place.

>> No.12914040

You retards realize if this is true, the petrodollar system will collapse, the dollar will hyperinflate, and human civilization will collapse worse than ever before?

>> No.12914067

>Over 95% of all drivers will stop using their current car within the next year
That would take an extinction level event.

>> No.12914320


Yes, that all of the United States military will continue to run on Diesel and Jet-A, so he's fine.

>> No.12914375
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>> No.12914838

h-hodl to the m-moon

>> No.12914858

why do you think Trump wants the Saudis to list aramco on the nyse
he knows oil is coming to an end, and doesnt want the total collapse of the middle east.
they list their oil company, it shares the loss with the actual consumers of the oil as the industry winds down

>> No.12916183

Five California homes? Why?

>> No.12916341

>Fossil fuels will stop being used inside a year
If you said 5 years that would be a daring statement that would get people thinking. Saying inside a year is like a Nigerian scam filter, you're not even trying to be taken seriously. What's your end game?

>> No.12916357

Literally these
Keep fighting the good fight Elon

>> No.12916496


its kinda scary how much money is spun on trying to crash a business