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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12912221 No.12912221 [Reply] [Original]

>saved up for AirPods for 5 months, finally able to afford them last week
>forgot them in an uber and the driver isn't responding to my calls

>> No.12912259

He can't hear your call he's got his airpods in.

>> No.12912276

Imagine needing 5 months to save $160

>> No.12912282

That’s why you don’t get them

They look like removable toothbrush tops

Apple really has plebeians charging their earbuds now

>> No.12912283

Stop being poor, it's pretty easy

>> No.12912290


Is the driver a nigger?

>> No.12912295
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>> No.12912309

you don't need them if it takes that long for you to save for it. buy some eth instead and save for a future where you aren't poor.

>> No.12912317


If you can only save $32 per month you have far bigger things to worry about.

>> No.12912322


I'll buy you new ones bro. Do you have a wishlist?

>> No.12912655

kek. it's probably too as well

I know, that's why it hurts so much

no he seemed romanian or something like that

what wishlist? on amazon?

>> No.12912667


>> No.12912748

Serves you right for being an Apple brainlet. Kys.

>> No.12912851

I lost mine last weekend anon I feel your pain. Life without AirPods is barely worth living. Like a fucking peasant.

>> No.12912882
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>> No.12913321

Anon, you left them in your fjallraven bag in the avocado store. Uber your ass back there real quick.

>> No.12913593
File: 44 KB, 500x375, IMG_5299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing 5 months to save up for overpriced earbuds
>buying the earbuds anyway
>losing something that is so valuable to you within a week

>> No.12913605

>poor people problems

>> No.12913622

Buy the i12 TWS knock offs for $60.
The quality has gotten much better than previous versions to where it's worth the price now.

>> No.12913696


>> No.12913726

literally this, and it's telling the thread is full of retard poorfags because nobody picked up on the fat fuck using Uber to move around while he can't save more than $30 a day

>> No.12913742
File: 6 KB, 249x182, 14936188360481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12913760

at least you avoided the brain cancer from having your brain in between two bluetooth receivers.

>> No.12914447

good post. fuck you OP you normie

>> No.12914454

321 straight reverse trips checked

>> No.12914473


This isn't true.

>> No.12915067


you deserve to lose them, you poor, irresponsible faggot.

>> No.12915092

give me your eth wallet anon, im feeling good today. (srs)

>> No.12915121

Are you a doctor?

>> No.12915132

3/10 bait: the bait was not very successful. Fuck techie normalfags, though.

>muh Apple
>muh soip3rhero movies
>muh (((individuality and free thinking)))
>we just need to manifest socialism

>> No.12915225

I know a guy like this. I tried to get him to start investing in precious metals and all he buys is video games. He told me he could do $40 a month on precious metals. What a fucking loser. I spend around $1,400 a month on precious metals. And I only make around $3,000 a month and he makes a little more than I.

>> No.12915230

anon, i dont have all day.

>> No.12915289

Airpods are retarded and I am an Apple drone myself.

>> No.12915293

poor people should be rounded up and killed

>> No.12915311

>not using superior wireless earbuds like the beoplay e8
never gonna make it

>> No.12915329

who the fuck cares, he'll be the poor willfully ignorant wagie voting for (((bernie))) to free him from his corporate overlords

all in due time anon

>> No.12915397

Man sorry to hear about that. he other day I was driving for Uber and some dude left me some AirPods as a tip. I'd be gutted if I lost them.

>> No.12915515

based gold bro

>> No.12915584

right here daddy 0x5B02e9C86C3Ef9ba47De6eb5FcAC1Fcd836a8646

>> No.12915585

you are not op.

>> No.12915591


>> No.12915672


Is this post bait, or are you literally a Nigger?

If your rate of savings is that low, you shouldn't be spending it on dumb consumer goods like that, nor using Uber. I earn over $100USD a year, and I'm using the same old corded headphones I bought 10 years ago.

They've broken a few times, but a good glue will pay for itself 1000x over, as will learning how to solder and fix broken wires.

Instead of spending my money on dumb shit, I bought a house and created a beautiful white family that is almost fully self-sufficient from our vegetable garden and chicken coop, (hopefully fully self-sufficient soon).

Stop being a retard. Jesus.

>> No.12915686

Gr8 b8 m8. R8 8/8.

>> No.12915871

2nd greatest investment i made besides bitcoin